The Billboard 1916-06-03: Vol 28 Iss 23 (1916-06-03)

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| 2 Sin ation leet te I fe {i 18 The Billboard JUNE 38, 1916. THE WHITE LIST OF VAUDEVILLE AGENTS THIS LIST IS REVISED AND CORRECTED WEEKLY. Abbrevistion. Boston Thestrical end Lyeeum Pureau. (bt&lb) 63 Oourt st, Mre. E4é Kelly, mgr. oan United Booking Otices. luc..... (ebo) Keith's Bijou, Arcade Bidg. Botebia's Bucking OTe ..ccrccccveces (bbe) 22 Tremont st. Loew, Marcus, Booking Agepcy........ (loew) Theater Bidg.; Fred manager Paragon Booking Offices.......--..--(pe) 26 Tremont et.; W. H. Woite, mgr. Quingiey’s Theater Agency.......cosoe §©=—6 ta) ls BUFFALO, B. ¥. McMabon & Dee (m&4) 245 Washington et. Bus, Gos, Lovking Exchange........... (sun) 726 Brisbane Bidg.; J. W. Todd, mgr. (aMliat tec Co. (she) pecosccecee a Blag.; Geur; oy J. Nash, ed) Armstrong's Amusement Exchange, 204 (ase) Bebiller Barves, F. M.. IBC....--sccccccesseceos (be) North American Bldg. Chrewht 2. cece ccc cceecee ee (DutterMajestic Theater Bidg.; W. &. ButterGeld) feild, nO chtag ¢ ) i” W. woskiegtes st.; W. K. Bucb—_ ted Vaude. Exchange (ccve) 2101 BS. State st.; Martin Klein, mgr. ‘s trical] Exchauge.....-(dte) 106 N. Lae Salle st.; Lavigne & Langber, props. insBeh cosctecccoccoscesn ORD Majestic Thester Bidg.; Sem Kahl, Pitzpatrics & McElroy CB.ccccccesecces (f&m) 118 North Le Selle st. Interstate os 8 ppmaageamacad (iae) Majestic Theater Jones, Linick & Schaefer Circult........ (jlés) Bedpeth Lyceum Bureau....-.----+-++ (rib) an BE. Jeckson — pee (rae) #1 Consumers Bldg.; Ethel Robinson, Bbeldon’s idous Theatrical Booking Agency.. (stb) 121 N. Clerk et. Name and Address. Standard Booking Association ......... (sba) (Vaudeville, Burlesque and Musical Comedy), Auditorium Bldg.; Herbert Walters, mgr. Sullivan & Considine (Circuit)........ Bldg. ND CED bcdeepecccccese céaseenct (wvma) Majestic Theater Bldg.; Frank Thie len, gen. mer. United Booking Asen..........-..-.-+. (uba) 164 West Washington st., Suite 401; Zz. E. Irving, mer. United Booking Offices .............4+. (ubo) (Orpheum Circuit), Majestic Theater Bidg.: C. 8. Humphrey, mgr. Webster, Geo. Circuit ......--.-+--.. (we) Delaware Bldg.: Geo. Webster, mgr. Western Vandeville Managers’ Assn...(wvma) Majestic Theater Bldg. Wingield’s Central States Circuit..... (wese) 139 N. Clark st; James Wingfield, mgr. DALLAS, TEX. Interstate Amusement Co. ........... (inter) Automatic Telephone Bldg.; Axby A. Chouteau, Jr., gen. mgr. DENVER, COL. Jacobs. Charles, Theatrical Offices ....(Jacobs) 961 Sixteenth st. DES MOINES, IA. Midland Lyceum Bureau Bldg. (mlb) Fleming ee reer eeeneee Co-Operative Theatrical Booking Assn... Merchants’ Bank Bidg.; E. M. Eagleston, mgr. KANSAS CITY, MO. Consolidated Booking OfficeS.......s01129 Grand ave. Sanders’ Theatrical Circuit 611% East Eighth st. MILWAUVEEE, WIS. Alhambra Theatrical Exchange....... #11 Alhambra Bidg.; E. D. ‘Siegel. _ MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Consolidated Booking Offices 5% Boston Bldg. (etba) (ebo) (ste) The Booking Agencies Name and Address. NEW ORLEANS, LA. Brennan Booking Agemy......-sees 72 Maison Blanc Bidg. NEW YORK CITY Aarons Associated Theaters Keatrice Bernstein, wgr., Abbreviation. (bba) 214 W. 424 st. Amalgamated Vaudeville Agency (Moss & Prudential Circuits).............. (ava) Columbia Theater Bldg. American Burlesque Assn. (A. B. Cireuit) (abe) 1547 Broadway; Chas. E. Barton, mgr. Brady, Thomas, IRC. .....cccccccccccces (brady) 1517 Broadway. Byrne & Kirby Circuit .....sseeccoeses (Dkk) 146 Broadway. Casey & Allen Booking Agency......... (cea) 46:h and Broadway. Cleveland-Fidelity Booking Service.... (cfbs) 1402 Broadway. Columbia Burlesque Circuit ........... .» feol) Columbia Theater Bldg. Eastern Theater Managers’ Association (Vandeville and Dramatic) ......... (etma) 1476 Broadway; C. 0. Tennis, mgr. Empire Vaudeville Agency ......++++++ (emp) 112 N. 9th st. Feiber & Shea cvesedocccccccocccccs (8R8) 1493 Broadway. Ves, WE. coccecs eee eeccebocseceesces (fox) 10 W. 46th st Interstate Amusement (Co............. (inter) Palace Theater Bldg.; Cecilia Bloom, mgr. Knickerbocker Theatrical Enterprises... (kte) Gaiety Theater Bldg. Loew, The Marcus (Booking Agency)... (loew) Putnam Bldg. Ohio Circuit Co...... sccccccccscccccces (OCC) 1400 Broadway. Orpheum Circuit esecccccccccccccces (Oph) Palace Theater Bldg. Reis Circuit Co....... evccccsesececccs § (888) 1400 Broadway. Sheedy Vaudeville Agency, Inc. (Sheedy GE, naccccccccvessncccccsszcecese (sva) 1440 Broadway. Southern Theater Circuit............. +» (ste) 1472, Broadway; Chas. A. Burt, prop. Thornton, A., Vaudeville Agency...... (tva) Gaiety Theater Bldg. United Booking Offices (B. F. Keith's Cirentt) ..... eeccece ccccccccccccccoce (UBO) Palace Theater Bldg. Name and Address. U. 8. Vaudeville Managers’ PI nme Strand Theater Bidg.; Walter J. Plimwer, general booking manager. OKLAHOMA CITY, OK. Oftices ween eee (ebo) (fove) OBWEGO Gilmore Amusement Rae a Office... Oswego, N. Y. OMAHA, NEB. Gate City ay Exzchsuge........ 625 Neville B (gabo) (gate) PHItAD PA. Churchill's Philadelphia Booking Offices, “15 Commonwealth Trust Bl ig. Consolidated Book! Offices 04-404 Parkway mer. BOEOP GIES 0 cccvccsccssdecéooseccco (be) 1116 Chestnut st. Migene, Frank, Vaudeville Circuit.... ‘aw Parkway Pidg. PA PITTSBURG, Royer Vaudeville Circult.........-ee0e0 218 Fourth ave. (epbo) (ebo) (mvc) (rte) ROCHESTER, W. Y. Rochester Theatrical Exchange (Inc.), 62 State street. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Levey, Bert, Circuit. ccccccccccccccce (lovey) Alcazar Theater Bhig. Wertern States Vauleville Association, (weve Humboldt Rank Hidg.; Ella Herbert Aabc) Werton, mgr. Wertern Vaudevthe Manage-s A««n.. . (wrms) 74 Phelan Ridg.: H. M. Miller, mgr. SEATTLE, WASF. Kellie Burns Theatrical Book ing Assen... (s&c) 20 8. & C. Ridg. SIOUX CITY, IA. Mid. West Booking Exchange....... seeee (mbe) Webster Bidg.;: A. FE. Tripp. mer. SPRINGFIELD, 0. 8un, The Gus. —— Exchange. Inc... (sun) New Bun Thea TORONTO, ONT. (CANADA) Griffin, Peter F....... eerereccccccccocs (gs) Grifin Theater Smal! D. anecnnee seeeccecceeeecces (mall) Grand Opera Mouse. WAUSAU, WIS. Cone Cireult ........... seseeceeesesess (Cone) Wausau, WATERLOO, IA. Boyce, G. B., Vaudeville Circuit (Vaude ville and Dramatic).................. (boyce) Majestic ter. ALLSTON, MASS. Sarr, Robert, & Empire st. ATLANTA, GA. Greenwood, G. & B., Empire Life Bldg. Kuebl, Charies, Empire Life fldx. Messe! Theater Agency. Healey Bldg. BALTIMORE, MD. Beltimore Theatrical Exchange, 123 East Balti more st. McCaslin, John T., 123 Baltimore st. BEELIN HEIGHTS, 0. Yerance, The, Lyceum Bureau. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. <bamberiin, Lin., Hotel Cozy. BOSTON, MASS. Barrell, A. ©., %31 Colonial Bidg. Freoklin Park Theater Co., 616 Blue Hill ave.; Frenk D. Santon, mgr. Fraxer, Wesley ©., 162 Tremont st. Grovam, John, 184 Royl«ten st. and Park Sq. Gritin, A. L., Bowdoin Square Theater. Fisthaway, Fred W., 178 Tremont st, Kee, Walter, 178 Tremont st. Kollins, Stuart, 184 Boy't«ton at. Long, Blanche A., 100 Koylston st. Seems, Musical Attractions, Inc., 665 Washing ym st. one Fred (Loew), 11 Hamilton Place. Mead, Frank, 228 Tremont st. Mute & Lecture Guild, 831 Colonial Bidg. Prince’s General Amusements. 103 Court st. Rohsham'’s Theatrical Co.. Ine.. 224 Tremont et. BRIGHTON BEACH, N. ¥. Rotinson, George (ubo). New Urighton Theater. BROOKLYN, N.Y. Alexander Amusement Co.. “2 BE, Third at. Brooklyn Vaudeville & Amusement Co., 73 «t.: I. R. MeDonald, mgr. Curtin, James, Empire Theater Bldg. IMetrich, Dantel, 980 Halxey st. Fogarty, Frank, 15 Flatbush ave, M. tenald, I, R.. 73 Court st. Merton, Harry W., 311 Van Buren st. Murnal Theatrical Exchange, ~415 Broadway; Will F. Bartow, mgr, BUFFALO, N. Y. fowler, Bruce (m&d). 385 Washington st. CELINA, 0. Beam, B. Ward (Park~ and Fairs). ee. PA. ane Leon F., vurn Theater. ‘Waxbburn, a ted Booking Offices, 22 South State st.; Will Cunningham, gen. mgr. Raerwitz, Sam, 720 Beebler-Jacobs Agency, Building. ones » Dramatic and peenert Exchange, 36 Randolph st.; Bennett & Byers, props. euun Edgar A., "Amusement Exchange, 64 W. Ra Broadway Amusement , 138 W. Washst. Aiveees AG Sees TS W.: Haw ree The Artists’ Agents Any Reputable Booking or Artists’ Agent may have his name and address inserted in this list free of charge—for the asking. We make no claim—nor ever will—that it is complete, because all agents viewed with suspicion and distrust by actors, actresses, artists and performers will be expunged as fast as these are brought to our attention if investigation warrants it. Henry, Amusement Exchange, 35 South Nearborn st. Burchill, Thos. J, (Allardt & Ruben & Finklestein Circuit), Majestic Theater Bldg. Byers, Fred A., 36 W. Randolph st. Carrell’s Theatrical Agency, Consumers’ Bldg. Carter, Lincoln J., 4014 Sheridan road. Christy, Wayne G. (Vaudeville and Pairs), Majestic Theater Blcg. Coleman, Hamilton (Producer), Theater Bldg. a. Georgia, 20 E. Jackson Blvd., Rocm 703. Cortelyou, Bert, Majestic Theater Bldg. Cc. & A. Amusement Co., Inc., #204 S. Chicago ave.; L. E. Rehfield, mgr. Dainty, Laura, Amusement Bureau, 7 §. Dearborn st. Danforth, H. C., 219 8. Downie, Walter (wvma), Dudley, Edgar, 1404 Majestic Theater Pide. Du Vrie, Sam (Vaudeville and Circus), Room 309, 35 8S. Dearborn st. Eichenlaub, E. J., 64 W. Randolph st. iF: itehenberg & Selig. 614 gute st. 1490 1205 Majestic Dearborn st. Majestic Theater Plcg. Fox, Jack J., 412-421 Fort Dearborn Pid. | Friedlander, Wm. B., Majestic Theater Bldg. | Friedlander, Robert, 118 N. La Salle st. Fuller’s Australian Vaudeville Circuit, Jackson Blvd. Gazzolo, Frank A. P.. (Vaudeville, Dram. & M. {.), Imperial Theater Bldg. Gladden, The, Booking Offices, Annuity and Life Pidz.; Goldberg, Lew M., 700 Majestic Theater Pidg. Hall, E. Clayton, suite 1016 Consumers’ Bidz. Halperin, Max, Majestic Theater Pidg. Hand Amusement Co., 1112 Rector Bldg.; J, A. S‘ernad, mgr. Hadfield, R. H., 5 N. La Salle st. H'rsch, Arnold, care Plaza Hotel. Heffman, R. C. (wyma), Majestic Theater Bldg. Holmes, Coney, 22 W. Monroe st. Humpbrey, D. N. roe st., Room 906. Jacobs, Wm., 22 W. Monroe st. James, Marie, Agency, 1400 Majestic Theater Kane, Bernhardt J., 431 8. Wabash. Kibble, Wm. (Producer), 112 Tribune Bldg. . W. Monroe st. . Jackson Blvd., suite 1509, ries M., 1016 Consumers’ Bidg. MeKowen, J. B. (abo and wvma), Majestic Thea 3% 8. Dearborn st. Merwin, Ray ry 412 Rector Bldg. Meyers’ Vaudeville Circuit, 522 8. seate st. Moore, Mento, Ipe., 22 W. Monroe st. Neely, F. Tennyson, Auditorium Hotel. Pan-American Booking Offices, 100 N. Dearborn 20 East suite 70%, U. 9. F. A. Gladden, mer. (abo and wvma), 22 W. Mon Pepple, Dwight, Majestic Theater Bldg. Reich, Felix, 220 S. State st Schallmann, Sidney M., Crilly Bldg. Schallmana Brvs., Crilly Bldg. Schikler & Greenwald (Producer), 35 8. Dearborn st. Seaver, Vernon C., World Theater Bldg., 64 W. Randolph st. Shapiro, Henry, 22 W. Monroe st. oe Edward (wyvma), Majestic Theater Blig. Silver’s, Morris, Theater Booking Offices, 25 W. Madison st. Simon, The, Agency Majestic Theater Bidg. Skiff, Orrin E. (Lady Musician), 7 Delaware Pl, Spingold, Harry W. (ubokwvma), Room 906 Majestic Theater Bldg. Snew Concert & Choir Bureau, 64 E. Van Buren. (ubo&kwvma), Sullivan, The Joe, Vaudeville Agency (ubo& wvma), Majestic Theater Bldg. Tishman, Irving. 906 Majestic Theater Bldg. Tishman, Sam (Thielen Circuit), ter Bldg. Tuck, Samuel L., 220 8S. State st. United Fairs Booking Association Fairs), Schiller Bldg.; E. Walters, Charles L. eon st. Majestic Thea (Parks and E. Carruthers, secy, | (Burlesque), 815 W. Madi Western Dramatic Agency, North American Bidg.; Peter Ridge. mer. Weyerson, Ed, Amusement Co., 25 North Dear born gst. Warren, George C., Olymple Theater. Yates, Irving, 22 W. Monroe st. Zimmerman, Wm., 106 N. La Salle st. CINCINNATI, 0. Gomes’ Vaudeville Exchange, 112 Odd Fellows’ Temple. Lay, Dessie (Concert) 812 Richmond «# Western Booking Office, 23 Goodall Bias. , Ninth st., near Central ave. CLEVELAND, 0. Clark, The, Vandeville Booking Exchange, 612 Belmont ‘Pullding; Miss Alice Clark, mgr, Farrel, J. H., & Co., 744 Huelid ave, Shea-Brandt Agency, S18 Erie Wide. Sixth City Roo A Office, 1847 Vayne ave, Maniforth, The, Ralph, Vandeville Booking Bxchange, 207 Columbia Bldg. OCOHOES, NW. Y, es —~ DP rea B. A. (Musicians), 141 MoCOLUMBUS, 0. Heber Bros. (Circus), 812 H. 17th ave, OOLUMBIA, PA. Kerlin Amusement Co., Bucher Bldg, COVINGTON, KY. Blue Grass ‘Yeeatrical Agency, T2% Madison ave. Henderson's Central Theatrical Agency, National Bank < Reliable Theatrical Agency, 415 Scott st., Taylor & West, mers. DES MOINES, IA. a a City 9 a Co., 515 Mulberry st.: inusement @o. Co. 412 Locust st. DETROIT, MICH. Detroit Vaudeville Exchange, 307 Broadway Market Ridg. International Vaudeville Exchange, 52 Lafayette Building. butt, Hugh, 8321 Broadway Market Bldg. olverine Theatrical Rooking Office, Suite 44 Scherer Bldg.; Wi!) M. Coffrin, mgr. DULUTH, MINN. Phelps, Frank (wrma), New Grand Theater. FAIRMONT, W. VA. West Virginia Rooking Agency, 306 Madison st. FOREST PARK, ILL. Forest Park Fair Grounds Amusement Company (Parkes and Fairs): Paul Heintz, mgr. GLADBROOK, IA. Mann, Cato F., Gla:throok, Ta. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. La Vardo Exchange, Apollo Theater Ridg. GREAT NECK, L. L., N. Y¥. Smithson, Frank, Great Neck, L. L, N.Y. HARRISBURG, ILL. Turner, Oscar Lee, 116 8. Mill st, JERSEY CITY, N. J. Robbins, Frank A. (Cireus), Jersey City, N. J Smith, Walter ©., Jersey City, N. J. KANSAS CITY, MO. Apollo Musical Co., 520 Reserve Bldg. Mackinson, Al, 1125 Crand ave, Iraker, F, T., 11290% Grand ave, Skaggs, P, G., 1120 Grand ave. Sparks’ Amusement (o., Indiana Bldg. LINCOLN, NEB. Galley, M., 208 Nebraska State Bank Bldg. LITTLE SI0U™. IA. Dickey, Terry & Jones, Box 165. aoe (eee MELEE: Ae ag vey), Kepu Theater Theatrical Exchange, Inc., Pantages Theater Bidg. Angeles Pacific a and Amusement Cireuit, 547 8. Broa y; ©. Bassels Dady, owner. reas Booking Exchange, 639 San Fernando MEDINA, NW. ¥. Downie, Andrew (Circus). v Jobn ¥ ‘Pees —~ g O Beach, RB. gy: ; MILWAUKEE, WIS. United Theatrical Exchange. 4 Wieconsts ot.