The Billboard 1918-03-23: Vol 30 Iss 12 (1918-03-23)

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| MARCH 23, 1918 The Billboard 127 These are, indeed, epoch making times. Just as sure as our “Boys Over There” will eventually lead the Entente Allies to victory and a just and lasting peace, those that are “Over Here” are steadily’paving the way for a commercial victory, and before long we will prove to the vainglorious and overconfident Teutons that “Made in America” stands for something that is not only meritorious, but far better than the timeworn phrase, ‘Made in Germany.” Up to the time that the United States entered the war, every large Jobber and Department Store, throughout the country, sent their buyer of dolls to Germany to make their most important purchases. Grim necessity has shown us that this timehonored custom can be done away with, and we have proven ourselves just as good at the game of making dolls as we are at making war, at least we are commencing to command the respect of the doll buyers of this country as well as those of France and England, and before another season is over we will best the Germans at their own game. This fact is self evident to any one who has visited the various exhibits of dolls and toys at the Toy Fair now being held in New York City. We are not conceited and don’t think it out of place to state at this time that we will have perfected by the time this ad goes to press a doll with wig and sleeping eyes that is equal, if not better, than anything ever imported from Germany. We are making this doll in five different sizes and we do not hesitate to say that several of them will be within reach of the Carnival and Amusement public. You may look for more on this item in the next issue of The Billboard. Suffice it to say that there is NOTHING TO EQUAL IT ON THE ‘“‘MARKET TODAY.” “NOW A WORD IN REFERENCE TO KEWPIES” Notwithstanding the many would-be imitations, our business has been growing steadily and we have been **BUSY ALL WINTER,” something unheard of before in our line of merchandise. We have orders now from folks who want them for the Fairs in October, large orders. These buyers are anticipating their wants this year on account of the unprecedented rush for Kewpies last year and they don’t want to get stuck this season or be forced to substitute inferior merchandise. KEWPIES ARE ALL THEY ARE CRACKED UP TO BE AND THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS JUST AS GOOD. THE FACT THAT KEWPIEFS _ ARE HIGHER LN PRICE ALONE SHOULD CONVINCE YOU THAT THE PUBLICE DEMANDS KEWPIES. WHY DO OTHER CONCERNS SELL THEIR DOLLS FOR LESS MONEY? DID YOU EVER STOP TO CONSIDER? OF COURSE YOU DID, BECAUSE THEY ARE GIVING YOU AN INFERIOR ARTICLE, AND FOR NO OTHER REASON. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AND TO SAVE YOU EXPRESS RATES AND TIME, WE HAVE OPENED OFFICES AND WAREHOUSES IN CHICAGO AND SAN FRANCISCO AND YOU MAY SECURE KEWPIE DOLLS FROM OUR CHICAGO OFFICE, TIP TOP TOY CO., 621 WEST FULTON ST., CHICAGO, ILL.,OR FROM OUR SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE, MESSRS. KINDEL & GRAHAM, 891 MISSION ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., OR IF YOU PREFER FROM OUR NEW YORK OFFICE DIRECT. LOOKING FORWARD TO THE MOST GIGANTIC SEASON IN OUR HISTORY AND THANKING YOU FOR PAST FAVORS, WE WISH TO ADD THAT ALL OUR OFFICES CARRY A LARGE STOCK AND WE WILL GUARANTEE TO SHIP ALL ORDERS THE SAME DAY WE RECEIVE THEM. TIP TOP TOY CO., —_|[_ © srccis:ticene TIP TOP TY Ch 621 West Fulton St., CHICAGO, ILL. ~ " GEO. BORGFELDT & CO. DESIGN PAT. JOS. G. KAEMPFER, Prop. ranean me NO. 43680 REG. 114 E, 28th St, NEW YORK CITY, KINDEL & GRAHAM, U. S. PAT. OFF. TEL. MAD. SQUARE 7347. ors of Kewpie Dolls Under Special 891 Mission St., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. weenie ee Sartjldt 8 Go — e354 7 Se a TS ieee ERE aa ae . so cbt ditt