The Billboard 1916-06-03: Vol 28 Iss 23 (1916-06-03)

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JUNE 8, 1816. The Billboard 11 Handsomely Uniformed Exhibitional Costumes White and Gold. Traveling Suits Purple and Silver. Cream of the Musical World. Repertoire of SADIE JUNE MATTHEW and Her LADIES’ GRAND MILITARY BAND SADIE JUNE AND CONCERT COMPANY THE GREATEST DRAWING CARD AND BOX OFFICE ATTRACTION IN EXISTENCE. PARK AND FAIR MANAGERS, SEND FOR OPEN TIME Under direction of Sadie June Matthew, America’s Great Dramatic _Directress, traveling in her own Pullman car. Grand Parades by Auto, etc. Military Band MADAM VON ZIEBER MATTHEW and her Ladies’ THE WORLD’S MOST FAMOUS BAND Music Unexcelled. mone ee Cc Refined Lady Latest in Musica! Artists, This band is composed of twentyInstruments. } five real musicians, each and every a Musical Treat, one an artist on her instrument. The Every one Featuring band presents a most beautiful apan Artist. Madam pearance in their exhibition costumes of Gold and White, and are by far the Any number of pieces furnished. Worth Hearing. Grand Opera, Descriptive, Dramatic, Modern and Ragtime Selections. Von Zieber, the World’s Greatest Military Band Prima Donna. Don’t Miss Booking This Great Attraction. AMERICA’S GREAT DRAMATIC DIRECTRESS. SS SI EE best attraction of the season. repertoire of music, embracing classical, Programs arranged and played upon request. this attraction early, wire or write at once for terms and dates. Address 300 Madison Ave., Billboard, A large standard and popular music. Managers wishing to book SADIE JUNE MATTHEW, Lancaster, Ohio. After June 15, address SADIE JUNE MATTHEW, Cincinnati, Ohio. INVESTIGATION INTO AFFAIRS OF WHITE RATS STILL LINGERS (Continued from page 3) eurgents) to bang the hatchet and go back into the White from which they withdrew when the F-.1 began to develop in the latter organization. How can the American Federation of Labor consistently make such a request when it hag been proven, and only recently again, that the Actors’ International Union has the unquallGed support ef erganized labor, something the White Rats never had and never could get under existing conditions? The White Rats never have and never will live up to Union principles. Perhaps it has not occurred to Mr. Gompers that he can not longer continue to cover up the White Rats without making himself and the American Federation of Labor appear a party to the iniquity. The Billboard again reiterates its statement to Mr. Gompers of March 18, titled ““A Way Out of the Rat Trap,” as being the only possible solution to the disgraceful condition of affairs sow existing in the amuse-™ent work), in reference to performers’ afi «ion with organized labor. For the benefit of Mr. Gompers and his aides we will repeat The Billboard's suggestion herewith: “With the White Rats clamoring for the so-called legitimate actors, screen actors, cabaret entertainers and others in the amusement field to affiliate with that organization; with the Actors’ Equity Association seeking a branch charter in the American Federation of Labor, with strife and animosity uppermost on all hands. The Billboard takes this opportunity of offering the one and only possible solution, and a clear way out of the Rat Trap. The sesathne to complete harmony and understanding is this: “Organize the entire amusement world {nto one great international body, under an American Federation of Labor charter, then, giving each of the various branches of the profession, such as the vaudeartists, the legitimate actors, motion picture actors, stock and repertot-e actors, burlesque actors, tent show performers, cabaret entertainers, and any and all ‘others. a branch charter, thereby enabling each separate organization to Preserve its identity, and at the same time place them under the provisions BILLY MEEHAN WITH YANKEE DOODLE eras. Of ie meas a ihe Renee e Kent hed « = Emery Monk ucky Fair be will be Mana and Ohio are — invited to attend this Meeting. Concessions of +, wanted, and the membae the seen at Exnery Hotel on above date. For t formation, te A.W. SHIRLEY, ‘Clreutt PARK MANAGERS, SOTISSs gULY 4TH OPEN : CAPT. L. D. BLONDELL, AND Mis BIG WATER CARNIVAL. The oldest Park Attraction AND GREATEST ae CARD IN a. Swimming F Lectures on Life Saving, Destruction of Ships, Marine | ireworks, Battie Scenes In the War Zones, ‘ul Ship Models for Publicity. a at Buckeye Lake, Ohle, ey May 2ist. Educational and a Exnioitions. Endorsed all Steam and Interurban Ges. Holder of U. S. Endurance Address L. D. BLONDELL, Billboard, or Brown's Hotel, » iat Onie. WANTED FOR HOWE’S GREAT LONDON SHOWS SIDE SHOW FREAKS OF ALL KINDS Oriental Dancing Girls, Colored Musicians and Minstrel People, experienced Harncesmaker Address Linten, N. D., June 9th; Mandon, 10th; Steele, 12th; Valley City, 13th. Rush. ..National Exposition Shows.. Uniformed Band at once. $100.00 per ae more concessions or good shows with own outfits. STEVE Tt. MULCAHY, Pemervy, Ohio. WANTED FOR THE GREAT SOUTHWESTERN: SHOWS tee Bend, 8 oreigners preferred. Cn tee sem sen Must be sober, a hustler, and ted with Northwest : States. Shows wanted. same. a lace a few more coneetten, Address BURCKART AND MILLER, this ys Clyde, i eau week, F . Neb, For Sale—Complete Tented Theatre ; Beemery; 11 VW hh and it every Tuesday. Can 544+ attractions at present. oR lh ems high; 160 Folding Chai, Sam Drum, 200 feet extra : and IF ~~ Sledges, Stake Puller; in f everything ready to sel as a whole separate. If you haven't the money for a real outfit. save your stamps. W. BENNER, Mt. ‘Sterting, Onle. and protection of the A. F. of L. Each different branch could have representation in a central committee, along similar lines to the ©. F. U. “Such action would forever eliminate any possibility of friction between any of the individual branches of the international body, giving to each branch the right to name its own officers and conduct its own affairs, or, in other words, local autonomy for each branch, without Interference from any of the other branches, and be the one and only means for bringing about barmony—if such a thing ts possible-—-itn the ranks of the entire amusement world."’ A. FP. of L., not under a branch White Rat chaster, but under a separate and individual bratch charter, giving to each body local autonomy and foll jurisdiction over its own af irs. And it is also a safe bet to assert, and with emphasis, that the Actors’ International Union and any other branch of the amusement world will never go inte the White Rats’ organization as a body. as Harry Mountford learned last week when he offered to take in the insurgents «nd the Actors’ Union without initiation dues or fees, only to be turned down as not being wortb the price. It is pitiful that ench a strong organization as the A. F. of L. cannot see its way clear to completing its investigation of the Rats, and The Billboard wishes to again go on record as predicting that po matter what the outcome of the controversy Harry Mountford and the White Rat clique never will be eucceasful in their attempt to have the Actors’ Equity Association. the Actors’ Society, the Screen Clad or any other organization of the theatrical world, subservient to it. by existing under a brench charter from the White Rata. It is @ pretty aafe gamble that the Actors’ Equ'ty. the Actors’ Soc'ety and other organisations will be affillated with the forever putting an end to the existence of what fe conceded to be the most rotten condition of affairs in the history of any organized body. Perhaps if Mr. Gompers were twenty years younger he would have disposed of the matter long before this. Al Pitcher, gymnast and contortionist. has joined the La Son Vaniderille Company, dong his frog act as a feature. WHITE RATS ARE NOW = FOR $13,400 BY LAW FIR (Continued from page og the actor; they have no $10,000 a year officials who work only for their own personal advantage, and whose sole interest in the theatrical profession is what they can get out of it. When the membership of the White Rats awakens to a realization of conditions and eliminates Mountford and his clique, then, and not until then, will come the dawn of ideal vaudeville in this country. The so-called first-class houses in England, as referred to by Mountford, offer a quality of entertainment about on a par with the so-called second-class houses of this country, and proof of this is had in the fact that fully fifty per cent of the performers who play the higher class British oo are booked in what Mountford calls second-class American houses, where they get more salary than in the English so-called first-class houses. The American houses called by Mountford as second-class are the Colonial, the Alhambra, the Orpheum, the Bushwick, and others of the Keith Circuit.’ Are there any better vaudeville theaters in the world? Mountford forgets to state that in the first-class houses in England the performers are obliged to work ‘‘turns.*’ which means that the actor has to work two, sometimes three different theaters each night vfour to six shows altogether) in order to get one week's full salary. But then that is just another illustration of ‘Harry's ambiguous statements, wherein he uses what part of the truth suits him for his own arguments and omits the truths which more than offset his arguments against. The latest mirth emanating from White Rat headquarters here is the announcement of the contemplated formation of a battalion to be affiliated with the National Guard of the State. All of the clique, including Mountford, are mentioned as being included in the roster of the battalion, despite the fact that only Ameri. ean citizens can become a part of the National Guard of any State, but such a mere trifle evidently doesn’t bother the British adji-dictator of Ratdom. To the average layman, and, to the responsible performer, it looks like another case of ‘brass band."’ The annual meeting of the White Rats is ealled for Monday night, June 5, at which time the members may rightfully expect a financial statement. If it is not forthcoming they should demand it, especially an itemized account of the agitator’s late Western trip. verified and sworn to. They should not take Mountford’s word or that of any other member of the clique that it is correct until they have thoroughly inquired RAFACE P STAYS I into it. >