The Billboard 1916-06-03: Vol 28 Iss 23 (1916-06-03)

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INVESTIGATION INTO AFFAIRS OF WHITE RATS STILL LINGERS Four Years of Probing by A. F. of L. Without a Decision Turn Investigation Into Farce and ‘‘Showdown’’ Is Due Attempts To Bring Insurgents Into Line Have Failed New York, May 29.—For more than four years, since February, 1912, to be exact, President Samuel Gompers and the Federation of Labor have been conducting an investigation of the White Rats Actors’ Union of America. A preponderance of evidence to show the crookedness within the White Rats has been presented and yet the investigation is today as big a joke as ever. During the fouryear period there have been numerous conferences between officials of the American Federation of Labor and repre-entative of the various theatrical organizations, primarily the White Rats and the so-called Insurgents, better known as the Actors’ International Union. Time after time The Pillboard has pointed out to President Gompers and his aides the iniquity which has and still prevails within the White Rat ranks due to the presence and uninterrupted reign of a clique, and yet the A. F. of L., for some reason or other, has seen fit, so far, to refrain from bringing its investigation to a head and either taking up the White Rats’ charter or giving them a clean bill of health. Is this farce to continue indefinitely? That is the big question which the vaudeville actors—those who have the real interests of the profession at heart—are anxious to know. They have been fooled time and time again. They have been juggled about like toys, and they are beginning to et disgusted with the entire procedure, During the last week there have been frequent conferences between the actors’ organizations and the heads of organized labor, but so far as can be ascertained the controversy is no nearer a solution that it was when the first investigation of White Rat rottenness was instituted fifty-one months ago. One of these conferences, for the expressed purpose of bringing the warring factions together and restoring harmony, was held on Tuesday, but like all other conferences of a similar nature it was productive of no results. Officials of the A. F. of L. have of late endeavored to induce the Actors’ International Union (In (Continued on page 11) FRANCIS WILSON Well-known star, who was re-elected president of the Actors’ Equity Association. ACTORS’ EQUITY MEMBERSFAVOR ALLIANCE WITH FED. OF LABOR No Connection Is Sought With White Rats Actors’ Union And Affiliation Probably Will Be Under Separate Charter Francis Wilson Re-Elected President at Annual Meeting New York, May 29.—At the annual election this afternoon of the Actors’ Equity Association, in addition to the choosing of officers for the ensung vear, the membership, by an overwhelming majority, voted tn favor of he proposition of affiliating with the American Federation of Labor. The total vote cast numbered more than 1,300 for and but 20 against affiliation. The officers chosen, there being no opposition to the slate as prepared some weeks ago by the nominating committee, follow: Wilson; viceMcRae; correspond President, Francis president, Pruce ‘ng secretary, Howard Kyle; record‘ing secretary, Grant Stewart; treasurer. Richart A. Purdy: councilmen to serve for three years, Edwin Arden, George Arliss, Arthur Pyron, Frank Gillmore, DeWitt C. Jennings, George (Continued on page 82) WITH STERN OUT UNIVERSAL WILL ABANDON BIG EASTERN STUDIO Big U Decides To Confine Production to West Coast Rumor Persists That Spreckels Has Bought Out Laemmle But Vigorous Denial of Such Action Has Been Made New York, May 29.—Julius Stern, who, since the formation of the Universal Film Manufacturing Company, has been manager of its Eastern studios, is to relinquish his position within the next ten days, and, it is stated, will be associated with his brother in the direction and management of the L.-Ko Film Company, one of the concerns which releases its output through the Big U. In connection with the retirement from Universal of Stern, it has been persistently rumored, not only in Eastern film circles, but throughout the Coast region, that Carl Laemmle, president of the Universal, has disposed of his interests in the concern and that his only connection at present is in the capacity of managing his own individual film exchanges, which form a part of the Universal’s great chain of distributing agencies. At the same time the Universal has announced officially its plan to give up most of its production activities in the East, and its intention to confine its operations in the main at Universal City on the Pacific Coast. In its issue of April 8 The Billboard forecasted such action on the part of the Universal, and, in spite of an official denial at that time, it now develops the announcement was simply premature. With the exception of possibly three, all of the Universal's Eastern stars are to be transferred to the Coast, and with it the Universal will practically abandon its brand new $400,000 studio at Fort Lee, N. J., conceded by film experts to be one xf the most complete studios on the Atlantic seaboard. At Universal headquarters here the retirement of Stern as Eastern manager for the Universal was confirmed, but an emphatic denial was made that Car! Laemmle had disposed of his holdings in the company. From very inside sources, however, The Pillboard is informed that if he has not already done so Mr. Laemmle is, or has been, contemplating some such action. A few weeks ago newspapers on the Pacific Coast printed the statement that Yohn D. Spreckels, the California millionaire, had purchased oan interest in the Universal, and as it is not thought (Continued on page 75) ident Mr. Leonard will serve as presi of the National Vaudeville Artists until an election is held. EDDIE LEONARD HEADS THE NEW VAUDE ARTISTS’ ORGANIZATION Temporary Officers Named and Plans Made for Initial Meeting Committee Confers With Committee of Managers And Is Now at Work on Details of an Equitable Contract New York, May 29.—Eddie Leonard, one of the best-known blackface comedians in organized vaudeville, and one of the incorporators of the recently organized National Vaudeville Artists, Inc., has been chosen temporary president of the new order, to continue in office until the first annual election, which will be held some time early in June. The other temporary officers, all recognized vaudevillians, follow: Vice-president, Hugh Herbert; secretary, Henry Chesterfield; treasurer, George McKay. A conference was held on Thursday between a committee of the new organization and a committee representing the Vaudeville Managers’ Protective Association to discuss ways 'and means of meeting each other on ; common grounds for the discussion | (Continued on poege 82) | | This Issue of The Billboard is 42,000 Copies | pe nae sips. rae prac anes ae ae SF ers tn RAR AR : f : } 1 ' OE MEEIE A Ny RM Nos