The Billboard 1916-06-03: Vol 28 Iss 23 (1916-06-03)

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76 The Billboard JUNE 8, 1916. ; REGGIE MIXES IN — Five-part Fine Arts production, with Douglas ‘Fairbanks and Bessie Love. Released June ‘21 on the Triangle program. THE CAST: Reggie Morton ...........-.-Douglas Fairbanks 20 00egsne ses ebecbeee Joseph Singleton Tony Bernard .....-... scepescos The Cabaret Proprietor ..........Wilbur Higby His Right Hand Man ...........-Frank Bennett An Admirer of Mise Fleming .......A. D. Sears ‘Reggie Mixes In, the latest Fine Arts production from the pen of Roy Somerville, and directed by William CObristy Cabanne, is 2&8 conglomeration of thrills, excitement and interest, and well worth a place in the first ranks of Triangle productions. Young Reggie is a mil lipeaire, and like all such of his type finds i difficult to amuse himself. One day, in quest of adventure, be roams through the slums of the city, and by chance visits a cheap cabaret. An idea presents itself, so dressing be goes back to the saloon, and chance of rescuing a little cabaret si the bands of a thug. The owner then makes Reggie the bouncer leader of a wicked gang takes ex te Reggie's attention to the little cabaret ered ite with it the love of the little singer. ‘There are action and thrills galore, and the story ably holds the interest until the very last. Douglas Fairbanks is seen in a role that will increase the popularity that he received in his Good Bad Man. His characterization is clever. Bessie Love, as the charming little singer, has ample opportunity of displaying ber dramatic gifts. She is exceptionally pleasing, and presents a pretty contrast in playing opposite Douglas Fairbanks. The supporting cast is worthy of the highest praise. The story in itself is unique and original, and will certainly prove one of the strongest attractions on the Triangle program. Direction and photography are all that could be asked for. A feature picture that does credit to Triangle.—WAG. THOUSAND-DOLLAR HUSBAND Five-part Jesse L. Blanche Sweet. mount program. Lasky production, with Released May 29 on the Para Sven Johnson Olga Nelson, his niece Douglas Gordon .........ssccccces Tom Forman Stephen Gordon, hig father ......... James Neill Lawyer Judson ..........Horace B. Carpenter Mme. Batavia .........ccccece> Lacile LaVarney Jock Hardy ....cccsccccescovces E. L. Delaney Maggie, Olga’s friend ........... Camille Astor The latest Lasky enccess, directed by James Young, from the story of Margaret Turnbull, and featuring the talented Blanche Sweet, The Thousand-Dollar Husband is only another perfected photoplay to sail under the Lasky banner. It is one of those quaint little love stories with strong human interest and an underlying vein of comedy running through the entire picture that will make for it one of the most in teresting and enter taining stories that bave been seen for some time. A young Swedish maid, who is employed about a private school for boys, is in love with one of the rich students. Through the death of her uncle she receives a legacy, and the young recipient of her affections, who is terribly in debt, marries her, with the understanding thal he will leave her soon after the wedding, as his social position would not allow such a union. The young girl leaves for the West. under the tutorship of two crooks, who have promised to make her a lady. While out West she again meets her seeret husband. She is now a _ perfect lady, and the young millionaire, now realizing her worth and wishing to save her from the unscrupulons designs of her Juanita Hansen world as his wife. heavy characters. of action, with a _ well-fitting brings in the proper punch. mount program.—WAG. FILMS REVIEWED — crooked friends, acknowledges ber before the The exterior and imterior sets are exception. ally attractive, and, like all Lasky enterprises, every detail has been looked after. Young, the producer of Sweet Kitty Bellairs, lias added another production to his already fast growing list of successes. His direction of this latest Lasky release is worthy of every commendation. Many unique ‘lighting effects are introduced, while the photography is all that could be asked for. Blanche Sweet, in the role of the Swedish maid, has.mever been seen to better advantage. Her part in the ThousandaDollar Husband shows clearly that she is just as capable in the lighter roles as she is in the Her work is pleasing throughout and will certainly mark her as a screen artist of the best. The rest of the cast consists of some Lasky stars of the very highest. The story is interesting throughout, containing plenty which The ThousandDollar Husband will prove a sure winner whereever shown, and, linked with the name of such a talented star as Blanche Sweet, will -be | one of the biggest drawing cards on the Para climax, Jimmy the picture a certain t of popularity. anthropists who is automobile. For this he is placed in jail. end really has the time of his life. present. The latest Fine Arts comedy, featuring De Wolf Hopper, from the pen of Chester Withey and directed by Edward Dillon, contains many elements varied and distinct that will make for Mr, Goode, the Samaritan, is one of those rich philalways helping everybody with the consequence that he is mighty good bait for the sharks. The very firet that the henorable Mr. Goode does is to purchase a stolen During his stay behind the bars he makes many radical changes for the comfort of the ‘‘boys,"’ When he leaves he invites two notorious crooks to call at his house. The comedy starts in earnest when these two crooks enter the dining room and mingle with some of the select society The guests begin to miss jewelry, and ee | MR. GOODE, THE SAMARITAN. —} the real thie! is discovered, whois noneoth:Five-part Fine Arts production, with DeWolf than the promised husband of the Miss Goode. As has been mentioned before, DeWolf Hopper Hopper. Released May 28 on the Triangle | in the pictures is not as good as DeWolf Hopper program. in the legitimate, so it still follows out in this sewage! latest production. While bis characterizat{os THE CAST: as the free and opened-hearted old man is plea.. Alphonse Irving Goode ..........DeWolf Hopper | 10g, still, from the standpoint of a comedian, ji DEMOED, « Acpisoccsecdecodebanil Fay Tincher | 40es not quite bit the mark. The laughs aro eer reer ..-+.-Edward Dillon | easily handled by Fay Tincher and Edward ))\. Montgomery Fox (Foxy Monto)..Chester Withey | lon. Fay Tincher is fast making a name for Evelina Goode ......... .+e+e++-Margaret Marsh | herself »* a comedienne, and if she still con. Sit OSES 2 onc coccescce goss ...Lillian Langdon | tinues in the same caliber of work, she wi!) Butler ........ pveeaas sseceeeees-Max Davidson | 800n be the leading glimmer of laugh-producing stars. Marguerite Marsh and Chester Withey should also come in for some share of the prais. The direction and photography are both of th. highest. The story is exceptionally interesting due to the varied amount of human emotions appealed to. In the beginning there runs the comedy yein, leading up to a farcical scene in the jail. As the plot unfolds a deep underlying heart interest is brought to light, which most certainly will appeal to all. The climax {x strong with the suspense well handled and the punch brought in at the right place. It is a story that will, undoubtedly, prove a winner with all Triangle patrons.—WAG. SAINTS AND SINNERS Five-part Famous Player production, with Pegzy Hyland. Released May 29 .on the Paramount Program ————e THE CAST: that gives Hop moment im week’s releases. DeWolf For the week of May 28th TRIANGLE Exhibitors are again offered the opportunity of presenting to their atrons that famous star of the speaking stage—De Wolf opper. For years he has been a great favorite and now he is rising to fame as a screen player. This week he repeats the success he made in the two other TRIANGLE Productions, “Don Quixote” and “Sunshine Dad.” “Mr. Goode, the Samaritan,” is a -— more = i tT every opport i ability as a laug aahen anes = ¢ a in Sees to the reputation he attained on Breadway. Just fora ine the comical situation of Hopper, thrown into jail for buying a stolen car, entertaining a bunch Film of jailbirds by urnishing cigars, magazines Ae arm Corporation chairs. Don’t you think this would amuse your 1450 Broadway, patrons? NEW YORK CITY H. B. Warner again appears in “The Market Gentlemen :—1 am of Vain Desire’ and two Keystones complete the eas ae Triangle Film Corporation 1459 Broadway, New York TRIANGLE Hopper Samaritan all “other intormation” MEMO... ccccccccccccceccere . Theatre. .... dsb dipeesevevenes BOBIENB. 6 occ ccvcccccscccccsccsecs . Capacity........ eu éebnsceseeuennens ose Tetty Fletcher ............+....-Peggy Hyland Jacob Fletcher—her father (Minister).... te eeeeeeereeeesesensesescoehibert Tavernier Captain Fanshawe ...................Hal Forde George Kingsmill ...............Wm. ©. Lampe Hoggard—banker ...........Clarence Handysile BOER ccccscccss seeceevcocccscccees Star Banks Peter Greenacre ...............Horace Newman A picturized version of Henry Arthur Jones’ popular stage play of the same name. A story that is unique in ite presentation and strong and appealing in its teachings. It will undoubtedly prove a very interesting entertainment for all. The story has for its setting a little country village. Letty, the vivacious daughter of the minister, throngh impulsiveness, unwittingly compromises berseif with a stranger in the village. She is discovered by one of the elders of the church, who bolds the knowledge over the head of the minister to force him to use the church influence in buying up property below its value. The girl, sooner than have her father do anything wrong, makes him confess to the entire congregation. The minister then resigns the pastorate. But after a time the villagers realize the worth of the man and ask for bis return. His daughter soon finds happiness in an honorable marriage. The story is replete throughout, with wonderfully beautiful settings adding exceptional value to the play. Plenty of local color has been injected, and James Kirkwood deserves credit for the finished production that be has made. The acting is handled by a strong and capable cast. Peggy Hyland, the popular English actress, although not so well known to her American cousins on the screen, portrays her character with extreme ease and grace. It can be safely stated that if she continues as good as she has started her advance to the first ranks of stardom will be rapid. She ptionally well, and registers every emotion with wonderfs! effect. Albert Tavernier, as the minister, also should receive a goodly portion of the praise. His acting is pleasing throngbout. The story is true to life and has a touching moral that will appeal to all. The action never lags, but holds the interest until the very last. It is a feature picture of the highest order, and well worthy to fll a place on the Paramount pro gram.-—-WAG, GLORIA’S ROMANCE Series of twenty chapters, of two reels each, released one a week, by George Kleine, fea turing Billie Burke. First two chapters now running at Globe Theater, New York. THE CAST: Gloria Stafford, the heroine.....,...Billle Burke Dr. Stephen Royce, the hero...,...Henry Kolker Richard Freneau, a broker .......David Powell David Stafford, Gloria's brother. William Roselle Frank Mulry, Freneau’s partner. .Frank Belcher Pierpont Stafford, Gloria's father......... ome onseeecsceces eeeeees William T. Carletoa Tois Freeman, daughter of Judge Freeman. . Chondecteunses’ ccccccesccbceseneseee Power Mr and Mrs. Rupert Hughes are responsible for Gloria's Romance, the latest serial picture ping and Printing Dependable Service--Prompt Delivery— We sell Eastman raw stock and can make shipment same day order is received. Rothacker Film Mfg. Co. Industrial Moving Picture Co. to be released by George Kleine ander the ¢irection of Walter Edwin, Like all pictures of this kind each episode is complete in itself, with enough interest aroused to make one look for the next installment. The plot is too complicate! to warrant a long synopsis in this short space, but it can be briefly summed up as that of a yours harum-skarum daughter of a rich banker and ber many adventures, Of course she has a host of suitora, many of whom desire her for the wealth that goes with her. What the outcome of ‘tie story will be can only be surmised. Billie Burke has ample opportenity for dir playing her. charms, She canpot be classed a* &