The Billboard 1918-03-23: Vol 30 Iss 12 (1918-03-23)

Record Details:

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MARCH 23, 1918 The Billboard 131 DIRECTORY Alvertisements not exceeding one line in length will be published, properly classified, in this directory, at the rate of $10 in advance per ear (52 issues), provided they are of an ac ptable mature, Price includes one year’s subption to The Billboard. “pa » additional line or additional classification, without eubseription, $7.50 in advance per sami will be allowed to advertisers, free of charge, for each $100 worth of space used luring the year. fais directory is revised and corrected weekly, inges in firm names and addresses being re led as goon as received. ADVERTISING FLAGS of Descri ene) American Flag Co., 73 to 77 Mercer st., New Yor City. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES x. Ss Lat 237-241 W. Madison st., Chicago. p Fr. Silberer, 16 E. 23d st., New York City. juger “Br os,, 82 Bowery, New York City. AERIAL ADVERTISING Brazel Novelty Mfg. Co., 1710 Ella st., Cincin’ tt. Silas J. Conyue, 3508 McLean ave., Chicago, i. AERONAUTS Belmont Sisters’ Balloon Co., Box 35, Beed City, Michigan AEROPLANES Advertising, 3508 Melean ave., Chicago, ML AEROPLANES (Captive) Richard Garvey, 81 Fulton st., Brooklyn, N. Y. AEROPLANE EXHIBITION FLIGHTS (Day and Night Flying) Bruner and Others, Fancy Looping Flyers, Bruner Exhibition Co., Erie, Pa. Jeck McHugo, J. Hedges, Manager, 1528 Julian st.. Berkeley, Cal. Wilkie’s Aviators, 7068 N. Paulina st., Chicago. Fr. BE. Young «Not Inc.), 62 Madison ave., MemTenn. AIR CALLIOPES Pneumatic Calliope Co., 345 Market st., New ark, N. ALLIGATORS Florida Alligator Farm, Jacksonville, Fla. ALUMINUM FEATHERWEIGHT STAGE CURTAIN ROLLERS Amelia Grain, 819 Spring Garden st., Phila. AMUSEMENT DEVICES phis, De Moulin Bros, & Co., Dept. 12, Greenville, IL Eli Bridge Co., Box 22B, Reodhouse, Ill. Allan Herecbell Co., Inc., North Tonawanda, New York Herschell-Spiliman Co., F. Mueller & Co., Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland, C. Wy. Parker, Leavenworth. Kan. Chas. A. Sturk, Woodside Park, Philadelphia, Pa. Sycame re Novelty Co., 1326 Sycamore st., Cin Ne X. Chicago. Cleveland, 0. North Tonawanda, 2652 Elston ave... Uni ted States Tent & Awning Co., 229 North Desplaizes st., Chicago, Ill. ANIMAL DEALERS Wm. Bartels Co., 42 Cortland st.. N. Y¥. City. Henry Bartels, 72 Cortland st.. New York. llorne’e Zoo Arena Co., Keith and Perry Bidg., hausas City, Mo. Wm. Mackensen, Yardley, Pa. ert J. Putnam, 490 Washington st., Buffalo, New York. Touls Rube, 248 Grand st., New York City. Texas Snake Farm, Brownsville, Tex. ANIMALS, BIRDS AND SNAKES Henry Nartels, 72 Cortlandt st.. New York. Detroit Bird Store, 231 Michigan ave., Detroit, Michigen Reteen Bevin 1260 Market st., San Francisco, ANIMALS (Sea Lions) Captain George McGuire, Santa Barbara, Cal. i A Rogers, I. O. Box 626, Santa Barbara, California. ARMY AND NAVY AUCTION Goons ocls Bannerman, 501 Broadway, N. Y. City. ARMY AND NAVY SOUVENIR EW. ELRY AND NOVELTIES Gustave W. Cohen & Bro., 744 Broadway, New ork Fraternity Equipment Co., 250 West 125th st., New York City. Pudlin & Perry, 125 Prince st., New York. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS ‘ler Jones Co., 333 South Market st., Chicago. Botanical as Co., 208 West Adams et., ( hicago, i AUTOMATIC ELEC. ECONOMIZER Power, 90 Gold st., New York City. AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS A. Berni, 216 N. 20th st., North Tonawanda Musical Nortn Tonawanda, N. BADGES, BANNERS, ETC. De Moulin Bros, & Co.. Dept. 11, Greenville, il. BADGES, BUTTONS, ETC a ee Co., 641 Woodland ave.,. CleveBADGES AND PREMIUM RIBBONS mel England Flag & Regalia Co., Stamford, Ct. yal New York City. Instrument Works, Mig. Co., IS2 EB. 14th st., New Lork, BALLOONS. Levin Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. M. Silverman, 337 W. Madison st., Chicago. BALLOO “ (Hot Air) rel Novelty Co., 1710 Ella e«t., Cincinnati, 0. ewertens Balloon Co., 2405 Clybourn ave. cago, Svompson Bros,’ Ballooning Co.. Aurora, II. ‘ited States Tent & Awning Co., 229 North Desplaines st., Chicago, I. _ BALL THROWING GAMES The Penn Novelty Co., 908 Buttonwood st., a r ‘Jladewphta, 7 ore Nov, Co., 1326 Sycamore st., Cin't!, esiera Fruit Grader and Mfg. Co., Grand “unction, Col, . BAND MUSIC 'x'e Muste House, 105 W. Madison st., Chicago. Boker & Lockwood, Seventh aud Wyandotte ets., hansas City, Mo. Ne BANNERS |Sampliner Adv. Co., 729 Seventh ave., New York. Schell's Scenic Studio, 581 S. High st., Colum bus, O. Tucker Duck & Rubber Co., Ft. Smith, United States Tent & Awning Co., og North Desplaines st., Chicago, Il). BASKETS Burlington Willow Ware Shops, Burlington, Ia. Fair & Carnival Supply Co., 126 Fifth ave., New York. DL. Marnuout Basket Co., 816 Progress and 807 N. S., Pittsburg, Pa. Carpenter et., Charles Zinn & Co., 893 Broadway, New York. BITS AND SPURS Aug. Buerman Mfg. Co., Newark, N. J. BOOKING AGENTS Frankel Bros., 1608'4 Main st., Room 207, Dallas, Tex. United Booking Office, Palace Theater Building, New York City. Western Vaude. Managers’ Asen., Chicago, U1. BOOK STRIP TICKETS National Ticket Co., Shamokin, Pa. Weldon, Williams & Lick, Ft. Smith, Ark. BOWLING ALLEYS Briant Mfg. Co., 420 W. 10th et., Indianapolis, Indiana, BRIDGE BALL Briant Mfg. Co., 420 W. 10th st., Indianapolls, Indiana. BURLESQUE BOOKING AGENCIES American Burlesque Circuit, Galety Theater Bldg., New York City. Columbia Amusenient Co., Bldg., New York City. BURNT CORK The Hess Co., Rochester, N. Y New York City. Columbia Theater Chas. Meyer, 1-3 E. 13th st.. M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. 3ist at. op RB. X. C CALCIUM LIGHT (Ox-Hydrogen Gas Manufacturers) Cincinnat! Calcium Light Co., 108 Fourth et., Cincinnati, V. M. P. Sales Co., 537 S. Dearborn st., Chicago. Erker Bros., 604 Olive st., St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis Calclum Light Co., 516 Elm st., St. Louis, Mo. Vair & Carnival Supply Co., 126 Fifth ave., New York. Kindel & Graham, 891 Mission st., San Francisco, Cal. Levin Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. Pitt Mtg. Go., 106-108 E. 2d st., Cincinnati, 0. CAROUSELS Wm. Il. Dentzel, 3641 Germantown ave., Philadelphia, Pa. sme Herschel! Co., Inc., North Tonawanda, » a MerachettSpillman Co., W. FP. Mangels Co., Coney Island, N. Y,. c. W. Parker, Leavenworth, Kan. Philadelphia Tobuggan Co., 130 Duval et., Phila, Stein & Goldstein, 1455 Gates ave., Brooklyn, cea CARS (R. R.) Arms Palace Horse Car Co., Room 604, 332 So. Michigan ave., Chicago, Ill. Houston Railway Car Co., Texas. Southern Iron & Equipment Co., Zelnicker, Walter A., Supply Co., cust, St. Louis, Mo. CHAIRS, GRAND STANDS, FOR RENT North Tonawanda, N, Y. 30x 556, Houston, Atlanta, Ga. 4th and Lo C. Ed Flood, Cleveland, 0. CHAIRS—OPERA AND FOLDING (New and Second-Hand) Atlas Seating Co., 10 E. 43d st., and 7 E. st., New York City. CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS The Helmet Co.. 1021 Rroadwary, Cincinnati, 0. Mint Gum Co., Inc., 29-31 Bleecker st., N. Y. C. Toledo Chewing Gum Co., Toledo Factories Bldg., Toledo, 0. CHOCOLATES FOR RACE TRACKS 42d “ta Chocolate Co., 76-84 Watts st., New org. Puritan Chocolate Co., Court st. and Central avre., Cincinnati, Witty. Schinitt & Co., Chicago, Tl CHOP SUEY rl alaeeaata SUPYat Gaw Min Co., 192 Park Row, N 1407 W. Jackson Blvd., os Re Cy POSSESSES FSSSSSSSESSSSSSS FOS SSSSSSSSSSSOSOSSSSO FOOSE O COGS THE LARGE AMOUNT OF ; TRADES DIRECTORY ADVERTISING Carried in The Billboard each week proves conclusively the pro ducing power of this advertising. our advertisers, they will tell you. If you are in doubt write any of The effective service rendered by the Trades Directory Department affords its advertisers an opportunity to reach all branches of the theatrical and amusement field with a permanent one-line card the year round at the very low rate of $10.00 A YEAR (in advance), SPECIAL TRIAL OFFER: SIX MONTHS, $5.00 including a copy of The Billboard each week. POSS SSSSSSFSSSSSSSSSSSSSSOSSSOSSSOSOSSS SOS SOSH SSSSSOO OO OOSD CAMP HANDKERCHIEFS American Art Production Co., 141 Wooster st., New York. Gustave W. Cohen & Bro., 744 Broadway, N. Y. Y. Mercantile Trading Co., 167 Canal st., a, en. Stern Pub. & Novelty Co., 147 West 36th st., New York. CANDY FOR WHEELMEN Louis Denebeim & Sons, 1222-24 Oak st., Kansas City, Mo. CANDY FOR WHEELS Gramercy Chocolate Co., 76-84 Watts st., York. Johnson Candy Co., 1249 Plum st., Cincinnati, 0. M. Lakott, S16 Market st.. Philadelphia, Pa. Puritan Chocolate a Court, st. and Central ave., Cincinnati, Frank J. Schneck & ab 1407 Times Bldg., New York. Touraine Co., 251 Causeway st., Boston, Mass. Ulikem Candy Co., 35 So, Dearborn st., Chicago. Witty, Schmitt & Co., 1407 W. Jackson Bivd., Chicago, Il, CANES AND WHIPS Advance Whip Co., 287 Elm st., Westfield, Mass. Iirarel Novelty Co., 1710 _ a. Cincinnati, O. Clevelan’ Cane Co. Cleveline Gibson Mdse. Co., 714 N. a St. Louis. Levin Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. New Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleveland, Ohio, Shyrock-Todd Co., 824 N. Eighth et., St. Louls. N. Shure Co., 237.241 W. Madison st., Chicago. Singer Bros,, 8&2 Rowery, New York City. ___CAPTIVE BALLOONS F. G. SEYFANG 1465 Broadway, New York CIGARS (Wholesale) Louis Denebeim & Sons, 1222-24 Oak st., Kan sas City, Mo. I. Eisenstein & Co,, 44 Ann st., New York. Il. M. Lakoff, 316 Market et., Philadelplia, Pa. CIRCUS & JUGGLING APPARATUS Ed Van Wyck, 2643 Colerain ave., Cincinnati, 0. CIRCUS WAGONS Beggs Wagon Co., Kansas City, Mo. CIRCUS SEATS (New and Second-Hand) Baker & Lockwood, Seventh and Wyandotte sts., Kansas City, Mo. United States Tent & Awning Co., 229 North Desplaines st., Chicago, Il. CLOWN WHITE Chas. Meyer, 1-3 E. 13th st.. New York City. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 3ist st., N. Y. C. COASTER CARS Philadelphia Toboggan Co., 130 Dural st., Phila. COIN COUNTING MACHINES AND WRAPPERS Abbott Coin Counter Co., 106 Sixth ave., New York City. COLD CREAM M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 31st st., N. Y¥. C. CONCESSIONAIRES’ SUPPLIES Averill Mfg. Co., 37 Unica Square, New Tork. “BEAUTY DOLLS” JULIUS TOLCES, 116 E. 28th St.. New York. Frank J. Schneck & Co., 1407 Times Bldg., N. Y. CARBIDE Lees -—. Al der Milburn Co altimore, TeCARD AND DISPLAY BOARDS Hurlock Bros. Co., Mfrs., Philadelphia. CARNIVAL FRONTS AND SHOW BANNERS United States Tent & Awning Co., 229 North Desplaines st., Chicago, 1. CARNIVAL GOODS KEWPIES TIP TOP TOY CO.. 114 E. 28th St., New York. Chae. Zina & Co.. 893 Proadway, New York. CARNIVAL GOODS AND STREET MEN’S SUPPLIES 543 Broadway, New York. Berk Bros., FRANK J. SCHNECK & CO. Dolls, Pillows, Candies. Saskets, EXc. 1407 Times Bidg., New York. : CONFETTI Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. CORK SHOOTING GUNS Blumenthal Bros., 309 Wash. Bank Bldg., Pitts burg, Pa. CORN POPPERS W,. Z. Long Co., 76 High st., Springfield, 0. COSMETICS (Eyebrow Pencils, Fece Powder, Etc.) Chas. Meyer, 1-3 E. 13th st., New York City. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 31st at, K.: Fa COSTUMERS M, J, Clark, 315 N. Tenth st., COSTUMES o iich Costume Co., 113 Gratiot ave., Detroit, ich. val Costume Co., Milwaukee, Wie. Chicago Costume Works, 143 N. Dearborn st., Chicago. M. J. CLARKE, COSTUMER Amateurs, Sa al and Road Shows, 315 North ‘Tenth Gea ‘st. Louis, Missouri. St. Louis, Mo. 267 West Water st., Coast Costume ¢ cisco, «., 1035 Market st., Sun Fran EAVES COSTUME co. For Amateurs, S Pictures. Also Mig. 110 West. 46th Street, New York Greenwood, Atkinson & Armstrong Co., 75 Woodward : ave., Detro.t, Mich DECORATIONS Baker & Lockwood, Seventh and Wyandotte sts., Kansas City, Moe. DECORATIONS, FLOATS & BOOTHS J. Allen Turner, Inc., 266 West 41st st., N. Y¥. City ba es _ & Co., @41 Palmwood ave., ToDECORATORS, FLOATS, BOOTHS, ETC. peteates = scorating Co., 208 West Adams st., ago, Ill. Le Sais Decorating Co., Chicago. DIAMOND JEWELRY (For Salesboards and Premiums) Altbach & Rosenson, 203 W. Madison st., Ch’go. Alter & Co., 165 W. Madison st., Chicago. National Mercautile Co., 87 Nassau st.. B. F. DISINFECTANTS Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills, New York, St. Louis, New Orleans, Atlanta and Dallas, Tex. DOLL RACKS Herschell-Spillman, North Tonawanda, N. Y. DOLLS AVERILL M’F’G CO. Papoose, Felt and Novelty Dolls. 37 Union Square, West, New York. 28 South Fifth ave., “BEAUTY DOLLS” JULIUS TOLCES, 116 E. 28th St., New York. Cawood Novelty Mfg. Co., Danville, 11. Kellow & Brown, 428 Boyd st., Los ro a New Toy Co., Inc. Chicago Otice, 623 W 1ton st., Chicago, Il. Progressive Toy Co., Inc., 102-104 Wooster et., New York. “KUTIE-KID” F. J. SCHNECK & CO., 1407 Times Bidg., New York. Los New York. Chicago. Sunset Specialty Co., Angeles. Tip Top Toy Co., 114-116 F. 28th et.. Tip Top Toy Co., 621 W. Fulton st., DOLLS (Kewpies) Tip Top Toy Co., 114 E. 28th st., New York. Tip Top Toy Co., 621 W. Fulton st., Chicago. DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS Advance Whip & Novelty Co., 287 Elm at., Westfield, Mass. Am. Made Stuffed Toy Co., 123 Bleecker st., New York. AM. MADE STUFFED TOY CO. 123 Bleecker St., New York. 1427 San Pedro st., Derk Bros., 43 Broadway, New York City. Elektra Toy & Novelty Co., 400 Lafayette st., New York. ELEKTRA TOY & NOV. CO. Chubbics, Toots es, Kiss Me Bears and Rosy-Posy Dolls. 400 Lafayette St.. New York. H. C. Evans & Co., Fair & Carnival New York City. M. Gerber, 727-729 South st., Philadelphia, Pa. Kindel & Graham, 891 Mission st., San Francisce Levin Bros., Terre Haute, Ind. New Toy Co., Inc., 143 Bleecker st., New Jersey. N. ¥. Mercantile Trading Co., 167 Canal st., New York Non-Breakatle Toy Co., Muskegon, Mich. Pacific Pennant & Advertising Co., 244 N. High, Los Angeles. Progressive Toy Co., Inc., 102-104 Wooster st., New York. Royal Toy Co., 267 Canal st.. New York. Frank J. Schneck & Co., 1407 Times Bldg., New York. M. Silverman, 337 W. Madison st., Chicago. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. 1522 W. Supply Co., Adams st., Chicago. 126 Fifth ave., Newark, TIP TOP TOY CO. 114 E. 28th St. New York. Tip Top Toy Co., 621 W. Fulton st., CONES The American Cone & Wafer Co.. Dayton, 0. A. T. Dietz, 127 Michigan st., Toledo, 0. The Twomey Co., Box B, Geneva, N. Y. CONE MACHINERY Lanter & Driesbach. 248 Butler st.. Cincinnati. CONFROTIONSRY MACHINES W, Z. Long Co,, 76 High st., Springfield, 0. Chicago. KEWPIES TIP TOP TOY CO., 114 E. 28th St., New York. Tip Top Toy Co., 114-116 E. 28th st., New York. Tip Top Toy Co., 621 W. Fulton st., Chicago. United States Tent & Awning Co., 229 North Desplaines st., Chicago, IL DRUMS (Snare and Bass) TMixte Music House, 105 W. Madison st., Chicago, Ludwig & Ludwig, 1614 N. Lin Chicago, (Continued on page 132) cola st., § bse: hie ah