The Billboard 1917-06-16: Vol 29 Iss 24 (1917-06-16)

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60 TR EEE SNE ELIE EO The Billboard JUNE 16, 1917 a PATIENCE EXHAUSTED Exhibitors Complain of Flood of Une sought Publicity Matter Chicago, June $.—Laocal moving picture exhibitors are seriously considering the advisability of asking the Government to investigate the nuisance of pounds upon pounds of unsought printed publicity matter that floods in upon them daily, Some time ago a manufacturer conceived the idea of saving a portion of his advertising outlay by printing his own newspaper. Natural. t ly it had no circulation, and in lieu of subscription lists copies were sent gratis to every exhibitor whose address could be secured. In order to impress the exhibitor the psuedo publisher indulged in the pretense that the bulletin was intended for the clipping desk of newspapers, implying that the exhibitor was permitted to learn secrets that had previously been entrusted to editors only. The exhibitors were righteously indignant, because even a child could see that the ‘exclusive news’? consisted in nothing more than wild, unfounded praise of everything and anything appertaining to the interests of the manufac —~— turer, , Other manufacturers deemed the idea a : gool one, and each proceeded to put up a bulletin. Soon they became so profuse that they defeated their own ends. Their prolific increase seems to have exhausted the patience of exhibitors, who read oply the papers they consider sufficiently valuable to subscribe for. Some of the manufacturers ate voluntarily discontinuing their publications, considering it wiser to make their announcements thre recognized advertising mediums, REGULAR PROGRAMS Offered by Chicago Picture Houses Chicago, June 9.—After encroaching upon its plots, and after taking away its stars, the moving picture realm threatens to usurp even the surface indications of the stage proper— its program. Prominently displayed in neighborhood store windows are elaborately-lithographed posters + announcing the current bill at the picture pal' ace around the corner. At first glance it bears : all the earmarks of a big-time vaudeville bill, ; and, were it not for the name of the theater, { one would deem it the announcement of next ' week's bil) at the Majestic. Closer scrutiny reveals the fact that spot No. 1 is devoted to Mary Pickford, in something or other; spot No. 2 bas Dougias Fairbanks, and spot No. 3 is awarde@ to George M. Cohan. Unlike a vaudeville bill, each star shines upon a separate night, but you have to examine the poster closely to ascertain the fact. This latest step in the evolution of the movies clearly reveals the rapid pace at which the game is going. A few seasons ago such a billing for a moving picture theater was undreamed of—now it is the rule, GOD’S MAN FOR LOEW CIRCUIT : : New York, June 9.—Harry Samwick, who H recently completed negotiations with William L, Sherrill for the exclusive exhibition rights to a the latest Frohman Amusement Corporation proam duction, God’s Man, thru the entire State of New York, has entered into an agreement with the Marcus Loew offices for the showing of God's Man thruout the entire Loew circuit. In view of the extreme number of feature productions which have come before exhibitors during the past few weeks, and, with the consideration of the early date at which the showing of God's Man in Loew houses is to begin, both Mr. Samwick and the Frohman Corporation have reason *c feel well pleased with this stamp of approv:;' which this booking has accorded to i this pri. iction. The L. vy presentation begins June 2 simultaneously .t the New York, DeKalb, Orpheum, Fulton, Bi)»u. Avenue B and Delancey Theaters, continuing thereafter over the entire circuit for an aggregste run of sixty-two days. The Loew Circuit has also booked the Jersey City Theater thru the Mammoth Film Corporation, bolder of the Northern New Jersey rights to the preduction. The exclusive Australasian and New Zealand rights to exhibit God’s Man have been sold to Millard Johnson, American representative of the Australasian Films, Ltd., of Australia. God’s Man will be exploited in Australia as a theatrical attraction, with full traveling equipment to each road show. JANE COWL’S FIRST Production for Goldwyn Started New York, June 9.—The first of the series of Goldwyn Pictures in which Jane Cowl is the star, is now well under way in the Goldwyn Studios at Fort Lee. Miss Cowl and her company, under the d rection of Arthur Hopkins, have made much progress in the screening of the story, which is from the pen of Basil King. The cast supporting Miss Cowl includes Henry Stephenson, Cuarles Fammond, Edith McAlpin, (VG , Y, V4. \ NN | pre Se 10,000,000 people. hibitor who books it. The First SATURDAY EVENING POST Serial Ever Filmed Based on the Thrilling Story, “LOOT,” by Arthur Somers Roche Read on Publication by 10,000,000 People The Saturday Evening Post has a circulation of over 2,000,000 copies. Estimating, as that magazine does, that each copy is read by at least (5) FIVE people, it is safe to say that this remarkable story is ili already familiar to A ready-made audience for every ex FEATURING + — ge for a copy of the free (to exhibitors) Adv. shag! ej boomerang t. ~ sng hag — 2 agg t moo UFACTURING CU., L e, President, “The Largest Fi ufacturing in the Universe,” 1600 Broadway, New York. ria eo Beautiful PRISCILLA DEAN--Daring EDDIE POLO.--“Villainous’ HARRY CARTER---Dashing EMORY JOHNSON This is an opportunity never before offered. Exchan Write your nearest Universal ampaign Book. Tells Lettie Ford, Marion Knapp, Betsey Ross, Orme Caldara and Antoinette Erwin. As will he seen, several of these players have been in companies headed by Miss Cowl on the legitimate stage. JOHN BUNNY PICTURES To Be Reissued by Vitagraph New York, June 9.—Walter W. Irwin, general manager for V-L-S-E, recently asked the exhibitors of the United States as to whether the pictures in which John Bunny, who died about two years ago, was starred, should be reissued, The suggestion that the pictures be reissued thru the Favorite Film Features branch of Greater Vitagraph came from one wellknown exhibitor. Mr. Irwin was in doubt as to the wisdom ot such a course, basing his doubt upon the question of good taste, or rather if the distributing organization could be accused of commercializing the memory of the dead comedian. The answers received by Mr. Irwin have dispelled all doubt as to the wisdom of reissuing the pictures, the majority of the exhibitors taking the stand that the reissuance of the Bunny pictures should be considered as a tribute to the memory of the comedian, They also assert that the fame of John Bunny has been brought down to posterity and many persons, now patrons of motion picture theaters, but not patrons when the Bunny pictures originally were released, would welcome the opportunity to see him on the screen. As a result of the widespread requests Favorite Film Features will reissue the entire series of Bunny pictures, more than one hundred in number. They will be re-edited and retitled, but every inch of film showing John Bunny will be preserved iptact. OLIVE THOMAS’ DEBUT Madcap Madge Her First Triangle New York, June 9.—Olive Thomas will make her debut on the Triangle program as a fullfledged star on June 24, when Thomas H. Ince will present her in a comedy, entitled Madcap Madge. On the same date Charles Ray will also make his appearance under Ince auspices in a comedy drama, known as The Clodhopper. Miss Thomas is supported by Charles Gunn, Dorcas Matthews, J. Barney Sherry and other well-known Ince players. NOT FOR ART DRAMAS New York, June 9.—Announcement made last week by the U. S. Amusement Corporation to the effect that it has secured the services of Joe Welsh, the Jewish comedian, to appear in his play, The Peddler, led to the misunderstanding that this picture would be released on the Art Dramas program. This is incorrect. ‘She Peddler will be a special production by the U. S. Amusement Corporation, and will have no connection with Art Dramas. It is sa‘l that several of the Art Dramas exchanges have expressed a desire to purchase The Peddler. Herbert Blache, wao is directing the production, will make further announcements later regarding the method by which this picture will be released. 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