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The Billboard 1916-06-03: Vol 28 Iss 23 (1916-06-03)

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seme SE , Sam eure “erase ae ee ee OR ee Ske ene te a Pl 5 MBE _ — — = 2 ACTON ae aa ENTE A erommRRaT T= The Billboard JUNE 3, 1916, NEW NATION FILM A DEFENSE PLEA Thomas Dixon’s Second Great Film Shows Vivid Need for Preparedness—Music by Victor Herbert New York, May 29.—The details which have been lacking concerning the story of The Fall of a Nation can now be supplied. June 6 is the opening date at the Liberty Theater, New Bork, of the Thomas Dixon sequel to The Birth ot a Natiwu god of Victor Herbert's original lc score expressly composed for it. ‘Ine play proper opens in the New York mansion ef Craries Waldron, who loves Virginia Hol political encounters the Congressman’s heart is won by the many charms of Virginia. Sbe re fuses him because he is so decisively opposed te ber principles. Im league with the Imperia! Confederation of Northern Europe, Charles Waldron batches the grea. treason. Twenty thousand subjects of foreign powers, resident in New York, rise in the might. They capture the city from the National Guard, its sole defenders. Patriots and refugees Gee to Long Island, where an American army is bastily improvised. But in the meantime a powerful fiect, convoying transports, bas brought 150,000 invaders, equipped with Krupps and all the Istest deathlealing devices. After effecting a landing they whip the Americans in a three-day battle. The nation falls. Washington, Philadelphia, Boston, next Chicago and St. Louis @re occupied. Waidron puts on regal uniform, and is bailed viceroy of the “‘Provinces of North America.”’ Virginia Holland professes loyalty to the new fegime. Waldron entrusis her with organizing the Imperial I¢gion of Honor among American ‘Women, indicating that ber high reward will be the vicereine’s seat at his side or possibly an empress’ crown. While touring the country on this mission the girl secretly enrolls the oath“pound order of the Daughters of Jael. She swears the flower of American womanhood—a million girls and women—to the destruction of the foreign usurpers. Those who cannot be won ever by the women are marked for certain Geath. In a night like the terrible ‘Sicilian Tepens or the dread St. Bartholemew’s Day the Daughters of Jael and their siale e¢otleagues fall upon the reveling Imperial minions. The wireless stations are taken, the forts and arsenals captured, the shipe boarded and the fast-riding American cavalry tramples down and cuts to pieces the @ranken foreign soldiers opposing them. . “When the eun rose on the harbor of New York the Stars and Stripes flew from every ship and fert. An army of 500,000 men, balf of them with the best rifles in their hands and big guns lumbering in their lines, were mobilizing under General Wood to capture Boston and Norfolk.” . i Waldron fell in the final melee. John Vassar claimed Virginia Holland, who had atoned for her peace-at-any-price folly by defying death to restore the sacred Union of States. In the cast are Arthur Shirley, Lorraine HaMing, Percy Standing, C. E. Goldert, Philip Gastrock, Flora MacDonald, Leila Frost, Edna May Wilson, Paul Willis, Mildred Bracken, May Gevaci, Beulah Burns ‘and many others. The Fall of @ Nation is in a prologue and three acts or twelve reels of film parlance. Bartley Cushing was the principal stage director. William C. Thompson and John W. Boyle photographed the great spectacle. GAS USERS . MULTIPLY THE POWER OF YOUR — LIGHT 21% TIMES. We carry them and all Kinds of Projection Goods. F. E. FULTON CO., 160 W. Lake St., Chicago, 11. WANTED Second-Hand Machine, Pictare with Gas Burner; ‘must ‘be for cash and in good running order. HOWSDEN. & SWITOVOIK, Huntley, Nebraska. WE BUY AND SELL New Second-Hand Picture Machines and Films. o irs for sale. THE MOVIE SUPPLY HOUSE, $3 Floor, 112 N. La Salle St., Chicago, iilinols. ELECTRIC OUTFIT —_— 110-zolt Dynamo, . Nicholasville, Ky. WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Lareet Fitm Brokers in Chicago. EXPRESS FILM En. ee oe ==== MUTUAL STAR PRODUCTIONS ==== Including in S acts in 5 acts in §& acts in SACTS day for the special William WILLIAM RUSSELL in) THE GUIDE WILLIAM RUSSELL irO THE HIGHEST BID WILLIAM RUSSELL im) THE MAN WHO WOULD NOT DIE and other virile dramas magnificently staged AS POWERFUL WILLIAM RUSSELL PRODUCTIONS = eee one ang poms e—THE AMERICAN FILM COMPANY Presents = WILLIAM RUSSELL = jn a series of EXTRAORDINARY FIVE ACT FEATURES POWERFULLY DRAMATIZED AND ELABORATELY STAGED Fis rns presentation idol ~ > WILLIAM RUSSELL in SOUL YMATES by Edward A. Kaufman AANA by Russell & Smith tii by Arthur H.gooden Mabel Condon MMA MALT HT mplete series oF n Dussell Seatu res spects. Now in full operation. Rental, $1,000 per year. Use wire. of building and outfit. JOHN COOPER, EXECUTIVE OFFICES: FOR RENT GRAND THEATRE 400 seating capacity; two Picture Machines; a complete plant in all reGood and best location in the city. A hurried opportunity. No agents. Renter must be a good, experienced commercial man, good financial reputation and credit. ONE-HALF INTEREST might be wien No time for letters. TO GOOD PARTY Read carefully. Am owner Mt. Vernon, Ohio MR. LIVE-WIRE EXHIBITOR _ HAVE YOU BOOKED FREDERICK J. IRELAND'S GREAT COMEDY SERIES, TOM & JERRY? tf NOT, WHY NOT? Made by EMERALD MOTION PICTURE COMPANY Released June 26th exclusively through AMERICAN STANDARD MOTION PICTURE CORP. 164 W. Washington St., CHICAGO. ROTHACKER’S LATEST FEAT Chicago, May 26.—The Rothacker Film Manufacturing Company accomplished another remarkable feat of photography recently when it undertook to do all the photography and laboratory work on the feature picture, entitled Cousin Jim, which was enacted by the leading Chicago society people, and will be given its initial showing fo the public June 2 at the Strand Theater, Chicago. This picture was made without the use of a single studio set, and the special sets were the interiors of prominent homes, various clubs and fashionable hotels. The Tothacker Film Manufacturing Company used its own special portable artificial lighting equipment. This is said to be the first time that a feature picture of this kind bas been made complete without using anything but special studio sets in connection with the ontdoor scenes. This film bas attracted wide attention and has received an unusual amount of publicity in the newspapers, It will be released early in June, and will undoubtedly be recelyed with much interest by the public. NOLAN RETURNS TO KEYSTONE San Francisee, May 25.—Fddie Nolan passed | st through San Francisco on his way to Los Angeles, where he will return to the Keystone, after an absence of eight months. Mr. Nolan was assistant producer, an actor as well, and ts leaving the Continental Comedy Film Company to O11 his old position, VIEWS OF YELLOWSTONE Are Incorporated Into Film of Unusual Beauty New York, May 29.—The U. 8. Department of the Interior, which is releasing scenic film of Natlonal parks through the Gaumont Company, has & most remarkable series of views of the Yeilowetone, which will be released as a Mutual Picture June 14. These are equal in photographic excellence to the pictures of Yosemite, which proved such a popular Gaumont scenic release through Mutual. The pictures of the geysers, the stupendous falls, and the other beauties of nature with which the park is fliled, make « wonderfully popular release. LANE MANAGES MEMPHIS sHOW Memphis, Tenn., May 29.—The Strand Theater here is to be operated this season in con nection with Lanier’s Mary Garden, according to recent announcements. Arthur Lane is to manage the Strand, using high-class pictures. Mr. Lane also manages the Orpheum. PICTURE ACTORS HURT Automobile Loaded With Players Plunges Over Embankment Los Angeles, May 29.—An automobile trock loaded with moving picture players connected with the American Woman Film Company plunged over an embankment near here late last week. The party was returning from work on a film called Saul of Tarsus. The truck fell thirty-five feet, seriously injuring Mrs. Ira Magard Schoonmaker. In the truck were Lianne Carrera, Anna Held’s daughter, and Lucretia Dei Valle, leading woman in the mission play. There were twenty-three persons in the truck. IVAN FILMS Booked by R. H. Miller for Poli Circuit New York, May 29.—R. H. Miller, who supervises the booking of motion pictures in the Poli houses, has contracted with the various Ivan Exchanges to play all Ivan features in the circult of theaters owned by Mr. Poll. Mr. Miller had the last six Ivan plays screened for his personal examination, and after viewing them expressed himself as satisfied with the fact that they would do a big business in New England and Pennsylvania, where the Poll Circuit of theaters is located. NE’ER DO WELL Will Play Extension Engagement in Buffalo Buffalo, N. Y., May 29.—So enthusiastic was the audience that attended the opening week of The Neer Do Well at Shea's Hippodrome that an extension engagement of The Ne'’er Do Well has been arranged by Mr. Shea. Mr, Shea advises that this big production has gone far beyond all expectations in drawing power, and, what is better still, his patrons showed unmistakable sigus of being well pleased. WORKS OF ART IN SCENIC REPRODUCTIONS FOR STAGE DISPLAYIN ==" MOTION PICTURE THEATRES Nothing will add more to the beauty of the a of your theatre than our gorgeous colored The eyes of your patrons are Hp yA ly on the screen. Surround the screen with beauty. The screen can be set or dropped into the center background of a Roman Villa, Egyptian Pyramids, scenes from Madame Butterfly, etc. Write for interesting particulars. SOSMAN AND LANDIS Great Scenle Painting Studios, Clinton Street, CHICAGO, ILL. 1916 MODEL Motiograph THE BEST PROJECTOR TODAY. Write for literature. ENTERPRISE OPTICAL MFG CO. 417 So. 570 W. Randolph Street, CHICAGO, ILL. FOR SALE—Down from $125.00 to Fe Fatate to be settied June 10. Exposure A Slave Traffic, 4 reels, good condition, plenty “a > » pho tos, etc.; two (2) reel Feature, one single reel i y~ lke new: first $80.00 takes it all, C. O. D. posit to cover express. ‘F. DekLLJOTT, 237 EB. Pear! A VERY SPECIAL FILM SALE 10 reels, including two 2-reel FPeetures, $1.25; 1. feet Western and Comedy, value $10.00 cach, $4. assorted (olored Blides, domen; Song Alides. B00 set; War Slides, $2.00 set. Will exchange. CRESCENT SUPPLY CO., Warren, Oblo.