The Billboard 1917-04-28: Vol 29 Iss 17 (1917-04-28)

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APRIL 28, 1917. The Billboard Springfield—Great Council Ill, Order Red Men. May 16-16. O. 8, Whitmer, Suite 408 Meyers Bidg. springtield—I Grain Dirs,’ Assn. May —. Springfeld—Ill, Pharm. Assn. June 19-22. W. B. Day, 701 8. Wood st., Chicago. Streator—United Spanish War Veterans, State Cony, June 21-238. INDIANA Indianapolis—I, 0. 0. F. Grand Lodge & Rebe aan Acceubte, 0. O. F. May 14-17. W, H, Leedy. Indianapolis—Ind, State Dental Assn. May 1517. Dr. Albert R, Ross, Murdock Bldg., Lafayette, Ind. Indianapolis—Rebekah Assembly, I. 0, 0. F. B. Chesline, 1804 of Ind. May 14-15. Lela S, Boots st., Marion, Ind, indianapolis—Ind, Funeral Dir, Assn, May 1517. Indianapolis—Ind. Poster Adv, Assn. May 10. PB. L. Kinneman, Marion, Ind. Indianapolis—Mine Inspectors’ Institute of U. 8. Paul, Empire Bldg., A. July 10-12. J. W. Pittsburg, Pa. todianepetio-—iad, Millers’ Aasn. July —. Chas. B. Riley, 600 Board of Trade Bidg. Indianapolis—Millinery Traveling Men's Natl. Assn. June —. Frank B. Hodgin, care Fahney & McCrea Millinery Co, Kokomo—Knoights Templar. May 9-10. C. W. Pratton, Masonic Temple, Indianapolis, Kokomo—Eagles’ State erie. June 13-14. Dr. Carl G. Winter, 14 W. Ohio st., I dianapolis. Logansport—State Conv., Sons & Daughters of ’ Liberty, June 1. Madge Wall, 220 Colfax st. tichmend—Un, Com'l Travelers of Am, May 1719. Geo. M, Chrisman, 828 Kinsey st. South Bend—State T. P. A. May —, rerre Haute—State Lotter Cossient Assn. July 4. W. G, Stahl, Ft. Wayne, Ind. IOWA Ames—Un. Natl, Assn. P. 0. Clerks, May 1415. Seott H. Stauffaclin, care Post Office, Waterloo, Ia, Audubon—Interstate Firemen’s Assn. June —. G, R. Richardson, Denison, Ia. Counell Bluffs—State Conv., Graduate Nurses of Ia, June 6-7. Cedar Rapids—Natl, White Shrine Conv. May —, John Burianek, Clinton—Iowa State Mfrs.’ Assn. May 23-24. George Wrightman, 611 Crocker Bldg.. Des Moines. Council Bluffs—Ia, Assn. June 25-26. Council Bluffs—State Bar Assn.; County Attorneys’ Assn.; Court Reporters’ Assn., and Dist, Judges’ Assn. Last week in June, Council Bluffs—State Conv., K. of C. May 28-29. Council Bluff*—State Funeral Directors’ Assn. June 26. Council Bluffs—State Sunday School Conv. June 2-22, Davenport—Dept. of Ia., G. A. R. June 19-21. Geo, A. Newman, State House, Des Moines, Davenport—la, State Assn. Stationary Engineers, June 13-15. F. C. Gibbs, 16 Winthrop ave. Davenport—Sons of Veterans. June —. G. Taylor, 1002 Sth ave., Cedar Rapids, Ia. Davenport—Colored Masons, Grand Lodge. July 1-4. Maley C. Marshall, 1023 Ripley st. oe Com'l Teachers’ Assn. May Dee “Moines—Iowa State Assn. Postmasters, ay —. Des Moines—State Exhibitors’ League. May —. Des Moines—Ia. Assn. Osteopaths. May §&. Section, Am, Waterworks F. G. Cluett. Des Moines—State Dental Soc. ane 1-4, Dr. C. M. Kennedy, 605 C. N, B. Bldg. Des Moines—lIowa Section, wea Electric Light Assn. May 24-25. Rev. H, Fowler, Des Moines—lIowa State Optometrists’ Assn. May —. Geo, L. Goodale, Lenox, Ia. Des Moines—Iowa Dist. Gas Assn. May 22-23. Mr. Vinson, care Des Moines Gas. C. Des Moines—Minneapolis Assn. Life Underwriters, May 17-18. W. ©. Addy, 1184 First Natl. Soo Line Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Des Moines—Ia. Bankers’ Assn. June 14-15. Frank Warner, 710 Fleming Bldg. Des Moines—Dept. of Ia, Un. Spanish War Veterans. June —. W. M. Flynn, Waterloo. Des Moines—Ia. Retail Harness Dirs.’ Assn. June 6-8. A.C. Gregg. Des Moines—Ia, Seed Dirs.’ Assn. June 5-6, A. M. Bidredge. Des Moines—State Optometrists’ Assn. June 1112. G. A, Goodale. Dubuque—Ia, Pharm. Assn. June * ane Al Falkenhainer, Box 35, Dubuque—Royal Order of Moose, Stat. Conv. June 12-13, J. F. Van Vors, 716 Clay st. Dubuque—State Assn, Elks. June 21-22 Frank G. Kilest, Box 304, Des Moines, Ia. Dubu jue—State Fed, Labor. . Canfield, 208 N. 20th st., Cedar Rapids. Ft. Dodge—Ia, Abstracters’ Assn. June —. Roy M. Clark, Forest City, Ia, Spirit Lake—Knighte Templars, Grand Comae a’ July 10-13. D. M. ‘Brownlee, Sioux y. fa. Waterloo—Un, Com'l Travelers of Am. First week In June. T. V, Edwards, 289 10th ave., Council Binffs, Ta. Waterloo—Grand Lodge of Ia., A. F. & A. M. June 1244. N. R. Parvin, Oedar Rapids, Ta. KANSAS Burlington—Kansas Abstracters’ Assn. June —. Wm. 8. Lang. Pittsburg—Eagles, State Aerie. May —, W. H. Smith, Atchison, Kan. St. Marys—Knights of Columbus, June 2%. L. J. Degarmo, Box 265, Ellinwood, Kan Salina—Kan, Med. Soc. May 2-4. Chas. S. Huffman, 120 FE. Maple st., Columbus. Salina—G. A. R., Dept. Pncampment. May —. D. L. Sweeney. Memorial Hall, Topeka. Salina—Sunflower Grand Lo< of P. July og H. I. Monroe, 1108 Clay st., Topeka, Topeka—Grand Lodge, Knight of Pythias, May 5-17, N. L. Hollowell, 407 Husted Bldg., Kansas City, Kan. Topeka—Kan, Pharm. Assn. May 15-17. D. von Riesen, Box 635, Marysville, Kan. Topeka—Kan. Bankers’ Assn, May 24-3. W. . Bowman, Mnuivane Ridg. Fopeka—State Sunday-School Convention. May 8. J. H. Engle, Abilene. cca Council of Kan. U. C. Ts, June P. M, Emmert, Box 394, Hutchinson, Topete-—Geathwesters Water Works Assn, June EF. L, Fulkerson, 617 Washington st., Waco, Tex, Wichita—Kansas Launderers’ Assn. Last week in April. W. J. Scott, care Domestic Laundry. Wichita—Grand Chapter of Kan., 0. 8. May 10-11. Mrs. Della Bennett, Topeka, Kan, KENTUCKY Ashland—Ky.-Va.-W. Va.-Md. Grand Council, Order Un. Com’! Trav, of Am. June 13-15. Geo, F, Brown, 330 Woodland ave., Lexington, Ky. Bowling Green—Ky. State Council Knights of Columbus, May 8. Martin J. DeVries. Covington—Grand Commandery, Knights Templar. May 16-17. A. H. Bryant, Box 45. Frankfort—I. 0. 0. F. Gr. Encampment. May 16. R. G. Elliott, Lexington. Lexington—Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity. June 25-30. Gladys Branegan, Platteville, Wis. Louisville—Natl. Assn. State Libraries, June ey Elizabeth M. Smith, State Library, Al n N. Seutevite--tie. Mfrs. & Shippers’ Assn. May — C. C. Cusiley. Louisville—Ky, Poster Adv, Assn. May 12. B. T. Loveridge, Lexington, Louisville—Asen. Ry, Claim Agents of U. 8. & Can. May 9-11. W. C. Farling, New York City. Louisville—Ky. Soe. Colonial Dames. May —. Mrs. Morris B. Belknap. Louisville—Ky. Osteopathic Assn. J. A. Stiles, Morganfield, Ky. Louisville—Ky. Electric Med. Assn. May —. Dr. T. A. E. Evans, Farmers, Ky. Louisville—Ky, State Assn, Ry. Surgeons. 10-11. Dr. Clarence H, Vaught, Loulevitle—Ky. Distillers a Wholesale Liquor Dirs.’ Assn. May —. A. Reisert Louisville—Southern Reattion Asen. May _—. S. M. Heller. Louisville—Ky. Electrical Contractors’ Assn. May 5. F. F. Valinoti, 514 W. Main st. Louteville—Ky. Laundry Owners’ Assn, May 10-11. May —. Dr. May Richmond, Bath—F. and A., Grand Court. May 9. Alex. G. Wilson, 64 High st., Westbrook, Me. Kineo—Me. Pharm. Assn. June 27-29. Dr. M. L, Porter, Danforth, Me. Pertland—New England Eclectic Med, Assn. May 23-24. Fredk, W. Abbott, 72 Broadway, Taunton, Mass. Portland—Am. Assn, of Workers for Blind. June 24-28, Portland—New England Assn. gineers, Last week in June. Stationary En Portland—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge. May 2. Stephen Berry, Masonic Temple. Rockland—Sons of Veterans. June —. Ed K. Gould, 362 Main st. MARYLAND Baltimore—Daughters of Am., State Council of Md. May 8-9. Marie I. Connor, w. North ave. Baltimore—O. U. A. M., State Council. June 14, Chas. H. Stein, 917 W. Franklin st. MASSACHUSETTS Boston—Royal Arcanum, Grand Council ef Mass. April 26-27. Wm. L. Kelt, 101 Tremont st. Boston—Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias of Mass. May 1-2. Geo. E. Howe, 15 Ashburton Place Boston—-Rebekah Assembly, I. U, 0. F. of Mass, May 2. Mrs. Sarah A. Barry, 9a Mon’t sq.. Charlestown, Mass. Boston—Supreme Council, Royal Arcanum. May 16-23. Boston—Am, Booksellers’ Assn. May 15-17. Boston—Mass, Homeopathic Med, Soc, First week in May, Roston—American Guild of Banjoists, Mandolinists & Guitarists. April 29-May 2. C. V. Buttelman, 8 Bosworth st. Boston—Grand Commandery of Mass. A. & I. 0. Knights of Malta. June 12. Frederic H. Will son, 915 Colonial Bldg. Boston—Nat]. Assembly of Civil Service Commissions. June —. John T. Doyle, U. 8. Civil Service, Commission, Washington, D. C. CRITICS Mr. Ford on the “Hoot Owl’? School of Thought In the eyes of those who have been unfortunate enough to fall under the spell of what I call, in my simple, kindly fashion, the “Hoot Owl” school of thought, in honor of a bird that flaps its wings and hoots instead of talking sense, commercialism and the critic of the boxoffice are the two most thoroughly discredited figures in the theatrical world. As my own slender knowledge of the stage has been derived from another school—that of experience tempered by reflection—I feel moved to say a few words in defense of these two much maligned and but little understood figures. For I have long since arrived at the belief that commercialism in the theater means a great deal more than mere money making} that it is absolutely essential to the highest forms of dramatic art, and that the ticket rack, on which the box-office critic writes his opinion in indelible ink, is an almost unfailing barometer not only of popular taste, but of the merit of the entertain ment that lies behind it. It was the late A. M. Palmer, one of the most distinguished managers of his day, who coined the phrase “the critic of the box-office” more than a third of a century ago as a staggering counterblow to the scribes who had denounced a play that the public was clamoring to see. The word commerce and its derivatives always stood for dignity and probity in affairs until the great money bags of the town were poured into the theater with lavish hands. And when the last of that money had been absorbed in the quagmire of popular indifference there remained to the investors the satisfaction of branding the successful playhouses with the opprobrious term commercialism. Now I say unreservedly that every dollar that passes in through the box-office window is dedicated to the service of true dramatic art and that every dollar carried around to the back door in a bag helps to pauperize and degrade it—JAMES L. FORD, in Scribner’s Magazine. ; PHSSSSFSFSSSFSFSSSOSSSSSSSSSSFSOSSOSOS SOS SOSSSSSSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOOOOOD Louisville—Special Libraries Assn. June —. John A. Lapp, State House, Indianapolis, Ind, Louisville—Am, Library Assn. June 21-27. Geo. B. Utley, 78 E. Washington st., Chicago, Il. Louisville—Ky. Funeral Dirs.’ Assn. June 12-14. W. E. Pierson. Louisville—Ky. State League of Bldg, Assas. June —. Thos, A, Barker. Louisville—Ky. Hotel Clerks’ Assn, June —. A. J. Youngerman, Louisville—S_ E. Passenger Assn. June —. Louisville—Ky. Dental Assn. June —, Louisville—Ky. Press Assn. June —, J. ©, Alcock, Jeffersontown, Ky. Louisville—Un, Drug Co. Cony. June 5-8. T, P. Assn, June 19-21. Taylor. Louisville—Ky. State Pharm. Robt. Frick. Assn, Louisville—Middle States Textile Mfrs. July —. Lee Rodman, Cannelton, Ind, Newport—Natl_ Soc, Colonial Daughters of Am. May 13. Mary Florence Taney, care The Woodford, Covington, Ky. LOUISIANA Com'l Travelers, Grand CounMay 18-19. Mose Frank, Baton Rouge—Un. cil, i & La, Rox 5 Shreveport. Pe. han ag rr of Pythias. May 21. Lours Bauer, 134 S. Rampart st., New Orleans. Lake Charles—The Maccabees. July —. M. J. Bulger, 1325 N. Rampert st.. New Orleane. New Orleans—Grand Grove of La., Un. Ancient Order of Druids. June 11-13, Henry Keith, S483 Camp at New Orleans—Council Fed. Women's Clubs (Ala.-Mise.-Tex.-La.). June New Orleans—Post Graduate Dental Soe, June 4-7. New Orleans—Southern Assn. Ice Cream Mfrs. July —. MAINE Augusta—Pythian Sisters. May 16, Mrs, Agnes K, Sweeney, Sanford, Me. 7-2. ‘I. £. Bangor—Me,. Dental Soc, June Pendleton, Lewistown, Me. Boston—Mass, Med. Soc. June 12-13. Boston—Am. Surgical Assn. May 31-June 2, Boston—Mass, Conv., Knights of Columbus. June 12, aie. Unitarian Assn. Third week in une, Boston—Greeters of America. June —. Boston—Knights & Ladies of Honor, May 9. Sam Hathaway, 218 Fremont st. Boston—Pythian Sisters. May 2-3. Mrs. Edna L. | eae 40 Fairview ave., West Spring Boston—State Dental Soc. May —. J. A. Furbdis, 400 Marlboro st. Boston—U. S. League of Local Bldg. & Toan Assne. July 25-26. H. F. Cellarius, Station A, ‘incinnati, 0. Boston—B, P. O. Elks. Week July 10. Fred C. Robinson, Dubuque, Ia. NRoston—Greeters of America. Week July 2. Gloucester—Loyal Order Moose. June 15-15. Harry H. Parsons, 7 Summit st. Marlborough—Mass. Retail Grocers & Prov, Dirs. Assn, May 2. Harry W. Mansfield, 46 Clinton st., Roston, Natick—Sons & Daughters of Liberty. May 11. Emily A. Davis, 1 Davis st.. Marlboro, Mass. Newburyport—State Conf. Brotherhood Painters & Decorators of Am. July 7-8. P. H. Griggs, 21 Sanford st., Springfield, Mass. Pittsfield—Grand Chapter, Order Eastern Star of Mass. May 10-11. Mrs. Carrie A. Cushing, §2 Bromfield Rd., Somerville, Mass. Pittsfield—F. of A., Grand Court. May —. Wm H. Stafford. Pollard Bidg., Lowell, Pittsfleld—Pittefield Aerie of Eagles. July 3-4. Victor H. Blache, 88 Henry ave. Springtield—Home Furnishers’ Assn. of Mass. June 5-6. Alonzo Yout, 24 Milk st.. Boston. Springfield—Mass. State Dental Soc. May J. A. Furbish, 400 Marlboro st., Roston. Springfield—Un, Natl, Assn. P. 0. ‘Clerks. May 30. Chas. J. Dunlevy, eare P. O. Brockton. Springfield—Veterans of Foreign Wars. May —. R. G. Woodside, 329 Bakewell Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. 5-5. Springfield—Employed Officers’ Assn, of North America. June 8-12. J, W, Hopkins, College st., Toronto, Can. Springtield—Physical Directors, N. Am, Y. M. C, As. June 13-14. Dr. Geo, J, Fisher, 124 E, 28th st., New York City. Worcester—Mass, Catholic Order Foresters, May 23. Daniel H. Maguire, 17 Worcester st., Boston. Worcester—Holstein-Friesian Assn, of Am. June 6. F. L. Houghton, Brattleboro, Vt. MICHIGAN Battle Creek—State Encampment, G. A. R.; Woman’s Relief Corps; Daughters of Veterans; Spanish War Veterans, and Ladies’ Auxiliary. June —. June 13-15. Battle Creek—Sons of Veterans, Fred J. MeMurtrie, 424 Ford Bidg., Detroit. Bay City—Mich, Grand Council, Order Un. Com’! Travelers’ of Am. June 1-2, Maurice Heuman, 106 E. Wilkins st., Jackson, Mich Bay City—Lutheran Bund of Mich. Last week in July. Calumet—Order Sons of George, Mich. Grand Lodge. July 191" “en Pascoe, Negaunee, Mich. Detroit—Am. Electric-Chemical Soc, May 2-5. ed Richards, Lehigh Univ., 8. Beth Detroit—Laundrymen’s Assn, May 8-9, Detroit—Mich. Homeopathic Soc, May —. Dr. Neil Bentley Detroit—Mich. * Chiropodists’ Assn. May 1. Dr. J. Francis Martin. Detroit—Thirty-first Mich, Volunteer Infantry. May —. Fred Schubel, Lansing. Detroit—Mich. P, O. Clerks. May —. John W,. Allison. Detroit—Mich. Press & Printers’ Federation. ioe —. James B. Haskins, Howard City, ich. Detroit—Supreme Circle—Protected Home Olrcle. May —. E. C. Forbes, 335 Old Arcade, Cleveland, “ee State Spiritualists. May —, EF. Detroit—Am, Seed Trade Assn. June 19-21. ©. E. Kendel, 2010 Ontario st., Cleveland, 0, Detroit—Natl. Dist, Heating Assn. June 12-15. D. L. Gaskill, Elec. Bldg., Greenville, 0. Detroit—Ind. Order Foresters, High Court of Mich, June —. Geo. J. Boyden, 1624 Broaaway, Bay City. Mich. Detroit—Brotherhood Am. Yeomen, June —. W. BE. Davy, Des Moines, Ia. Detroit—Mich.-Ohio Funeral Dirs.’ Assn.. June 6-8. Detroit—Glass Bottle Blowers’ Assn. of U. S. & Canada. July 9. Harry Jenkins, 980 Witherspoon Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Detroit—Stove Mounters’ Intnatl Union. July 12. Frank Grimshaw, 1210 Jefferson st., East. Escanaba—Eagles, State Aerie. June 19. M. W. Ryan, 124 2d ave., South Alpena, Mich. Gladstone—Swedish-Finnish Temperance Assn. of Am. July 26. John Berg, 5624 Dakin st., Chicago, Ill. Grand Rapids—Mich, State Nurses’ Assn. May 22-24. Miss Ida M. Barrett, care Blodgett, Memorial Hospital. Grand Haven—Allgemeiner Arbeiter Bund. June 12-14. August Boseker, Box 368. Grand Rapids—Probate Judges’ Assn. of Mich. June 26-28. Hon. Samuel Van Horn, Kalamazoo. Grand Rapids—Knights of Columbus, Mich. State Coun’. June W. E. Sturn, L. B. 42, Monroe, uifieb, Grand Rapids—Mich. State Pharm, Assn. June 19-21. F. J. Wheaton, Jackson, Mich. Grand Rapids—Mich,. State Bar Assn. June 2930. Harry A. Selsble, Lansing, Mich. Grand Rapids—Mich. State Music Teachers’ Assn. June 26-28. ©. Cummings, Saginaw, Grand Rapids—League ‘of Mich, Municipalities. July 12-13. Grand Rapids—Retail Merchants’ Congress. June 5-7. Hancock—Knights of Pytbias. June 8-10. Webster Dock. Kalamazoo—Grand a. Knights Tem= June 5-7. Geo, T. mpbell, Owosso, Kalamazoo—19th Mich, Vol. Infty. Assn. June 20-21. Frank G. Rice, Route 1, Paris, Mich. Lake Harbus—The Indians, Natl, ‘mmcotiag Tournament. June 25-29. D. H. Eaton, 318 B. 4th st., Cincinnati, O. Lansing—Grand Lodge, F. & A. M. of Mich. May 22-23. Lou B. Winsor, Reed City. Mackinac—Kappa Alpha Theta Frat. July —. L. Pearle Green, 15 East ave., Ithaca, N. =. Menonimee—Mich, Bakers’ Assn. June 19-23. Muskegon—Mich. Elks, June 20-23. Geo. D. Bostock, Elks’ Temple, Grand Rapids. —— Liquor Dirs” Assn. July 17 pt. . Encampment, I. 0. 0. F. of poms May 1416. I. G. Reynolds, Ann Pontiac—Foresters of Am., State Conv. June 19-21. A, H. Saunders, 1854 Scotten ave., Detroit. St. Joseph—State Firemen’s Assn. June 12-14. 0. Rice, Portland, Mich. MINNESOTA ‘an? Order of Eagles. June 12Vv. M. Grady, 24 E. 1st st., Duluth, an Paribanit~tine. State Fed. of Labor. July 16_ Fie W. Lawson, 205 Dakota Bldg., St. au Minneapolis—Rebekah Assembly, I. 0. 0. ek. of Minn. June 13-14. Lacy Bolten, 175 Sara toga st., North, St. Paul, Minneapolis—Minn. State Camp, M. W. A. May 1-2, John L. Sundean, 2828 Girard ave., S. Minneapolis—Knights Templar. May 16-17. John Fishel, Smith and 6th sts., St. Paul. Minneapolis—Phi Kappa Psi Frat. June 27-20. C. Williams, 729 Garfield Bidg., Clev-and, 0. Minneapolis—Frat, of Operative Millers of Am. June 4-8. John A. Wells, Kent, 0. Minneapolis—Grand Lodge, I. 0, 0. F. of Minn. June 18. A, L. Bolton, 156 W. 9th st., St. Paul. Minneapolis—Psi Upsilon. June 14-16. Geo, 8. Coleman, Box 1720, New York City. Minneapolis—Imperial Council Nobles of Mysttc Shrine. June 26-28. B, W. Rowell, 206 Masonie Temple. Boston, Mass. Minneapolis—Delta Gamma Sorority. Third week in June. Mrs. E. W. Hawley, 323 11th ave., Ss E. Minneapolis—Natl. Press Assn. June —. — Bro, of Threshermen. June aa IRS BUF agit oa