The Billboard 1916-06-03: Vol 28 Iss 23 (1916-06-03)

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ea 4 © heme ——" “. ee) oa PTR: wes pe — $oes rs See ene ee eee Re re = SAE ‘The Bi llboard SUNE 3, 1916. s0n.3 5 warext tie our crow) oo) sescienter 0 8) Geuioas thee PACIFIC COAST DEFENDERS ae m a APG 5 mS WIG 4 ager CK VELARE. Ex-Bicycle Incline Diver PRESENTS Y, HIGH DIVER Mai en As: Kms ‘Attraction with the ies PACIFIC SHOWS, Season 1916 WITH A REAL SHOW, BOYS, AND A REAL MANAGER ‘MR. SECRETARY: | To advertise the-dates of your FAIR, use STICKERS ; GET we, mew, Fh cea ng Ay cll IT NOW. “THE TABLET & “TICKET co. 624-30 W. Adams Street, CHICAGO, ILL. itt New Montgomery St., 38! Broadway, SAN FRANCISCO. NEW YORK. WANTED FOR THE——— COOPER & ROBENSON RAILROAD SHOWS Performers doing two or more acts; Clowns, and one good Singing Clown; ood Side Show Man to make openings (Johnson, Side Show Man, write) ; nake Enchantress, with own snakes; Magician that can do Punch and Judy; any acts suitable for Side Show; Musicians, all instruments, for white band. Working People in all departments: Chandelier Man, Assist ant Boss Canvasman, Cooks and Waiters, Billposters, Banner Men, etc. A-1 Agent (Bert Rutherford and H. W. Williams, write). Good Contract ing Agent of experience. Balloon and Legitimate Privileges for sale. State lowest salary in first letter. COOPER & ROBENSON’S RAILROAD SHOWS, Lancaster, Mo. : WANTED Pit Show, Silodrome, General Contracting Agent, Promoter, American Band Leader, Forty-Nine Girls, Piano Player for Tango Show, Plantation People, American Cornet, Baritone. Also Sam Brown wants Agents for Dolls, Bears and Candy. ADDRESS GLIFTON-KELLEY SHOWS, _ Ghillicothe, Mo. WANTED FOR COLE BROS.’ WORLD TOURED SHOWS Assistant Boss Hostler, Cornet, Baritone and Trombone, to double violin; state experience. Booszers, keep off. That's the cause of this ad. EARLE M. FREIBURGER, Bandmaster Cole Bros.’ Shows. WANT Feature Act, fast Comedy Aerial or Acrobats. a SALE—One first-class Bucking Horse; none better: Pent, 40x54; one small Den, one 68-ft. B pped for ~~ passenger service. = one ee JONES, Manager, Grayling, ‘Mich., June 2; = Raid 3; St. Ignace, 5; Sault Ste. Marie, 6; Newberry, — AVIATOR WANTED Must have own machine. weeks guaranteed. Also GOOD HIG UTFIT. Nomis and Emmett Someta to — Write or wire at once. ED DAILEY, aabaites Wet Hotel. ky Ohio. WANTED—CONCESSIONS AT ONCE FOR LAKESIDE PARK, GRANITE CITY, ILL. HORSESHOE LAKE, Picnic bookings complete for entire summer. Splendid opportunity for right party to make big money. Largest crowds of any resort in territory, and money plentiful. me immediately E. G. MASON, Granite City, !llfnols. EDDIE LEONARD HEADS THE NEW VAUDE. ARTISTS’ ORGANIZATION (Continued ‘from page 8) and settlement of grievances, and also with a view to discussing details of the proposed new equitable contract which the managers have signified their willingness to adopt. At this conference a committee was named to take up the matter of a contract, and within the next ten days it will submit for final approval the drafted document. As _ previously stated in The Billboard an agreement had already been reached by the vaudeville managers that they would meet with the members of the new organjzation to treat all grievances that may arise, and Thursday's conference was for the purpose of discussing just how these conferences would be arra > Following the conference with the performers the Vaudeville Managers’ Protective Association held a business meeting at which time there was presented a list of the performers who had sent membership applications for the new order. | Every week the managers will be furnished With a complete list of all members, and it does not take much figuring to agree that it will be policy for the managers to favor the members of the N. V, A. with booking, as they will know where these artists stand, and know that in case of any dissension the controversy can and will easily be settled by arbitration. The heads of the National Vaudeville Artists, Inc., are going to profit by the experiences of j previous associations organized for q day and | then allowed to lapse into oblivion through lack | ' of interest. Already several thousand applications for membership have been received and a | large force of clerks is at work sending out the | necessary blanks and receiving initiation fees ; and dues, | By the latter part of the week it is expected the formal call for the first annual meeting, at ae the organization will be made permanent, ‘sete issued ‘ACTORS’ EQUITY MEMBERS FAVOR | ALLIANCE WITH FED. OF LABOR (Continued from page 3) Nash, David Warfield. A resolution was unani| mously adopted increasing the number of council men from twenty-one to thirty-six, the remaining fifteen to be named as soon as possible. Between five and six hundred members attended the meeting, which was marked by great enthusiasm, Approximately 800 votes were received in advance of the meeting by mail, and out of the total there were but thirteen of the members who voted against affiliating with organized labor. The election today was held in the Hotel Astor, and immediately afterwards q meeting of the officers was held in Equity headquarters, Longacre Building, for the purpose of ratifying the election. The decision to affiliate with the American Federation of Labor by no means indicates that the Actors’ Equity Association will become a part or branch of the White Rats Actors’ Union. The question of just how the association will affiliate with the A. F. of L. will now be determined by the councilmen, It is pretty safe to assume, however, that it will be under a separate and distinct charter, and that the Equity Association will in no wise become subservient to the White Rats’ organization. Harry Mountford, executive secretary of the Rats, has announced that he would strongly oppose giving the Actors’ Equity Association a separate charter, with equal rights, but The Billboard learns from pretty reliable authority that such action will result. Few, if any, of the A. E. A. are in sympathy with the plan to become a part of the White Rats, and it is believed that the council of the association will act for the best rests of the order in its evinced intention become affiliated with the American Federation of Labor. EVANS COMPLAINS We are in receipt of a letter from Ed A. Evans’ Greater Shows, written from Jacksonville, Ill, May 25, 1916, alleging that a program and ‘contest man, named Doc. Collins, was given Special Attractions Wanted For Endicott, N. Y. VOLUNTEER F'REMEN’S THIRD ANNUAL CARNIVAL. 70,000 populatior to draw from. June 24th to July Ist. Write full particulars. E. W. KENNEDY, See’y. employment by him to get up a program at Louisiana, but left there suddenly without reporting the amount of his collections on arcount of the program. For further information on this subject write PIANOS (ELECTRIC) For Arcades, Shooting Galleries, Theatres, ete. Write now for special prices. STAR MUSIC CO. 9 East Harrison St., CHICAGO, ILL, ATTENTION! Circus Men FOR.SALE Beautiful pair matched, cream colored Managed Horses, six and seven years old and sound; weight about 2,200 lbs. Also beautiful black Managed Horse, six years old and sound. If interested write or wire BARRETT & ZIMMERMAN, Midway Horse Market, St. Paul, Minn, WANTED, COOK For Gentry Bros.” Advertising Car. Wire W. W. GENTRY, Cleveland, Ohio. Dan W. Spayd wire FAIR MANAGERS eS Se ge ase! > forte pon to Monat Saics. We will insure ‘t the Hay for = 7 = — erm “bound to sell * idea. Write or wire quick WILLIAM MERVIN, 521 Securftles Bidg., Des Moines, lows, POP CORN BRICKS SALTED PEANUTS In Se Packages. SHELLED POP CORN GARDEN CITY POP CORN WORKS, 176 N. State Street, Chicago, BALLOON ASCENSIONS PARACHUTE LEAPS. DAY OR NIGHT. GEBHARDT BALLOON COMPANY, 2450 Southport Avenue, Chicago, ‘i. CONCESSIONS nag ~4 SEASON 19/6. y encom Cones, Lunch Xonfectionery, N: Amusement Games. New P— ~ New Luna D. TRIMPER, Ocean City, Maryland, rat = Py a WANTED, ATTRACTIONS Including one BIG Sensational Act for “$1,000 Day.” August 17. CAN USE some small Tent Shows. J. L. MAHONY, Secretary, Dyersville, Iowa. HENRY, ILL., WANTS Free Attraction for July 4th. Address J. J. Henry, Ul. SALESMAN WANTED-—To handle our Vending Machines, Chewing Gum and other articles of confection on conimission basis only. All or part time; exclusive territory. Send references. chic. MINT GUM COMPANY, Wilmington, Del. WANTED—Sixty-foot Round Top, with walls. Must be first-class; no junk; subject inspection. Sure sale f price ts right. Must be cheap. Act quick. Top must turn rain. HERBERT'S SHOW, Surgoinsville, Tenn. AGENTS IN EVERY CITY AND TOWN to Mr. Evans, To sell our Interchangeable Sign, with frame. compe for 35c. NICE SIGN, 378 Moselle St., Buffalo, N Home Coming Week first for ten years. Race Meeting in Kentucky this year. and oil fields. Factories and mines working full and over time. employed. All free acts employed. way. Nothing but the best need apply. “What: have you? Members Kentucky Fair and Racing Circuit. In the heart of the Blue Grass. Answer qt Second meeting. Gateway to the mountains. tick if you want the best spot of the “They do things.” Excursion rates; special trains from coa New railroad just opened into mountains. WANTED—RIDES, SHOWS, WHEELS, BALL THROWING CONCESSIONS. WINCHESTER, KY., FAIR AND RACE MEETING Day and Night Program—Week July 24th Home Coming supported by our live Commercial Club. Greatest Fair and Royal Scotch Highlande rs’ Band Everything to make a first-class mid season. Ideal grounds for midway. E. E. LOOMIS, Secretary, Winchester, Ky FOR SALE—PORTABLE SKATING RINK FLOOR complete. ° SE aD ee Sh 499229 dd dd 0d 0 od gc ck ck nk nk