The Billboard 1916-06-03: Vol 28 Iss 23 (1916-06-03)

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Fh he a IE Aha EPP SA i 5 RL ann. <otn lP calentieti or Pe nema ga Na ol Saal ND A I TR TIE” eee = S The Billboard JUNG 3, 1810 MITT od CONCESSIONS WANTED “TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF PROSPERITY” SILVER JUBILEE AND HOMECOMING WEEK Auspices New Kensington Board of Trade NEW KENSINGTON, PA., JUNE (1-17 THE METROPOLIS OF THE ALLEGHENY VALLEY THE QUEEN CITY OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY Legitimate Concessions of All Kinds Can Get a Real Week’s Work Here All Wheels open but Dolls and Bears. Exclusive Novelties, which include Badges, Souvenirs and Pennants, open, and will allow all stands needed and walking privileges. Roll-Downs, Spots, Palmistry, Candy, Soft Drinks, Cider Mill, Ring Games, all kinds Ball Games, Photos, Bowling Alley. Any concession can work. All 10-cent stores goes and also buy backs. Have several excellent locations open for good moneygetting Shows, Ocean Wave and Whip. This is not a carnival week. it is a midway of ten thousand lights, glitter and glory, with 100,000 visitors daily. The New Kensington Silver Jubilee will be the Chicago World's Fair, Pan-American and Frisco Exhibition combined as far as celebrations go in Pennsylvania for the season of 1916. Address all letters to W. H. YODER, Secy. Board of Trade, New Kensington, Pa. TMM ARENA AMUSEMENT COMPANY HIT THE TRAIL WITH US The Best 8-Car Show on the Road Look us over. Can place one Good Show and Concessions that don’t conflict, Girls for Forty-Nine Shew, one good Grinder for Ten-in-One, Agents for Concessions. This week, Masontown, Pa.; next week, Duquesne, Pa. Corner’s Orangeade aud LEMONADE (Original Powders) Comes © eee, ee a pound makes 40 gallons of delicious drink. Price, $2.50 ; sample gallon, rite Nt ‘or prices. enianans THE CORNER eR COMPANY. 250 Pennsylvania St., Buffalo, N. Y. Wanted fcr Cock House With Krause Greater Shows Man who knows how to run a Cook House and has had experience with Carnival. Will pay liberal salary to a good man. Address EMIL KELLERMAN, care Krause Greater Shows, Chester, Pa, SIDE SHOWS, TENT SHOWS, ACTS, FREAKS, ETC., WANTED All kinds of amusements for several celebrations field day events and city affairs. BIG one, TRIC FIELD DAY JUNE 24TH. Apply to CANN’S AMUSEMENT CO., 33 Central Sq., Lynn, Mass. WANTED FOR SUN BROS.’ SHOWS RELIABLE BILLPOSTERS mg 4 Calliope Player. sel! tickets: strong Cornet, low pitch; good yoga. Assistant Boss Can Boss Propertyman. —— oe Martina June tst; Sistersville, W. Va., 2d: Barnesville, 3d: Caldwell, Sth: New Comerstewn. 6th: alt Ohio. Wanted For The EMERSON SHOW BOAT eae | and finest boat op the river. Trombone and — to enlarge orchestre. day. p 6 eS aaa + ogy Sage wegen: song gy om Rising e.. Ind., Warsaw, Ky., June 3: Vevay, Ind., June 5. MODEL AMUSEMENT COMPANY Can Place Useful Carnival People Shows and Concessions write. State all first letter. Want Agent that can get results. Write or wire LORENZO D. DALEY. Route. Pekin. TIL. 29-June 3. WANTED Lagoon, Ludiow, Kentucky (OPPOSITE CINCINNATI, O.) Concessions of all kinds, Penny Arcade, Fortune Teller, Pillows, Percolators. Striking Machine, Guess Your Weight, etc. Also Shows for Theatre. Address ARTHUR R. WILBER, Ludlow, Ky. CONCESSIONS AND PRIVILEGES FOR SALE AT NEW MAJESTIC PARK, Salt Lake City, Utah. Shows and other Attractions wanted at once. Photograph Gallery and Jap Tea Garden to lease. Diving Girls wanted. Park is a free park, situated on main street of city. Address M. P. BROFFETT, Judge Bidg.. Salt Lake City. Utah. WANTED FOR WEEK OF FOURTH OF JULY BIG CARNIVAL ON STREETS OF MONTGOMERY, W. VA., AUSPICES OF FIRE DEPT. No contract considered for less than ten Paid Attractions and Riding Devices. All mines working 2 full . and money plentiful for proper amusements. Address R. L. C. MONTGOMERY, Box 308, , W. Va. SAYUUHAEAUALNONOVEOEOUOOUEUTOUEEROEEVEGEOETEOUEUOEOCEGTELEOEUEUOEOEOOEOHOEOUCTEOOE UOTE EOE EU EAS | Orpheum, San Francisco (Reviewed Sunday Matines, May 28) —-— Bayh dye aol, ae can stop us Bow. yy BONE is San Francisco, May 28.—Cold weather p d a factor in packing the house at this afternoon's performance. The bill comprised four holdovers, a return engagement for one of the acts, and four new acts. Marie Cahill, held over, competed with Bonita and Lew Hearn for laugh honors. No. 1—Willing, Bentley and Willing repeated their success of last week. No, 2—Gomez Trio, two men and a woman, Spanish peasant dancers, would put ginger into any bill Lively Spanish numbers were well put over. Seven minutes, in four; two bows. No, 3—Dorothy Toye was held over. No, 4—Joe Laurie and Aleen Bronson are back after an absence of two weeks. They again went over big. Twenty-two minutes, in one, four bows. No. 5—Marie Cahill, held over, went big, as usual, Three encores, four bows. INTERMISSION No, 6—Jim Cook and Jack Lorenz were held over. No, 7—Martin Beck's River of Souls, with Harold Hartzell, Manton Marble, Feli¢e Morris, Guy Milham and George Spelvin, is a Chinese drama well costumed, elaborately dressed and well put over. Twenty-four minutes, in four; special dragon draperies and setting; two bows. No. 8—Bonita and Lew Hearn, in bits of musical comedy, made a decided hit. Nineteen minutes, in one, to two, to one; five bows, No. 9—The Statues, four men, in a pleasing posing and acrobatic act, proved a good closer, Seven minotes, in four; two bows. No, 10—A film, entitled Winning the Desmond Trophy, showing the first automobile to enter Yosemite this season. Ten minutes.—BOZ. Colonial, New York (Continued from page 7) spot, and Manager Darling showed that he knew his business when he put them there. Nineteen minutes, in one; four bows and two encores. No. 10—Burdella Patterson, she of the wonerful figure, closed the show in a series of artistic poses, in which some beautiful pictures were shown, with herself as the central figure. It is greatly to ber credit that the audience remained seated almost in its entirety. Closing the strongest bill of the season Miss Patterson did splendidly. Eleven minutes, full stage; three curtains.—VAL. Majestic, Chicago (Continued from page 7) tumes are displayed by Miss Kirk during the act. Twenty-one minutes, in one; eight bows. No. 6—A Regular Business Man, John Stokes’ Playlet, presented by William Gaxton and Company, contains much rapid-fire comedy, with a slight touch of the dramatic. A young lawyer's office furnishes the setting, and his sudden realization that he must make good or lose his sweetheart, who is also his stenographer, furnishes opportunity for some good work, The various roles are well handled, and the number goes big. Seventeen minutes, in four; four curtains, No, 7—Lillian Fitzgerald and Henry Marshall were one of the hits of the afternoon. This clever and attractive comedienne fairly bubbles with personality, and her singing and comedy were both fully appreciated. The work of Marshall, both at the piano and singing, also gained approval. Several attractive and startling gowns are worn by Miss Fitzgerald. Twenty minutes, in one; four bows and an encore. No, 8—Dorothy Jardon, character singer, simply stopped the show. Every number was applauded to the echo. Miss Jardon has a powerful voice of great range and purity and the ebility to make her work count, as was shown by the fact that the andience was still clamoring for more at the conclusion of her act. Twentytwo minutes, in four; curtains and bows innumerable. No. 9—Al Lydell and Bob Higgins, In A Priend of Father's, have a comedy containing many langhs. The rural make-up was good, and the work of both boys appreciated. Singing and chatter went over nicely, and the close, with both jigging, called for three bows. Seventeen minntes, in two, No. 10—The Four Readings offered one of the most sensational head and hand balancing acte seen here for some time. The main feature of the act was the work two members 4!d while Diindfolded, They easily held the honse, and gained applanse thronghont the act. Ten minutes, in four.—WALTER, MINE HOST, PAP SHAW, DIES Baltimore, May 29.—Christopher Shaw, known to theatrical people who have in the old days stopped at his famous “Shaw Tlouse” in Bal. timore, died at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening from a stroke of paralysis, He was 88 years old, Several years ago the old man signed away his control of the place, but he continued to live there. In the days of ite glory It was one of the most popular theatrical hotels in the country. jucst. Bend PUBLISHING co., York. (Dept. B.) THE REAL GOLD MINE OF FUN MADIS N’S BUCGET NO. 16 Price one dollar. Contains 12 original mono logues, 8 great acts for two males and 7 for male and female; a bright Irish comedy, 16 wonderful parodies, 4 crackeriack minstrel first-perts, a screaming tabloid comedy, beal VAUDEVILLE ACTS MINSTREL and all other ENTERTAINERS should use GAMBLE’S VAUDEVILLE BOOK, containing a MINSTREL FIRST PART, 4 new MONOLOGS, 3 new Talking ACTS and & supplement of 16 brand new PARODIES on Your Wife, Baby Shoes, ETC., all just written; the whole lot $1. :—— ~ GAaMBLE’S VAUDEVILLE BOOK. $1. it. F. r. &. , SGSEN, Magician, Ne. 6 KALAMAZOO, MICH. . “MAGICIANS” pass are THE HEADQUAR‘or Handcuffs, in fact, everything Escape Line. Lerge, new illustrated Catalogue, which also —_ 7 = & ane of Novelties, pa Pusziles THustona the press. THE OAKS. MAGICAL con Dest. 329, Genheeh, v Bye vauoevite STACE ears’ experience as bo ustrated — This for us for next season. Have taken a position in another line and will sell act, copyright, at so bargaie. Cost me $200.00. Refined, clean, full of bright talk, oo leughs only. Two people, man, woman. Opportun! for each to do specialty. i 6 gem uee's om finish. Stamp for reply. Will oe script = _ with contract on receipt deposit. MAX LEE, late of \eumeane mY Lee, 706 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich WANTED PARTNER Male & female, for Road anyone outfit, I have the money. F. 8. CHANN, care Billboard Pub. Co... Cincinnati, Obte. PIANO PLAYER and LONGHAIRED INDIANS WANTED can do specialties or work in acts preferred. Rilty ‘Emerson, please 1 sent you: MURDOCK BROS., Am steruam, Obto SUCCESSFUL SKETCHES uly finished Original Lyrics, Music written. ED WILSON, 241 W. 1300 St.. New York WANTED BAND ACTORS Trombone, one Tuba, one Bass ne one “double piano, others stage, No speclalties, no parades, Seuboote or Character Woman. Long season in houses. Not going to close. Join on wire. CENTRAL AMUSEMENT CO., Mason City, Ia. B. F. I know Jericho, June 1, WANTED—Doubles, Song and Dance or Novelty. Prefer those doubling Piano, nights, Strong, good — Fat lot. Salary low, an it sure, State all AK first. Address B. N. CHIO, Mer Stony Ridge, SEWELL HALCYON PLAYERS, Under canvas, want quick, Tall Heavy Man, double Instrument or Rass Drum W. C. Hodgess, wire. Address THOMAS H, SEWELL, Metamora, Ohio. oo be say 29-30; Smithfield, Ky., May 31 WANTED—Calliope Player, Blackface Comedian, Medicine People, Acrobats -. P| amateurs considered, State a7 te Ses =, Join on wire, Lucky Tul 1 Greater | Hippodrome Falcon, Col.