The Billboard 1916-06-03: Vol 28 Iss 23 (1916-06-03)

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JUNE 3, 1916. The Billboard EVERY DAY PAY DAY wire. $275,000.00 IN MONEY= THE HOPEWELL OF PENNSYLVANIA EMPORIUM, PA. JUNE 12-17, 1916 Circus and Carnival News DEATH OF C. L. ERICKSON _ L. Erickson, manager of the Virginia Minae died early Saturday morning, May = = Ellsworth, Kan., and not Galena, as stat ~ the notice in the last issue. He was taken : with what he thought was cramps, but physicians pronounced it appendicitis. He — ated on by two doctors at the Eliswerth ~— tal, and later underwent two operations by specialists from Kansas City. All efforts to save his life were unsuccessful. His wife, son and one of his sisters were at his bedside when assed away. Me che remains were shipped to his home in Warren. Pa., where the funeral was held on May 24, attended by J. Augustus Jones, an uncle of the deceased, and many other a showmen. Mr. Erickson was a life member o the Warren Lodge of Elks, a 32-degree =e: Shriner, and a member of the K. T. * Lodge, and many from these lodges also atte = the fumeral. Flowers were received from be Frie Lithograph & Printing Ce., Ackerman Quigley Lithograph Co., National ————. Engraving Co., Cole Bros.’ Circus, Virginia M nstrel Oo., Georgia Smart Set Co., Cooper Bros. Shows, Alabuma Minstrel Co., and others. > Mr, Erickson was & model man, never too a drink or used tobacco in his life, and was a great fellow to help out his brother showmen when in need. He was born on February 10, 1889, and started in the show business in 1900, being employed on the business staff of J. Augustus Jones. For the past five years he was associated with Mr. Jones’ brother, BE. H. Jones, in operating minstrel shows, and was a — fol manager. At the time he was taken sick was manager of The Virginia Minstrels and G ia Smart Set. Ie is survived by his parents, a widow, a son, two brothers and one er. MAJOR RHOADES TO EUROPE Major Chas, F. Rhoades sailed for France via S. S. Lafayette from New York City May 27 in the interest of an artificial limb industry. He bas entirely recovered from his recent attack of pleuro-pneumonia. THE B. H. PATRICK SHOWS Making no pretentions of being the ‘‘biggest’’ show on wen but with the watchword “Satisfaction and Cleanlivess’’ ever paramount, the B. H. Patrick aggregation of shows is an outfit of which any carnival magnate should feel proud and which any committee should feel com limented on securing. : Mr. Patrick, while of the old school, is progressive though unobtrusive, and is blessed with that keen foresight that looks ahead and considers the welfare of the future as much as the pecuniary gains of the day, and is doing much for the general good of the outdoor amusement field. In his efforts he is most ably assisted by his charming coworker, Mrs, Patrick, and by one of the most energetic, hustling and resultgetting general agents in the business, Owen A. Brady. Harry G. Clark is special agent and pro moter. The show travels in fifteen cars, and consists of eight pay attractions and twenty-five concessions. “Wild” Billy Rose and his troupe of reckless riders offer one of the most sensational motordrome performances ever witnessed, and is cleaning up. Billy himeelf is without a peer as a daredevil. What an ordinary mortal would not think of doing on a rocking chair Billy does on the motorcycle, Without using his hands, at times standing up, again removing his leggings, all the time dashing madly around the almost perpendicular wall at a breakneck speed, he alone is worth more than the price asked. Again, three riders race simultaneously, and the performance is concluded with a baby racing auto dying around the drome, The Stadium seems to be holding its own and wos playing to capacity business, as was the Heinegaboobler House, the Doll Mother, the 10-in |, the merry-go-round and ferris wheel; in fict, all seemed to be gathering in the shek: a, . Patrick bas a decided novelty in a submarine «xhibitieon. Mounted on an auto truck is a large glass tank filled with water wherein a most interesting demonstration is given with two miniature model electrically propelled U-boata, Another of the features is the candy race track. It is flashily framed and well handled, Stock Designs FOR PARKS, FAIRS Fair Catalogue NOW READY — CARNIVALS, CIRCUS @ cenn us your ORDERS FOR SUMMER AMUSEMENT BATHING _—— ADVERTISING. WE PRINT EVERYTHING YOU NEED BASE BAL RACE MEETS ——_ AVIATION MEETS National 4TH OF JULY D PRINTING « © ms ATHLETIC EVENTS CO. PICNICS ST. LOUIS WILD WEST WE ARE EQUIPPED TO HANDLE ANY EVENT, AND HORSE SHOWS WITH SPEED AND ACCURACY. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. SEND FOR CATALOGUE, rte STATING YOUR WANTS. MINSTREL WRITE §$T. LOUIS OFFICE MUSICAL COMEDY SEVENTH AND ELM STREETS Notice! Street Minute Picture Men! We handle the best plates and developer on the market. No seconds or junk. Buy the leading brands and be a winner— RED STAR PLATES 60c per 100; Brody Guaranteed Plates, 50c per 100. We will guaran™ tee 50 plates to make 50 good pictures. ; Send us a trial order today and be convinced. Catalog and sample free JAMESTOWN FERROTYPE COMPANY Desk B, 1119 So. Halsted Street, Chicago, Ill. M. K. BRODY, Gen’l Manager. Papermen Magazine Workers Sheetwriters SEND US YOUR NAME ON A POSTAL CARD AT ONCE, NOW, DON'T WAIT Regardless of who you are working for, where you are working, or what you are offered, it is to your advantage to write us at once for full particulars regarding the most sensational offer ever made on the best line of Send no money, only your name and addres= o> a postal card; by return mail you will receive the ‘best offer ever made by anyone. 2d Floor Southwestern Bidg., Dallas, Texas. ’ I PADDLE WHEEL MEN!—CONCESSIONAIRES! INSIST ON GETTING THE = §. B. SERIAL PAPER PADDLE THE ORIGINAL 4ND THE MOST ACCURATE. The Only Absolutery Guaranteed QUICK System Serial Paddie— WITHOUT ANY MISTAKE! Sold by all jobbers, or can be had from RAINCOAT S prrecr w ES INCOAT MANUFACTURERS , EARP, THE, LARGEST, RAINCQAT, MANUE AGT VSR fan . ’ t u ‘ Coats, $1.65, $2.50 and $4.25; Womene ) RAINCOAT CO.. Harrison & Halsted Sts., Chicago, tillnols. WANTED, FREE ACT, WATER ACTS Do not write. Would like to hear from Saymoiya. Address MANAGER LEON WASHBURN’S MIGHTY MIDWAY SHOWS, New Haven, Conn., week of May 29; Danbury, Conn., week June 5th. Trade Papers Auto Magazine Farm Papers Story Papers: 3: PUBLISHERS’ CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING CO.| Pr and was still getting the money after ali else was closed. Lack of space prohibits saying more of the shows at this time, but it is a safe bet that the B. H. Patrick Shows bave a great future ahead of them.—CHAS. McDONALD, SAN FRANCISCO FACTS ane ’ Al Katzauer, the tall front door man of the Empress Theater, became a benedict last week when he married Miss Florence Hauser, a vaudeVille performer of San Francisco, 8. Gordon has sold his interests in the Lincoln Theater at Sixth avenue and Clement street, Robison Brothers, the bird and atimal men, received a tively orang outang on the China Mail Steamer on May 16, together with a rhesus mother and baby, eight large, red-faced monks and several thousand fancy Oriental ducks. He immediately reshipped the orang and eight monkeys to the Horne Zoological Gardens at —— City, Mo, obart Bosworth is spending a vacat the first he has taken for many pena Soking up old friends in San Francisco, Headed by J. F. McGowar, a company of motion picture people of the Signal Film Company, a subsidiary of the Mutual, sailed for Honolulu May 23, for a five-reel production of Hawaiian life. Among those in the company are Helen Holmes, star; Finnie Sues, camera man; Thomas Langham, Kathryn Goodrich, Luella Maxim, Paul Herst, Wijlian Brunton, Lee Maloney. The Joe Morris Music Company has announced the closing of the San Francisco office from June 1 to September 1. Al Brown, representative, will take charge at Atlantic City for the summer J. LaMont (LaMont’s Cockatoos) was a Billboard visitor during the week, Harry Perkius is back in San Francisco from Southern California, where he handled the decorations at the Fresno Raisin Day Celebration and poodle of Pythias’ Convention at San Bernardino. . Mary Boland and Forrest Stanley are the new Stars at the Alcazar, opening May 21 in The Outcast. The regular Alcazar Stock Company, under Addison Pitt, furnishes the support, JIM ANDERSON—NOTICE Brother Jim Anderson, of White Hat Fame— Brother I. W. Miner, of the Elks, Omaha Lodge, wants to hear from you in a_ hurry. COLONEL ROOSEVELT May Attend The Stampede—Other Announcements Made New York, May 29.—The cowboys and cowgirls who are coming in hordes to contest for the world’s official! championship titles and .000 in cash prizes at Guy Weadick’s Stampede at Sheepshead Bay Speedway, from August 5 to August 12, will probably display their wess in the distinguished. presence of Colonel Theodore ‘Roosevelt. Mr. Weadick ‘has informally discussed the matter of his attendance with the ex-President several times during the last few days. Dodge City, Kan., will send on a special train of boosters, who will spread the tidings of that community's resources and opportunities. They are bringing along a mounted cowboy band of forty pieces: Harry E. Tudor, manager of “Boomtown,” in which the Dodge City exhibit will be located, is rapidly contracting for space in that reproduction of an early Western settlement with cities, States, railroads, historical bodies, Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce. Mayor James C. Dahlman, of Omaha, will be Mayor of ‘‘Boomtown,”’ and an invitation has been extended to W. B. (Bat) Masterson to officiate in his old-time role of Sheriff. Judge R. L. Lovett is among the veterans of the old Western bench who will hold daily mock triais. The Wells Fargo Express Company will have one of the most interesting displays in ‘‘Roomtown’’ in the form of one of the few survivors of the original stage coaches which ran on the Pacific Coast from San Diego up to the mouth of the Columbia River, where civilization halted, Dr. ©. W. Pardee, of Prescott, Ariz., coming to The Stampede to contest in roping and riding events, A delegation of several hundred Southwesterners will be with him. He has issued a challenge to the world to ride steers, cows, mules and horses, backward bareback, for a large side bet. Mr. Weadick will probably make this contest a special event with added purse. Address EAGLES’ STATE CONVENTION, NEWARK, OHIO WEEK JUNE 19—Largest Pg var re Ao bom = ne te C ions, except Doll, Bear and Candy eels. hadaide sci THOMAS GOLDEN, C . Would like to hear from Free Acts, LegitiWant first-class Shows and Riding Devices. are Eagle Convention Headquarters, Newark, Ohio. ae ee 5h i I me EEC aoe OO FS EU ene oh, eae ge = ee AAO CTT EA AB AIEEE AME IEEE ETT a oe =~ a ae ee ee eee ee ed — Se Ee ans i wane a a a