The Billboard 1915-02-06: Vol 27 Iss 6 (1915-02-06)

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FEBRUARY 6, 1915. ° The Billboard 57 JOS. G. FERARI SHOWS, Inc., WANT | Two shows that are of a strietly cleanly character, We will consider, in hand-carved fronts. ally meritorious Athletic Show. Lofty Rochette, write. Harry M. Strauss Show is do'ng good business, She is Amorita, the Oriental dancer, and reports that she is experiencing no trouble. In some places a dregs rehearsal is required of her, approval of ber but she always receives te censors, and she went big at the Murray Hill, New York, and at Pittsburg and Rochester. She shows, next week, at Toronto and Hamilton, Ont. : At the Wellington Louis Lee, the man who had bis name ficst In the first Billboard letter list; also Paul Prell, also ‘‘Dutchy” Garver. and, also, in company with the above none other than Louis Berger. It is credibly stated that none of the trio have had any sleep for a week. How about it? Eddie Rrown, of Rhoda Royal's royal family, was a Billboard visitor. In from New York, W. N. Kindel ang R. J. Cumniskey. En route to San Francisco from New York Joon O'Donnell, attached nowadays to the Colon'al here, was a_ Billboard caller. Mr. O'Donnell was with the Rill Show when Colonel Cody startled Europe the second time, and farther back than that was with the Barnum Show when it showed ‘‘Jumbo,"’ its famous elephant, when Randolph and Lake streets, this city, was a baseball grounds. NOTES FROM LEAVENWORTH, Leavenworth, Kan., Jan. 28.—George Bennett, who will manage the Tiip to Mars, on the Jarvis Seeman Shows, is spend'ng the winter with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wheeler. R. F. Karr. who is wintering here, wil! be with the Tom W. Allen Shows, with three shows. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wheeler died January 15, at St. John’s Hospital in this city. W. Wright, proverbial bee, ing year. Ww, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. (Rob) Martin will remain here til) the opening of the season. The S. W. Brundage Shows were granted the use of the Haymarket Square by the City Commissioners at their last meeting for their opening wees, under the auspices of the Shriners. The exact date has not been set, but will be about the middle of April. W. R. Wheeler, better known as Tex, has signed with the Jarvis-‘Seeman Shows as as. sistant electrician, George Honck has opened a boarding house for Bedouins, opposite the Parker factory. Touls Traband has returned to Chicago. He will l'kely be with Wortham & Allen. Joe Conley left for Shreveport, La., to superintend the construction of the new Tom W. Allen Shows. Joe Lacey ix organizing a new Rallin’ the Jack Company, which he will place with one of the big coravans, Miss Helen Ratchford is working considerable new stock fer the Ratchford Show. ~ Count Wm. Jarvis and the American Kaiser, Adolph Seaimon, are very busy men these days, judging from their frequent trips between Kansas City and the cadital of the world, and indications are (from what they have booked) — be the show of all shows en tour during Teavenworth has another coming educated horse showman in Arthur Johnson, who has a pair of two-year-old colts that are hard to beat. Rodney N. Crail signed up his pit show with the S. W. Brundage Shows, with which he was last season, Mella Brothers, fromerly with the Tom W. Allen Shows, have leasea therr dining car to The Leavenworth is here and as busy as the lining up things for the comHarry is going to have a swell] 25-car the Jarvis & Seamon Shows. @fice of Jarvis & Seamon is located at Mella Bros.’ Cafe, and, by the way, all troupers will receive a hearty welcome and a good meal at this cafe. The big carry-us-all that Is to go with the Rells-Floto Circus is admired by the many visitors at the Parker factory, ard it is predicted thet many will carry machines of the same tind in a few years.—NORMAN CORLETT. KENNEDY GETS QUINCY, ILL. wuizcy, Ill., Jan. 27.—A. H. Barkley, business : anager of the Con T. Kennedy Shows, was here lest Thursday and signed up with the Quincy erie of Bagles to furnish the attractions for its carnival, week of May 17-22, As it was the Understanding last fall’ that no more carnivals Would be allowed on city streets, it ie likely this one will be given in a park, although this Point has not been decided, Performe business; also useful people in all departments. Electrician who can excepting wheels. You will find our route and treatment the best. more 60-foot Flat Cars. All must be in best of condition and pass M. ‘ter, capable of entertaining ay the highest class patronage. addition, a proposition from some showman thoroughly qualifie For these, we will furnish elaborate and competent to produce an exception Owner of an up-to-date Ferris Wheel desiring lucrative contract, write. Two Free Acts, including High Dive. rs for Ghost Show—-those with ig er preferred. Tell what you have in first letter. CO-OPERATIVE FAIR ACTS . THE FAIR ACT The Sensational Barkers ba nde OOSTER. COMBINATION OF OLD MOTHER GOOSE AND HER DANCING HIGH, FANCY AND TRICK DIVING, INCLINE GEESE. ROLLER SKATING RIDE THRO’ FIRE. Address CARE BILLBOARD, CHICAGO. RABBIT PANTOMIME, BUNNY HUG DANCE. Address CARE THE BILLBOARD, CHICAGO. PILLOVW TOPS MR. WHEELMAN: Get a FLYING*START this season by using a PILLOW TOP that will GO when others fail--TRY US FOR YOUR OPENING ORDER. Many LARGE, NEW and BRIGHT air-brush designs—color combinations with the KICK. QUANTITY PRICES that are RIGHT. rite or wire. Mr. Trench will be in Chicago Feb. 10 with full line of sampies. DE MAR MFG. CO., Inc. Our New Home-—270 North Division Street, P. O. Box 2. BUFFALO, N. Y. W AN Rice & Dore Water Carnival EU and Floating Exposition Opening Near Pittsburg, Pa., | | ‘Saturday, April 24th, And playing the principal cities on the Ohio, Mississippi and Illinois rivers, one, two and three-day stands. A-1 Advertising Program Solicitor, Man for Advertising Banners, Society Dancers, Diving Girls, Troupe Rus sian Dancers, Oriental Dancers and Musicians. (Hash Hash and Amy Snyder, write.) BAND M EN Who double orchestra; Piano Players, doubling brass; two Trap Drummers, for B. & O.; also men playing brass, for Games and various Concessions on excursion steamers. (All Musicians address V. WARD, Coyle, Okla.) Fat Girl and Living Skeleton, or very slim man, for Marine Pit Show. (Address B. H. McINTYRE, General Delivery, Houston, Texas.) Can use smal] Crys tal Maze. Have 180 feet of space left for anything except Fiat Joints or the fol CONCESSIONS lowing, which have been sold exclusively: Dolls, Cook House, African Dip, Palmist, Ice Cream Cones, Long Range Gallery, Peanuts and Popcorn, Big Ben Clocks, and all Excursion Boat Privileges. Diagram of deck drawn to correct scale, together with full information as to terms, etc., mailed on application. Room for 7,000 people at one time. No hauling. No setting up or tearing down. No muddy lots. Locations invariably in business section of city. Lights and transportation included. Something new and something people will come to see. Address RIVER EXPOSITION CoO., 203 Schiller Bidg., Chicago, III. BOXING KANGAROOS Male Lion, 9 years old, $300. Young Forest-bred Lions, Leopards, Russian Bears, for training. ZEBRAS CAMELS LOUIS RUHE, 2483 Grand Street, New York. TWO-ABREAST PARKER CARRY-US-ALL And Stateroom Car, with manager’s living room and kitchen, located in Texas, for sale or lease. Also complete Twenty-Car Carnival, comprising Cars, Wagons, Shows, etc.; Carry-Us-All, Ocean Wave and Ferris Wheel also, if desired. A good buy for party acting quick. Entire Carnival located in Montgomery now; overhauled and ready for the H. T. FREED, Box 286, Montgomery, Alabama. Sober and reliable Train-master who fully understands his andle Warner and Excellor arcs. Will place legitimate concessions of all kinds, WANTED, TO BUY— T'wo 60-foot Box and three C. B. inspection. JOS. G. FERARI SHOWS, Inc., Mariners Harbor, N.Y. UNDER THE MARQUEE. (Continued from’ page 23.) Ben Austin and Jake Neumann met in CincinDati last week. Rue Enos, the funny clown, who is working vaudeville out of St. Louis, has signed with Jones Brothers. The Robinson Famous Shows will be enlarged to twenty-seven cars next season. Both Myr. Mugivan and Mr. Bowers will be with it. The body of ‘‘Babe,’’ one of the two hippopotamuses owned by the Barnum & Bailey Cir cus, which died at the winter quarters of the show in Bridgeport, Conn., January 14, was présented to the American Museum of Natural History of New York. ‘‘Babe’’ was about 60 years old, weighed four tons, and had bees with the B. & B. Show for about 30 years. Arch Donaldson visited Jerry Mugivan at Peru, Ind., January 27. Tom Rube Walters has signed with Ernest Haag’s Mighty Shows for next season. He will — the show from come-in to concert as only ean. The Hagenbeck-Wallace tiger that raised ald the row at the New York Hipp. arrived safely at the winter quarters at Carthage! January 25 Geo. C. Moyer, who will pilot the Rotinsom Famous Shows this coming season, was a Bill board caller (Cincinnati office) January 26. Al W. Hill, formerly with Gentry Bros.’ advertising car, is wintering in Middletown, O., and is an official of high standimg at the Sorg Theater, being promoted from stage carpenter to stage manager. Hill is figuring on taking out a wagon show when the tenting season opens, Among the other show people wintering in Middletown are Wm, (Jocko) Botts, also formerly of the Gentry Shows, and Frank Gillesp‘e, animal trainer. Jocko says: ‘‘No more Harmount Tom Shows, me for the yellow car.”” He fs superintendent of the upstairs at the Sorg Theater, having charge of the flies. Gillespie is an officer at the Sorg. Theater, and certainly has the bums working, for every time he says, ‘“‘Hats off.’’ they all laugh at him. Some day Frank will make a good John Law man. He is also preparing to break a dog and pony act for Bradley’s Trained Animal Shows for the coming season. Walter VauHorn, who for the past two months bad charge of Thurston’s Curio Hall, has resigned to accept a positicn with a burlesque show. He wi’) assist Warren B. Irons in front of the side-show with the Hagenbeck-Wallace Show the coming season. The Great Mizpah Selbini, England's greatest lady spade jumper, ju‘gler and lightning trick tumbler, will be a feature with the HagenbeckWallace Shows the coming season. For the past three years Cleveland LaRue has been connected with the Miller Bros.’ 101 Ranch Motion Picture Department. This winter he decided to take a short vacation at hia home in Knoxville, Tenn, Last week several of the farmers called upon him to break some bronchos, one of which was sixteen years old and feared by everybody. Clev. was game and rode it successfully, but while trying to break ir to harness the broncho jammed its head into a telephone pole and broke its neck. A ease of the broncho be'ng ‘‘dead’’ bioke. Through the death of Jerry Daly the show world has lost one of its noblest men—a map in every sense of the word—honorabe and gen erous. Once a friend, always a friend. Mr. Daly was a public defender to many a poor human falsely accused of something. He was conceded to be the greatest circus privilege man that bas ever ved, and was }oved by his employes, He despised a knocker. He loved bis friends, and as he jived he died—upholding his friends. Men will come and men will go, but there was only one Jerry Daly. D. M. Spaya has joined Chicago Lodge Na 44, Loyal Order of Moose. Mr. Spayd will be ahead of Gollmar Bros, in the capacity of lithographer next season. The surest way to increase your salary is to cut out the booze. THE WALLETT FAMILY EQUESTRIANS and EQUESTRIENNES Engaged Season 1915 with = . J. AUGUSTUS JONES, Esq. ee nmwenrouiens