The Billboard 1915-02-06: Vol 27 Iss 6 (1915-02-06)

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. & T 43 FEBRUARY 6, 1915. . he Billboard iduane’s Famous Band, j1rof M, VPaduaue, [ Meyers Entertainers, FE. E Meyers, mar. dir.; 65 E. 4th st., N, Y. C., indef, Hitterdal, Minn., 4-6; Mahnomen 8-9; White Pinkerton’s, Geo, G., Orchestra: Suite 415 Balti Earth 10-11; MelIntosh 12-13, nore Bldg., 22 W. Quincy st., Chicago, indef, | Mitchell's, Lestie, Moving Pictures: Minden City jiounds’ Ladies’ Orchestra: Dardanelles, Ark., Mich,, 1-6, 4; Newport, ber 8; or 9; Middleburg 10, |] Mysterious Smith Co., Albert P. Smith, mgr.: ‘ipo ’ F i > hpouse Chi . “ossto 5-6: She Jagley rripels on 4 eed —" \ _ inde hiareili, Fo . n, Miun.. 5-6; Shelvin 8-9; Bagley 10That's the money you should get this year. Imeanit. Iwent County Sales Managers dit.: 3 ee ene ee Sieg ee ce. ne: See quick, men or women who believe int! sy tt al, who will go into ‘partnership with Ricton’s Big Show: Cleveland, O., indef, me. No experience needed. My pe iding Bath Tub has taken the country by storm. Sands’ Picture Show, W. C. Lane. mgr.: Union Solves the bathing problem. No plumbing, no water works required. Full length bath STOCK & REPERTOIRE Bridge, Md., 1-6: Hampstead 8-12 inanyyoom. Foldsinemall roll, handyas an urbrelia. I teil you it’s great! GREAT! Stoddard & Wallace Comedy Co.: Custer, 0.. 1-6 Bi ivals $1.0 path Zoom, ot inte ‘nt want 7< U so handle your county. I 2 4 — ise, Stock Cx dw , » haematite as Se ee ee 3 emonstrating tub on liberal plan. I’m positive—absolutely certain—you can et bigger wie Louise, Stock Co., Edw. Doyle, mgr: | Tanner's Entertainers, Dr. B. Tanner, mgr. money in a week with me than you ever made in a month before. EL KNOW ut Kockville, Conn., 1-6, Coomer, Wi 1-6: Webster 8-13 Bryant, Billy, Stock Co.: Logansport, Ind., 1-6. | Thompson's, Frat ik Il., Moving Pictures: MonTi Sal D ; Iiyers’, Fred A., Stock ae Byers & Ingram, roe Center, Ill. 1 Mg = = wo es a ay— xrs.: Paducah, K., indef, Walden, Dana: Whitewrizght, Tex., 5; Hope colton, Jessie, Co., J. B. Richardson, wagr.: Ark., 6; Minden, La., 8: Stamps, yg yes $300.00 a Month Oxford, Ind., 1-6, Williams’, O. Homer, Show: Guthrie, Ky., 4-6; . : 3 Cooke Player#: Nassau, Bahama Islands, indef Nashville, Tenn.. 8-13 Exclusive Territory. cory ba yen chenth Sine fo ey oy JPtte every home, badly want 4, orne ‘rice P 4 : ; » vr.: = bs ‘ . eagerly bought. ern bathing facilities for e@ poople. Take the orders mght ; ‘ 7 a Players, W. E. Cornell, mgr.: 100% Profit.. 4 and left, Quick sales, immense : a . . 0 1 j profits. -Look at these men— 2 Forsberg Players: (Orpheum) Newark, N. J., in Smih, Ohio, got 18 orders first ho re ADDITIONAL ROUTES ON eet, Onin, 90% 18 orders See Ht Gordinier Bros.’ Co... Clyde H. Gordinier, mer.: month; Newton, California, $60 in : Chariton Ja., 1-6: Wapello, 8-13 PAGE 63 hree days. You should doas well. 2 3 Heyde Dramatic Players, Phil H Heyd > mgr SALTS A DAY MDANS $500 A MONTH a eyce ’ 2 , . vo, =O » The work is very easy, pleasant, | Elkhart, Ind., indef. . Te ee gee ee > permanent, fascinating. It meansa os Huntington, Wright, Players: (Shubert) MinneMARRIAGES business of your own. 4 rpolis, indef. . Little capital needed. I 3 ? , . . r Jittle pital needed. grant = Huntington, Wright, Players: (Shubert) Sst. (Continued from page 18.) eredit—Help you out—Back you up : Paul. indef, \ 7 : ales 7 : =—Don't doubt —Don't hesitate— Don't 4 Marke’ May Bell, Co., R. W. Marks, mar.: Aimerican Amusement Co., were wWarried in f Z hold back—You cannot lose. My other meu are 8 Hamilton, Ont., Can., indef Anadarko, Ok., on January 20. — —_ building houses, bank accounts, so can you. Act then § 4% National Stock Co., F. R. Cole, megr.: Union | ,.COLLINS-DANA—Jobn Collins, motion picture Demonstrating & quick, SEND NO MO Just name on penny post card § City, Mich., 1-6; Niles 8-13 director, was married recently to Miss Vivla Tub for free tub offer. Hust] i * acmeal — =. oo a , Dana, the seventeen-year-vld actress, who ap1217 Factories Bid TOLEDO OHIO : National Stock Co., E. Ellsworth, mgr.: Wal: : _ a I Ges : 3 phesea Mich:. 4-6 ° peared in the title role of The Poor Little Rich Furnished H. Ss. Robinson, Pres., ~ Canadian Branch — Watkerville, Ont. te Perry’s Peerless Players, G. H. Perry, mgr.: | @!"! this season. ; Toronto, Can., indef. i a -. ere & Price’s Popular Players, John R. Price, mgr.: BIRTHS. WE KNOW HOW 4 Saratoga Springs, N. Y.. indef. to deliver the best Theatrical Goods, Costumes, Tights, Trimmings, ete. Our lately revised catalogues sent free : Rex, Regondall-Hallman “Stock Co., Teddy Burn, on December 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Billy | * ae ee ws agre tee see < Sedebenien—oOte: eaateiaate. ‘ ; Shortell, mgr.: Walden, N. Y., 1-8: Wood Pattersin, in Centralia, Ill., a baby boy, weigh : stock 9-14. ing eight pounds. FRI ; Z SCHOUL 7 & co. ‘ Snpittat a No. 1: Philadelphia 1-6; Morris Connor, veteran circus man, now loa ‘itteburg 8-15 eated in Altoona, Pa., Was made a father re; Sbertell Stock Co.. No. 2: Boston 1-6; Lowell cently for the twenty-fourth time. "Mr. Connor 19 West Lake Street, r CHICAGO, ILL. : 9-15 has been married twice : Largest Stock in ee Country for Amateur and School Plays : Shortell Stock Co., No. 3; Yonkers, N. Y., 1-4; ‘ am 3 Peekskill 8-13 _Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Dan H. Duncan, of In Metal, Iridescent, Black and all other colors. | Sutherland Stock Co.. N. J. Sutherland, mgr.: | Me Suzann Carter Musica] Comedy Company, 500 Different Shapes. : Endeavor. Wis., 4-6. on December 31, in New Orleans, a baby girl. a VanDyke & Eaton Co., F. Mack, mgr.: Joplin, jorn, on January 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold! M l LLOT BROTHERS. Mfrs. a Mo., indef. Hevia, at their home in Brooklyn, a fine toy. 472 West Third Street, New York. : Wallace Chester, Players, Chester Wallace, | Mr. Hevia is acting manager of the Guy Bates ; Ashtabula. O., indef. Post Cor ,, playing Omar, the Tent Maker INVESTING FOR PROFIT FREE } Josephine, Players, Grose K. Boyd, mgr.: | Mrs. Hevia is prof ssionally known as Sydell 3 Dubuque, Ia., indef, Landrew. The bey has been named Guy Walt ° . e é FOR SIX MONTHS. It is worth $10 4 copy to any ons Hevia. intending to invest any money, however small, who has ip j a ee ET pr — . vested money unprofitably, or who can save $5.00 or more pes ¥ Ss & ILD ST The annual banquet of the I. A. T. S. E. month, but who hasn't learned the art of investing for profit, : CIRCU WwW WE STOCK AND REPERTORY. No. i 3. East Liverpool, O.. will be beld in | It demonstrates the real earning power of money, the knowla? . ce itl of e T o » | edge fi d bank hide from th es. It le DeMario's, Harrr, Hippodrome Circus: Calcutta, (Continued from page 19.) manection with that of the ‘T. M. A... on, the | sige Sacnsiors end tenbere bide Soe Some ae India, May 5-June 1. a & ‘ sale stage ol the Veramn eater, Sunday atver same profits. It explains how stupendous fortanes are made f Walter Esmond, W. N. Hammett and I. T. noon, February Committees have been ap | an@ why made, how $1,000 grows to $22,000. To introduce m Chapple. : — to arrans -~ the entertainment, which | magazine, write meow. I'll send it six mouths absolutely FR REE. Little Miss Brown, produced for the first time] is always an enjoyable feature of these events. . CARNIVAL COMPANIES in stock in St, Paul by the Wright Huntington | The stage will be elaborately set and illuminated H._L BARBER, Pub. f_i71_ 26 W. Jackson Bivd., CHICAGO, ILi American Amusement Co.: Mangum, Ok., 1-6; | Players, played to splendid business week of] for the banquet and attendant festivities. A CATALOG of Professional and AmaElk City 8-13. January 17. Tess of the Storm Country packed | large orchestra will render a musical pr am. teur Plays, Sketches, Monologs, MinCentral States Showe: Iva, S. C., 1-6. ‘em in at the Minneapolis Shubert, where Mr. |] Vaudeville acts appearing at the American and strel Jokes, Recitations, Make-up Huntington has his second company. It is to] McKinley theaters during the week of the Goods, etc., sent FREE. THE AIKEN AMUSEMENT co. be noticed, however, that the qualifying term] banquet will be requested to appear. and acts | DICK & FITZGERALD, 23 Ann Street, New York. Now booking show folks ‘Season 1915. A little bit] “Secomd’’ is used only in the sense of proper| will be brought in from nearby cities. bigger this season. BILL AIKEN, Defiance, 0. sequence. The St. Paul — — — At the regular monthly meeting of ChiPOCKET TRICK. organized. Ge nevieve Cli a. F in ean cago Lodge No. 4 held January 2 at Worth 25e. 19% Great European Shows, Capt. Wm. Kanell, mgr.: title role of the St. Paul j pro u r ile Ethe an sodina abe 134 West tandolph ML Catalog inRocky Ford, Ga., 1-6. Grey Terry made good as **Tess’’ in Minneapolis. street, the following officers were elected: Geo cluded. Send 6c stamps. The St. Paul smeuaet included Earl Lae ae Butler. president: Wm. Faust. vice president; MAGIC CO., Sta. 2, 249 W. 38th St., New Yerk City. >Penwarden, Raymond Bond, Edward burne, nl ft ncenpnesr sg A beregcee caf Se ae . KLEIN GREATER SHOWS Lyle Clement. J. Stewart Irvin, A. G. Condon, | Louis Kemmerich, recording secretary: Harry All “inde. «rites te order. idens “The Show you will ul ~~ join.” Why not now? | hean Cole, Jessie Brink, Louise Gerard, Alice | Shapiro, financial secretary; Carl Kettler, treasSTAGE STUF developed; Sketches, Parodies, Lyrics a ae _ H. EK N, care Billboard, QincinLord, Ann Heritage, Artie Neal and James Laj| rer, Sam Frankenstein, past presntont ; ete. Honest prices. No catalog. WILL ARD GRIFaoueeiaiet Grosse. Those supporting Miss Terry in se After the installation of officers by Sam] FIN, Clift House, Salt Lake City, Utah : : neapolis {included Charles Gunn, Guy Durrell, |] Frankenstein an elaborate banquet was served “Eau tetse eee Ms. | Harry Gazell, Edwin Bailey, Karl Gerard, Ed-| and speeches made. FOR STOCK, REP. AND AMAJack's Greater Shows, Jack O'Brien mgr.: | “?® Holt, Jr.. ene by Panag on At the night meeting of the T. M. A., the TEURS. Tabloids, Minstrels | and Camden, N. J., 8-13 ‘ , and Mollie Fisher. Char ey’s d unt ollows , os evening of the second Tuesday in February, — vi Cpe pyhomr : : Tess production at the Minneapolis house, while} ore, 11 p.m., a regular initiation of new mem: bk _ New York City ; COL. LAGG’S GREATER SHOWS The Spendthrift_ will -y given its second pro-| yo s win take place, and the event will be the EXCHANGE, Tremont aes. eee ae . Now booking Shows and Concessions for coming sea— by the = “co Bassey ok ed first half| °Ccasion of another banquet. Visiting members son. Broadway Theatre Building, 1441 Broadway, _ Senere “i ld aa Nob on latter half} 2"¢ cordially invited to attend. the show the international officers and the reNew York City. of — week at Eon "s Hy hesinese. During The new officers who were installed at a re-| cently elected officials of Toledo Lodge went to at Bartley, and heer oldrid “ they were | cent meeting of the Brooklyn Lodge No. 30, Kapp’s Hall, where the installation took place. ieggette Amusement Co., C. R. Leggette, mgr.: their re men : a o a who were on| Were: George H. Thomas, Sr., president; Wil-] the new officers are: President, Louis Lawton; Charleston, 8__C., 1-6. . eae oar. te Soin the Rinaldo Players in North| iam V. Shugart, vice-president; William J. 1] gnancial secretary, J. E. Love; treasurer, Wm. a sae Se ee ad Stratton, past-president; Thomas Foley, record-] yyeck: recording secretary, Ed R, Smiley: vice METROPOLITAN SHOWS era Colorado, and their visit was apres +7 ot ing secretary; John W. Fitzgerald, financial W. E. Hilliatd: marshal, W. An Now booking Attractions, Qoncessions and people for | Members © 7 . a . company, and is still} Secretary; Richardson Webster, treasurer; Edw. sergeant-at-arms, Micha Sampson Season 1915. Winter address, Box 753, Columbus, | '"* i, | bit ne Little Ford W ll Ramble} ASchwarz, marshal; Perey 0. Stephenson, | ¢, George Hanner, Jack Bradley an Georgia. C BARFIELD, Manager. eis Als nd une noses ‘ R. tend the menenl just | SeTseant-at-arms; William J. Stratton, James} j,.6,) Fournier. The decorations and electric meat | Ae pe Bag! er territory id H. Leaverty, Frank Lestrange, trustees; Jobo} ggocts of the banquet were under the persona Loos Exposition Shows, J. Geo. Loos, mgr.: | becoming offs some tt ing man of the Wright} WFinnerty, ceataiae Dr. Thomas F. Ellis, | girection of H. V. Buelow, of the Terminal Temple, Tex., 1( hariey —_. = ( ait neapolis. since the | Physician. The annual T. M. A. benefit will be] poijgine, who will soon handle Toledo's AutoMacy's Olympic Shows, J. A. Macy, wmegr.: —— September geet " Me encasement held at the Majestic Theater on Sunday even-| wonile Shows. A. K. Young, new business man » , opening September, closed fis sageme! ; v ‘ =. Pittsburg, Ok., 1-6 " January 23 He goes to the New Grang in| i=& FY ~~ =~ — oe No. 11 ld a | 880! of the Toledo Railway Light, had charge Metahare : s give promptu ne PS CrORtO _ a a dere of the electrie end PEERLESS XPO SHOWS . ate bu > Se — Bac De ig el “wr n| Successful meeting recentiy and elected officials i” nheaten i% ‘“ , Lodge. T. M. A.. held its Now booking Shows, Riding Devices, Concessions for |"! sae ia ga ea leparture ¢ the . for 1915 as follows: Charles Leake, president; nenel besatet January . 15 fhe lodge enter 1915 season. Winter Quarters, Vandergrift, Ps. oe th iacshongee gh ro arp tint lings Elmer Ferris, past-president: J. P. Carter, first | Saspca ts Sane cmatina knaahee tae bt . ” uw re show that date. ; ‘ ais 4 : ea Lite io 8 mV t bee at Cc. F. MITCHELL, Manager. . Many members of the St. Paul compat vic — ; t: _ ee second vies that ranged from blue points throng evant : Ts ies” ie a as a president; Bi eredith, recording secretary: chicke oO eaffec The Corint n Reynolds, Geo., World's Greater Shows, Geo.| the Wris “: a xt os . meee = Ssure irl ry: J. Lavene. assist r el a ee ‘ stra » -¢ a Pt « -ngagemne s Vv e ef rathe : . eate £ ’ : = Reynolds, mgr.: Sanford, Fia., 1-6 camel ‘ i ee and Edna Dav pod sane ery 7 sicians from the varie theaters f i ; ' evor > thr sergeant-at-arins ale is eputy MecCallam ! Making Contracts for Season of 1915 Ce pene oer ae som Shay oehtieggpse ted seem re ne. OT te the mie juy I re is a é¢ . se 1 . : eonard, © te we i n THE SMITH GREATER SHOWS a Penwarde Tessie Brink and ™ " om ; . ter on each did fuli on ’ AM is rtun ¢ P. hurt ene wit the iny H “Or sien fieors t tocheste lewizce Ww t ans 0. Box 696, Augusta, Georgia. ~ O18 . 115 He will be | opair are President, Bert Cales vir Kogers’ Greater Shows, J. Rogers, mgr.: Pelze Reecher and Hess, W ecently joined the Seymour t, Al Hay; past pres t. Charles I s ‘ 1-6, : —s , La Rov St uny eft the s vy at Mans f the 1 M. A ( surer. Frank Heintz A & Podd & Paul Shows, Todd & Paul, mgrs Bush tle ‘) Lloweve 1 S We adj iste i ? CkKS Ph } Y Brooks rr ratte ta nell, Fla., 1-6, satixf t v vy I Nag i ee from istal ter the M stie Ira s Lal t ; } 1 e Nat ul St , r the ma t; Walt _ * : =S Now Booking for Season 1915. ; l Ni Y Be eatini ah ge ! MUSICAL COMEDY NOTES WESTCOTT SHOWS . : ghout M ¥ requests i t General Offices, 206 Crilly Bidg., Chicago, tl. . ents rhe Ww. ‘ Rog I ei Ww their } D l ‘ 1 Y Whitney Shows, A, P Whitney, mg Clinten, i. epe ay a g ’ 1 ~ < \! he 16; Geary 8-13, ; Mr. } t ss trus s: Da \ I Rox Sie ; { pany é ving Kroll, I n . MISCELLANEOUS in M zotiations , ge Kohnie ire \ any perma geant-at : Wiza \\ er, Edw, I & ¢ Freeport, 1! 1-6 s I Cross Wis Eliswo Vhe Toledo (0.) Taodge No, 20 he t : K & Brage Show. Gi: M. Bragg a ‘ e many, EvelyD | annual banquet Tuesday g 1 teorp ‘ Ont ian “ Viay Mtr ] \ i Anace and Mayo Kel was g 8 , Othe t | oon the t sexs Marg et Edis Annie | ouests it i ternat t e 1 ) S exist Hart 16 me 2, dB, Carty, Hill. May Cla Miss Alexander, Myers Bros..] yy 4 y ne to Toledo t stall t vy st } ute Co.. X w. H. Nur ore ule and Carl R elected officers of t Plates ‘ d ‘ Miet 14 for 150 j Stage manag at Bus s “ Marine Musenn } R. Coyle The Teal and Lee Musical Tabloid Company | Keith's, ar ve t . nm Prior] s 5 ne St. Louis, Mo., indef holds the record of net having lost a day since | to the bang ne national ; mn ers Mayor ve s Ww ‘ = —— Days of 49 (Beckman, Davis & Earle’s): Fre May 1, 1914 It has been intact for six years, | Keller and ocal < detthceigeg ned ne perl : bs. a : \ ‘at nar! mont, O.. 2-7; Kendallville, Ind., 8-14 playing from Coast to Coast The company in-] ance of The Gk .goer ney ban — Se ‘ playing ‘iden’s Oriental Miracles, Jack Golden, mgr.: | eludes Raymond Teal, manager: James P. Lee, ter. They were the guests of Company Manacet | ‘I. — 5 rhe cast of p inSeattle, Wash... indef comedian and producer: Homer Long, LeRoy Ww ash Martin and House Manager Harry Winter art ty hous ea ~ arcttn. Winate Tat Narold’s, Prof. Raymond, Deg & Pony Show: | Kinslow, Charles H. Rodman, Madelin Lee, The out-of-town guests were: | areas Sewanee, “to "" 1 le oise Allen. The chorus HO4 NN. 17th st., Philadelphia, indef Angelus Lee, Marie Barbier, Cora Carkeek, | Cincinnati, grand president; Robert Newman,} sey, H. J t > y? oe Net B L ‘Rue, Beverly enkins’, Doe, Rig Show: Holland, Minn., 1-6: | Master Dick Lee, Minnie Vandervoort, Norma] Toronto, grand recording secretary; James J. | Josephine folk J 3 > eames: 20 _ Pipestone 8-13, ommett, Jean McKinzie, Martha Mamay, Alma] Quigley, Memphis, past grand president; (has. | Worth. Bonnie Dever n. Th : JiDgerman, Samuel & Lucy: Philadelphia, indef. |Mamay, Irene Lee and Emma Sterens, Newman, (Cincinnati, grand treasurer After ng ar e tall a Fa Fes ’ : Th ag ah,