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7 JUNE 16, 1917 e x poarc J SPECIAL TO ROAD SHOWS—We have several} WANTED TO RENT —Moving Picture Theatre, 9dHand M. P. Access. for Sale Moulin ee Me Be, 8 sete Soe .* hundred Wild West, Slapstick Comedies and Dramas, | must be in live town; prefer the South; state all. ie PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. Money God, 5 reels; Mabel’s Married Life “chaptind in good condition, with posters, at $2.00 per reel; also| BOX 35, Orla, Missouri. No plans, no formulas, no secrets. no animais,|1 reel; Favorite Pastime (Chaplin), 1 reel; Buro|%, fine lot of two and three-reel Features at $3.00 and scripts, schemes or ness notices inserted under | pean War, 3 reels: Worker, 3 reels; Grip of the | $4.00 per reel; we will take your Reels exchange; this heading. Eagle’s Claw, 3 reels; Great Bullion Robbery, 3 write for Bargain List Hoe SON . mat E&reels; Missing Woman, 3 reels; Serb-Austrian War, CHANGE, Box K, Morgantown, Kentucky.
3) REBELS OF FILM, at $1.50 a reel. HARRY ©MITH, Gratz, Pennsylvania.
4 reels. Entire lot with posters, $250.00. BURNS, 614 Schiller Bidg., Chicago, Illinois.
7 REELS, all two-reel subjects, Comedy, Western hi dian and Sensationa!, $10 set. EXPRESS FILM <ERVICE, Lotisville, Kentucky.
400 AIRDOMB SEATS, in good shape, 50c each; new and 1 rebuilt Power Machine at’ cut prices. REDINGTON CO., Scranton, Pennsylvania.
$29.00, POWER’S MOVING PICTURE MACHINE and rheostat; No. 5, lens, stand and attachments; cost $250.00. WEIL’S CU RIOSITY SHOP, 20 8. 2nd St, ; biladelphia, Pennsylvania.
FOR SALE—The Greyhound, 5 reels; The Miracle, 5 reels; Captain Swift, 5 reels; Protea, Ill, 5 reels; The Vengeance of the Wild, 5 reels; Outlaw’s Remorse, 3 reels; Daniel Boone on the Trail, 3 reels; Ups and Downs, with Max Linder; Shadow of Sin, 3 reels; Chasing a Million, 3 reels; James Boys From Missouri, 3 reels; Jane Eyre, 4 reels: Lena Rivers, 6 reels; Angel of the Trail, 4 reels; Detective Hayes, 3 reels; 275 Single Reels at $3.00; 50 other features. Write for Complete List. Going out of the business) EDWARD GELLER, 97 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Michigan.
~ BLAIR MOVING PICTURE MACHINE—Complete; good as new; cost $300.00, $75.00 takes it; aan bargain. B. O WETMORE, 2 Park Sa.,
500 SINGLE REELS, with posters, $4.00 each; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-reel Features, at bed rock prices; get this, that if you want most any film at a fair price, i em the man. HL DAVIS, Lee Park, Wilkes-Barre, lconsylvania.
latest imp.; same as new; Screen Head and Foot thie Metal Operating Booth; Fancy Ticket Booth, one Generator, D. C., 125 v.: Marble Switchboards, about 700 Opera Chairs; same as new; and other things pertaining to show business. L. E. HERRON, Lancaster, Kentu
BARGAINS—(Good condition guaranteed)—Panama Canal, Scripture, War and Travel Slides, Gas Machine, Films, Lecture Outfits, Picture Machines. WYNDHAM, 8 Patchin Place, New York City.
CHAPLINS—Single-reel Chaplin Films for sale, in good condition; also Features for sale, with posters, prices reasonable; will ship subject to ‘examination if express charges are guarant GORDON, 92 Griswold St., Detroit, Michigan.
COMPLETE ROAD SHOW—Must be sold at once; Power’s Picture Machine, complete and perfect condition; Model B Gas Maker, with burner; Asbestos Booth (Portable), 10,000 tt. Ourtain, Cable, Trunks, Oxone, Ether, $150.00 takes all; quick if you want bargain; send priv. of exam. B. 0. WETMORE, 2 Park Sq., Boston.
eee PICTURE SHOW EQUIPMENT FOR LE—Twa Power 6A Motor Driven Machines, al—-*current; Wall Fans, Mirroroid Screen, two Brass Poster lw Opera Chairs, Electric’ Sign “Palm Theatre."’ argain if — at once. RALEIGH FILM EXCHANGE, Raleigh, N. C.
EDISON EXHIBITION MODEL PICTURE MACHINE, Films, Aluminum Screen, for sale cheap. W. A. EILER, 2505 N. Racine Ave., Chicago, Ill.
EDISON MACHINE, $75, slightly used, complete with upper and lower magazines, electric burner, stand, two new empty reels, new asbestos wire, new Simplex or Power rheostat, new French imported condensers, lenses to fit any measurements desired, guaranteed as gy 5 as new, $175; everything complete, ready rate, $75. LEARS THEATRE kU PPLY COMPANY, 420 Market St., St. Louis, Mo.
EIGHT 15-TUNE aay CREMONA ELECTRIC PLANOS, good as $250 each; will ship on deposit of $15. J. r "HERMAN, 1420 Pa. Ave. Washington, District of Columbia.
FEATURES—4, 5, 6 reels, with paper, in first-class condition, $10 a reel: wil paper on M’'Liss PEERLESS FILM ©O., 145 W. 45th St., New York
FEATURB FOR SALE—For Ireland’s Sake, three reels; Rip Van Winkle, Five Marked Women, Salambo, Auto Bandits of New York, Lights of Londcn, Sapho and many others. FEDERAL FEATURD FILM, 145 W. 45th St., New York.
FINE M. P.. OUTFIT—Detroit Light Plant, steel trucked; $285 Motiograph M. P. Machine, like new; Film, Wiring and other Fixtures; for quick sale, $400; might consider trade; also Harley Davidson Twin Motorcycle and side car, like new. R. C. BURNS, Box 8, Corbin, Kansas.
$6; Shadowgraphs 50c; justable Rheostat, $5.
EDISON LATE MODEL PICTURE MACHINE— Lenses, Rheostat; all complete; perfect; cost $225.00, sell $75. B. O. WETMORE, 2 Park Sqa., Boston.
ELECTRIC OR CALCIUM CLOUD ——— cost new 3135. 00, price $40. W. A. EILER, 2505 N Racine Ave., Chicago, Niinois.
FOR SALE—Power’s No. 6 Cameragraph, complete except rheostat, motor driven, with motor attachment, motor and speed control, $100; also Edison Model D, complete except rheostat, motor attachment (no motor), fine order, used but short time, $80; Power’s No. 5 Cameragraph, compete for road, with good rheostat, $35; without rheostat, $30; ‘Twixt Life and Death, 3-reel feature, with posters, 1-sheets, 3-sheets and 6sheets, all in fine order; will ship for examination . receipt of deposit. RHEA, 197 Peters St., Atlanta,
FOR SALE—World’s Rights or State Rights, fivereel new production; photography, acting, etc., excellent; act quick. MEYER, 832 Willow Ave., Hoboken, New Jersey.
FOR SALE—Complete Power's Moving Picture Machine,
motor drive $160.00; $5.00 Enterprise Calcium Light Outfit, $15.00; Compensarcs, $25.00; $15.00 half Stereo. Lenses, $3.00 each; Opera Chairs, 45c each. H. D. THEATRE SUPPLY HOUSE, 71l South Kedzie Ave., Chicago, Dlinois.
FOR SALE—One Electric Piano, A-1 condition; one Motiograph Machine, 1910 model, good condition, complete with stand and magazines, $50.00; one Double Dissolver Motio. make, complete, $35.00; Selig Machine, $10.00; Double Stereopticon, Power's new Rheostat, $8.00; Film from $2.00 up to $4.00; Love and Aviation, in three reels, for $7.00, all film shipped subject to examination upon receip.
enough to cover express charges both > Write for list; many other bargains too numerous mention. ‘ASSELL AMUSEMENT CO., Wateriown, Wisconsin. «
FOR SALE—Three Panchroma Twin Are Lights, 15,000-c. p. each; slightly used; best light for studio work. A.4, Billboard, Chicago.
FOR SALE—Keystone Comedies, $5.00. S BALDWIN, 400 Consumers Bidg., Chicago.
FOUR STYLES OF wwe . i LIGHTS for sale cheap. W. A. EILER, 25 . Racine Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
GOING OUT OF BUSINESS—Great Bargains in on picture machines, films, opera chairs, compensarcs, rheostats) THEATRE BROKERAGE EX
CHANGE, 112 North La Salle Street, Chicago.
POWER’'S NO. 5 MACHINE, $45.00, complete and almost as good as new; shipped for examination; send $5.00 with order. THOMPSON FILM EXCHANGE, Box K, Morgantown, Kentucky.
Fh oy ASBESTOS BOOTH—Moss type; good new; cost $150.00, sell $75.00, with trunk. B. 0. WETMORE, 2 Park Sq, Boston.
ROADMEN, ATTENTION !—Have a 4-reel sensational Feature, with paper, which will make you a lot of money; price reasonable; act quick. C 5, Billboard, Chicago.
SAY, I AM MOVING INTO MY NEW FACTORY and have some Films on hand that are the best you ever bought for the money; also fine Model B Gas Outfit, only $12; one Leader Gas Outfit, only $8.00; a few Burners, Lenses, Oxone, Ether, etc. Send for lists. MYSTICAL HEITH, Carroll, Lowa.
Advertisements of an acceptable nature will be In
SIMPLEX MOTION PICTURE MACHINES—Second-hand; reasonable prices; send stamp for list. A. P. LOMBARD, Sun Building, Detroit, Michigan.
SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ROAD MEN—Write for our complete List today; just received a new stock of 2, 3 and 4-reel features, such as Ten Nights in a
Redemption, Amid Raging Beasts, Life of Abraham Lincoln, Life of Buffalo Bill, Tale of Two Cities and 100 more; in A-1 condition and big posters; we have a fine line of Chaplin and Keystone Comedies and good Slap-Stick Comedies; also an extra fine line of Scenics, Religious, such as Passion Plays, Birth of Christ; have a special lot of single reels for $2.00 and $3.00 per reel; will sell or take your old Films in trade. What have you? We will ship you any subject with privilege of rewind examination. GENERAL FILM BROKERS, 112 No. La Salle St., Chicago, Il.
STERLING CAMERA, Schneider Tripod, 4 400-ft. Magazines, Carl Zeiss Lens; good as new; $275. B. O. WETMORE, 2 Park Sa., Boston.
THEATRE CHAIRS—3,000, absolutely no junk; shipped crated, subject to inspection, 60c up; upholstered, $1.00 up. NATIONAL THEATRE. SUPPLY COMPANY, 160 Past 175th Street, New York.
“UNCLE TOM’S CABIN” FOR SALE—3-reel feature; money-getter; no junk; guaranteed good condition: little used; paper, cuts, etc., $75. Send $5 deposit, will ship C. O. D., subject express office examination. Have retired from road reason for selling. R. REYNOLDS, Box 56, Baldwin, L. I.
HIGH-CLASS 1, 2, 3, 4 AND 5-REEL SUBJECTS —Low price, A-1 condition; also Paper on Alco, World, Life and many other subjects; get in touch with us quick. BRANDT FILM CORPORATION, Film Exchange Building, Minneapolis, Mi
WHAT'S BEST OFFER for Williamson Printing Machine, four Developing Trays, five Pin Racks, Film Measuring Machine, Mending Machine? WILMER & VINCENT, Aeolian Bidg., New York City.
I AM CLOSING UP MY THEATRE—Have the following equipment for sale cheap: 2 Power’s 6 Machines, good as new, $75 each; 24 reels of good Films, $50; one and two-reelers, they are in pink of perfection shape; one 110, A. C. Fan, $9.00; one Booth, made portable, $25.00; 75 feet of Cable, $15.00, No. 20; 9x12 Curtain, silver fiber, $25.00; this stuff cost
me $1,000, can show bills for all; will send C. 0. a receipt o@ deposit to cover express both ways. BILLY LAWRENCE, Room No. 2, 414 W. Jefferson, Louisville, Kentucky.
LATEST MODEL of fy used Moving Picture Machines, all 1 makes, less than half price. LEARS a SUPPLY 6o., 420 Market St., St. Louis, Missouri.
MOVING PICTURE FILM FOR SALE, $2.50 a reel; dramas, Westerns, comedies; cash with order. LYRIO FILM & SUPPLY COMPANY (Established 10 years), Terre Haute, Indiana.
M P. MACHINES, ae up; Py ag ‘ons, Gas Ontfits, $10.00; Electric Lamps, $2.00; Films, Arnolé@ Calcium Light Outfit, $8.00; cost $55.00; Edison and Power Heads, £15.00. Stamp. F. L. SMITH, Amsterdam, New York.
MOTION PICTURE MACHINES AND SUPPLIES AT HALF REGULAR PRICE—Power, Motiograph, Edison, Simplex, Veriscope, Optigraph and other makes for electric or calcium light on hand; 40 reels of fine Film and 100 Song Sets; Lecture Sets of travel, Passion Play, War and other subjects; Calcium Light Outfits, as good as new, at $10.00 to $15.00; Oxone, Ether, Limes and Guil Pastils; Lenses, Cement, Tickets, etec.; we repair machines or furnish oe — we allow you for your old machine, or
cash; get our bargain lists and save money. RATIONAL EQUIPMENT ©O., 417 West Michigan St., Duluth, Minnesota.
MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, FILM, OPERA CHAIRS, ACCESSORIES of all kinds, for house or road use; cheapest prices in America; write us your wants; we buy anything. WESTERN SHOW PROPERTIES ©O. (new downtown location), 575 Graud Ave., Kansas City, Missouri.
MOVING PICTURE FILM FOR Seg hy and $5.00 a reel, with posters; Keyston $5.00; Chaplins, $7.50. LYRIC FILM & SU PPLY COMPANY, Terre Haute, Indiana.
HAVE A LOT OF SECOND-HAND MOTION PICTURE EQUIPMENT, including ayn | Machines, ete. Will sell for best offer. PEERLESS FEATURB ATTRACTIONS, 218 Seneca, Seattle, Washington.
Bldg., Chicago.
FOR SALE QUICK—Rebuilt Machines, Edison Exhibition, $50.00; Standard, 1914 model, $75.00; Power’s No. 6, $160.00: Motio., 1908, $50.00; Monarch, 25 00; A-1 condition. AMUSEMENT SUPPLY COMPANY, 5 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ilinois.
FOR SALE—Moving Picture Camera and Tripod. B.6, Billboard, Chicago.
FOR SALE—33-ampere, 60-volt Electric Light Generator, for moving picture work; used one week; cash CLARK
or Folding Chairs. LORD, Bemus Point, New York.
FOR ROAD SHOWS—We have some
Sensationals, — — paper and Comedies; send PEER
for ATTRACTIONS, 218 eaness 8t.,
mighty good also knockout FEATURE
TU Seattle, Washington.
FOR SALE—Homer’s Odyssey, 3 parts, good condi
tion, plenty paper, halves, ones, threes, eights and twenty-fours; $25.00 for quick ‘sale. ee AML GRAHAM, Colonial Hotel,
Birmingham, Alabama.
rr ac kant Sh cet; alate "Snes |. en al th order; ance on delivery. FULLERTON NOVELTY co., Fullerton, N. D.
JAMES BOYS IN MISSOURI—4 reels, gocd condition, with the following: One Lobby Case, containing 2 Muskets, 1 Pistol and Scabbard, 2 pairs Handcuffs, 8 six-sheets, 9 threes, 8 ones, 12 halves, 1 aixteen-sheet, 14 photos, newspaper clippings, etc.; first $100.00 takes the lot; will ship ©. O. D., subject to examination on receipt of deposit. EY T. TOWNSEND, 24 Potter Building, Birmingham, Alabama.
ONE THOUSAND SINGLE REELS at two dollars each. Cash with order. No Lists. FEDERAL FBRATURE FILM CO., 145 W. 45th St., New York.
OPERA CHAIRS—4,000, as good as new, 60c; upholstered, $1.25. Airdome Seats and Benches, Maple Folding Chairs, genuine bargains. All goods crated; shipped anywhere. ATLAS SEATING COMPANY, 10 East 43d Street, New York.
ORIGINAL COPY of those wonderful “‘Alaska-Siberian Animal Pictures," taken “‘atop o’ the world,”’ in 4 big reels, A-1 condition, like new, unlimited advertising, variety styles of extraordinary flashy paper, 24s, 8s, 6s, 38, ls %s, photos, cuts, etc.; guaranteed biggest money maker in the country; will sacrifice for $95.00. PEERLESS FEATURE ATTRACTIONS, 218 Seneca St., Seattle, Washington.
WHEN PARIS LOVES, 2 reels, reels, $5; Beneath the Czar, 4 reels,
$5; Traducer, 2 $12; all have lot
posters. Hundreds of other film bargains. Send for complete list. RALEIGH FILM EXCHANGD, Raleigh, North Carolina.
TWO POWER’S 6, complete, with 2,000-ft. magazines and lenses to suit your throw, $85.00 each; two same kind, with 1,000-ft. magazines, $80.00 each; one Standard No. $25.00; one Model B Edison, $25; one Power’s No. "5, $35.00; one Power’s 6A, $150; one Motiograph, late model, $125: two 1917 Standa ds, $175 each; one Royal, $35: one 110, A. C., new Compensarc, $40; closing out entire second-hand department. RESS FILM SERVICE, Louisville, Ky.
WE WILL SELL OUTRIGHT EACH WEEK 25 reels, consisting of single-reel Comedies, two and id one five-reel Feature, 30 reels , With nice assortment of clean paper on each subject, $100.00 a week; will give program week in advance; all films in good condition, shipped subject to examination; send $10.00 to guarantee express charges; will ship ( O. D. each week; wire or write at once; will only sell one person in each territory.
CAGO FILM TRADING CO., 4th Floor Shops Bldg., Chicago, Illinois.
3,000 OPERA CHAIRS—Steel and cast standards, 50c up, crated, all serviceable, many equal to new; cut prices on dropped factory patterns; [00 upholstered car plush, $1.25; Asbestos Booths, $60 up; 3 new Power's 6A, never unpacked. J. P. REDINGTON, Scranton, Pennsylvania.
sorted it charge in the Classified Columns, Open to any person connected or identified with the show business. if answers are not satisfactory the first time we Invite as many insertions as are necessary to place you. These columns are for the benefit of the unemployed and we do not want you to feel thai you are imposing on us by using the columns more than one time.
and you must be ready to join at once. Write your ad on separate sheet of paper. Forms close Tears day, 6 p.m., for insertion in the following tssue.
NOTICE—Letters directed to Initials ONLY are not delivered through the post office. if initials are used the letter ——. be addressed in care of person, firm or post o'
25 Opera Place, Cincinnatl, Ohle.
(t Liberty Advertisements, 25 words, free of charge.
ACROBATIC AND TALKING CLOWN—Wagon o car show; only reliable managers wire; snare drum in band. R. ARGENBRIGHT, Gen. Del., Wheeling, West Virginia.
GAYLOR, THE ACROBATIC GIANT FROG AND World's Greatest Gymnast; two big sensational free acts; for fairs, celebrations. 768 I7th St., Detroit, Michigan.
PAUL artist ; pay Meveland,
BERWALD—America’s most noted ring now inviting offers from recognized folks ~~ worth-while salaries. Address 6611 Bonna Ave, Ohio.
TUMBLER—Good for troupe; will join
act; make your own salary; will join any 2 GEORGE BECKER, 613 Wythe Ave., Brooklyn, N.
YOUNG MAN—Age, 20; 5 ft., 7; weight, 110; oper for contortion or strong-jaw act. EL COLGAN, 638 Splitloge Ave., Kansas City, Kansas.
Agents and Managers
At Liberty Advertisements, 25 words, free of charge
ADVANCE AGENT—Wants place as second man tent show or carnival; can use brush; no booze. REICH, 412 13% St., Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
ADVANCE AGENT AND BUSINESS MANAGER —Eight years’ experience; strictly sober and reliable married; route, book or wildcat; prefer minstrel o1 circus. H. L. CRAWFORD, . Billboard, Chicago.
AGENT—Thoroughly experienced; know the ten business from start to finish; close contractor; handle
anything; sober; reliable. FRANK MASON, Cass Lake, Minnesota.
AGENT AT LIBERTY— -Experienced; repertoire preferred; good references; know territory; past conscription age. <«. A. CLARKE, 2103 W. Okmulgee Ave., Muskogee, Oklahoma.
COUNTRY NEWSPAPER MAN—Some experience on advance; owning specially equipped auto; want tc correspond with reliable small show. CHAS. GILSON Sechlerville, Wisconsin.
EDUCATED YOUNG MAN—Attractive appearance desires position; advance representative for show o1 circus; can also do press work. JOHN THOMAS Ft. Missoula, Montana.
WESTERN AND COMEDIES, $2.00 PER REEL— In good condition, with posters; write quick for Bargain List. THOMPSON . FILM EXCHANGE, Box K, Morgantown, Kentucky.
Second-Hand Moving Picture
Cameras for Sale lo PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY.
DAVSCO PROFESSIONAL WU. S. TURD CAMERA, with tripod, azine, complete, $100.00. W. Racine Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
MOVING PIcextra aluminum magEILER, 2505 N.
FOR SALE—One Williamson Professional Camera, second-hand, condition fine, as good as new, two extra 400-ft. magazines and tripod, price $175.00; Presiwich Model, four extra magazines, carry case, tripod, almost new, $200.00; quick sale desired; Pathe Professional Camera, Studio Model, fine condition, $300.00. = PHOTO & ART SUPPLY CO., Tampa, Florida.
PROFESSIONAL MOVIE CAMERA, $310; Topical Camera Outfit, $135. BOX 1155, Tampa, Florida.
Wanted To Buy, Lease or Rent
STEREOPTICCN REFLECTOR BURNER, double acetylene. WELLER ALLEN, Cimarron, Kansas.
WANT TO BUY—The following films: Regeneration, Old Heidelburg, Prince of Graustark, NinetyNine and One, Third Degree, Call of the Master, a few 2 and 3-reel Chaplins. All must be in the very best A-1 condition and have plenty of photos and paper. Address J. H. M., Box 236, Wayne, Neb.
WANTED—Two-reel Wm. S. Hart: Indian subjects; must be in very good condition and cheap. NASHVILLE THEATRE EQUIPMENT CO., 416% Cedar St., Nashville, Tennessee.
also Western
WANTED TO BUY—Mutt and Jeff, also Katzenjammer Kids, Comedies, four reel Chaplins, old fourreel Mary Pickfords; good condition: cheap for cash: send list. WESTERN FILM » 320% North Envoy St., Dallas,
In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard.
THEATRE MANAGER, ADVANCED AGENT—Independent vaudeville booker; age, 40; 16 years’ practical show experience; handle anything; locate o travel. GEO. ENGLEBRETH, Billboard, Cincinnati,
Ohio. Bands and Orchestras At Liberty Advertisements, 25 words, free of charge. FAMILY ORCHESTRA—Man, wife and two daugh
ters; piano, violin, drums and trombone; for moving picture theater or resort. E. H. FESTLER’S OR
CHESTRA, Northfield, Minnesota. JAZZ BAND Composed of piano, 0, violin, saxophone cello, drums and bells; park or hotel; dance or cab
aret a specialty. 3650 Vineyard Place
. lace, Cincinnatl, 0.
RAGTIME ORCHESTRA—Violin, clarinet, guitar and bass fiddle; hotel or resort; consider anything. A. F E, ( COMBS, | 911 Market St., New Albany, Indiana.
Burlesque and Musical Comedy
At Liberty Advertisements, 25 words, free of charge.
A-1 JEW COMEDIAN—Also do black and wop: just closed season of forty weeks with Toy sical Comedy Company. IRVING GOLD, 312 St.. Meadville, Pennsylvania.
MAN, straights no singing: wife, for: both young. Waterloo, lowa
MAN Small parts, lady parts and chorus; both lead numbers; appearance and wardrobe; $38 joint must be sure. A. _ A. care Billboard, Cincinnati.
or characters; direct; prima donna; play BILLY LeROY, care
no scripts anything cas! Station A,
Classical Oriental feature dancer; for summer attractions: prefer tab. or park. 212 West 17th St.. New York City.
OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENT—A-1 juvenile and gen. bus. man; lead numbers and do specialties; write on wire. PAUL BERG, Hippodrome Theater, Denver, Colorado.
OPEN FOR MUSICAL COMEDY—A-1 straight man; baritone singer: neat wardrobe on and off; salary your limit. GUY McLEAN, Gen. Del., Grand Rarids. Michigan
SINGER AND DANCER—For tab. show; only reHable people answer. OTTO MONTROSE, care Colonial Annex Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
(Continued on page 52)
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