The Billboard 1916-06-03: Vol 28 Iss 23 (1916-06-03)

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sipaiownicnig atc: seamen dees op "ok. ere a a a eT Drege Poa TR eae teen te, ta Agere oats se SE Help The Billboard handle your mail by complying with the following: Write for mail when it is advertised the first time; send to Cincinnati office for mail advertised without any stars or characters before the name in the list; to New York office for mail advertised with one star, thus (*); to Chicago if two (**) are before the name; to St. Louis if three (***) are before the name, and to San Francisco if the letter (S) is before the name; write always to the office holding the mail; keep the Letter Department supplied with your address and mail will be forwarded without advertising. NO CHARGES and no obligations are attached to this service; not even postage, excepting for packages. Mail is held but thirty days and can not ‘be 're covered after it goes to the Dead Letter ce. ADVERTISED MAIL ‘in this issue was uncalled for up to fast Sunday morning. All requests must be signed by the party to ‘waa mail is addressed. LADIE®’ | LIST. Abney, Julia Uuyle, Marte Adams, Mrs. W. M. wruyne, Dorothy Aiken, Mrs. L. Drew, *Alien, Florence T. vriggs, Bye Allen, Floreace (uudiey, Alice Andrews, Mrs. J. D. Duan, Mrs. L. EL Arlington, Babe vupe, Mts. ev. , Mrs. Dottie : Arthur, Edna A. Dujer, Vera Astor, May 'uRain, Bertha Aurella, Queen Eckert, Edna ‘ *Edwardy, Nei d Mrs. Geo. A. »+sau, frank *Baldwin, Betty , Mrs, W, . Frankie ** : Bernett, Marie bine = LAttie rry, Mrs. *Elsing, Nell Barton, Mrs, John A. *téunwotuk. Baskin. Bessie English, Mrs. R. 8. Bass, Maud Evans, Bates, Goldie evetyn, Deaf & Dumb Alla Bibel coopans Baby Rose ch, Mrs. Frank Ss nD, Beeae Earley, Vivian Becker, Mrs. Katie “Warns Alice ll, Grace Fessenbek, Mrs, om Bell, Mrs. J. ©. . Bentley, Florence M Blancbe Berger, Martha Fields, Mrs. Howard Rergeron. Mrs, A. | Figg, Mrs. L. ©. oe , Grace a a we! % 4 Bluedorn, Bettie Fiyin, Princess Bird eeeRradlev. Mra. Nancy Foster, Irene Brand, Charlotte Brenan, M Charli Fox a *Rrinkley Trene Franks, Myrtle Brogden, Mrs. R. W. Freedman, Mrs, Helen Brown, Mrs, J. 0, Gay, Mrs. Emma Brown, Ella , Mrs, Matt Rrewn Harriet Gibson, Nora Bryant, Mrs, Violet Gillespie. Mra, D, HL Re vop Marwarete Givens, Burk, Mrs. Mae Glant, Mae Bushkev Mand Goodwin. Fang Campbell, Maude Gordon, Mrs. Louise Campbell Mrs. Mildred Graves, Mrs. Birtie Elsie Green, Ada Carey, Ida Green, Mrs. Geo, *Carizon, Addie Greene, Mrs, A, J. Carmen, Belle (8)Carr, Adeline Carson, Mrs. Lilly = — Castle, Dolly Dimple Hall. Mrs. Billie Carer Inanita Hall, *Chestley. Mae Hall, Nellie B *Halliday, Irene — *Hamilton, Edyth Hanley, Mrs. Mark Hardin, May fern Merton G. Haring, Mrs, Clarence Comoy., Jessie Haren. Ana Connelly, Lenore L. *Harren, Billy ***Cfonoe'ly Koy arris, Grace Craven, Berna Harris, Soomin wT *Harris, 0. P. Dale, Adelaide Hastings, Pearl . Mrs. B. A. *Hemingway. Louise Tartine He-rtet Hensley, Toto Da "i Herron, Mamte Davia, Rillie iteele Polly Davis, Mrs. Mabelle Hiss, Mrs, Frank M, TieGreat, VMergie Holmes, Mrs, Jack DeLeon, Jessie Holmes. Mrs. M, 7. DeVent, Rabe Hopkins. q DeMors. Indita, Princess Vean, Maxie Ji TieTey Wheda Jewell. Fiste Bose J . Mrs. Frank W. Tetmente Kitten Johnston. Mrs. RB, H. Jones, Alta Te v Joues, Lillian May Lillian Jones, Myra Dixte, Princess Frances 5. Doonan, Mitiio . Flo Mare. ei L. McGee, Mrs, Marte McGill, Lois McGowan, Mrs. Sam McLaughlin, Mrs, R. A. McLwmere. Mrs. W. A. McNeil, Mrs. Jessie *McPherson, Myrtle *MacDonald, Boante MacLeese "Ruth sa Mackie, Mable Mautisun, Kuth Metter, Alice Michaelis, Dolly *Millard, G. D. Miller, Zella ***Miller, Mra. H. L Mizpah, Madam Moon, Jessie Moore, Brance % . Sally Myers, Miss Neawanna. Princess Pa | Paul, Otyrette ***Panl. Ethel Pendle ton, Pendleton, Louise Pha Lola ris, *Phillips, Mrs. O. eae Mrs. Harry Corine > Otis C. Mrs. Preston, Mrs. Carrie Prince, “Alberta Privett, Mrs, W. M. ***Race. Mrs. Bessie Raine, Adila Rajah, Mrs, Princess **Randall, Mrs, Jack Rebie, Mrs. Lillian Reese, Lillian Saunders, Mrs. Billie **Saunders, Mayme F. Schoene, Mrs. Dot Schoenick, Mrs. Blanche Sears, Mrs, Lillian **Sellards, Bessie Lee ***seriol Raphiel Serra Shafer, Mrs, Ethel **Shaw. Carrie L. Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. Irene Stanley, Jewel —. Vera Steele, Livonia Steelsmith, Sadie Steiger, Catherine Steinfel, Mrs. Charlotte Stewart, May Stiers, Mrs. Helen Stultz, Jose *Sullivan, Henrietta *Sutherland, Jessie thane es Mrs. Ollie *eeVance, Mrs. Jack Vanderbilt, Harriett Verner, Vernon, Mrs. Frank Batsell, D. M. Bauman, Jack Bayrooty Bros. Bays, L. Beall, Hiram Beals, Harry Beamish, E. Frank *Beanford. Joe Beaning, EB. C. **Beattie, Jas. W. Beatty, ©. Berk Beauneir, Jack ©. Beeder, Green & Moor **Benson, W. H. **Beyerstedt, Bert H. Biekarck. Mr. Bigney, Chas. Bigsby, R. 8. nl, nsas Birckley, = *Bird, J. *Bistany. 7 HARRISON SISTERS Castrilion, Ignacius ***Catering, G. @ B. Ceci, Pasquale Chaffee, Will Chambers, Walter H, ***Chambers, Bobby ***Chambers, F. Champion. Jack Ho Chinnick, Jack Chisholm, Chris ***Choates, O. A. ~ = ney “White Cody, Cari eeCohran, Jas. — King yn Boars R. M. *Coleman, H. —— -Lesite R. rr ,BEST GIRLBANJOIST intne WORLD Celli Bg J. Wayman, Gaby Wayne, Hazel & Clair *White, Grace **Whitney. E. G. Wilhart, Elizabeth Wilkes, Ruth Williams, Crystal Williams, Mrs. ©. Jack Williams, Patsy Willingham. Eaf Wilson, May Wilson, 8. F. *Winslow. Irma Wright, Mrs. Tiny Young, Ellen Zamora Sisters Starr Zampa Drummer Girl Zelda (Midget Lady) GENTLEMEN’S LIST. Alibrandl, Toms Allen, A. G, Allen, O. M. *Allen, Geo, Bond, Clark Book, Vincent *Borrie, Bossung. A. 8, Bourke, John E. Boyde, Frank *Bozel, E. H. Brady, Frank Bratton, D. Bray, Thurman F. **Brazell, Keneth B. Brell, Jos. *Brenner, Ed Brewnon, Chas, Brice Billy *Brinich, Stanley Brogden, R, W. * ‘Wallie , & GG. *Brosius & Brown ***Brown, Tim Brownfield, Geo. Buchanan, J. 0. Budd, Montana Burdg, Howard person Tony *Comstock, Ourly Conard, Edward Condon, J, M. Conley, Loren E. (Slim) Conley. “=. Connellys, The Connolly. Dan J. Connor, Robert Connors, Jack Cornell, Chris, Couch & Davenport Coughlin, — x. Covill, EB. Cowan. Ed “Cnavber) Cox. Martt Coyle, E. R. Crackerjack Four *Crandall Hal #. Crawford, William ***Crawley, Geo. G. Ww Dillon, Richard England, Jack *Ennis, Harry n, Eske. Will & Pearl Eskies. The Esle, Joe Esselton, Herbert Estes, 0. A. Estrade, Jose Evans, Jack Everett, J. William Everette, Prof. J. Ewald, Don *Experienced Mansger Fairclough, Thomas Falls, Archie *Farnsworth, Donald Farrar, Jack *Fitz, Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald. Harry T. Flack, Robert L. Fountain Nymphs Fournier, H. A, Fowler, A. W. Franklin Franklyn. Ira Fraser, Sam Frazher, Enos Freeman, John R, Freeman, Rube Fulton, Prof. Arthur Funk, Joe ge, L, J. Gaitiand, F. P. **Gallagher, D. J. Galvin, James Gambell, Kid Gannon, Edward P, Garland, Béward A. Garnen, im Gatchell & Medora _ Green, b fan aie a . = ac > 4 4 4 ¥ <3 | ¥ 84 ‘The Billboard JUNE 3, 1916. Karr, Mrs. B. F. Kensing, Mrs. Herman | *Autom, Wm. —, Fred Dean, Ray B. Gates, Katool, Mrs, Ulie Revenni, Blanche Auy & Cohen Debs, Frank Gaughan, Jobn —" Ry f oe Florence ~~ _— BE. > — Dedrick, David Gay, Key ee . ne, Edna er, alter mm ng, Dao *Geban, Albert .| ***Kelley, Mrs, T. W. Rhoda, Helen Baker, Shadow Camm, Alf. DeerHorn, George George, Ma NESS “are combined in th = yw Kennedy, Mialta, Mile, Baldwin, John & Tillle p omme By 8. J. Deitz, Harry *George, ee SS are combined in the Mail For| couseuy, Huse Bella Balief, Prof, G. ***Campbell, R. 0. Delaporie, Wm. Gerard, Charlie warding Department in The Billboard | ,eunmou sisters Riley, Pearl Bailey, J. W. Campbell, Hazard Delavan, T. H. Gettman, H. 8. for the especial benefit of apc mqeamer caper, = Etta mee heart, an, Madge SS a Fr, a corDelay. < Z. qigezer., Billie mai ’ ° * . voys, a Enrough thie “highly efficient depart| ibe, Freacls ssskoberts, Jeunte | Barger, Nelwon Gabon, Sig. Dellinger, wit, dba, ALE ment. Under ordinary circumstances | Kinkaid, Lillian *Robinson. Babe Barker, N. L. Canzoneri, George — il Giveon’ James H. there is no delay, no confusion, in for-| Kiein, Mabel *Robson, Ada Barker, Bobbie Caplane & Wells Selee. ae Gilbert, RB. A. warding mail. Mix-ups sometimes re| K Robson, Ada rker, E, P. (Cri Capps, E. W. : Gilliland, 0, M. rere By *novar’ P. C. Barke’ (Crip) pps. Delzotte, Nicola sult and mail is lost because performers ome r, oer Sineinines Sake ***Barnell, Edward Carlyle, Herbert Densmore, Capt. B, 8, Gilmore, Jack ©. do not write plainly, do not give cor-| scrisineki. Mary ao: Barnes, Worth rroll, Jack *Desdet, Mr. Gilchrist & Armstrong d ra . » **Barnette T. L. Carroll, R, G. Deskin, Albert “Givanni, 0, A. rect address or forget to give an address | es; sRelle. Rosewell, Lucille Barrett, John **Carson & Campbell Dev ~y Show, Trilby Givens, — (Slim) at all when writing for advertised mail. | La , Rosa Roxenberg. Estelle Bartlett, Carson & Willard Dickey, wil A. Govts, *Goin, = Goldberg, A. Goldstein, Morris oes — M. Halligan, Slivers Pn ae — Archie Hansen, Ben (Clark) *°*Hapgood, Arthor Heintz, Jack *Heller, Harry Henritze, John Herzfeld, Mark Hess, Gerald Heth, Henry H. *Hill, Clare M. *Holder, Jack *Holland, Joe Hollaway, Homer Holliater, Ray Holmes, Joseph A. et OMe rtd ed om 6 ht et et ee 6 ee es ns ss a ... .... ....w ...} I SS OS See s sce em om