The Billboard 1915-02-06: Vol 27 Iss 6 (1915-02-06)

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50 The Billboard FEBRUARY 6, 1915. 2—File No. 113 (drama) (two reels)....2079 5— , ‘ ‘ : 28-—Miledy's Boodoir jenmety-toama).... 9o8 $-danie Een oleen we ager 25—The Spirit of the Violin (¢rame) (two Se Her ‘sombering Couscience (drama)... 909 wane Bliy's Guar ty ee OE peter rte 2000 a s Huse (drama)........ wee § Sweetie Goes to College (comedy)... .1000 25—Hearst Selig News Pictorial artagy Sk — i—¥ate’s Protecting Arm (drame) .+.--1005] 10—The Good People Wie Rallied to the 27 as) “Dedien tdnames *.....0ccccookes ros »—Three Hate (comedy) (two reels)....2008 Support of the Church (comedy) 1000 28 Seart’s Desire (Grama) --.-.-..--; ++ 1000 4—The Borrowed Necklece (drams)...... 999] 11—Slim, the Brave, and Sophie, ‘the Feir ee + os ae 5—It Doesn't Pay (drama). wor (comedy) .....+ 1000 29—She Wanted To Be a Widow (comedy). 1000 S_Winsien the O04 Man tong edn iy) 9~Ateee bene Reoseeres "saiest ‘Bim nae Hunt in Sycamore Gap (drama). .1000 plit reel sae Sa 3-—-B e a / —The Club Pest (comedy) (split reel)... 473 wane Sy wees Grams) -s-01—The Vision of the Shepherd (drama) NOW PEADY— $_The Stray Shot (érame)............-. paws KALEM. (two reels) paeseeeesecscseeresseeee 2000 ; ASK FOR IT. @—Pere Gorket (drama) (two reels)... .2111 December— 1—HearstSelig News Pictorial (news) . . .1000 Most complete Catalog in a1 —Gers ting Rid of Nephew (comedy (eplit 29—Love. Oil and Grease (comedy)...... 1000 2—Forked Trails (drama) jeasousneneail 1000 YouR istence of Machines and Sup> sol pienten eter ¢ abner 30—The Derelict (drama) (two reels)....2000| 3—Just Like a wiacnen (arama 22°°<Hoe _— ee 13—The Big Night (comedy) (split reel).. 406 go Fathe we ~ ay * aan saceetoe ein a —Their Divorce —e” epee “1002 setting Father's Goat (comedy)....... CR adage ~ “antici lait. es oe f — 7 5% ee 100 | 2 The Girl Telegrapber's comedy 551000 | G—The Leopard's Lair (drama) .........1000 BUY THE BEST MOVING PICTURES sein ‘Cast Up By the Sea <drama) (twe VITAGRAPH. PLACE TO BUY ee A ay ns nn)... Melt ee ee 2000 December— ee A December— 5—The Waitress and the Boobs (comedy).1006| 30—Forcing Dad's © ; J " : ! ° ) d’e Consent (comedy) ..... 1900 Sole Agents for the Wonderful “GUIL 2—The Lexson of the Flames (drama)....1000| 6—The Scorpion’s Sting (drama) (two _ W med , PasTil.” 80—The Courtship of the Cooke (comedy).1009| , reels)... parryi Berosssascens: gene | domme WOES Gus CermenP SEEN) -+00<05 1080 wi u e at ayvilie “(comedy). .. .1000 1—Auntie’s Portrait Young Mre. Winthrop (drama) (two ea Oe ll From the Water ar. ce ) wonvezenee tommety) _— eC ere eee eee eee en enwne “ att es 2—Unele Crusty (educ.) .. —_ 11—The AGventure at “Briarclift (comedy) 2—In Ge tin Geartet Udrea) (6 4—The Champion Process Server’ icomedy ) 1000 -.. CB) SOE ccoccussvarcceeces occas cee reels) ....-« BE > Gol * 6—Olive and the Borglar (drama)........1000 A Bold, Bad Burglar (comedy)........1000 4—Fiora Fourflush io. 4) (comedy). 1000 6—Kayensive Kconumy (comedy) a) oe: Stolen Ruby (drama) (two reels).2000| 5—Two Women (4 bh conesee 3000 6 —The Magnate of Paradise (drama) (tw 15—A Boob for Luck (comedy)...... al Sites Wer Geet ee satis) .. ° 2000 16—The Broken Cirewit (drama).........-1000 7—The Man “tbe — nd the | Ma PT aaa R d The Girt ai the “Key “(aramin)2°°°°2000 | 16 —Cornetion ang the Wild’ Man: Ceonicdj) “1000 (comedy-drama) crsscrss-cs eady Today —A Superfiuous Baby (comedy)........1 20 . 4 an (comedy) 1000 eae Smoking Out of Bella But ._— Other Seif Seon) ype iette aul — ae Singer (drama) ny 4 litem zed Batia a 9 Sering the Cook (comedy) (apiit reel.) 4501 00 cones sagasiore eaecacg C(t ttee o—a . hter of . 13—McGinty and the Count (comedy) (split 22—Cooky's Adventure (comedy) ....... .. 1000 reels posvedng ee ee 000 ic Ss DD cuncied te Deer ens cscovcey suet yp ome 4 A Ry ey Fourflush (No. 2) (comedy)... ..1000 15 lena aicomedy), (two recis) -esndtoedl 2000 vege Sy — primp Mountain (drama) 12—A Mix-up in Dress Suit Cases (comedy) a a anker’s Double (drama) ....... 1 See eee eeeseerereseseesece 2000 two reels a Cy Teme 2000 ae Make the Nation Prosper (drama) .1000 oe (comedy) (split reel) 13—The Hair ot Her Head (comedy). .....1000 Cons irac —Ol've’s Manufactured Mother (drama).1000] 5y's Echo (comedy) (eplit reel).. 14—The Legend of the Lone Tree (drama) .1000 =~The —— of Magnetism (educ.) 27 _— oe i} Deserted House (dra15—Chiefly Concerning Males (comedy)... .1000 A Remarkable Tangle of Circumstances *p ED Sidivccoecucesvewtescoes “nn SED) a rescerecscesseseses 2000 rush ree ving ‘oman A Weighty Matter for a Detective tt ed ‘con tL oe : . .1000 ate ees escece — (thee aes ass to Ge we ew comedy) (aplit reel) ..........+-+. oo | ie Engineer (drama) 1000] 18—Flora Fourflush (No. *8) (comedy)... .. 1000 tt = a Hounds csrame) (ewe es g~ Te (drama) (two reels) 2000 a _— ~~ +p! (three eeenet ~~ SIX SIDE SPL 23—Me Daly ‘Wedding Day (dramas ”....11000] 2—The Insurance Nightmare (comedy)... .1000 21 The aly hy + Roper rf ING 25—Joey ang His Trombone (comedy) ...1000 %3—The Apartment House Mystery (drama) 22 Wanted, go pon one ae 26—Olive in the Madhouse (drama) ...... 1000 (TWO TeEIB) ... eee seeseessnesseccence 2000 | 23—War (comedy) (two reels} anes vee 2 BOOP COMEDI F1—Lodgings for Two (comeds) (spilt reel} 600 S—The Hickeville Tragedy ‘Troupe (com25—The Slightly Worn Gown (comedy)... -3000 —The e Trunk (comedy) (split iti hi eed check nakesiemereee 1000 | 26—The Game of Life (dram is) BD cvccccccescvece a reels) -2no0 20 itn iincii e naeanreae gag | Sgthe Barrier af Path (Grina)sve. 20 Wore Se ag ee OS 2000 8—In a4 Hands of the Jury (drama) (two 20—The Chiefs Goat pk a wre 1000 wasese venertes. g0—In His Father's Footsteps (arama) ...1000 eg perpen, Bren Anse 2000] So—Uederocath the Polat (drama) "(three — a ae February — é 9—Mr, + A Temper (comedy) (split reels) ree oor READ ACH, LOUIE! 1—Found—A Flesh) Reducer (comedy)... .1000 | Te eri sg ner ee LOVE THY NEIGHBORS. 2—Olive and the Heirloom (drama)... .1000 9—The Mexican’s Chickens (comedy (split = Kate (comedy) 000 S—feen From the Gallery (comedy) (aplic ee S_slow Cissy Made Good (comedy) (thre s THE ¢ wweELeo ~4 + — pee ss r eadeee appre coaneesabeoenent 500 ais Btenepensance of Harry Warringreels) " ree 5000 } am... a 5 orn Among Roses (comedy) (split on (drama) (two reels)...........+. 8—The Co abi nation | (eomeay) ..... oe MATIC HOUSE. MD (othe. akan cw petchahedebean est 500 | 12—Ham and the Sausage Factory (comedy) 1000 4—The ——— _cossooneemaay LIST (With Marion Swayne.) — Me le My Wandering 1 Boy To13—The Reg Signal (drama) ............ 5—The Green" Cat (comedy). eee "1000 WHEN A GIRL’S . T STAKE nig (drama) (two reels) ——_—_ t= ~ | ae ee Game Gen Gee (With Fred > @—The Stone Heart (drama) sheen . 1000 = saa pened iene (erama) (two 00 —5. 8 aaa ous senenbtans seane sbeocauaene 6 8 S—live’« Grestest Opportunity (drama) .1000 s0_The ram AB oh Bay ).-..+2 -2008 pening dir ang Ana sescat 10—The Life History of a Silk Worm ) (two reels)..2~w | INDEPENDENT FEATURE FILM ith, seme feduc.) (eplit reel) .....6.sceeeceee . oan Cc now % branch. ne 1 A Clean Slate (drama).......... 19000 OM IPANIE 8. 10—The Tailor’s Bill (comedy) (split reel) 690] 2—He Gave Him a Million (comedy) 12—The —— jlory of Clementina (drama) (two (aplit reel) ....... : A 400 ALCO FIL} FILM 00. i. Se Lalem pha Melly Da ARIE 2000] 2—-wWhat ‘orgot (comed Dece a . at py 3 Who Bast Books peeaen) 1000 4—Patsy Eicon No, 2 medy), ceplit reel) eww 14 The Three of Us (drama) n the Plumber's Grip (comedy)....... low 5—The New Editor (comed AA ia, 21—Tillie’ weer eeeneee $6—The Needs of Commerce (educ.) ...... 1000 y) (split reel) 400 e's Punctored Romance (comedy) 17—A ee Elopement (comedy) (split ae eerie en ee 600 — GEERT) «00 ree rrccccccecs 130 W 46th st., nEW YORK. Sb eUReeys ceded been eeserrecesey er Ki @rama) (two reels)... The Their Happs U ittie iicme Coomeays wes arg wae eee ®. 0 reels)... 2000 4—The Garden of Lies (drama) (five ree}s) 21—The ~~ of the Cross (drama) (Faa EL _ Pere S—Laove'e, Savage Hate (drama). pect ee FILMS CORPORATION. oo. Kirby (dram a? ») Coreen RENE oda bs Svcenor sivas tdettacas "2000 13—Patay Bolivar ‘No. S (comedy).-.......2000| Gasteapiees) (ve welsh we gy FE sat ‘ we hd} y Oy (drama)... 1000] 12—Baseball and Trouble comedy) ;-++s+++-3000 | —-tThe Man Who Could Not Lose (drama) 2s—cinderelia "(aru (Famous Players) ee ae eee: S tue.) epllt g| 1S Whes, Honor Wakes (drama) | (twe Tey 3 Xe 81—The aiilion (4raiiai (Pamoaw’ Players PO gs ETT pongs ceseeeeceeee+-2000| —When Fate Leads Tromp (drama) (F = mous mdpeadlag * ertertrearerrrt Reesek Negpe2)—potholes teeeee a Me chores ee co Sci a ties ab den aineingh eeee ose seeeeeceeenes * a rama) (Cosmos) — rl 23-—From a Life of Crime (arama). ---;1000| 18—dut of the Storm (arama). <---.-.-..1000 (five reels) .......-0. 00-02 o-oo es iden aa A, a Deenrerreersertr reer es af ee eee? Cee eee Cana) on) Cie 11—the Dancing Git] {drama} (amons ~The Pest of the Neighbort od (comed . Na te teens POPS eee eee eee eeeeeese = rama mous DUDE EE "tL ccenenshuserebeceses oo a Stubb's Pen (comedy) “jepiit reel) 400] | —The Truth Wagon (drama) (Master1¢—Avrere Letsh't a Fe 26—The Life of Abraham Lincoln (arama) 18 Gus and yh IE oy PEE sand ~ ey’ ee — (Smetiers) —_ Opens cortinemagss. Srsroannm 2000 : Anarchists (comedy) eptie Chapter (drama) (Favorite 18—The Morais of Marcus (drama) oom —_, e TAMA) .....6-505TR tact alec hntpst sae chhd 0 sees S—The Experiment (¢ 1000 19—Cupid s Target (comedy) (split reel). Se January ee Players) (five reels) iene) (ome men ESSANAY. oes Saag Suthers (neue) Saad 4s the Ghafow (érema)............ a a Romance (Grama) (Lasky) ii ae iit dinehebebweesdnetest .2000 coccecccce Two Dinky alittle Drames of @ Non21—In Her Mother's 1 Footsteps. (drama) acute PHOTOPLAYS. 25—The De Goose G Giri “(arame) “(Lasky) (fre ou! ( 7) ie il oa al eo weocose = «. + -2000 © eee eee $1—Shatevile’y Rising Bons (comedy) ...1000 | 32—A, Question of Conscience (drama). ..-1000 ee, oe *—Alave vee) (eamea) "hasty Laakions 3 com Kia ae Se eOCCCOOSOE SES SEL OEE SESeLcEeees PPP eee ee ee a S—Petmy belver He.6 (omen)... ‘ooo | Tbe, Witness ~~ rel coemaeenl a ve Shanty of Trembling Hil (drama) 26—Greenbacks and Redskins (comedy)...1000| —he Aviator Teaiter ¢Bliakborn-drama} en Eee Ghgaee Sup. 2—troneho billy and the acaped Bandit | (thnge meld) on css cares 900 (tres reels Falter “iabors aaa) ¢—he’ Lore, Bests Gdvema)” (Wemens rouche Billy and the Recaped Bandit 1000 | pay tere, POC) cess nase. $a6neseuceecdnecceesbe ma move tsi daa” ongcaneges core ; 28—In Her Mother's Footsteps (drama) tel PATHE. 8—Her Trinaph (drama)” Pameus Play. Arete The Langu eee eee ) 8 u a 1000 | 20 age of the Dumb (arama) She —Thi Years i ers) (five reels) .....s.sseeeeeeees he Gallantey” of Jimmy “Rogers (comeae 30—Another Shade of Green (comedy)....1000 me (three lp gpeemedetereed von te ~" a (drama) (Bosworth) eT Se Dpenceres Be years urna. ‘olte of Jealousy (comedy ; aoeer saree Bp) coccccccccscesececececs Kubes (comedy) ....... a December— —, A es Accuser (drama) (two nis (fi y > (arama) “(LaskyBelasco) 7—The Battle of Snakeville (comedy): ::°1000 31—The Siege of Liege (comedy) ........ ec eescesesssesees eee 18—A "e a ar ee p-taae Warren's Ward (drama) (two SS ohee eeeee —The. ausiity” ‘of “Mercy (drama) ‘(two aean —_— stg inure “(arama | ee . >|) Merrerrrerirrrtere rrr tree seen ee 2000 ee ng (com Aono peusiabeeonseeneceses eeccccccce ail waneenee i ®—Broncbo Billy and the Claim Jumpers 14—Distilled Spirits (comedy) awe : —The _ = Leopard (comedy)..... 21 _— ——— (drama) (Famous Phay; —— per eres Sere ee see ee 4000 | 21—Dare-devil Harry (comedy) —Some Nonpoisonous Snakes (educ.).. s—t y and SED scvcsseve : 13—Sweedie’s Guicide (comedy) Trtseeees se | 28—Behind the Bars (comedy) ......... —A_ Temperamental wales (comedy) manding Officer | * (arama) PR 12—By a Strange Road (drama)..........1000 | Fe>ruary— (two reels) ....+... a, SuSE) (ee enete...... ff v4 13—-The Fellow Who Had a Friend Who 4—In the Palmy Days (comedy)....... Pe —When Wealth Aspired (Grama) (three 1—The G ’ Lasky , # Knew a Girl Who Had a Friend eng SETS ee ines ; Ji awl li z) _S See SELIG. —The Star of Genius (drama) (three Belasco) (five reels) .......eseeese08 At tee pe ppery ‘Sim "Weat for the og | Soa The Old Letter (drama)....-..........1000 Pay ye Oy ee Mountain (ara Re ee FEE GD. HO fi 16—Dest O14 Girl (drama) {two reela) ...2000 ——News Pictorial (news). .1000 (four reels) .. ccccceee érame} 26-—The Black Envelope ain FR heme v -~ = ~ we Sve -1000 1—Wipe Yer Feet (comedy a _ (comedy. aes Cae —— wie Seg cla vt hy eee 4 oe A covsccncccces BRD] 8 «—«-_FBEBBD oe ccccccccccccccccvcccccsees onvict BBB ’ on eee ae. Tartiey (comedy: coo} * The MA Ry = 000 a The Red msienes iss. Whites (comedy) a eteeeeenseseeseensenees wee sit —— i £é . § ie -aiieiemana * Yeas °°00 st cce ce 1 (drama tw _— r rage (drama) (two anuary— See te eee eeee 20—tiifauiting Tillie and Her Piain Parents 4—Hearst-Sellg. News Pietoriai’ ‘(acwa) .3000 Bester Rabid Rarvit 22—~The Three Black Trumps (drama) (four ati $1—sentimenta” opie "jcmnedsy ”7.:“1o0n S—A Militant — Schoolma’am (comedy: me: — Ay Baye Tunt ‘and Ging a ere Saossunenge date Hild —The Lieutenant Governor (drama) (two @-t5 tao ibe of uty Garena eee] te Mountain’ (arama) (five ~ = liveliaradved =. bi : 23—Broncho ‘Billy and the Baby (arama). eee 7—Hearst-Selig News Pictorial (news). ..1000 —nhe Lite of Ov Savior (drama) (seven a x Sees i a 25—Two Hearts ‘That Beat as Ten (comS Thr Stresases Life (comedy) .........2000 SEE ‘osticuttncans t (drama) (coven he Black Envelope (arama) (four ee: ee we Beek oe. ~ speseuenoescteses ndetependonneebechecassbe sone i 2e—At the End of a Perfect Day (drama). “jou 11—The Ola Code” Srouretstcesrsncessserenmany §6=6 Eee & Eke plan rama) (three reels) » eae FILM OORPORATION. = he Fable of the Syndicate Lover 13—-enepe elie ‘Slows Pictorial — 57a —Nick Winter and the Mysterious Bank — Ye Sow (dra comedy) .. seonscoonstOO® 12—Harold’s Bad Man (comedy (drama) (three reels) ....... % 28—The Pit (drama) (five reel eeeepagy 28—When sit Slippery ‘Slim Bought ‘the ¢ ooo | er The Richest Girl in the Waeha taramalion | ~The Birth of Plants (edue.) ....00... —— (ave eela) 2220000) cecccece eoecee 14—Hearst-Seli f . “Ambition of the Baron. (drama) 15—Thbe Ry Mg “to00 November— RINESOPROTE. ee } = ead _ wee ne Ca oe ee eee $6_etert Thoms Poke al te : " g3569000s6unS 0s vccees ve 20—Bronch 2000 rama) ....1000 — beets of the Popp: 1—Deep Purple (drama ......... omy © Billy and the False Note (ara oo) 1H, Fighting Blood (drama) (two December ree ee oe 18—Mignon (drama) a sss Sabet ie icbice setnaeiadl s = imap estuns a Sibshice Webrwary— 18—Hearst-Selig News Pictorial (news)... eee oo aioe oe tame oe6Stnabebaeseesecce — New Sogsher feed)... -nn-nNB 19—Cactus Jim’s Shop Girl (comedy). “i000 2i—The Little Jewess laa) fare socio} Shem DP \ranectdbacschavedes dees Creed rama)...... 20— ). RAM 3—The Fable of Elvira snd Farina and the | 3 etween Nations and Night (érame)..1000| | PARAMOUNT PIOTURES CORPORATION. 1—Money (drama) (five. — Mea cket (comedy) ..........+0.. 22—Who Wants T <a : : 3 s To Re a Hero (comedy). .1000 17—Fal 15—Ol4d Dutch (comedy-dra 4—Sophie’s Home-coming (comedy)....... Ho 23—The Primitive Way (drama).........1000 ee Ce (Smalleys) (five ver 9 Jimmy we A ny (five