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JUNE 3, 1916.
The Billboard
MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Co. Operative Exchange, Koom 1, Lyric Theater 008 N. W. Bldg
iIliams, B, J., Bank of Mobile Bldg. ” MONTREAL, P. Q. @ coamana) Orpheum Theater B Fa Sag By Family Theater Bid
OK. Barbour's sutlee Lass, bales 313, Metropell
tan Bldg. u. 3. nd, W. 8., Suite 208, Ordway Bldg. : oa tertainment bureau, 752 Bergen st.; Wm
Kirse N York veuien le Exchange, = Market st. Sounders, H. Chalk, 845 Broad s Van, Charles A., 61 Pacific st. Witzig, Jewell, 371 Little ave. NEW YORK CITY Acme Theater = 1402 Broadway. Dec, 1 Broadway. . sie George H. (Allen's Attractions), 1451
Rw ores Astor Theater Bidg.
Allison, = D. Times B
Allison, James M., Hotel ae Alpin.
Alonzo, P. (Poli), 154 Broadway.
Alpuente, J. ». — oe = drews, Ly SZ iroad
Arlington, Edward, 136 W. Fifty-second st.
rmstrong, Jas. J., tae He ores o. we &
Ashland. Wilfred (Musicians), .
rn t E., 1440 Broadway.
, Arthur T., 3 W —
Ben Ali, y_ ¥F 320 West rty-fourth st. oasmk es 9 ee ee Seathemn well vibe), 202 Talace Theater Bldg. Bennett, Whitman, 120 W. Forty-first st. Berg, B. D., 1482 Broadway. Berlinghoff, ‘Henry L., Columbia Theater rs Bernays, Fens ~ bs ee velt, Victoria 7 Mroaiwa wwe hy Sydney M.. Palace rheater Bldg. Bohm, Frank, we, 1403 B.oadway. Booking, The, ting Corporation, Aeolian roranaugt. Charles, 1493 Broadway. Rosson, Henry J., Columbia Theater Bldg. Bostock, Claude & Gordon, 306 Putnam Bldg. Rramwell, Arthur, Candler Theater IMidg. Rrant, F. A., 1493 Broadway Charles, Palave Thester Hhig. Brown, Chamberlain (Vaudeville and Dramatic), 1488 Broadway.
Palace Theatre Hiig., New York City.
Brown, George B., 140 Aeolian Hall.
Buck, John, mgr., Proeivr's Sstb Street Theater.
Burgess, Earl, 1476 I).vadway.
Burke, Billy (Own Att:actious), 1493 Broadway.
Burnside, R. H, (Vaudeville and Circus), New York Hippodrome.
Byrne & Kirby, 1495 Broadway.
Cahn, Julius, 1482 Broadway.
Carlin, Marry, Palace heater Bldg.
Carpenter, BE. J., 711 Times blog.
Casey, Bill (qta), Gaiecy Theater Bldg.
Casey, lat, ge
Choos, George, 1 iremmiway.
Clarke, dwis G. (Mu-ivians), 1 West 34th st.
Claremont Entertainment Bureau, 419 EB. 179th st.; Wm. E. Keatiog. wer.
Coburn, Charles D., 1402 Lreadway.
Conoly, Joseph, 110 W. 4th st.
Cooke, Pauline, Gaieiy Theater Bldg.
Cooper, Irving M., 1416 Broadway.
Coutts & Tennis, 1476 lKroadway.
Daly. Wm. Josh, Columbia ‘Theater Bidg.
Derting, Alfred TL tube e Theater Bldg.
Decker, Frederick H., 80 rifth ave nue, bDeiauwater, A. U., so
Delany, Wm., Palace The ater inde.
Delmar, Jule, Palace Theater Blig. Dempsey, P. (abo), Palace ‘Iheater Bldg. Dempsey, Jack (ubo), Palace Theater Bldg.
Denton, Harry M. (Vaudeville and Dramatic), 347 Fifth ave.
Dewey, Kufus H., Metropolitan Opera House.
Dinkins, T. W. (Burlesque), 1400 Broadway.
Dorner, A. C., 1402 Broadway.
a aul, Palace Theater Bidg.
Pekl, Galety Theater Bldg.
A., Catese yg A Columbia Theater Bldg. Ellis, Sydney, 1402 Kroadway. Epstin, M. S., 1493 Broadway. Evans Frank, Palace Theater Bldg. Fallow, Sam, 1493 Broadway. Feinberg, Abe, 1493 Broadway. Feleky, Chas. og Palace Theater Bldg. F son's, BE. L., Enterprise, Inc., 220 West orty-second st. Fisher, Clifford C., 1493 Broadway. Fitzgerald, Harry : Palace Theater Flynn Vaudeville Agency, 1264 Clay st. Franklin, Joseph B., Coty Theater Bldg. Frazee, H. H., 1401 Times Bldg. Gaige, Croshy, 1451 Broadway. Gardner Vaudeville mcy, 254 Manhattan. Will T., New York Theater Bldg. Geraten, Frank, Lexington Theater Bldg.
Gottlieb. George A. (ubo), Palace Theater Bldg. Greenwood, H. ©., Franklin
Grisman, Sam H., Columbia Theater Bldg. Gurvick, Phil., Strand Thea B
ter Hallet, Louis (Dramatic and Musienl), 145 WW. Fortyfifth st.
Theater Bg ‘ther 3. (tox and loew), 1493 BroadBoyt. L M0 pe, Cetin Sour tae
Hoghes, Palace Theater Hunt, sat w. (Producer), FortyStreet
Hunt, Phit, 1403 Broadway. Hyde, Wy (Veutevtite and Burlesque), OCoTilmensee, Princess Theater .. International y Burean, 100 W. Seema Henry. (alumbte deca
en A 7 Colom ‘ er ~ a Amusement omni acobs, Jennie (Pat Casey + 1493 Nroadway. seoette ® Musical ney, "36 w. Vorty-second at.
Sg oy ne., Nemo. Harold (ubo), 1 Broadway,
A. PAUL KEITH, President.
B. F. Keith’s Circuit of Theatres
E. F. ALBEE, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr.
B. F. Keith’s Palace Theatre Building NEW YORK CITY
—_, “a Rockefeller (ubo), 1564 Broadway,
Klauber, Adolph, 1461 Broadway.
Klein, Phillip, 1451 Broadway.
Kline. Jack, 1433 Broadway.
‘Kolvoord, Jobn, Jr. (ubo),
Koueke, "Eugene L., 33 W.
Kugel, Lee, 220 w.
Lambert, Clay, 1402 Broadway.
Landau, Max, 145 W. Forty-fifth st.
Langsfeld, Leon, Broadway Theater Bldg.
Lasky, Jesse L., Co., 120 W. Forty-first st.
Lavine, Louis, 1493 "Broadway.
Leno, Don, 143 W. Forty-second st.
Levy, Mark, Putnam Bldg.
Lewis & Gordon Producing Co., Theater Bldg.
Liebler & Co., 461 4th ave.
Linton Bros., Suite 220 Strand Theater Bldg.
Linder, Jack, Gaiety Theater Bldg.
Logsdon, Olly, 1493 Broadway.
Loomis, Frank, Vitagraph Theater Bldg.
Lubin, J, H. (leew), 1493 Broadway.
Lykens, Wm., 1482 Broadway.
McCloy, Frederick M. (Burlesque), Theater Bldg.
MeCune, C. E., 401 Times Bldg.
Mack, Pete, Palace Theater Bldg.
Mackiock, C. B., Putnam Bldg.
Mann, Joseph, Columbia Theater Blig.
Marbury, Elizabeth, 105 West 40th st.
Marinelli, H. B. (Ltd.), 1465 Broadway.
Maxwell, Joe, 360 W. 125th st.
Mercer, Charles, 1328 Broadway.
Melville, Frank (Inc.); 220 W. 42d st.
Meyerhoff, Henry (Inc.), 140 W. 42d st.
Michaels, Joe, 1493 Broadway.
Miller, Frank ©., Manhattan Opera House,
Miner, H. Clay, 1400, Broadway.
Morris, Joseph, Columbia Theater Bldg,
Morris & Feil, Palace Theater Bldg.
Mouland, EB. (Musicians), 71 E. 59th st.
Muckenfuss, Lee P., and Jack Henry, 309 Putnam Bldg.
Mullaney, Rose, 1482 Broadway,
Myer, Al, Gaiety Theater Bldg.
Nadel, E. K., 1493 Broadway.
Newberger, Adolph, 695 Lexington ave,
New York Entertainment Bu eau, 156 Fifth ave.
North, Meyer B.. Columbia Theater Bldg.
14 Broadway. Forty-second st. Ferty-second st.
1105 Palace
Norton, Nick (Harris Ent.), Palace Theater Building.
‘OBrien, A. Frank, Palace Theater Bldg.
O’Brien, George, Palace Theater Bldg.
Owens, Ray C.. 1498 Broadway.
Padden, Harry, Columbia Theater Bldg.
Peebles, Jobn C., Palace Theater Bldg.
Pouce hot,
Charles A. Palace Theater Bldg. Phillipp, Adolph, Co., 1482 Broadway. Piermont, Ben, 1440 Broadway. Pidgeon, Edward E., 107 W. Forty-fifth st, Pincus, Harry, 1493 Broadway. Pincus, Louis (pant). Gaiety Theater Pitrot, Richard, 47 W. Twenty-eighth st. Pond, J. B., Lyceum Bldg. Prentiss, Isabel. 1493 Broadway. Priest, Robert W., Shubert Theater Bldg. Quaid, ao *(ubo), Broadway and Tweatyeighth Ti athe 8., 1482 Broadway. Randall, William W. (Dramatic and Musical), 1482 Broadway. Rapf, Harry, 1105 Palace Theater Bldg. Raymond, Joe, Columbia Theater Bldg. Redelsheimer L., Columbia Theater Bldg. Relkin, = Reno, ©. R., 1402 Broadway. Ripley, Tom, 801-802 Columbia Theater Bldg. Robbins, John A., Gaiety Theater Bldg. Robertson Entertainment Bureau, 13 Park Row. Roeder, Benjamin F., Belasco Theater. Rogers, Max, Strand Theater Bhig. Rose & Curtis, Palace Theater Bldg. Rosenthal J. J., Bronx Opera House, Russell, Joseph, 1600 Broadway. Sampter, Martin, Astor Theater Bldg. Samuels, D. 8., 1482 Broadway. Sanders, Paly, Strand Theater Bldg.
Shea, Harry
Sheridan Agency, 1M7 Broadway: Al Myer, mgr.
Simmens, M. D. (ava), Columbia Theater Bldg.
Smith, George w. (Parks), 1499 Broadway.
Sobel, Nat (ubo), 1547 Broadway.
Sommers, Harry G., Knickerbocker Theater Blde.
Spachner, Leopold, 1400 ery
Spiegel, Edward, Strand Theat ldg.
Spiegel, Max, Strand Theater Bldg.
Standard Rose, mgr.
Co,, 1482 Broadway; Morris
Steiner, A. B.. 1600 Broadway.
Stern & Co., 1402 Broadway.
Stewart, ©. G., 107 W. 45th st.
Stoker & Bierbauer, 905 Palace Theater Bldg. Stockhouse, C. P., Eighty-first street Theater. a «& Franklyn (abe), 616 Gayety Theater
Sutherland, L., Agency, Palace Theater Bldg.; Thomas J. Fitzpatrick, mgr.
Thalheimer, A.. 1495 Broadway.
Thornton Vaudeville Agency, 1547 Broadway.
Towne, Fenimore Cooper, 1441 Broadway.
Towne, Edward Owings, 1441 Broadway.
Treffurt, H., Putnam Bldg.
Tulley, Wm., 1402 Broadway.
Wade Entertainment Bureau, 720 Sixth ave.
Wahrman, Al., Booking Agency. 1547 Broadway.
Ward, Fred, Palace Theater Bidg.
Weber, Harry, Palace Theater Bldg.
Weber, Herman, Palace Theater Bldg.
Weber, Ike, Columbia Theater Bldg.
Weber, L. Laurence, Enterprises (Vaudeville and Burlesque), Columbia Theater Bldg.; Jos. L. Weber, gen. mgr.
Weingart, Irving. 1493 Broadway.
West, Roland (Dramatic and Vaudeville), 260 West Forty-second st.
Wetzel, George J.. 1400 Broadway.
Whitelock, Lester B. (ubo), 1564 Broadway.
Williams, Ernest, 1493 Broadway.
Wilton, Alf T., Palace Theater Bldg,
Winniett, George, 1400 Broadway.
Winter, Wales, 140 West Forty-second st,
Wolff, Panwl, 1402 Broadway.
Wood, Jos. M., and George M. King (ubo, loew, fox, wvma), 1416 Broadway.
Ziegfeld, F. K.. New York Theater Bhig.
OMAHA, NEB. Gates City Theatrical Exchange, 325 Neville BI. OSWEGO, N. Y. Gilmore, Charles P. (Dramatic and Vaudeville), Oswego, N, Y. PHILADELPHIA, PA, Antrem’s Entertainment Bureau, 1001 Chestnut street. Barnes’ Entertainment Bureau, 4823 Cedar ave. Callahan, Ed F., 403-404 Parkway Bldg. Carlisle’s Amusement Bureau, 1123 Lincoln Bldg. Casino Theater, W. M. Leslie, mgr. Cotter & Bossle, 216 Weightmann Bldg. Deering, Wm, I., 10 8S. Fourth st, Dougherty, Thomas M. (NixonNirdlinger), Forrest Theater Bidg. Grain, Amelia, 819 Spring Garden st. Griffith, Wm. T., Room 400 Parkway Bldg. Heller, M. Rudy, 501 Keith's Bldg. Jeffries, Norman, 641 Real Estate Trust Kraus, Charles, 227 North Thirteenth st. Liebig, F., 819 Spring Garden st. Mastbaum, Jay, Palace Theater. Morse, Frank (Musicians), 2102 W. Master st. Scott, George, 642 Real Estate Bldg. Slick’s Vaudeville Agency, 238 N. Eighth st. Spring Garden Entertainment Bureau, 819 Spring
Garden st, Wegefarth, W. Dayton, Grand Opera House Weil, 1, Parkway Bidg. Welch, John T., 708 North Eighth st. PITTSBURG, PA. Jones, A. W., Lyceum Theater Bldg.
Kirk, Thos. F., Jr., Nixon Theater. awe Vaudeville Contracting Co., 504 Fulton
sana A. L., & Co., 336 Fourth ave. Polak Booking Assn., Lyceum Theater Bldg. West View Park Co., 2213 Farmers’ Bank Bidg.; Maxwell, mer. PORTLAND, ORE. Interstate Amusement Co. (Vaude., Parks, Fairs, Circus), 512 Swetland Bidg.; Harry DeArmo,
ROME, N. Y. Klein Bros. & Hengler, Rome, N. ¥,
ST. LOUIS, MO. ay 14 8S. Sixth st.
R. J., Agency, 509 Chestnut st. ST. PAUL, MINN. Twin City Lyceum Bureau, Grand 0. H. Bldg. SALAMANCA, N. Y. Andrews, Max, Andrews Theater, SAN FRANCISCO.
Blake & Amber (Cabaret and Dramatic), Biler’s Bldg., 975 Market st.
Cluxton, J. J. (pant), Pantages Theater Bldg
—— y > we + AL Bank Bidg. ackson, m antages Theater Bldg.
Reese, W. P. ¥ 2
. (ske), Empress Theater. SEATTLE, WASH. Fisher, Edw, J. (Inc.)}, @21 Lumber Fisher, Mike, 621 Lumber Exchange ss samaes
Sioux City meen E -t21 Massachusetts Bide: I. Ww. M Stercelles, _—
SPRINGFIELD, ILL. Temple, Howard, Service, Suite 711 Ferguson:
SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Goldstein Brothers’ A ter Bldg. rs musement Co., KAN.
Beyerle, C. E.
7 udevill E Internationa Va e x change, Robins Lim
” WASHINGTON, D. C. nie The Theatrical Agency, Ninth and —& + Northwest; Edward Oliver, gen. mgr.
WASHINGTON C. pw oO. a i Press Assn., 154 Thomas st., Chas.
mgr. wees! Sek Agency, Judy Block. WORCESTER, MASS. International Amusement Co., B. M. I li, Packard & Bar ani change Bldg. WILKES-BARRE, PA.
Wilkes-Barre Vaudeville Contracting Agency, 202 Savoy Theater Bldg. Z
Lyceum Bureau, Mechanics’
WILMINGTON, DEL. Orpheum Amusement Bureau, McVey Bldg. WINNIPEG, CAN. Morris Theatrical Exchange, 419 McIntyre Block
Principals and Chorus Girl Agents
’ Theatrical Agency, 115 S. Dearborn et. salle st Vaudeville Exchange, 118 North La je st
Hewitt, The, Bureau, 410 9. Michigan ave.
Wildman & "Seldon. 119 North Clark st. Rp YORK CITY
Plohn, Max, 830 7th ave.
Dramatic Agencies
ABERDEEN, 8. D. Walker, H. L., Orpheum Theater Bldg. BOSTON, MASS. a Amusement Co., 402 Colenial Theater
Lydiatt, R. J. (Western Canada Theaters), Grand Theater. CHICAGO, ILL.
Gaskill & McVitty, 1412 Masonic Temple. Gatts, Geo. M. (Producer), Masonic Temple. Johnstone, 0. H., 140 N. Dearborn st. Jones & Crane, 648 N. Dearbern st.
Pitou, Augustus, Jr. (K. & E.}. Illinois Theater.
Rowland & Clifford (Dram., M. C., Burlesque), 159 N State st.
Sheldon, Harry, 119 North Clark st.
Smith, C. Jay, 314 W. Superior st.
Standard Booking Association, Auditorium Bldg., Edward Suren, mgr Woolfolk, Boyle (Producer), 22 W. Monroe st. KANSAS CITY, MO. Brigham, E. S., Enterprises, Gilliss Theater. MADISON, WIS. Chappell, Harry, Fuller Opera House. MOBERLY, MO. Grand Amusement Co., Grand Theater Bldg. NEW YORK CITY 100 W. Thirty-eighth st. trical Exchange (Dram. & M. 0.), Long Acre Bldg. Anhalt, Lawrence J., Park Theater. a. 0., 370 Lexington ave. lasco, David, Balance Theater; W. G. Smythe, _ manage Betts & beaten 1402 Broadway. Burt, Charles A., 1472 Broadway Campbell, Robt., Berkeley Theater Blag., 19 W.
st. ae &. Harris, 1482 Broadway; Jack M. Welch, ral manager. Ccnoly, Jeneph. 107 W. Forty-fifth st.
Frawley, T. David, 130 W. Forty-fourth st. Frohman Amusement Corporation, 18 E. 4ist et
Adams, J. K., American Thea
Hopkins, Frank, Longacre Thester Bldg. Kiraly & Alward (K. & E.), Empire Theater Building.
tome, Mare, 500 Fifth ave. , Henry, New Amsterdam pny Mooser, Geo. oe & Stock Star .
Munroe, Wallace, 107 W. Forty-fifth st. Nicolai, George H. (Stair & Haviin), 1 Packard Theatrical Exchange, Inc., 1416 Broaé
Price John R., 216 W. 115th st. am H.. m
Well, m4. Hudson Theater Bldg. PHILADELPHIA, PA. a, Boe E., The ig ty ~~ wz (Dram., M . Burlesque), Bread “a wheneeane
Wolf, Frank, Parkway Bldg. PITTSBURG, PA.
Wien. Cc. R. (Stair & Havlin), Lyceum Thee Iding.
Anderson, Clyde E., 1127 Genesee st. WAPAKONETA, 0. Shannon, Harry, 308 Wanglais st. WINNIPEG, MAN., CAN. Stewart, Will J. (Affiliated Theatrical @diee).