The Billboard 1918-03-23: Vol 30 Iss 12 (1918-03-23)

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MARCH 23, 1918 The Billboard Buy Candy at Factory Prices from the Worlds Largest Manutacturers To the Carnival Wcrker: Two things are important for you to know first—why you can get from us Box Specialties that other makers must ask 3c to 7c a pound more to match in quality and class— P how we save you $1.50 on every case—and our ability to deliver the goods! BRACH’S—a $3,000,000 corpora© tion—the most successful and largest confectionery manufacturers in the world—now offer to sell youtheir — famous show line direct at factory prices on the same basis as the wholesale jobber and guarantee you swifter “5 4tiss. Send for’ complete list. service, fresher and better made candy. Seiad ten complchn tlt o Prices subject to change. Make the Jobber’s Profit Yourself— Prices subject to ac chores BUY DIRECT!—We have cut out all middlemen who é have been distributing for us to the carnival trade for years under their own name. We invite you big carnival men to send us your orders direct and make the jobber’s margin yourself, ae = HOCOLATES 70 Million Sold Last Year! Our sales amount to a million and a half pounds a week. Each year we outsell the combined output of any other two makers in business. The best evidence we can give you as to our “square deal policy” —the high quality No. D—Purple and Gold—big handsome of our chocolates—the intelligent service we render— package—full pound—a wonder at 30c. is the recommendation of over 30,000 business men who are today selling Brach-made candies in 37 states. Lowest Prices in U. S. A. Get your name on our money-saving list at once and we will send you our complete proposition and indorse1 Ge. Goat \ ments from hundreds of well known show people who have : yo erg Y Cian : been cleaning up on our line. , Bam cabal te Yh Sincerely, Pi é No. E—Chocolate Cherries—extra fine— a genuine 50-cent value at 28c. | E. J. BRACH & SONS, CHICAGO, U. S. A. Write Mr. Barney T. Miller—Mgr. of Special Carnival Department—for our big handsome circular showing entire Brach No. F— Red and Gold Seal—one of our best—makes a good flash—extra large pound box, 80c cnocour saath = > a a 5 | nn 7 ee ea wt tee AT FACTORY PRICES. Mail this coupon for our big circular. COSSSSSSSSHEHSSSSHSSHE SESS EH SHEHOHS ES SHHHHSSHSHSSHSHEHHSHHSSSHHOOOSE FT ee oe err rer Tr Tre err Ty TT rT E. J. BRACH & SONS. General Offices, 208 E. Minois St, CHICAGO, ILL. ae