The Billboard 1918-03-23: Vol 30 Iss 12 (1918-03-23)

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134 The Billboard MARCH 23, 1918 Agents and Solicitors Wanted Se PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. No ady. accepted for less than 25c. AGENTS, BIG MONEY FOR YOU THIS SEASON— Sell Magic Weed Destroyer. No. 1 kills weeds in private driveways, tennis courts, ete.; No, 2 kills dandelions in lawns. Does not injure "the grass. A five-minute demonstration convinces people and gets sale every time. Just spread it broadcast. It’s easy, and we prove it. We guarantee it. Your credit is good. Send stamp for full particulars. ADIRONDACK CHEMICAL LABORATORIES, Pilattsburg, New York. AGENTS, GRAB THIS!—Biggest little novelty of the age! “Automatic Cigarette Case, operated with cue hand. Every smoker wants it—will have it. Great for camp workers. $10 daily. Biggest snap ever. Just like finding morey. Write for particulars. AUTUMATIC NOVELTY CO., Souris, North Dakota AGENTS—Handle our line of Salesboards and Salesboard Specialties; largest line in the country; our Patrictic Pictures are taking the country by storm; the ‘‘Hunteman,” a combination knife and pistol; the Portophone, a phonograph, records and carrying case, all in one, plays all records and has volume and tone equal of cabinet machines; weighs 18 Ibs., and easily carried anywhere. Write for catalog and circulars describing our complete line. GORDON SPECIALTY AGENCY, Dept. H, 52 W. Chippewa, Buffalo, N. Y. AGENTS—Something brand new, Aladdin Everblooming Rese Bush; blooms in six weeks — seed; the ladies are wild about it; 200% profit. oes this appeal to you? PLATTSBURG NURSERY,. “3 42 Plattsburg. New York. AGENTS—Just to get acquainted we will send four samples, fast sellers, for 35c, worth $1.50; the best offer you ever had. ADIRONDACK CHEMICAL LABORATORIES, Plattsburg, New York. BIG PROFITS, QUICK SELLER—Nickel Coin Trick; sample, with trick list, for dime. HESS, 1220 Per Werd. AGENTS AND sonsoesens WANTED..........3¢ ANIMALS, BIRD PETS ATTRACTIONS WAN’ AT LIBERTY fe annconbebconestll DATE...... otis pecbiintiiinnen nets Shosesuessovece Seem eee eee eeeeeeeee 3e EXCHANGE OR SWAP........ ccescccccvcccecces sae FILMS FOR SALE a HanG).......-+++++-26 FILMS FOR SALE (New)......... eeeeccccceces FOR RENT OR LEASE “PROPERTY. eerrrrrrirT FOR SALE ADS (New Goods)...... ccecccccess FOR SALE ADS (Second-Hand Goods Only)......2¢ week's e. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS RATES PER WORD SET IN 5-PT. TYPE WITHOUT DISPLAY. NO AD ACCEPTED FOR LESS THAN 25c NO CUTS. NO BORDERS. Per Word. ph nang 2s Be cc ccccccccces padadecennoeceune URE TIME WANTED BY ACTS.............. 2e 4 OTe LS (Theatrical) ...... Shebicecsdsecsncsceen xe SS rrr reer rere re é MANUSCRIPTS, SKETCHES AND PLAYS..... of MISCELLANEOUS FOR SAL 30 MOVING PICTURE ACCESSORIES FOR SALE ON ER SPT rrr 2c MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (Second-Hand)........ 2¢ PARTNERS WANTED FOR Acts — Seeestanenai ie DED oi ton 6n0d0050000 ceccoce concece Secces ..3e PRIVILEGES FOR SALE ........ 2... ccc cceeeenene 3e SCHOOLS, SERVICES, INSTRUCTION........... le SHOW PROPE OR SALE ——2c SONGS A lusic. ececeece Sedccscccseccesccence fe HEATERS BREE: ocxccdecccece evcceve ee THEATRICAL PRINTING..............-... ee NTED PARTNER (Capital “Investment)....... 3e WANTED TO BUY RERIED occ ccscccccsccsccul We do not place charges for ads in the Classified Columns upon our books, no bills rendered. CASH MUST ACCOMPANY THE COPY. All copy for ads in this department must reach us by Thursday, 6 p.m, for insertion in the following issu JIM CAMERON, BASS BARITONE, AT LIB. erty. Gus Hill, please note. Sing? Well, ask Griff Williams, Wire or write, 246 Drospect St., Hamilton, Canada, LEADER (PIANO)—ARRANGE; OUT oF draft age; travel; wife can join also; = and dramatic soprano, R, » Gen. Del. Danville, Virginia. MAN AND WIFE—PIANO AND DRUMS; man is also singer, sign and show card painter, and an A-1 ‘operator; real hustler who knows the business at reasonable salary. CARL MA. LONE, Rex Theatre, Alva, Oklahoma. ONE-MAN BAND OR BALLYHOO MUSICIAN (colored)—Vlaying together senophone and guitar; loud jazz music for bally: strong worker for carnival, fair ground or medicine shows: also plays Hawatian steel guitar for Hawalian or Oriental shows; age, 26; no booze; good wardrobe; salary or percentage your limit: write or wire, MR. OSWALD GIBSON, Eaton, Ob)», OPERATOR—WITH $3 YEARS' EXPERI. ence; can handle any make machine: generator sets and rectifier; not in draft: state working conditions and salary, GEO. E. WISE, JR., 823 Woodlawn Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana. PIANIST AT LIBERTY—LONG EXPERIence; don't drink; work in acts; wonld take charge of small top; competent. ED GAILEY, Pianist, Sayre, Pennsylvania. “SCENIC ARTIST''—FOR STOCK OR REPertoire; theatres or under canvas; IJoutsiana preferred. Address W. H., 219 Spring St,, Plum; Cincinnati. THE BILLBOARD PUB CO., 25-27 Opera Place, : : : CINCINNATI, OHIO. | Shreveport, Louisiana. ESCAPE KING’S TRICK SET OF THREE KEYS SIDE-SHOW ACTS—MAGICIAN, VENTRILO—Will open most ordinary doors, 25¢ complete set;}| A-1 ALL AROUND ACTOR; 5 FT., 10;| AT LIBERTY—LEE EDMONDS, FOR RELI-| guist, inside lecturer at liberty for tenting sea Trick Padlock Opener, 10c. CHICAGO NOVELTY | weight, 16; play anything cast for intelli-] able musical comedy tabs,; producing comedian, | aon; have experience and ability. Ariress F. WORKS, 3310 Herndon St, Chicago. gently; wife, ingenues; leads if necessary; right | scripts or ad lib.; want good partner to direct} M, FARRELL, 212 Esty St,, Ithaca, New York. type; young; both good studies and appear | chorus. Address me Drumright, Oklahoma. FELLOWS, get your share of the war orders during | ance; ‘excellent wardrobe; know the art of the off season; I started a plan, a record-breaker an repeater; requires no printing; my unique demonstration does the trick: $2 easily makes $50; full instructions, 250. WILSON, 127 Joan d’Arc, Montreal. LATEST NOVELTY—The Midget all smokers buy; sample, terms, BOX 101, South Chicago, Dlinois. Match Lighter; 6c stamps. P. O. MAKING $200 A WEEK—The plan, the formula and full, details on page 84 March ‘‘Schemer,’’ only = you'll use it. EDITOR PATTERSON, Alliance, 0. MEDICINE MEN AND DEMONSTRATORS—We have a proposition that will please you. BOX C, Panora, Iowa. a NEW_ DIME LEADER--Good Luck _ Horseshoe Rings, $3 00 100, 50c dozen, sample 10c. CHATTER SON, 376 Crane, Detroit, Michigan WONDERFUL SMALL ARTICLE — Every man needs; agent sold 14 one office; profit $2.45; carry hundred in pocket; particulars and 2 samples, 25c. ARROW MFG. CO@, 77SB lith St., Milwaukee, Animals, Birds and Pets 30 PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY No adv. accepted for jess than 25c. ALWAYS IN STOCK —Flint’s Porcupines, for =, Pit and Store Shows, Window Display, etc. Big on $10 pair. Always in Stock. FLINT, North Water. ford, Maine. : BUFFALO, Deer (several varieties), Black, Polar, Siberian Bears, Lions, Liama, Lyn nx. Elk, Wolves, Himalayan Tahr, Wild Boars, Aoudad, Yak, Gnu. Rhesus Monkeys, Porcupines, Foxes, Quail, many other Birds and Animals. GARLAND ZOOLOGICAL CO., Oldtown, Maine. FOR SALE—Tight Wire Walking Dog, Terrier, fine act for bally, with props, $25; High Diving Dog and 30 ft. ladder, $25; trial allowed; 5Focted Horse, two years old, good pit attraction, broke to ride and drive; will send photo. P. H. MORTON, 111 Whippe Ave., Butler, Pennsylvania. female Fox FOR SALE AT ALL TIMES—Trained Dogs and Doves. HARRY SMITH, Gratz, Pennsylvania. dressing; single and double specialties; singing, dancing, yodeling: positively do not donble band: salary your limit; state it. Address BOB STURDIVAN, 460 Prospect Ave., Hot Springs, Arkansas. A-1 BANDMASTER; STRONG CORNET; B. & 0O.; for circus, dramatic, chautanquas, resorts, ete.; real street and concert music: last two years Christy Hippodrome Circus: kindly stafe salary, ete.; no carnivals; all offers promptly answered by wire: exempt from draft; no jump too far. Wire 0, GOODHART, 21 Washington St., Atlanta, Georgia. A-1 BARITONE HARMONY SINGER AND BRb bass: can take bass or Jead male quartette; solo numbers; professional e®perience quartette, amateur experience stage; age, 26; exempt; connect with dramatic or stock playing week; hoto; state all: write, don’t wire, ROY STEVEns. 811 43d St., Rock Island, Illinois. A-1 BARITONIST; HAVE DOUBLE BELL euphonium; experienced; troupe or locate, either; will be at liberty after June 6th. Address GURDEN MUSGRAVE, 1200 Tenn., Lawrence, Kansas, A-1 LEADER (VIOLIN)—WIFE, PIANIST; nnion; experienced in all lines; swell library: no grind: vaudeville preferred; joint or single. AL PALING, 1777 Pulte St., Cincinnati, Ohio. A-1 PROFESSIONAL HYPNOTIST; N° FAKE; open for a few special engagements in Cincinnati; private entertainments considered: vandeville houses, write. XX. LA RUE, Norwood, Ohio, ACCOUNT SHOW CLOSING—WORKS FOR your interests; been with the best; A-1 references; sober, reliable; can and wifl hang paper. Who wants me and what do yon offer? AGENT, Empress Theatre, Fremont, Nebraska. FOR SALE—Greatcst Single Dog Act ever shown; can be featured for whole show; also three newly trained Dogs for troupe: six large Wuskie Dogs, traived to pull sled or wagon, FEsquimau team; Concessicn Tents aml Games, <cveral large Fiber Trunks and Cages, some Slum Want to buy Rhesus ad BUCK, Ninetecnth and Federal Sts., Camden, N. J. and Ladder, $25; FOR -—"'ho Des Dog ° MO 111 Whippo Ave., trial allowed. RTON, Butler, ty FOR SALE—Two small Black Ponies, broke single, double; now working in act. Fostoria, Ohio. Shetland; LaROY, I BREAK DOMESTIC ANIMAL ACTS TO YOUR ORDER—Have for sale one troupe of five Educated e' props and shipping cages: investigate this. MRS. E. J. SMALLETTO, 314 Hollywood &t., Jackson, Michigan. RECENTLY CAUGHT a AK GIANT LEATHERBACK TROPICAL SEA TURTLE—Head like walrus, seven rihs lengthwise body, twe tails. flippers like seal, 11 feet from tip to tip, weight 1,576 Ibs., irrgest of existing species known. Price, $1,090.00. CAPT. S. M. DOMER, Star and Crescent Boat Co., San Diego, California. RAGISTERED TERSIAN KITTENE—Black of eilver; Angoras in several colors. MRS. WILSON, 706 E. 24th St., Peterson, New Jersey. SHETLAND PONTES—AII registered, one midget, $€5. WILLMAN, Austin, Montana. TAME WHITE RATS, $1.00 each. Cencord, New Hampshire. At Liberty (First tine and name In black type.) fe PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. No adv. accepted for fess than 25c. BOX 418, Al ¢ MELODY SAXOPHONE PLAYER wants position by April 1 for coming summer; out in frent-on dance work, etc. Address WIKOFFE, Box 295, Maysville, Kentucky. AT LIBERTY—POHUTSKY BROS., THE wire walker and jugglers, with 3 circus arts; would like to hear from any good circus or a good show; also exempt from draft. 113 William St., Old Forge, Iennsylrania. AT LIBERTY—A-1 VIOLINIST; UNION; experienced all lines; excellent library for pictures and know how to nse it; travel or locate after March 234: mnst have ticket if jump is big. P. H. ALDRICH, Holland, Michigan. AT LIBERTY FOR JUNE, JULY AND AUgust only, experienced violinist; American: ex empted: A. F. of M.; all lines, Address CARL WALLANDER, Musical Director, Lyric Theatre, Allentown, Tl’ennsylvania, = AT LIBERTY+SLIDE TROMBONE; AFTER April 1st for concert band or theatre; must he a real band or orchestra: prefer permanent !ocation; experienced, C. V. STARME , Box 136, Keystone, Nebraska, AT LIBERTY—ORGANIST, THEATRE OR concert; experienced; member A. F. of M.; large library; join immediately; geod salary considered. Address ORGANIST, No. 2, care Billboard, Cincinnati. AT LIBERTY—STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS lady pianist; vaudeville, dance work and musical comedy a specialty; orchestra work preferred, but would consider otherwise; lecate or travel; only top prices considered; ticket if far; positively reliable; write or wire. PIANIST, 503 South Lebanon St., Lebanon, Indiana. AT LIBERTY FOR CLEAN WAGON SHOW (net hay rack)—Man, wife and girl; Frank, strong black and kid specialties and acts; Ruthabell, strong contortion, hoops and neat singing; wife, handle cookhouse and can cut old high cost with any; have Ford car; prefer one or two-night stand in Obio or Indiana; salary, $25.00 and all, and stick the season with manager who appreciates good, sober and agreeable wagon show troupers of long experience. F, NAZOR, Loudonville, Ohio, AT LIBERTY—FLUTE AND PICCOLO PLAYer, and double saxophone; have seme theatre orchestra experience; also concert and rag; have no bad habits; am a high school graduate; would prefer a position in the Central States, EMIL F » Plymouth, Wisconsin. CIRCUS CONTRACTOR, PRESS, SPECIAL agent, 24-hour man; handle any attraction; been with La Tena’s Circus, Young Buffalo's Wild West, Coop & TLent'’s, Oklahoma Ranch, Sun Bros,’ and Hi Henry's Minstrels; join on wire; state salary. AGENT, 323 Front St., Adrian, Michigan. CLASSIC FEMALE IMPERSONATOR—EMI.nent high veice singer and dancer; drawing ecard everywhere; noted national vande, artist; vaudeville, musical comedy, minstrel, cirens, ete, Address IMPERSONATOR, Billboard, New York. CONCERT ORCHESTRA CELLIST AT LIBerty—Desires permanent position; union; exempt draft. C. CELLO, 113 W. Main St., Johnstown, New York. ENGAGEMENT DESIRED—THE 80 DIFFER.ent Novelty Orchestra, new playing the Merry Winter Roof Garden, Memphis, Tenn., can be booked for the coming season; a very fine concert, dance, jazz and novelty orchestra, ineluding three trained singers, a marimba band, a saxophone band, a concert orchestra, including violins, cello, piano, cornet, clarionet, flute, bass, traps and drums: carrying large set of cathedral chimes, Parsifal orchestra bells, xylopones and other novelties; fine and large library of the best music, popular and classic; played here since laxt October; formerly Royal Canadian Concert Co.; this is a ladies’ orchestra, with gentieman director and manager: all profession als; best offers for chantanqnua. hetel and anmmer resorts, ete. Address FISKE O'CLARE, Merry Wiater Roof Garden, Memphis, Tennessee, AT LIBERTY—BALLOOYVIST; NOVEL, UP to-date parachute drops: 12 years’ experience, L. HAYNES, Banks, North Dakota, AT LIBERTY—I AM A FULLBLOODED INdian with full wardrobe and experienced: would like to join carnival, circus or vandeville; will join immediately. CHIEF BIG , 445 California St,, Los Angeles, California. AT LIBERTY—TWO BIANDYS, FOR MED. show, April 1; wire walkers, jugglers, acrobats, balancing acts, contortionist, Duteh, singing, dancing; play guitar; second comedy in acts. Two B ‘YS, Esterly, Iennsylvaoia. EXPERT OPERATOR—OPEN FOR FIRSTclass position April 1; twelve years’ experience; guaranteed projection. J, A, REHKOPF, Box No. 66, Daytona, Florida. I CAN DO TRAPEZE, RINGS AND CONTORtien. My address is CHARLIE SCHINDLER, 421 E. Water &t., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. INEXPERIENCED RELIABLE YOUNG MAN; 18; wants powitien as assistant in magic or Juggling act; willing and quick learning: photo and personal description on request. Address GRANV'ILE B. LUSBY, 28 James St., Rochester, New York, In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. BSIDE-SHOW MANAGERS—WE ARE NOW booking for season 1918 introducing the following attractions: Magic, sleight-of-hand, human voleano, fire eating and Ruddha fortune telling wand, We do first-class lecturing and carry a first-class wardrobe. Address CAPASSO COMPANY, 77 Tell St., Providence, R. I. THE THREE IRWINS—SEVEN GOOD ACTS; reliable at all times; two Indies, one gentle man; exenipt from draft; head balacce, trapeze, swinging perch, slack wire, swinging clubs, contortion, swinging ladder, flying contortien, rings; our verr best regards to all friends, Address WM. J, IRWIN, Steelville, Missouri, TO MY MANY FRIENDS—I AM AT LIBERTY April 8; want to locate with heuse running pictures exclusively; haven't lost a day in eleven years; I want all my friends to put in a good word for me; if yeu don't know me maybe you know my song, *‘Just Mato Jane; most of you know me as ‘Fess.’ FRANK STRICKLAND, “Blind Viavist,’’ 203 North 53d St,, Birmingham, Alabama. TRAP DRUMMER—NOW TROUPING; DEsires location in theater; 8 years’ experience dance, concert, pictures, seme vaudeville; can do light work on side; carry bells, xylophones, chimes; sober, single; age, 25; exempted. DRUMMER, Box 261, Onawa, Iowa. VIOLIN FOR VAUDEVILLE, MUSICAL COMedy, etc.; now working, but wish to change location; prefer location, but will troupe on real show (union man); donble baritone in band. Wire AL G. MORSTEAD, General Delivery, Cairo, Illinois, VIOLINIST—WISHES STEADY ws ment, either picture or vaudeville house; A. of M.; married and reliable. Address A, 3, care Billboard, Cincinnati, Oblo. VIOLINIST-LEADER AND PIANIST—MAN and wife, want position in a photoplay theater in which the orchestra constitutes 50 per cent of the performance and where real ability and intelligence are positively appreciated. We are conservatory graduates, with years of experience in our line, backed by A-1 press notices, testimonials and references. The violinist is now in the capacity of musical director for two houses, arranging scores for features and possessing & tremendous library, specially selected for that purpose; can guarantee the best possible synchronization with the action of the creen. If you want to improve the musical side of your business and are willing to spend real money for real musicians, write, no matter where you are. to “CINEMAPLAYERS, ’* care The Billboard. All letters answered, and ‘it you can not afford to engage us, at least we can help you in solving the problem of ‘“‘better music for the film’’ in your theater. VIOLINIST AND PIANIST—MAN AND vs for M. Y, theatre or any position open or A-3 musicians; good library; reliable. VIOLINIST. 616 E. Broad St., Batesville, Ark. VIOLINIST—LEADER AND ALSO PIANIST; man and wife; experienced in all lines, but prefer first-class pictnre house; large library of popular and standard music; pictures cued perte ectly; must give short notice; best_references; steady and reliable, Address C, W. B., care Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohlo, VIOLINIST LEADER WISHFS ENGAGEment; permanent location preferred; movin picture show or good dance job. E, BEVAN, 600 W. Sth St., Des Moines, lowa. WANTED—POSITION AS MEDICINE LECturer; been doing platform high pitch work ® years; sure can deliver the goods; have put in 3 yeara studying anatomy and surgery; am ont of draft and sober, Address W, H, B 724 8. 4 St., Waco, Texas.