The Billboard 1917-06-16: Vol 29 Iss 24 (1917-06-16)

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. € 4 " JUNE 16, 1917 board b3 SISTER ACT—Playing ingenues and soubrettes changing singing and dancing specialties for week long experience; excellent wardrobe; reliable managers. SISTER ACT, Gen, Del., Anderson, Indiana. sTocK OR HIGH-CLASS REP. —Leading = capable of directing; wife, leading woman enough to feature; beth young. ALFRED LEIGHTON: Gen. Del., Waterloo, Iowa. THE HATHAWAYS—Characters, heavies, gen. bus. ; wardrobe; ability; specialties; ages, 33. Address Hartford, Michigan. PERMANENT POSITION WANTED—A-1 violin player; concert or picture house. R. ENNOR, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Pe ype ASCENSIONS—Slide for life; double trapeze acts; prices right; satisfaction guaranteed BONETTE BROTHERS, Passumpsic, Vermont. Piano and drums; also harmony gentleman ; cabaret, vaudeville. LeRAE & LEONARD, Denison Hotel, Columbus, Ohio. SOLO FLUTE AND PICCOLO—Sight reader; play classic and modern; suitable for hotel orchestra, summer resort; prefer Detroit City. Address FLUTIST, 62 Bloor St., W., Toronto, Ont., Canada. PIANIST AND TRAP DRUMMER— Presenting and THE MONTGOMERYS—Gent, juvenile and light comedy, trap drummer and band singer; lady, irgenue and soubrette; single and double specialties. Care Rillboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. TROMBONIST AT LIBERTY—For summer resort, park of hotel; experienced in B. & ©.; sober and reHable; member A. F. of M. L. STENGEL, 122 Ann St., Middletown, Pennsylvania. ~WANTED—Summer stock play gen. bus. or we managers only. JACK 8. Pitts sburgh, Pennsylvania. engagement; capable; a study; reliable CONNELL, 530 4th S8t., VIOLINIST—First-class; desires summer engagement; can furnish orchestra if desired; sober, steady, reliable; A. F. of ML; best of references. NORVAL MASSEY, care Garner Apartments, Pontiac, Mich. WILL F. CROCKETT—Character comedian; character leads; age, 40; weight, 190; height, 5 ft. 9; specialties; direct; some scripts; stock or rep. General Delivery, Ct Charleston, West Virginia. “YOUNG MAN—Age, 23; wants position with dramatic stock; three months with Messrs. Shubert Co., in Just a Woman. FRANK CLARK, 215 W. 100th st.. New York City. Information Wanted At Liberty Advertisements, 25 words, free of charge. “INFORMATION concerning whereabouts of Orlie Ferrall will be appreciated by FRANK A. BOONE, 114% West Market St., Lima, Ohio. Miscellaneous At Liberty Advertisements, 25 words, free of charge. A-1 SCENIC ARTIST—Stock or studio; will go anywhere. SCENIC ARTIST, care 5152 Bryant St, Chicago, Tlinois. VIOLINIST—Dance and movies; sober and reliable. A. THOMPSON, 522 25th St., Rock Island, Llinois. VIOLINIST LEADER—On account of show going into stock; experienced in all lines; married; A. F. of M.; prefer to locate. VICTOR RIDDLE, 1712 Pearl St., Columbus, Indiana. VIOLINIST—Six months at Retor’s; jazz, concert; can lead; East only. CY OLEON, 477 "Saratoga ‘Ave., Brooklyn. New York. VIOLINIST AND DRUMMER— Sight — drummer has beils, xylophone and tympani; will make good. PAUL SPAULDING, care Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. ~VIOLINI experienced ; VIOLINIST AT LIBERTY—Reliable; library; A. F. of M. Address “AS GASKILL, Elks’ Theater, Huntsville, Alabama. WANTED—Permanent job for A-1 violin and A-1 cornet; concert, summer resort or picture house. G. SAWYER, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. YOUNG LADY VIOLINIST—Desires position in orchestra; hotels or summer resorts; pupil Combs’ Conservatory Music. MISS ANNA R. GORDON, Allentown, New Jersey. BALLOON ASCENSIONS—For all outdoor celebrations; if you want the best write or wire. REYNOLDS BALLOON CO., Jerseyville, Llinois. BALLOON ASCENSIONS—For parks and fairs; new outfit; up-to-date; write or wire. HERBERT HANFELDT, 159 Nesbit Terrace, Irvington, New Jersey. "te LATHAM—Offers two big sensational aerial acts; for celebrations, fairs, etc. July 4th open. Box 198, Rock Island, Illinois. CAPT. GEO. WEBB—Champion net high diver for parks, fairs, celebrations and carnivals; prices right. Address CAPT. GEO. WEBB, 138 Wabasha St., St. Paul, Minnesota. CHARLES THOMPSON—Handcuff king; wants dates for fairs, home-comings, big days; write and will explain my act and give reference. Address Sturgis, Michigan. PIANO, DRUMS—Traps, bells, xylophone, Deagan una-fon, chimes, nabimba; pictures, dance; troupe or loc: ate. DRU MMER, 503% Second St., Harvard, Il. PIANO PLAY ER—Transpose, read Kg fake; double ass drum and Deagan una-fon. BIL HAMILTC Russell's Show, Dexter, Missouri. TEMPERATH YOUNG MAN PLANIST—Orchestral experience; desires summer engagement; x ¥ eo sidered; prefer hotel. B. FARNHAM, 25 S. being &t., Revere, Massachusetts. * Singers At Liberty Advertisements, 25 words, free of charge. BASS SINGER—Age, 19; big voice; harmony or solo; would join good quartette G@ HOLD, 171 Robns Ave., Detroit, Michigan. BASS SINGER—Good harmony man and bass bal lad singer; prefer vaudeville quartette. THEO. THOMAS, 134 S. Broadway, Akron, Ohio. DARE-DEVIL DAN—Balloon ascensions; day or have four outfits of monster size. PROF. DAN SMITH. Wheeling. West Virginia. DONOLO AND COMPANY—P: ‘arks, fairs, celebrations; A-1 slack wire and comedy juggling acts; July 4th open. THE GREAT DONOLO, 223 S. Race St., Springfield, Ohio. PAUL BERWALD—The young American tenor, would like to hear from recognized people who mean business. 6611 Bonna Ave., Cleveland, ¢ Ohio. THE GARDEN CITY QU ARTETTE—Now inviting offers from reliable managers who will pay medium salaries and mean business) MANAGER JESS, Gen. Del., Falls Creek, Pennsylvania. FAIRS, PARKS AND CIRCUS—Tight-wire, slackwire, comedy acrobatic; four people; apparatus and wardrobe the best; three acts. THE FOUR ALTONS, 1528 Oak St., Kansas City, Missouri. GAYLOR, THE GIANT GYMNASTIC FROG— World's greatest acrobatic entertainer; two big sensational free acts for fairs, celebrations. 768 17th St., Detroit, Michigan. HIGGINS, THE GIANT FROG a ag for parks and fairs; two big acts; one contort and one extra high trapeze act. GEORGE HIGGINS. , 418 Potter St., Kalamazoo, Michigan. LADY BALLOONIST—For parks and fairs. Address BALLOONIST, Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. YOUNG VIOLINIST—Theater of high-class; would BOSS CANVASMAN—Seats; announcements; those who wrote before write again; join on wire. Address WwW. C. CAPP, Cumberland, Maryland. M. P. APPRENTICE—Age, 20; wishes to make change; prefer Chicago; ome year’s experience ; thoroly reliable. H. C. SMITH, 3816 S. Honore, Chicago, Ill. STAGE CARPENTER _ PROPS—Union scale only; wife, young, good arance; for chorus or soubrette. W. J. WHITE, ewats Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio. “SWIMMING TEACHER—World famous swimmer and athlete; desires position. as teacher; best of ref erences. S., 1330 First Ave., Seattle, Washington, Apartment 149. “WANTED JOB distributing show cards and free semples? and tacking signs. PAUL JENKINS, 418 Washington Ave., Bay City, Michigan. “YOUNG MAN—Age, 18; would like to get in some motion picture studio, circus or vaudeville; height, 5 ft. 2; weight, 132. OTTO FREDERICK, Gen. Del., Seattle, Washington. Musicians At Liberty Advertisements, 25 words, free of charge. A-1 CORNETIST—Wants location; good band man; A. F. of M.; good sight reader; experienced; prefer N. Y. or Pa. CORNETIST B. M., Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. A-1 EXPERIENCED CORNETIST—Wants position with an Army band; single; perfectly sober and reliable; wiling to enlist for the war. Address COR‘ETIST, 377 Lakeview Ave., Lowell, Massachusetts. A-1 DRUMMER—For vaudeville, picture or dance orchestra; have xylophones, marimbaphones, bells, ete.; union; reliable; married. DRUMMER, 723 §. Ash St., Crookston, Minnesota. A-1 TEAM—Piano, drums; traps, effects; Deagau ana-fon, nabimba, bells, xylophone, chimes, marimbaphone, electric bells, etc.; troupe or locate. DRUMMBER, 503% Second St., Harvard. Tlino's. A-1 VIOLINIST—Double Trombone; experienced; good music; travel or locate; I’ve been there before. VIOLINIST WM. LOWREY, Aitkin, Minnesota. A-1 TRAP DRUMMER—Wants to locate in picture or vaudeville house; will consider small town if job work is good. * CHURCH, Gen Del., Houston, xas. duct large orchestra; at present am conducting large symphony orchestra; married. VIOLINIST, Butler Conservatory of Music, Butler, Pennsylvania. MICHELSEN AND WALLACE—Novelty combination; cannon ball juggling, comedy pantomime, baton spinning, balancing boomerang. Address 262 Majestic Theater Bldg, Waterloo, Iowa. Operators At Liberty Advertisements, 25 words, free of charge. A-1 OPERATOR—Any make; do own repair; under stand rectifier; good hustler; guarantee projection; locate only. H. FERGUSON, Buckhannon, W. Va. NEW ACT FOR FAIRS—Sensational comedy revolving ladder act; carry our own rigging and special paper to advertise act. AERIAL READINGS, 745 Perr, Reading, Pennsylvania. THP FIVE STIREWALTS—Acrobats and gymnasts; featuring smallest acrobatic clown in America; strong drawing card for fairs. Mr. Secretary, write. China Grove, North Carolina. i Editor The Billboard: Please insert the enclosed ad columns, I remain LET THE BILLBOARD FIND A POSITION FOR YOU Fredericktown, O., June 1, 1917. in your free At Liberty Columns. Thanking you for the many times I have secured positions thru your Your sincere friend, CHAS. STANLEY. Editor The Billboard: heading of Operators. want to go. getting this one, I remain Marion, S. C., June 2, 1917. Enclosed find my free At Liberty ad, which please insert under the I am sure Billyboy will place me just where I Thanking you very much for former favors and not forVery truly yours, GEO. B. HENDRICKSON. Editor The Billboard: erty Columns. thru The Billboard. A A A i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 1 ont 4 664666 +++ 4446666666660 ¢6¢ Seattle, Wash., May 30, 1917. I would like to have the enclosed ad inserted in your free At Lib I want to say that I have always secured a position Thanking you im advance for same, I remain Yours very truly, OTTO BABE FREDERICK. Vaudeville Artists At Liberty Advertisements, 25 words, free of charge. ALL AROUND MAN—Yodel and character singer; novelty violinist; up in acts; state your limit; play piano. CHRIS CHRISTOPHER, New Castle, Indiana. AL REED—For med., vaudeville or carnivals; black, silly, Irish, etc.; parody singer; play parts; talker; grinder; 12 years’ experience. 1127 Royal St., New Orleans, Louisiana. AT LIBERTY—Irish and blackface comedian and banjo player; for street; strictly sober; change for one week. JACK WHITE, Salem, Illinois. AT LIBERTY—For good med. show; two ladies and one gentleman; all around performers; good wardrobe. BELLA EDWARDS, Gen. Del., Wabash, Indiana. AT LIBERTY—For wagon show; performer doing two acts; magic and juggling; experienced. ELZIE H. CRAWFORD, 272 Broad St., Washington, Pa. BLACKFACE COMEDIAN—Change for week; wants to join good med. show; strong act and sales worker: know most of the acts ani afterpieces. H. STOUT, Dunkirk, Indiana. CHINESE IMPERSONATOR—Open for burlesque, musical comedy or consider good vaudeville act; other characters, Jew, Dutch, nut, black, etc. SEYMOUR, 1150 Intervale Ave., Bronx, New York. COMEDIAN, DANCER—Wife, works acts only; strong specialties for week; put on acts; long experience. BILLY RANDALL, 1000 E. 5th St., Dayton, Ohio. COMEDY MUSICAL AOCT—Lady or gent; fake piano; afterpieces; change, ete. M. SPARKS, Chittenango, New York. EDITH ST. CLAIRE—Soprano, piano; Dermotti, man of mystery; only reliable a given any consideration. DERMOTTI AND 8ST. CLAIRE, Warren St., New Bedford, Massachusetts. “FIRST-CLASS COMEDY TEAM—Tramp, blackface, Jew, dude, German; change for three nights; latest songs used; stock, tab. or vaudeville. THOMPSON BROS., Georgetown, Kentucky. FOR VAUDEVILLE OR WAGON SHOW—B. F. comedian; double bass drum in bi Address BILLIE H. WAGGNER, Watsontown, Pennsylvania. HANKIE DEAN—Comedy bell hop; magic paratus, lobby display and wardrobe the <A * 830 Worth St., Dallas, Texas. IMPERSONATOR—Character; height, @ ft. 2: weight, 160; age, 23: vaudeville experience; accept anything. EARL BURRIS, R. R. 6, Fredericktown, Ohio. ~ JEW COMEDIAN—For tab. or vaudeville. show; good for school days or a good end man for minstrel. JOE McLOUGHLIN, Frederick Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio. VAUDEVILLE OR MED. SHOW—Musical sketch team: man and wife; change for week; singing, comedy. music. TEAM, 223 S. Roe St., Rosedale, Kan. WH With three sets of shadow WHO WANTS MBE? graphs, picture machine, 5 reels, Victrola and 75 records, 175 colored views. VICTORELLIS, Newark, Ohio A-1 TRAP DRUMMER—Sight reader; bells, traps; experienced in all lines; union; prefer location. JAMES LYNN, Billboard, Chicago, Illinots. A-1 TRAP DRUMMER-—Sight reader; 16 years’ experience; B. & O.; lots of jazz. HARRY GILBERT, 3029 Washington, St. Louis, Missouri. AT LIBERTY—Bass Playcr; will join on wire. CHARLIE GIBBONS, Steubenville, Ohio. A-1 OPERATOR—Eight years’ experience on A. q ; Vaudeville and picture houses; union; locate only. U. C. ROUMILLAT, JR, Strand Theater, Spartanburg, South Carolina. THE GREAT KNETZGER—Troupe of trained hoops, comedy juggling, spinning, balancing, electric clubs; fire effects; magic, musical novelties; good wardrobe; lithos; long acts. Duquoin, Illinois. M. P. OPERATOR—Served three years; never missed a show; $18 per week; will go anywhere. ELMER WERAVER, 605 Locust St., Litchfield, Illinois. AT LIBERTY— Violin soloist ; familiar withthe public; classic and ragtime; would accept contract work 4s public performer. VIOLINIST, Butler Conservatory of Music, Butler, Pennsylvania. AT LIBERTY—Pianist anc Drummer; can locate or troupe; 5 years’ experience ‘n road work. Address CHAS. BLANCHARD, 18 E. 4th St., Newport, Ky. At LIBERTY~—Violinist; experienced dance, orchestre and show. F. SCHRAM, 20 W. Huron St., Chicago, Tilinots. AT LIBERTY—Cornet; B. and experienced trouper; sober. Address’ PETER MALCOLAL Gen. Nel.. Cambridge, West Virginia. AT LIBERTY—A-1 violinist; experienced in = lines; good library and references. FRANK S0 LOTA, care Grand Theater, Kinston, N. C. M. P. OPERATOR—Permanent or travel; also have machine and 12 reels; state salary. Address LEWIS KIGGINS, Chillicothe, lowa M. P. OPERATOR—Wife, piano, or ticket seller: can furnish references; go anywhere. J. K., 109 N George St., care Cigar Store, York, Pennsylvania. MOVING PICTURE OPBRATOR—Have machine and some film. BOX 10, Billboard, Chicago, Illinois. OPERATOR AND BPLECTRICIAN—9 years’ experience; any make machine; can furnish A-1 references; go anywhere; state all in first. LOCK BOX 585, Boone, Towa. OPERATOR—7 years’ experience; all equipments; now working; wish to change; New York City references; go anywhere. GEO. HENDRICKSON, Ideal Theater, Marion, South Carolina. THE LaCROIX—Mr. and Mrs.; original high-class aerial gymnasts; booking fairs, Fourth of July celebrations; prices reasonable. 1304 Walton St., Ft. Wayne, Indiana. WANT A SITUATION—As legless high diver; will dive in tank; have both legs off; something new. HENRY DONELSON, McClure, Illinois. Piano Players At Liberty Advertisements, 25 words, free of charge. A-1 PIANO LEADER—Vanudeville or pictures; A. F. of M.; married; best of references; 8 years’ experience; excellent library. F. E. EICHAR, Palace Theater, Burlington, lowa. 4-1 PIANO LEADER—Experienced in all lines; 25 years’ experience: A. F. of M.; locate or troupe C. A. HOFFMAN, Station 2, East Liverpool, Ohio. ~ BASSOONIST—At liberty; 25 years’ experience; B. & 0.; state all in first letter. W. SPARLING, 1708 Madison Ave., Toledo, Ohio. CORNET SOLOIST AND VIOLINIST Hand and orchestra leader; composer; arranger; ample library; Strong musical specialty; double saxophone. E. COLEMAN, Cuthbert, Georgia, ~ CORNETIST— Desires permanent location in vaudeVille theater, picture house or resort: very capable and experienced in all lines. G. SAWYER, Center St., Stevens Point, Wisconsin, CORNETIST— Experienced in B. & 0.; playing standard music; troupe or locate. CORNETIST, 255 Spring St., Middletown, Pennsylvania. EXPERIENCED LEADER (Violin)—Also band, theater, dance or hotel; locate or travel: dependable Parties only; A. F. of M. VIOLINIST, 2853A S. 18th St... St Louis, Missouri. EXPERIENCED TRAP and bells; need ticket. 43d St.. New York Ct FIRST-CLASS VIOLINIST AND ORCHESTRA LEADER—Large library; experienced in all wy ber and reliable. Address VIOLINIST, 611 S. Cheyenne, Tulsa, Oklahoma. ~TADY ‘DOUBLE BASS AND ts ga PLAYER AT LIBERTY. EMMA LEITZ, 270 39th St., New York City. ORGANIST AT LIBERTY—F enced; reliable man; desires position in highclass picture theater; | accomplished musician; fine performer; salary, your dest. ORGANIST, Box 472, Hagerstown, Maryland. DRUMMER—A-1t outfit Address C. L. WARD, 212 W. ty. Parks and Fairs At Liberty Advertisements, 25 words, free of charge. AERIAL MARTIN—America’s premier aerialist and contortionist; sensational contortion flying ring act; swinging perch; ground contortion; rigging and wardrobe the best: agents write. Omaha, Nebraska. ABRIAL EKHOFF-—Open for engagement for coming season; muscular Roman rings and single iron jaw. AERIAL EKHOFF, Petersburg, Illinois. AERONAUT WALTER ©. SCHOLL—For parks, fairs, celebrations, etc.; ‘or reference ask any committee with whom I have booked. 3333 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Missourt. AMERICA’S YOUNGEST RACHUTE JUMPER —Age, 18; fea.crint single, dou>Ic and triple longdistance drops: airplane or | illocn: looking for good engagement. FREMONT L. OSS. Rutland. Vermont. BALLOON'ST—We deliver > goods; large balloons that really go; appearance ‘uranteed by cash bond; four-color lithos. CAPT. BILLY MACK, Box 355, St. Louts, Missourt. BALLOON ASCENSIONS—Furnished for all occasions; new outfits; experienced riders; all ascensions guaranteed. CAPT. ELMER NOLAND, Jerseyville, Illinois. A-1 PIANO PLAYER—Read at sight, or fake; double stage or bass drum: state highest salary in first letter. EDWARD DEMARS, 1603 Dodson Ave., East Chattanooga, Tennessee. AT LIBERTY—Piano Player for picture house, one-piece or rep. show; specialties and smal! parts, JACK KENTON, 179 Wall St., Kingston, New York. AT LIBERTY—Experienced pianist; can deliver the goods; good "49 show preferred. MRS. SNETT, Little Rock, Arkansas. LADY PIANIST—Wants position with traveling musical comedy, vaudeville or stock company, where Piano alone is used; experienced. ADA PHILLIPS EDDLEMAN,. Booneville, Mississippi. MALE PIANIST—Sober, competent, reliable: ex—. vaudeville, musical comedy, pictures: A. F. ; good stock managers answer. PIANIST, Case Fats, "Attica, Indiana. MOVIE PIANIST—Young lady; five years’ experience; music up to the minute: cue; no vaudeville or orchestra: locate. HAZEL HOLSTON. Marshall, Il. ONE-ARM NOVELTY PIANO PLAYER—For show: play all latest popular music: salary moderate. J B. HEATON, 845 W. 5th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. PIANIST—Picture or dance orchestra; if you want a good man write or wire. ALBERT G. TADELSKI, Aitkin, Minnesota. In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. YOUNG MAN —Age, 21: contortionist, cornetist; singer and dance some; good knockabout comedian for comedy or acrobatic act. HOWARD ALLINGHAM, 4 Cottage St., Danbury, Connecticut. YOUNG MAN—Experienced for 3 show or other show; bits and utility work. LESLID CLAPP, 2433 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Indiana. EDITH ST. CLAIRE—Soprano; Dermotti, mind reading, specialties. Who wants me? MOTTI. 6 6 _Warren_ St., _New Bedford, Massachusetts. — STAGE ASPIRANTS The following advertisements are from Artists who frankly disclaim long experience. They will be found willing, obliging and reasonable. magic, Di Burlesque and Musical Comedy At Liberty Advertisements, 25 words, free of charge. IRISH, RUBE OR PLACKFACE COMEDIAN— Burlesque or vaudeville; age, 25; height, 5 ft. 6; weight, 130: very little experience. E. LaFOGG, 52 Columbian St., Detroit, Michigan. YOUNG MAN—Would like to join musical comedy, burlesque or vaudeville; age, 16; no experience, but willing to learn. LOUIS ALLEN, 293 McCture St., Dayton, Ohio YOUNG MAN—Soprano and dancer; wishes most any kind of work: can impersonate. REMA TOBA, care General Delivery, Chicago, Tilinois YOUNG MAN—Wishes to join burlesque show; will do anything: inexperienced, but willing and able to learn: Hebrew comedian. C. H. S&S, care Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio Dramatic Artists At Liberty Advertisements, 25 words, free of charge. \T LIBERTY—Boy, 17, amateur; wishes position with good company: plays snare drum. HARRY DAY, 1411 Maple St., Argenta, Arkansas. TWO YOUNG MEN—Want to join theatrical company: no experience, but willing to learn; will do anything. JOHN M. RAMSAY, Main St., Oconto, Wisconsin YOUNG MAN-—Wants i, ~— stock company; amateur experience only, possesses talent and ambition. BYRD STP. ry en Mt Market St., Wheeling, ._ West Virginia. ~ (Continued on page 57) eae sae of a aye op ene Tae. -s wey ire ora fore a ehethiag: | Ai APA AT 5 » —— —* _ atten thmiammiantsiag LOOT? erie ne ee