The Billboard 1917-06-16: Vol 29 Iss 24 (1917-06-16)

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JUNE 16, 1917 The Bi liboard | N,V. A. NEWS Owing to the unexpected demand for N. V. A. penefit programs from all parts of the country an extra edition is being run off and will be on sale at the club for fifty cents each. Miss Olga, when not ‘‘fiddling’’ country, is raising patriotic toston Road farm. toy Ingraham and Adelaide Wilson are rehearsing a new skit. Hugh Herbert, author, and Jack Maloy, composer, are lugging a mysterious bundle around that they claim is a new act, Dolores Leon and May Forrest will work to about the potatoes on her gether in Miss Forrest's latest sketch. Secretary Chesterfield announces that if the avalanche of new applicants continues at the present rate New Year Day will find the N, V. A. 20,000 strong. The new team of Fox and Cross, playing The Three Stayouts, the third member being a lamp post, report the new offering their greatest success. The crowd about the club piano is never thicker than when Violinsky and Johnson play a few duets for the boys and girls. A new offering is in preparation by Lew Brice and the Barr Twine. Jim Devlin and Leatta Miller say that The Girl From Yonkers, altho not as young as she used to be, is still making people laugh a little. This note is intended for members who order emblems and send in remittances varying all the way from a quarter to a dollar. The N. V. A. emblems are made both as pins and buttons, and the price is still 30 cents. Marta Golden sold the most programs at the benefit. Others with high scores were Maud Ryan and Truly Shattuck. Oscar Loraine is spending his vacation at the club. Joe Bingham and Irene West are rehearsing a new act. An unexpected feature of the Thursday night party was the appearance of Evart Overton, the handsome and dashing young movie actor. ‘‘Ev’’ sald he was jolly well glad he joined the club. Marietta Craig will be seen the coming season in a new play, called The Reason. John Dunsmore, who owns a farm on Long Island, has taken off his diamonds and gone to work in the potato patch. Mullen and Coogan will be seen presently in a new act, written by Herbert Moore, Jessie Mae Hall is speeding west to Vinita, Ok., to enjoy a well-earned rest. Willy Zimmerman says: ‘There is too much mud slinging in show business, and the only ones to be excused are clay modelers.”’ ALICE DOVEY-JOHN HAZZARD 9.—John EB. Hazzard and Alice Dovey, of the Very Good, Eddie, Company, were married bere Wednesday. Miss Dovey has left the cast, and has been supplanted by Natalie Warfield, who joined the company at Omaha, Neb, MME. FONTANA GRANTED DECREE New York, June 9.—Mme. Margarete M. Fontana, of the Metropolitan Opera Company, who sued for a divorce from Edoardo Ferrart-Fontana, received a decree from Supreme Court Justice Donnelly, with the custody of her child, New York, June PHILADELPHIA NEWS The father of Louis Martin, treasurer of the Gayety Theater, died at Atlantic City after a brief illness and was buried in this city last week, The Frankford Theater, now showing highclass pictures, will run all summer, with Horace McKenna house manager, and open in the fall with vaudeville. Across the street William Freihofer, owner of the Frankford Theater, will build a high-class picture house, seating 2,000, which will open in the fall. Vandeville will he booked direet by Columbns Stamper, general manager of the Freihofer enterprises. The Market Street Museum of freaks and various novelties, now under the direction of George W. Lindy, will keep open all summer. Mrs, Armstrong ‘has taken over for the summer the management of the Atlantic City Mu THE FORCE includes oo. Toby Fitzpatrick, Piantadosi, ‘‘Sergeant”’ Anyone using or producin infringervents of such patents, 25 West 42nd ‘TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We have secured exclusive rights throughout the world for the BOWDOIN PATENTS, covering the inventions for water effects as produced in the New York Hippodrome and elsewhere under said patents, the being No. 854,265, No. 877,167, No. 1,146,548. water effects covered by these patents, or be held liable. T. V. B. . 8S. patents ENTERPRISES, INC., St., Suite 508, New York, N. Y. Wanted To Enlarge DeRue Bros.’ Minstrels FOR REGULAR SEASON People in all branches, including Singers, Dancers, high-class Novelty Acts, Musicians with B. & O. doubles and Musicians to double stage. now to join on receipt of wire first-class Band and Orchestra Cornet. Can place Address by letter and give your telegraph address, also two weeks’ route or more. Address June 15, Norway; 16, Rumford Falls; 18, Canton; 19, Farmington: 20, Wilton; 21, Livermore Falis; 22, Winthrop; 2 ville. All in the State of Maine. 23, Norridgewock; 25, Water Anyone looking for just summer engagement stay off, this will be an engagement until June 15, 1918. WANTED FOR ANGELL’S COMEDIANS Good all around Comedian, double band and orchestra; no parades; all week stands; sena, Iowa, June 18, and week. under canvas. D. H. HADERMANN, Mer Angell’s Comedians, Mes WANTED FOR WALKER’S MUSIC BUGS Chorus Girls, one to fake Bass Drum in small band; Show. Steady work. Low, mer salary. Don’t write, wire and pay your own telegra MUSICAL WALKER, week of June also Lady Musicians, to double Chorus. Small Tab. sure salary. No attention — you state age, height, weight and lowest sum tt, Apollo, Pa.; week of June 18, Meadville, Pa. WRESTLER WANTED Three five-minute matches a week. You do not have Novelty Performer who can do straight in acts, change for week stand. Regards lowest salary, you get it here. We never close to be great, only know the game. Also fea CAN PLACE Piano Player. Name from the Happy Family MURDOCK BROS., SECRETARIES FOURTH If you have not found what you want write us. Trick House, Acrobats, Flying Trapeze. Jugglers, Uncle Reuben’s Haywagon Comedy Acrobats, Balloon quick. HENDERSON'S CENTRAL THEATRICAL NOTE—Performers having open time write for fair dates. Iselin, Pennsylvania. JULY CELEBRATIONS, We can furnish anything in Qutdoor Attractions, Comedy Lady and Gentleman Wire Walkers, Japanese Novelty Acts, Atney” and all kinds of novelties. Send for prices ENCY, First National Bank Bidg., Covington, Ky. HARRY VON TILZER Is Busiest Man in Song World New York, June 9.—Harry Von Tilzer is, undoubtedly, the busiest man now in songdom. He has just completed his seventh new songz, which is some record even for this most prolific song writer. In his offices the other day were to be seen Adele Rowland, Lillian Lorraine, Jack Norworth, Elfie Fay, Charlotte Parry, Elizabeth Murray, Margaret Farrell and Felix Adler, all rehearsing under the direction of the composer, Harry Von Tilzer, some new special song that he had arranged for them. Meyer Cohen, business manager of the firm; says this is going to be the busiest summer that the Harry Von Tilzer Company ever had, and the indications point to this state of affairs. Mr. Von ‘Tilzer, to show that he is patriotic as well as timely, has just composed a new ballad, called Buy a Liberty Bond for Baby. His The Man Behind the Hammer and the Plow is still amongst the best sellers and is being sung by about a score of vaudeville acts hereabouts. His Help! Help! I’m Sinking in the Ocean of Love, was a big hit with the Hip, Hip, Hooray Girls’ show at the Columbia, indefinitely. It is safe to say that the new Harry Von Tiler song program, when announced, will be the most novel and quite the best that this popular composer and good fellow of the song world has yet put out for professionals and the public. MUSICAL MELANGE New York, June 9.—Wolfe Gilbert’s Lily of the Valley song is a riot every night at the Columbia Theater with the Hip, Hip, Hooray Girls, It is introduced in the second act with the Polar Bear Girls and Ben Pierce, and usually receives 14 to 16 encores. It is some ‘“‘nut”’ song. Arthur N. Green, the publicity man of the William Jerome Pub. Co., who is the author of the music of If I Catch the Guy Who Wrote Poor Butterfly and It Must Be the Spirit of Seventy-Six, with words my William Jerome, is at work on a new song. A new march called The Soldier Man has just seum, while Mr. Armstrong is looking after the Chicago end of the Armstrong Museum attractions. All places report good, steady business. The Knickerbocker Theater, under the management of H. Miller, closed last week for the season with Her Unborn Child. The house will open early in the fall with dramatic stock. JOINS HOSPITAL CORPS Prof. Frank Packwa, hypnotist, who has enlisted in the Red Cross Base Hospital Corps, writes that he expects to leave shortly with the corps for duty in France. He is at present located at 2219 W. Forty-seventh street, Chicago, Ill., and would like to hear from friends, PALS’ CLUB CLOSED Chicago, June 9.—The Pals’ Club, an organization similar to the Strollers, is closed for the summer. It will reopen Chicago clubrooms September 15, NOW PEARL OF YOKOHAMA New York, June 9.—Arthur Lamb’s musical play, The Teasers, has been renamed The Pearl of Yokohama, and will begin a tour in Angut. It will be under the direction of Messrs. LeComte and Lydiard, CHARLOTTE PROVES HER AGE Chicago, June 10.—Just to prove that she is really only 18 years old Charlotte, the ice skater at the Terrace Gardens, entertained 500 Chicago girls of that age last week. THE FOLLIES PREMIERE Atlantic City, June 8.—The first-nighters who packed the Apollo to the doors Tuesday night to receive the premiere of the eleventh annual revue of the Ziegfeld Follies witnessed a spectacle of radiant beauties, dazzling costumes and gorgeous scenery, such as has never been produced even by Florenz Ziegfeld, the wizard of musical revue. In fact, this culminating triumph of all Ziegfeld productions is the most pronounced achievement in stage entertainment of any since his conception of the first follies, which was established by Mr. Ziegfeld in Atlantie City in 1907. While there are a number of stars in the present revue the Follies is made a more unified entertainment because each star fits in with the various scenes, and no attempt is made to star any particular player. George V. Hobart and Gene Buck are responsible for the book and lyrics of the revue, and have accomplished their task with great credit. Raymond Hubbell, Dave Stamper and Victor Herbert have provided the song numbers. The Follies will remain here the balance of this week, and will then go to New York, where it ig to be presented in the New Amsterdam Theater commencing Tuesday evening, June 12. BRUNK’S OUTFIT ——--— Completely Destroyed by Cyclone Perry, Ok., June 8.—The equipment of Brunk’s Comedians, Company No. 1, under the mamagement of Glen Brunk, was completely destroyed bere yesterday by a cyclone, which did much damage to this town and surrounding country. The company will play in opera houses until a new outfit arrives, which Manager Brunk has ordered. Two of the canvasmen were injured, but not seriously. Wilbuck’s Comedians, under the joint management of Buckingham & Wilson, were also badly damaged by the wind the day before at Pawhuska, Ok. EVE’S DAUGHTER PRODUCED Washington, D. €., June 9.—William A. Brady produced at the Belasco Theater this week Eve’s Daughter, a comedy by Alicia Ramsey. Among the members of the cast were Christine Norman, Lionel Atwell, Thomas Holding, Gypsy O’Brien, Annie Hughes, Lionel Belmore and others. been composed by Chris. Pretorious. It is one of the best we have heard of late. Another good piece of musie from the prolific pen of Chris Pretorious is a rattling song hit called For the Honor of Uncle Sam. The words were written by J. A. Dillon. Laura Oakman, a clever mezzo soprano, has been featuring this song of late. Helen Vreeland, the prima donna of the Hip. Hip, Hooray Girls, is still featuring Wonderful Girl at the Columbia Theater, Col, Logan, of Boston, says that the new pa triotic song, Your Country Needs You Now, just published by M. Witmark & Sons, is one of the best things of the kind for recruiting purposes ever written—and he oight to know—for that is his business, Irving Berlin has written a brand new song at the request of the Navy Department, to help recruiting. Mr. Berlin sang this patriotic number in the principal theaters of New York recently. The title is For Your Country and My Country, and it has a martial dash to it. LITTLE THEATER MAGAZINE Chicago, June 8.—A first issue of The Little Theater Magazine, edited by Adrian Metzger, of the San Francisco Players’ Club, has just come to light. IDEAL MAGAZINE GIRL Chicago, June 9.—Neysha McMein, the artist, se.ected Carroll McComas, leading lady of Seven Chances, for a recent cover of McClure’s Mazazine. WALTER SISTERS’ NEW ACT New York, June 9.—Flo and Ollie Walter bave returned from New Mexico, their home, after five months of absence, and are arranging a tour for vaudeville with a brand new song and dance skit, adorned with pretty wardrobe. Have you looked thru the Letter List? ees > _ AL, PIANTADOSI & CO, , Inc., Joyously Announce to the N. V, A. and Other Members of the Profession That They Have Secured the Services of the Well-Known and Well-Liked JACK GLOGAL) 4:PROFESSIONAL MANAGER THE BIG DRIVE under “Commander-in-Chief” Glogau Is On. ““Major’”” Sammy Smith, ‘‘Captain’’ Harry Collins, “Lieutenant” George Harry Squires, ‘Corporal’? Phil Waiman and ‘Private’ Al Piantadesi. THE AMMUNITION—The Greatest Catalogue of Real Song Hits in the History of the Music Publishing Business. MUSIC PUBLISHERS ASTOR THEATRE BLDG., NEW YORK CITY Jack Glogau is now in charge and will be glad to meet his friends at our offices, Astor Theater Bidg., one, 6964 Bryant. Broadway and 45th Street, New York City. and is continued | « { t ‘ . a