The Billboard 1916-06-03: Vol 28 Iss 23 (1916-06-03)

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sits Waar Meee wed eee cL d : & Spee SL . y ee warren _ ee pemecmaes ? ¥ ab y dps eiagh's ysoamrowitoes cepa ws The Billboard JUNE 32, 1916. OE A AGIA Ne rrr ‘SNe te cay 2 eR IM awe wee cone vant . th ttn RA raat Dh a ee eee AVIATION TOURNAMENT Brings Out Exhibition Fliers May 7i.—The Military Navel ant Avistxe2 Tourmemest st the Baeepatesd EBay Speciwey last Weteestey afteres anf oiget brought together weeny of America’s Cet poe imect ant expert exhititice Giers. Ic the after mun tre sviators. inciuting Eut®s Lew. Victor Cearietres. Bteve MeGoergee ané Tex Milizes evmepetet 22 2 tweuty mile race srovend the trerk Carietrom won the core. o Greet . aed «= ricket Bimerlf te the 4m Bet woos’ cnt won the prize of $8 Ruth lew wae third ent received S55. Her time wee gives oe eightece wlastes and siztecs he Biter the race Mise Law west inte the oir for twewty mlowics, eed keoged the koe twice. On pert of ber Sight she was often Fithis twenty feet of the ground. Wetoewley night Ketterice Stee. whe was engeget to wake 2 ebert Sight is an Miewinated seroplane gave 2 Gouble exbititicon within tre hours, ket the hop several times, ant es tabdl.ebe< 2 record tor crume ceestry sereplaniog at sight ty Gying from Erighter Beach te (Comey Islentd ent then te the Sheepetead Easy Spectwer. It i echt thet oe women bes ever sttempte¢ what Miss Stiesce accomplished. The stumepbere was cloodetd sud weighted witht fog. end tor Oftees minutes Ser marhise was withost a light Her feats wore considered remarkabic. ené it cennot te Genii thet she geve the people teeir cee s+ Sort Bester Ademes siee Gi¢ some otunts ic the afteruse®, emp the wext Gay Rotman Lew did 2 dering oud thrilling drop from « ballon. after te bad blows the tee ot with beet More evietion thris were Hkewise featered. New York, GREAT WORTHAM SHOWS Deotee City proved 2 wonderful week for tle Great Worthe= Shows, and whee the love were ecunting their “jock” their fares 2b wore « 6 expreswicen The run to Purtie wee beg 260 tiresome. more then made up for the toile of travel. enc Puctico gute the test opening sight the shows tere known siuce Corpus Christi Tie shows ere bere under the suspices of the Local Trades Aeeewsbly. 204 General Ageet “Bill” Rice sore strock « wineer All of the shows have tet pisying to <opecigy. and the afternoon tere ees teen slmcet as good os the sights. The Water Circus, Treined Wild Avis] Areca oo* Kevelaticn bere actually terned people sway. while all of the other shows bare “cleaned” i» praprine. Severs] new shows bave been added, the letest being « big smske shew. with specieeos of every known reptile, incio@ing alligators, gils guousters. tortics. bulls. pines. pythous and 2 big-borned rattler, which ix proving a wonderful é@rawing cord. “Pisin” Deve Morris joimed at Dodge City and is now is charge of the cafe car. All the tore were pleased to see Dave's smiling muz ené bis welcome was ropal 2nd hearty. W. H. Bice visited the shows lest week and bis stories of the spots be has picked have Gilied all with joyful bope of big weeks and big benk rolls. Pee Wee, the borse without front legs, is a sew pit additics. and pow the company is to have a tig whirl of death silo motordrome. “O16" Dick Weston is already over bere, and is riders will ere ormance. oy BF with his Filping Midgeis, ix playing to wonderfe! business ev . and the Grape Juice Girls, which has replaced the somewhat undesirable Days of °49, is proving another good money-getter. Billy ante, the new special agent, is doing exeeliest work abead of the shew, and his newspeper work is equal to any veteran press agent ae Pow the has sb ss] A. A. ere, new ger, himself to be the right man in the right place, and the changes and improvements be has made «inee bis arrival bere are astonishing. The show is now up to twenty-six cars, and two news cars will be added before leaving Colorade-SYDNEY WIRE. WORLD’S GREATSHOWS Ypeilanti, Mich.. May 25.—-We enjoyed a vers enccesefal week's business at Hamtramck, Mich.., playing on the streets under the auspices of the Hamtramck Indians during the week of a 5. ay the weather was net all to be desired the many attractions —— = business and the com aires smiles.’ Sheik K. G. admits it to be the best week's business he experienced in many a long doy. The streets were lined with people and the shows and concessions wets freely u*tron K. G BARKOOT EST ized. Week of May 22, before these lines are in print, we are playing Ypsilanti, under the auspices of the K. of Ps. On the opening night the huge midway was -lense with people, ind the Monkey Speedway, K. G.’s new introduction to the carnival world, was greatly appreciated by the amusement-seeking public, and, needless to say, was the top money-getter. The weather conditions are excellent, and, sagnetin’ business, the good Lord still appears to us, Week of May 29 we play Grand Rapids, under the auspices of the Moose, and, from reports, all indications point to a big week's business. Everything is moving smoothly around the shows and all attractions are receiving many fine press notices, and the management is being complimented on carrying nothing but the ‘‘best.’’ BARKOOTOGRAMS The mt received a telegram from a live one that we are going to play in a weck or two, which reads as follows: ‘“‘We are awaiting your organization with open arms.” agement of “There is nothing like being with a regular show.’’ Folks around here call Ed the Mascot. News for some of the boys: “‘Bobby Burns now runs the privilege car with us.’"’ Bobby says: “TI have oulte a family to keep now.”—ROBEKT 8. BREMSON. “NEW MONEY For Concessions, Theatres, Fairs, Etc. From Your Extra Profits “Butter-Kist Pop Corn machine takes in more money than all the rest of my business and I run one of the best refreshment parlors on the Pike here.’’ E. C. BURRIS, Long Beach, Cal. TER-KIST inches of floor space. UTT Pops. removes the umpopped kernels. and betters eoraly—wi ag en and makes them buy—exciusive toasty flavor brings them for blocks around for more. a VEN io the smallest towns, scc res of theatres, fairs, concessions, etc., are making up to $3.129 NET profits yearly end over from this self-running BUT Pop Cora Machine that sfends axywhere, and We'll send rou plenty of segued sales records from men on your own side of the wicket to prove it beyond 2 doubt. A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN ="; One bour after arrival Start it coining money. hour. You make 3% cents NET profit from every bag. “Profits from Butter-Kist Machine as high as $112 per week.” writes Hippodrome Theatre, Fairmount, W. Va. a Pop Corn Machine HOLCOMB & HOKE MFG. CO., 55° Vas Buren St., i Lergest Manufacturers of Pop Corn Machines in the World occupies only 2% x 32 this machine. Balance soon or from Butter-Kist earnings. Capacity 70 cents to $4.00 KI } “Little Gold Mine” FREE! You lose $5 to $20 and over every day that elapses before you have this machine. Write Today for our famous book “The Little Gold Mine” that shows you actual letters, photos and proof of profits from . concession men and stores m ta allstzes. No obligation whatever. for free book NOW’. (148) CANES, WHIPS, & NOVELTIES KNIFE BOARD ASSORTMENTS ASSORTMENTS OUTFIT GAME 150 Assorted KMIVES...$10.0@ | [20 Choice CANES..... $ 5-00 | 2.567 Ass’d Prizes to this Game, 200 Asserteg KNIVES... 15.00 | 258 Chelee CANES.-... 19-00 | “aise Guns. A Snap for only.$23.00 300 Assorted KNIVES... 25.00 600 Chokce CANES..... 25.00 HOOPLA OUTFIT gh , Eee heck. Cane awe By ey “and Prices Tole Olp Game SOF OG Catalogue for Parks and Fairs, only... . LARGE CATALOGUE FREE. 641 Woodland Ave., CLEVELAND, OHIO NEWMAN MFG. CO., KNIVES ————————S===Sss— === SHOOTING GALLERY CHICAGO DECORATIVE SERVICE Expert Decorators of Buildings and Streets for CARNIVALS AND HOME-COMINGS Floral Decorations for AUTOMOBILES, FLOATS, etc. Paper Hats and Novelties furnished for all occasions. Address 4601 N. Karlov Ave., CO. CHICAGO, ILL. PILLOW TOPS, PENNANTS and INDIAN MADE MOCCASINS— All of interest to the CONCESSIONER, PREMIUM USER } and SOUVENIR PEOPLE. PILLOWS, 65c each and up. IMMEDIATE SHIPMENTS. Write or wire with small deposit. DE MAR MFG. CO., Box 2, 270 No. Division St., BUFFALO, W. Y. A FEW PRIVILEGES LEFT FOR RED LETTER FAIR CIRCUIT WILMINGTON, O., JULY 25, 26, 27, 28. MT. STERLING, O., AUGUST JAMESTOWN, O., AUGUST 9, 10, 11. Candy, Corn and Peanuts, Lunch and Meals, Score Cards, only privil left just at the right time of year. Short ships. Address W. J. GALVIN, 2, 3, 4. Three cracker-jack Fairs and Secretary, Wilmington, Onle. WANTED--QUICK AT LEAST TWO ACTS AND CONCERT TURN concert. want Air and Clarinet. Address Cooper Bros.’ Shows, Deming, N. M., Jure 2; Lordsburg, N. M., June 3: Leonhart, can Clifton, Aria, €. H. JONES. DAYS OF "49 SHOWS Makes Debut Into Show World at Torrington, Conn. The Presmey & Westerman Combination Dayof ‘9 Bhows made its debut into the show worid at 7:30 Friday evening. May 12. in Torrington Conn. The occasion of the birth of this ster ling organization will forever linger in the memory of its members and the many visiting showmen. One of the greatest publicity stunts in carvivaidom was launched by George W Westerman, who, after much hard work and promoting, Gnally persuaded The New York Tribune to permit little Miss Marjorie Sterret the Battleship Girl, to bead the monster wili. tary and civic parade and formally set the wheels of the shows in motion. There were over a tivusend people im line of march in elading four bands and sumerous fife and dru corps The show as a whole is ome of the most beav tiful and complete outfits ever organized. The many beautiful carved wood fronts were very moch in evidence. These fronts are sill new a works of Se is the watch . the show. lighting system is ha to equal. The midway is as bright as dey at all times The manugement. as well as the many con cessionaires, report the very best of business. Everyone is wearing a smile and ashing a rea! healthy lovking bank roll The gross basi nes. beth at Torrington, Comm. and Middletown Conn., exceeded all expectations. Busines« «0 far has reached a new bigh water mark, and with good weather the New England spots picked by Westerman promise to be the rea! cream of the war material country. There are tem shows. two rides. thirty -seveu concessions, Oliveto’s fourteen-piece band and two free attractions, Marvelous “Melville and Dare-Devil Dan The executive staff is as follows: Pressey and Westerman. sole owners: Charles A. Pressey, manager: George W. Westerman, business representative: George Roberts and Harry Gimler, special agents: R. CC. Cartisle. superintendent: Jim Hitebeock, trainmasterHarry King. official announcer. The show ix in Waterbury. Conn. this week. furnishing all attractions for the Constitutional Celebration. ED L. HEINZ SHOWS Auburn, Neb. May 25.—The Ed L. Heinz Shows are on the main streets here this week. and the outlook is promising for faibusiness Since the opening stand in Joplin, April 10, busi ness all along has very gool when thweather conditions were favorable. In a number of towns the show had from one to three days’ rain. While a little rain in the early epring is naturally expected, » repetition of the continal storms encountered jast season is certainly not relished. The band has been increased to twenty-twe Pieces, and Clate Chenette, bandmaster, is justly proud of his splendid organization. The company now carries nineteen shows, four free acts. thirty-five concessions and three riding devices, and will have g new Whip (di rect from the factory) join week of June 5 at South Omaha, Neb.. which will be played under the auspices of the Nonpareil Athletic Club Following that date comes Omaha proper, week of June 12, on the cireus grounds at Twentieth and Paul streets under the Central Labor bag a of 11,000 members. Man ager Heinz jubilant over the rosy prospects for business in those two spots. There are sixty wagons and eleven wagon fronts, and the show is getting bigger all the time. Four 60-foot flat cars have been added. making train equipment of sixteen flats. four sleepers, four stateroom cars, two stock cars, two box cars and a diner. a total of twentynine cars.—GEO, ROLLINGS. JOIN ARMSTRONG SHOW Chicago, May 26.—Raby Trixie, formerly with Littlejoun’s United Shows, and F. E. Lewis, well-known lecturer and side-show manager, have joined C. H. Armstrong's Show at Riverview Park. Trixie is featured, and Lewis is handling the frout and box. GREAT ATLANTIC SHOWS The Great Atlantic Shows are in their fifth week, with business up to the average. While at Uniontown, Pa., old Boreas paid the shows ® visit, and after he had gone on his way the athletic and minstrel tops were im urgent nec! of repairs, Ed Kelly's '49 Show, with ten girls. joined at Uniontown and is doing nicely. The Bullock Family Vaudeville Show is getting the patronage. Pat Malone's rep. show is just « little different than the rest, and thereby hangs the tale of his success. Uncle Joe Thonet i> still wearing the smile that won't come off. — NATIONAL EXPOSITION SHOWS Logan, O., May 25.—The National Expositior Shows, under the management of Steve Mulcahy. opened a week's engagement here on Monday, an! are getting very good Three riding de vices, six shows and seven comprise the midway at this time. The outfit is a neat one, and has been highly praised all along the line. There are ten people in the ‘49 Show. which is managed by Butler and Davis. Doc Shades has the 10-in-1 Show, which is set off with a 110-foot panel front. Scotty Moate= has the Coney Island swing, Steve Mulcahy i* owner of the carousel, and J. M. Moore controls the Conderman ferris wheel. Buster Brown ha* a flashy frame-up, as has KR. B, Nixon's Orient. Among the concesstonaires are R. J. Gooding. with a neat Hoe; Kotch, Mr, and Mrs. Moore. with cookhouse; Mr, Moore, Dad Jewell, with ball rack, and Madam Jewell, palmist. 0. E. Brixner is Billboard agent. THOMSON’S BUSINESS GOOD Julius Thomson, the well-known Cincinnat) tentmaker, reports having done a nice season'* business, He has furnished the Sells-Floto, Coop & Lent, Wheeler Brothers, Alabama Minstrels, Gerogia Smart Set, Virginia Minstrels and *® number of the amaller shows with canvas,