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FEBRUARY 6, 1915.
The Billboard
THOROUGHLY OOMPETENT, AGGRESSIVE SINGER—A-1 2d bass; for trio or quartette work; PRINCESS KYRO—A-1 female impersonator; the YOUNG MAN—21; would like to join motion picYOUNG MAN—26; neat appearance; operator, me| not married; strictly sober; experienced; do solo and | one who dared; Oriental dancer; reasonable. | ture ; anything to get a ALBERT chaaie; —— padeertising ideas; go any-| yodeling; 22 years of age, and furnish reference on | Care Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. WARD, wu P ci . .
SHER, care The Billboard, New York City.
OPERATOR—-Electrician, repair man; seven years’ experience all makes; do al! electric work; A-1 spieler and advertiser; low salary; no job too large; sober and reliable; go anywhere. J. F. WE + Oran, Mo.
erenves; desires position; nothing too large; an “ jector or light; married; sober and : oe
good character ;’ 1 have ticket. ROSS HAMMOND, Cleveland, Tenn.
STENUGRAPHER—Wants position with circus; experienced; best of reference. Address J. K. SCHISLEY, 431 W. 4th St., Mt. Vernon, Ind.
ak PARKS AND FAIRS. heading, are yo Fy Ay Fa =
A-1 MOTORDROME coming season; will
RIDER wants contract for furnish own machin mean business; write or wire (DARE DEV TER KNOX, Murfreesboro, Tenn. AERONAUT—Good first-class outfit: will make flights anywhere; one to fourteen parachute leaps from one balloon; nineteen years’ experience. Address J. G. WRIGHT, 130 So. Union Ave., Shawnee, Okla.
oa a —* Stationary autodrome erred. . LAS, 2 x
Columbus, Ohio. = Gy fe on,
BALLY-HOO MAN AND GRINDER wants : tien for coming summer season with chow savane oe anny -—_ — a etc; illusion preferred: no cket; join any time. P. ADAMS, ‘. Dearbor Si. Chicago, 5S, 807 N. Dear CHARLES GAYLOR-—Giant Frog Man; world’s ee ee on a. two big feature : en rs, celebrations, St., Detroit, Mich. —
EQUESTRIAN DIRECTOR—Announcements. ringmaster; work dogs, ponies, monkeys, bucking mule: break ring and hippodrome stock; winter quarters or circus season. WALBERTI, Gen. Del., Buffalo, N. Y.
LADY PEG—The smallest and youngest roller skating bear in the world: nine menthe eid: .
like a person; open time. C. E. PE . i E. PEARSON, Alta
e if you IL) LES
request. GEO P. ANDRUS, . tertown, South Dakota. ecsuhcnemthiaee ;
PUNCH, MAGIC—Two other acts; at liberty for or
SINGERS—All the very latest songs are listed in our Song Hints on page 1 If you will write the Various publishers, whose addresses are also given in the same column, on a theater letterhead, and menton THE BILLBOARD, they will send you professional copies free of charge.
SOPRANO—Low F to high D; elegant
store show; winter salary. Ticket? Yes. Sober and reliable. MITTEN EDWARDS, 10 Standish Ave., Plymouth, Mass.
ROY HUGHES—Character comedy, juveniles, heavies, specialties; for week; wardrobe; ence ; good study; stock, tab. or rep. 511 W. Walnut St, Enid, Okla.
brass; library; for season’ agement, with . i or band. MADAM VON ZEIBER. Regent Hotel. Se Louis, Mo. a i — VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS. At Liberty Advertisements without Yr under this of charge.
heading, are published free
A-1 BLACKFACE, DUTCH AND IRISH COMEDIAN—To join med. show, singing, talking and dancing; put on acts. Ticket? Yes. No and reliable. HARRY DeLANEY, care Centropolis Hotel, Kansas City, Mo.
A-1 JEW COMEDIAN—Wite A-l chorus a as musical comedy, burlesque or tabloid. TAERY BUCHMAN, care Billboard, Cincinnati, 0.
AOROBATIC NOVELTY—Suitable for burlesque: on pellpees this = a high-class act that will audience. NELSON BROS.,
St., Richmond, Va. vindinctinnen
AL AND DOLLIE WILLIAMS—Dutch, Jew straight and singing and dancing soubrette: musical comedy, tabloid and burlesque experience: t on numbers. AL WILLIAMS, Billboard, Chicago, Il.
AT LIBERTY—To join troupe of Russian dancers: age 21 years; experienced. NATHAN SAMPSO j O’Brien St., Chicago, Il. a6 vibe
AT LIBERTY—Date Whittington,
comedy trick cyclist; vaudeville, rep.; will join partner or troupe if working. Address DATE WHITTINGTON,
Hoopeston, Ill.
AT LIBERTY—Musical act; man, wife and child: lady can work in cast; man orchestra leader, violin and beritone. 1429 Park Ave., Canton, Ohio.
B. F. COMEDIAN—Some act worker; up in med
icine business; change for week; stror CONN, West Jefferson, 0. —
MERRY-GO-ROUND ENGINEER—With ence and reference; will join at once. GODFREY, McConne'sville. 0
THE HOWARDS—Sensational knife throwers: and gent act: is first-class and well dressed: BR
reasonable: need two tickets. é : poner mg 198 Juneau Ave., Mil-.
experiJESSE J.
PIANO PLAYERS. at Liberty Advertisements without distpay, under this %. are blished free of charge.
we LADY PIANIST—Desires permanent position
n M. P. or vaudeville house; several years’ ¢ . a CLARA E. GIBBONS, 923 a eoria, . ‘i
A-1 PIANIST—Long cuparience vaudeville, :
wed one 2 2 on sight; A. F. of Mt ie a Hable APPEL, 1001 N dw
Toule Mo 1001 N. Broadway, St. A-1 PIANIST—Young man; experienced In waude
OF & man; experienced in vaude
comedy and ictures; desi = sition : prefer the Middle West: A. F. of “ "hétum PIANIST, 517% N. Akard St., Dallas, Texas.
A-l PIANIST—Young, refined; three years’ travel; wen somneaaee consider vaudeville or concert.
. A AN, care James F. Kriz, 2 Hermitage Ave., Chicago, Ml. achemniians
_ A “REEL” FEATURE PIANIST—A “ten-finger”™ faker and improviser: straight Pictures onlv: letters answered; go anywhere; have played Pacific Coast
houses: salary your limit. LOUIS Box 222, Dana, Ind. a
"AT LIBERTY—Pianist of ability: exclusive pict house or vaudeville: no trouping: ticket if fee! walle or wire. ISABEL EDWARDS, Albia, Iowa. EXPERIENCED PIANISTE—Read, fake, transome, ryan 4 2; oumne. good; don’t read cia H o bits; locat . OTT F. BECK, Flaxton, N. D eetiaiensl + PIANIST—Join quickly: long experience in all branches; generally useful: work in acts: calliope. EDWARD BAILEY, 52 Elm Ave., Owego, N.Y. ou a —Vaudeville or pictures; orchestra ofr e; years’ experience: locate only. Address MI EDITH LITTLE, Gen. Del., Monticello, Ky. 7 PIANISTS—See our Song Hints on page 12. The Dublishers whose addresses are given therein will send = Le pa ay 2 any new song named if e them on theater letterheads and mention THE BILLBOARD. we PIANIST _ AND SOPRANO—With repertoire of classical music: all lines: sieht reader we PIANIST. 251 & Locust St., Valparaiso, Ind PIANIST, LEADER, ARRANGER—Middle age: years of experience in dramatic,. vaudeville and pictures; sober and reliable: reasonable salary. PIANIST, 497 8 Nebraska Ave.. Tampa, Fla PIANIST—Experienced all lines; trained baritone Yoice; seeks location vicinity of Kansas City or Omaha. FISHER. 1717 Charles St.. Omaha Neb PIANIST—A-1; fourteen years’ experience: sight Tecan? onmpeae = } eB renew: A. F. of M.; r trave! cket es. References. J. H. PRESS, Leland Hotel. St. Louls, Mo . PIANO PLAYER—I play vaudeville, musical comedy and pictures, and play them right: all letters
answered: state hours and salary (moderate). BOB CHAMBERS, Cortland, N. Y.
PIANO PLAYER—For road show or permanent moving picture house: no vaudeville; ticket. FRED CARLETON, Pavo, Ga.
PIANO PLAYER—Experienced vaudeville. drama or pieures; good brary music, modern and classic: travel or locate. G. SMITH, care Mrs. Kennedy, 2507 Walnut St., Denver, Col,
VAUDEVILLE PIANIST—30; single: ten years’ experience; wishea permanent position: can cue pietures; state salary and hours; ticket over 59% miles M_C. LOOP, General Delivery, Detroit, Miich
At Liberty Advertisements without disolay, under this heading, are published free of charge.
FLOOR MANAGER—Position with permanent rink: can take full charge and promote all latest novelties In skating game; references: five years’ exderlence. H. J. KNOX, care Billboard, Chicago, Ml.
THR MACKS—Trick, novelty and acrobatic skating: playing vaudeville and rink: featuring flery tunnel. BW. cCCROSKEY, Edimond, Okla
SINGERS. At Liberty Advertisements without distpay, under this an 6. are biished free of charge. GOOD RARITONE SINGER—Would like to join a fool musical comedy or road show. THOMAS STAFFORD, New Brighton, N A LYRIC TENOR AND NOVELTY YODFLAR can work comedy or straight; good appearance; prefer \rudeville or burlesque. Addreas WILLIAM KRAEMER, 819 West Kinney St., Newark, N. J.
es FACE B iden 5 MUSICAL ACT—Banast, eni men and comedian. ANDY OA » 8 Walker St., Philadelphia, Pa. mecrnenananee
BLACKFACE COMEDIAN—Clown and juggler; join any reliable show. GEO. CHANDLER, T Jeftrey St Chester, Pa.
BLACKFACE, IRISH, ECCENTRIC COMEDIAN— Change for week; put on acts; make them go: need ticket. T. A. BENNETT, Gen. Del., Thief River Falls, Minn.
ae 17; Sees: refined act for independent houses. ddress LEW A Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. easiest:
CHARACTER MAN—Would like to join small show or vaudeville act; stock experience: will work for wartime salary. DAN DE MARE, 833 Buffom St., Milwaukee, Wis.
CHRIS. C. MASSAKER—Juvenile man: height 5 ft. 10; weight 150 Ibs.; responsible, young, wardrobe, ability, appearance; prefer one-piece. Ticket? Yes. 501 Market St., Paterson, N. J.
“COMEDIAN—Good all-round character comedian: a kind of show; positively no booge;: no ticket: real managers write. BILLY MEDLEY, nboard, Cincinnati, O. ——
COMEDY—Banjo and guitar specialties; play violin some; have M. P. outfit, ten reels; years’ experience medicine business. L. J. FORESTER, 132 8. 3d St Olean, N. ¥ 6
CYCLING ORANE—The greatest unicyclist in vaudeville; a little singing and talking; open for tab. or circus; tramp comedy. Care Gus Sun Booking Exchange, Pittsburgh, Pa.
ECCENTRIC WHITEFACE COMEDY TEAM— Man and wife; change for week; work in acts; sober, reliable; double brass; vaudeville, medicine: tab. shows, write. THE ROBISONS, 125 Allison St., Cin
cinnati, Ohio. EDDIE (Lew) KRANER—Singing, dancing and all-round character comedian and director with
scripts; novelty dancing on roller skates; ticket. Ad
dress 21 East 4th, Covington, Ky. . FEMALE IMPERSONATOR—Beautiful make-up and wardrobe; classic dancer and singer; personality and appearance. IMPERSONATOR, care Billboard, Chicago, Tl. FRED WILLIAMS—Versatile comedian; not the best in the world; just closed with the Edna Dawn Co.; join at once; ticket. FRED WILLIAMS,
care Bill¥oard, Cincinnati, 0.
JEW, B. F. COMEDIAN—Norelty ragtime singing: anywhere; anything will do; high-class
zo er vaudeville; write or wire quick. JERRY JACOBS, General Delivery, Ionia, Mich.
RUBE PERKINS—Slack wire, trapeze, juggling and hoops, | , dlackf. guitar; goud, loud singer; straight and black in acts. Care of A. Dickey, Holton, Kan.
SINGERS—All the very latest songs are listed
our Hints on page 12. If you will write the various publishers, whose addresses are also given in the same column, on a theater letterhead, and mention THE BILLBOARD, they will send you professional copies free of charge.
ANO SOLA*IST; open to join any company; have
drobe; age, 21; height, 5 ft. 3 in.; weight, BRETTE, Roseb Wich.
good war 120. SINGING S0U
SINGING AND TALKING COMEDIAN—Up in medicine business; with fully equipped moving picture outfit; can change for week. DAN E, BRADY, 419 Phoenix Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.
SKETCH TEAM, blackface, and straight man and wife; would like to hear from independent vaudeville managers) MYRLIE & EDWARD, 525 Vine St., Quincy, Il.
STRAIGHT MAN WITH A PUNCH (not a ballad singer)—Burlesque and musical comedy experience; can do comedy; will join on wire and ticket, with regular; no trick. Address W. T. HAWLEY (BILL), 120 Walnut Ave., Scottdale, Pa.
TABLOID PRODUCING COMEDIAN—Jew, Dutch, rube; with scripts; put on numbers; card writer, making swell lobby displays; reliable managers only. A. F. SCHMUCK, 119 E. DeWald St., Fort Wayne,
Indiana. THE FAMOUS HOWARDS—Ed (Spike) Howard and Madame Howard, heavy weight litfers and
wrestlers; wonderful feats of strength; vaudeville or burlesque. Address 705 So. Leithgow St., Philadelphia, Pa.
THE KNOLLS—Man does four novelties, singer, straights, trap drums and bells; lady, piano player, A. F. of M., graduate musician; read, fake, transpose, sharp shot; tickets. Address Gen. Del., Lewistown, Mont.
THE THREE LARENZOS—Singing, dancing, juggling, magic, ventriloquism; best stage settings and wardrobe; change for week; trunk checks for tickets. Care Show, West Manchester (Preble Co.), Ohio.
TWO ALVINS—Gentleman, vaudeville show fixer, three silent acts, all-round B. F. 8. and D. comedian; lady pianist, acts, gas picture machine; tickets over 250 miles. Round Lake, Fla.
VAUDEVILLE ACT MANAGERS—Reference, T. J. Meehan, manager Poli’s Plaza; Front Street, Worcester, Mass.: salary, $30.00 per week. HARRY WEST, 190 Russell St., Worcester, Mass.
YOUNG MAN—19; latest dancing and Irish comedian: wishes engagement with vaudeville, rep. or stock. Ticket? Yes. JOHN R. BILLINGS, No. Wilkesboro, N. C.
YOUNG MAN—24; experienced: wishes to join musical comedy, burlesque or vaudeville at once. W. A. THRAVE, 4901 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, Il.
YOUNG MAN—21; would like to join vaudeville act: character comedian; experienced as __ Italian taught in school act; ticket. BERNARD LEWIS, 2018 Capitol, Heuston, Texas.
YOUNG MAN—22 years; 5 ft. 8 in.; 145 Ibs.; for School Days; can take Dutch professor, silly kid or Hebrew: will not double. THOMAS McGINTY, 1832 W. Morris St., Indianapolis, Ind.__
YOUNG MAN—19; join musical comedy, minstrel or vaudeville: parts in acts; good house man; do anything: go anywhere; will join at once. ART. 8. GROVES, 409 14th Ave., 8. W., Roanoke, Va.
ACROBATS. At Liberty Advertisements, without display, under this heading, are published free of charge.
AMATEUR ACROBAT—At liberty to join act; I do rings, traps, hand balancing and tumbling; neat appearance; sober and reliable. H. WHILES, Benton, Arkansas.
JEW COMEDIAN—Can do Dutch: a good single act; play parts; open for all engagements: $15 per week; wire ticket. LEW ALBERT, Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio.
JIM LELAND AND BESSIE LEE—Change for week; singles and doubles; afterpieces and acts; tickets. 55 Howard St., Detroit, Mich.
LIGHT COMEDIAN—English dude; also singer and dancer; would join good vaudeville act. playing good eer A-1 wardrobe. 2430 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 2
MAN AND WIFE—Man, gen.
Indiana. es
MAN AND WIFE—For musical comedy; man, bass singer, juvenile parts: lady, chorus. C. M. B., Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio.
MARVELOUS FRASER—The barrel ard on roller skates; also trick would like to join road Jersey St., Quincy, Ill.
MLLE. PAULINE—Female impersonator; Oriental dancer or work in chorus of burlesque as pony; beautiful make-up; salary, $22 and ticket. Care Billboard, Qincinnati, 0.
MUSICAL NOVELTY—Cornet soloist: the boy from the Emerald Isle: featuring ‘“‘Killarney,”” and showing beautiful colored Irish scenes during musical numbers. L. B , 804 C St, N. E., Washington, D. C .
OPEN FOR MUSICAL TAB.—Straight and prima donna; both lead numbers; singing and dancing speclalties: both experienced. CURTIS & RUBFLL, Hotel Antlers, Bartlesville, Okla.
ORTENTAL AND CLASSIC BAREFOOT DANCER —At liberty for society affairs, etc.; direct from New York. MLLE. FIFI, (New) Hotel Jackson, Chicago, Tiitnots.
PLAYWRIGHT—5 ft. 7 in.: vaudeville, stock, dramatic or film company: expérienced in Arabian and Oriental works; reasonable salary. GRO. H. CARLISLE, 1114 B. Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
jumping wizand fancy skating: show or vaudeville show. 900
At Liberty Advertisements without display, under this heading, are published free of charge.
BOY—18; height. 5 ft. 2 in.; would like to join a good show; could play co roles, Jew, Italian, blackface. Address HERMAN BARNS, care Albert arren Avenue, Malden, Mass.
YOUNG MAN—18; 5 ft. 5 in.; 130 Ibs.; no expetience; desires position with musical company; hustler; am willing to work; athletic; good appearance;
THUR WELLING, General Deliv
YOUNG MAN—18; wants position in singing, dancing or dramatic act; no experience, but quick to learn: give me a chance to make gool. Address LESTER D. SHEETS, care Billboard, Cincinnati, 0.
At Liberty Advertisements without display, under this heading, are published free of charge.
AMATEUR—16; wishes position with comedy M. . Company; can run auto; will do anything. N. T. SHWARD, 172 S. Tth St., San Jose, Cal. AMBITIOUS .YOUNG MAN—Good personality, tmagination and natural ability for conjuring plots; desires connection with reliable film concern. ©. DAVIDS, 2401 S. Percy St., Philadelphia, Pa. COMEDIES AND DRAMAS—Am good looking; fine form; height 5 ft. 4; weight 135 Ibs.; Chicago preferred. Write M. YOUNG, care Paust, Columbus, Wisconsin.
YOUNG MAN—23; desires position in a moving all-round athlete; appear
ance; not afraid of hard work. EDWIN H. , CLAIR, Box 111, Mertens, Tex. YOUNG MAN —Age 29; fourteen years cowpuncher; desires position with motion picture company; tackle anything. R. FOSDIOK, Wheatland, Wyo. o YOUNG MAN—20; 6 ft.; 160 lbs.; wants to join moving picture company; willing to work; had vaudeville experience; comedy will send photo. Address SANFORD A. Mertens, Tex.
parts; JOHNSON,
PRODUGING COMEDIAN, with scripts; Jew, Tutch, rube or black: nigger afterpieces or nigeer acts. A. F. SCHMUCH, 119 FE. Dewald St., Ft.
Wayne, Ind.
YOUNG MAN—19; 5 ft. 7; can ride, swim, drive a car and do daring stunts: will send picture and references. WILFRED A. RICHA P. O. Box 133, Washington, Ge.
; start. sare Harry Stone, 88 Niagara St., falo, N. Y.
YOUNG MAN—18; desires position with motion
Picture company; no experience; photo sent on application. N. E. BURGESS, care Pol-Mac Hotel, Campbell, Mo.
MUSICIANS. At Liberty Advertisements without display, under thie heading, are published free of charge.
AMATEUR CORNET PLAYER—Have done straight in acts; will join anything any time. JACK BELLEW, St. Paul, Minn.
VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS. __ At Liberty Advertisements without display, under this heading, are published free of charge.
AMATEUR—Would like position in vaudeville o¢ musical comedy; would make good comedian with a tall partner; 4% feet high; fair voice; weight, 126 lbs. Address ARTHUR RILEY, 611 Smith Ave, Lansing, Mich.
FEMALE IMPERSONATOR—25 years; 5 ft. 7 in.; 130 lbs.; good looker; willing to learn; have had home talent experience; go anywhere at once; ticket. BEURITT GRIAHEAMER, 116 W. 6th St., Davenport, la. ——— .
TWO NEAT YOUNG MEN—With fresh, talented voices, wish experience on stage. Address HOWARD TOWNSLEY, 1219 Olney St., Indianapolis, Ind.
WOULD LIKE TO LEARN acrobatic or hand balancing or wire walking; can do trapeze work; age 17; height 5 ft.; weight 120 lbs. HOBART HOLLINGSWORTH, care Burlington Hotel, La Grange, Ill.
YOUNG MAN—22; would like to join vaudeviile act; will work for expenses; neat appearance; want te
y BROWN, General Delivery, Kansas
YOUNG MAN—Some experience; desires engagement in vaudeville or reliable stock company; good reader and impersonator; rube, silly kid, Irish, Jew, old man and B. F. characters; salary no object. CHAS. D. BARR, Waveland, Ind.
YOUNG MAN—Age 17; for musical company; stock or road; chorus; low voice; reliable; good adaptability; amateur. R. R. E., Box 564, Woodstock, Vt. :
YOUNG MAN—21; 5 ft. 10; dark hair, blue eyes; wishes place with vaudeville act; no experience, but willing; will work props. G. R. CLARK, R. R. No. 4 Sullivan, Ind.
SKATING NOTES. (Continued from page 21.)
and champion athletes of every description ia the country, is a visitor in Chicago for some time. Tom acted as timer at the last big ice meet held last week, and you can just gamble that Tom bad the time correct. He visited with many of his old-time friends and some of his charges who he had under his care many years ago. Nestor Johnson, the former ice champion, and now manufacturer of the famous North Star speed skates; Julian ‘TT. Fitzgerald, f«rmer bicycle rider, who was under the care of Tom Eck some nineteen years ago, when he was out with the famous Morgan & Wright team, and many of the officials of the Ww. 8. A. and prominent skate s entertained Mr. Eck after the races. Eck, who was the greatest judge of athletes in the world, brought out such great men as John 8. Johnson, Jolnny Nilsson, Norval Baptie, Harley Davidson and Olaf Rudd as ice skaters, while any number of atiletes im other branches of sport can lay their future ang past reputation to the hand of Tom Eck. He was one of the widest knows men in the world in the roller game when he was handling skaters quite a few years back. Eck will visit the six-day races being held ia Chicago, in which he knows many of the riders, then will take out a team of four lady bicycle riders, one of whom he claims is as fast as any man rider in the world, and will prove it to the public before the season is over for winter indoor sports.
Allen I. Blanchard is just starting to pry into the amateur standing of some of the amateur skaters, after knowing of their doiugs for several years past. We might say that if he sifts his leads down to a fine point that he will find there are few amateur skaters in the United States. It may be well for the skaters to know that Mr. Blanchard was the man to draft up the present amateur status.
Roller skaters, don’t feel jealous over the ice skaters, for remember the ice skating season is a short and sweet one. The boys with the steel blades are lucky if they get six weeks skating out of a season, while the rollers are sure of twelve months in the year.
Since the proposed new N. 8. A. announced its intentions of entering the field to conduet roller speed contests and mingle in other roller amusements the membership of the W. 8. A. has raised about fifty per eent in the percentage table. What manager wants to dish out several hundreds of dollars to tackle something uncertain with a new organization when cap prosper with a great deal less money under the wing of an old and tried organization? Watch the W. S. A. grow.
The fifteen-minute endurance race at Musie Hall Rink {in Cincinnati on January 22 was wor by four amateurs, skating against Joe Altman and Joe Sefferino. The odds were too great for the two professionals, and after the first ten minutes the grind began to tell.
The one-half mile race between Miss Mabel Portwood and Miss Hilda Bisphing at the Music Hall Rink on January 20 proved a big surprise to the wise ones. Almost to a person Miss Portwood was touted as a winner. She took the lead for three and one-half laps, setting a hot pace, but had to give way to her rival, who breezed into the finish about eight feet in advance. Miss Portwood collapsed and Manager Mooar learned for the first time that she had been ill for several days. Rather than disappoint the large crowd she had skated. She has been matched to race against Miss Katherine Sharp, of Ironton, 0.
The old Airdome Theater in Zanesville, O., has been remodeled and converted into a roller skating rink. It was opened on January 26, with a capacity attendance. As the city has been without this form of amusement for some time, it is expected to prove very successful. W. E. Genno ie the general manager, with A. A. Ackerman as resident manager, acting for the Interstate Rink Company.
The Casino Roller Rink at Thater Park in Syracuse, N. Y., was opened as a roller skating rink on January 24, and large crowds were in attendance at every session. Frank Lawler, a well-known exhibition skater, formerly with the Garden Troupe, is manager of the rink. Arthur Thater & Brothers are the proprietors.