The Billboard 1918-03-23: Vol 30 Iss 12 (1918-03-23)

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MARCH 23, 1918 The Billboard For Theatrical People A neat letter head, booklet or post card will be in good form. Attractive stationery commands attention; it’s a great advertisement for the performer. The printing shops advertising in the Classified Columns under a_ special headitig ean furnish you with printing matter suitable for your act or needs. COAL BILLS REDUCED ONE-THIRD—Burn les coal, get more heat Sworn statement Formula and full instructions of intelligent firing, 25¢ F. LORTON, Bookseller. Orange, New Jerseey FORMULAS 5 EACH—For Streetmen and Agents’ goods, Spitfire, Corm Remeeuy, Salve Liniments, Razor Paste, Nickel-Plating Fiuid, Inhalers, Cements. WATKINS. Box 85, Lebanon, Unio MAGICAL BOOKS. MAGAZINES, SECRETS or TRICKS AND ILLUSIGNS— Moneymaking Formulas for agelts, pitctomen; list 5¢, none free KYLE CARTWRIGUT, 626 Line. Decatur, Alabama. REAL LIVE BOOKS FOR REAL LIVE PEOPLE— ae a B B SHERIDAN CO, 417 EB I5ist St, Now York SPECIAL THIS MONTH, $1 00—Typewritten SecTels to manufacture “The New Eats," Mexican Cactus Cana}. Mexxan Chilo Sausage, Summer Taffy. Package Pop, Lemonade Powder, Egg Pouder CAMERON & CALLSEN, Room 15, 154 West Raz dolph &, Chi ago, Dhincs THIS CAN'T BE EQQUALED—Guaranteed; Rad's Wonderful Formula for Bright's Disease, Dropsy, and Blood Disorders; $2 gets it. DELISLE, 1843 Irving, San Diego, California TWENTY YEARS OF HUSTLING—Great book for showmen, by Johnson, cloth bound, $50, postpaid, only 118 left, going fast. TREATURITE DIST. CO., Box 101, Liadmine, Wisconsin. WANTED POSITION BY TRAP DRUMmer in vaudevi or movie house; bells, traps; h years’ pornettnente exempt from draft. TRAP DRUMMER, care Billboard, New York. WHO CAN FIND ROOM FOR A YOUNG man, 21 years of age (good appearing), formerly a Shakespearean player? Will consider anything of a dramatic nature (stock preferred); good dramatic tenor voice. Address HERBERT C. ELLIOTT, St, Louis Hotel, Duluth, Minnesota. At Liberty at Future Date 2e PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. No adv. accepted for less than 25c. AT LIBERTY APRIL 1—Violinist; excellent player; orhestra ard band director (double Cornet); years of experience in all lines; big, high-class library; A. F. of M; no draft subject; marmed; sober. Would like to take position the ycar around. Be sure to get a good man. Address your offer W. H. 151, Bulboard, Cincinnati, Ohio AT LIBERTY JUNE 1 for Sunday engagements in ty of Milwaubec, Society Maghian, Illusions De Neuburne; always something new, original and novel Address J. M DE NEUBURNE, 188 6th &t., Milwaukee, Wis Call Grand 4528, Attractions Wanted 3c PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. No adv. accepted for less than 25c. MY =e BALL PARK In heart of New Apes, em kacduog ttail sitet, thine squaies of ot Ome, vith Menon Rattread sands on one side a Dixte Highway on another: 39.000 highly peid workers In walking distance of Triangle Park, with Camp Tailor, Louisville, Ky. and Jeffersonville, Ind, vislors on car lines to «haw fiom Will rent to Cucus, Carwival or Tent Shows Fine opening, for season, for rides and summer stock JOHNNY RAY, 617 Oak, New Aldany, Indiana. PLOPLE’S CARNIVAL WANT ATTRACTIONS and Teople for route Northwest in May, 3909 Folsom. St. Louls, Missourt URBAN PARK, Albia, la, caters to large local and surrounding towns’ trade; drawing population, 15,990; ample car service, free gate, seven days: desirable Attractions wanted; will rent Merry-Go-Round, fat or percentage basis, have own electric power. ae HIBBARD, Mer. WOOSTER OPERA HOUSE, 900 seats, under new management; wanted, good clean Attractions of ail hinds. Wooster, Ohie Automobile Accessories 3c PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. YOuR FORD \ WILL Csr HALF COAL OIL if you use our 1918 carburetor: 34 miles per gallon guaranteed, one-third more power; use cheapest gasoline or one-half kerosene; quickly starta cold motor, even at zero, and moves right off with full. power; no spitting or popping: slow speed on high; fits exactly; attach it yourself; 30 off list where no agent; Dig Profits selling our gomis; we ft all motors: write for 30-day trial offer and money back guarantee TRE AIRFRICTION CARBURETOR COMPANY, Madison St, Dayton, Ohio. Bands and Orchestras 3c PER WORD. CASH WITH Geer. Ne adv, accepted for less than 25c. VALUARLE FORMULAS for manufacturing Cement, Furniture Polish, Cleaning Paste, Never Hone Kasor Paste Ink Eradicator, Lemonade and Orange Powder, Polishing Cloths, oe Lioth, Shoe Dressings and several other good makers; all for 20e BESTOVALL LABORATORIES, 3311BZ, Belleplaine Ave, Chicago. Business Opportunities 3e PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. ACCOUNTS, Notes, where in the world; MAY'S Debts, Claims collected anyno charge unless we collect. COLLECTION AGENCY, Somerset, Kuntucky. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE—Two-chair, complete, in Missouri town; 2,000 population: price, $150.00. Address A. G. QUALLS, Sweet Springs, Missouri. EXCHANGD OR SELL—Have Vent. Figure, Book of Instructions on Ventriloguism, Course in Hypne tism and Hypnotic Healug want Camere or anything useful; write; will sell either. BOX 410 Putnam, Connecticut FOR SALB OR EXCHANGE—A three-year Law Course, 12 volumes, leather bound, in Jane condition, cost $100 00, avoid unjust shakedowns; know the law, can use portalde me Concession Tent, or what have you? O R GREEN, 609 West Park Street, Pittsburg. Kansas I WILL TRADE ILLUSIONS for good Automobile; —_ full partkulars MYSTICAL HEIJTH, Carroll, owa LODGE MEMBERS, NOTICE—Will exchange solid sold emvlem mng, any society, or solid gold Elk tooth charms or Moose tooth charms, for any old gold jewelry, broken Jewelry or other valuables. full value allowed for jour goods. HARRY KLITZNER COMPANY, Manufacturing Jewelers, 44 Wayne St, Providence, Ruode Island SELL OR EXCHANGE Tents, M. P. Machines, Chairs, Empire Floss Machine, ete HOOSIER EXCHANGE, Winchesier, Indiana TRADE—Four Rox —all Alleys, one Ten Pinnet Alles, coin operated Photo Machine, Peerless Electric Orchestration Piano and other goods costing $3,000 for Miniature Railroad, complete. JAMES SHEARS, Norman, Oklahoma. WANTED—Denials Bowling Alley, or some Novelty Game; will trade Slot Machines or set of Swings for same. F. D. ROSE, 3¢] Main St, Gloucesier, Mass. WHAT AM 1 OFFERED FOR MY PRINTING PRESS, with 19 fonts of Type for card work? Also compact Type Calinet, with Shipping Case, outfit cost originally $246.00; Press alone «cst $175.00, shghtly worn: selling reason, sickness. Address AUTOMATIC PRINTING PRESS, care Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohto. AUTOMATIC WILL TRADE Smith Premier Typewriter, good condition, for Fleciric Tattooing Outfit. P. L. BALLARD, 544 W. Mlinois St., Indianapolis, Indiana For Rent or Lease 3c PER WCRD. CASH WITH COPY. No adv. accepted for less than 25c. CONCESSIONAIRES, ATTENTION—Free cory of PARK can be leased for one or five years in circular of best “Big Hit’ barrel statuary in the] Bethlehem, Pa. Seam SOUTH BETHLEHEM & Unind States Wrie PENN STATUARY CO, Sui |] SAUCON ST. RY. CO. Sommer St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. FOR SALE—Pool Room, doing good business; fine loration; reason for selling, bad health; must changes climate; sell cheap for cash. Address GUS VOONASIS, Trey, Alabama. FOR SALE— e Lease and 8 Tango Swings, Kennywood ‘atk, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOX 1667, Pittsburgh, Pa. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR CATTLE—My comp'ete Wild West, Dog and Pony Show, Trained Ponies, High School Horse, Pick-out Ponies, Performing Bears aml Monks. Dogs to work ifn all lines, Bronches, Saddle Pontes, Clown and Bucking Mules, 70-ft. Top, 30-f1. middle; Seats, Lights, Liting Wagons, Ford Car, Harness and Props for acts, ready for the road. W. J. NELSON, Pitcher, Oklahoma. FURNISHED ROOMING HOUSE, Washington Heights. good will, furniture complete, price, $500. 563 West 159th, Audubon 9437. New York City. EXCHANGE LPETTEIS, POSTCARDS, FTC, with members of National Exchange in practially a.l parta of the world; 3 months’ membership. inc ud g magazine, for 25c. WALLACE, Box 585-K. Ene, la HIGHEST PRICES paid for Diamonds and Jewelry of all kinds; loans negotiated; bank references. A. —(Est. 1861), 16 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, linots. MAKE BIG MONEY!—Roeadman’s Guide, book of intermation for Show, Privilege and Conccssion People. Crowd Workers, ete : gites schemes, plans, secret formulas, bic 1918S edition: 25¢; desriptive circular free. RIGGS, Vevey, Indiana valuable PUZZLES— Buy and sell; job lots; no quantity teo small or too large; Puzzle fans, inventors. manufacturers, let’s get acquainted. CHICAGO PUZZLBH WORKS, 3310 Herndon St, Chicago. single, collections, large THOUSAND DIFFERENT WAYS OF MAKING GOOD MONEY—Book of particulars free. KLICK SALES CO., Box 534, San Antonio, Texas. Cartoons 3e PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. No adv. accepted for less than 25c. DRAWINGS MADP FOR ALL PURPOSES AT LOW COST—Samples for stamp. BALDA CARTOON SERVICE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. TRICK DRAWINGS FOR THE STAGE—Sample and list for 10. BALDA CARTOON SERVICE, Osh RU TLER® Ss TEN. PIFCE All members of this band euaranteed at reasonable price; A. P. BUTLER, 778 Cameron Ave., Detroit, eee Books and Formulas lc PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. No adv. accepted for less than 25c. ACROBATICS—A 10-lesseen course; _, T5e for lesson No 1; blue printed and real photos used; circular for stamp. ROYAL PUBLISHING cO., Box 1054, St. John, N. B, Canada. BOOK, TRAINING PERFORMING DOGS, coneen instructions for principal tricks, including High ‘ing and Boxing Dogs, mailed, prepaid. 50¢ money order, LeROY PUB. CO., North Baltimore, Ohio. BIG MONEY IN n IT—Typewritten Secret, $1.00, ~~ To Clean, Renovate and Bleach Straw and Panana Hats; send money order to CAMERON @& CALLEN, Room 15, 154 West Randolph &t., Chicago, Minols BONANZA—Original Formula Rad’s Pain Destroyer: a four gations liniment for 4c; remarkable: docs Cal peparate; $2. DELISLE, 1813 Irving, San Diego, Mla CHEMICAL MAGIC—New, entertaining, instructive kash, Wisconsin RAND OF DETROIT— : under contract; service Concessions Wanted for particulars write Michigan. 3c PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. No adv. accepted for less than 25c. ICE CREAM, Soft Drinks, Launch, Popcorn, Pea nuts and Candy, Shooting Gallery, Palmistry: will lease Arcade equipped with 80 machines in building, ready to open; Ferris Wheel or Wave and Games; al hids must he in by April 1 ProINnT GRATIOT AMUSEMENT Co., INC. Dunkirk, New York. Concessions for Sale 3c PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. No adv. accepted for less than 25c. WANTED AT ONCE—Concessionaires for Houston's brightest spot, White City Amusement Park, 6005 Washington Ave., near Camp Logan: no wheels need apply: for details and other information address BILLY BOREL, General Manager, Houston, Texas. Exchange or Swap 2c PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY, No adv. Inserted for less than 25e. For Sale—New Goods 3e PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. No adv. accepted for less than 25c. ANIMALS BIRDS AND PETS FOR TRAINING, EXHIBITIONS AND SHOW PURPOSES are advertised in The Billboard. If you want to sell Animals advertise in the Classified Columns. BIG BARGAINS FOR SHOW GOOOS—Mummified Curiosities, Mlusions, Siatue Turn to Life, Figure of Czolgosz in Electric Chair and other figures, Chinese Torwures, Upiown Wagon Show, Platform Show, big Sea Monster, Grind Show, Mechanical Shows; stamp _ rilists W. J. COOK, 122 West Main St, Richmond, ndiana. COMPLETE GLASS JOINT—12x16 Tent, two wheels and cases, glass engraving machine, two lights, five barrels of glass, plenty slum; $100.00, no less; Huckley-Buck Ball Games, $10.60. Address F. SEARS, Charleroi, Pennsylvania. COOK HOUSF AND REFRESHMENT STAND— Everything complete; ready for business; 12x16 top, side wall, portable frameup, $75.00. W. H. SMITH, 258 East Stauring St., Columbus, Ohiv. CORONA ALUMINUM TYPEWRITER; weighs six pounds; cost $05; for sale or exchange for Magical Apparatus HORNMAN MAGIC CO., 470 Sth Ave., New York. COWBOY BOOTS, 9'% ; Most new; cheap; big Hat, No. 7, $1.00. BAILEY STUDIOS, Troy, New York. CRETOR NO. 2 POP CORN AND PEANUT ROASTER, in good running order, for sale cheap for cash. Address 0. H. HICKEY, Owosso, Michigan. DOLL RACK, complete, $10.00; enclose stamp GEO. CONROY, 463 Forest Ave., Brockton, Massa husetts. ELK TEETH (Walrus). PEARCE NOVELTY Co., 405 Fidaigo St, Seattle, Washington. FOR § SALE—“Japanese Show Front,” collapsible, 18330, for carnivals JAC. 0. SCHMIDT, 1012 Mich. Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin. For Sale—Second-Hand Goods 2c PER WORD. CASH WITH COPY. l.»> adv. accepted far less than 25c. $1 FOR PLANS AND DRAWINGS to build “‘Thuma,” Swinging Half Lady; no glass) CAMERON, 556 University, St. Paul, M-nnesota 40 SLOT MACHINES in fire condition, Watling, Caille Bros, Industry Novelty Co. Mills Novelty Little Six, oe Exchange, $12; Our Puritan, $8: O Gum Venders, 1916 $15; 1918 models, $30. LIBERTY NOV models, ELTY CO, Box 203, Salisbury, Maryland. 3.000 OPERA CHAIRS—Closeouts of new and used goods; six Asbestos Booths, Cloth Booth, three new lower’s Machines, used only eight times; Scenery from a theater, including Electric Fixtures and all equipment; Asbestos Curtain with frame Get my prices first and sate money. J. P. REDINGTON, Scranton, Pennsylvania. 10,000 CONFEDERATE NOTFES, Bills, Coins, Indian Relics. Bonds, Mexican ANTIQUE SHOP, Catalogue, 3c. 33 South 18th St., Philadephia A COMPLETE TENNY ARCADE FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE—100 assorted Penny Arvade Sict Machines, all installed and making money every day, or they can be shipped to. any one who buys them. Ad dress BENJ. DUBINSKI, 158 Past 125th &t., New York City. AFRICAN DIP FOR SALE—In perfect shape, nicely painted, all complete; front net, guy ropes, stakes; tank does not leak: all in shipping case, ready to put Up, and all numbered and blue print how to = up; $25 00 takes it, or will trade fer other good ELECTRIC TATTOO OUTFIT, complete, Designs and Stencils. Write D. NATIONS. th Ink, Lake Creek, Texas. EMPIRE CANDY FLOSS MACHINE—Good as new; bargain. S. KARPOW, 1728 W. Huron St., Chicago, Ludinois, ESCAPES—Siberian Cross, Hindco Bag. Rope Ties, Paper Bags, Spirit Collars, Pasteboard Boxes, Spint Post, ete.; full secrets how to build and work, $1.00. c. C RECTOR, Stakdale, Pike Co., Ohio P. &S— Cross, Hindoo Bag. Spirit Collar, complete, ready to use, $5 00, the ether secrets included free. FOR SALE—4 Watling Musical New Century, 4 Mills Owls, 3 Caille Floor-Size Venders; for quick ale, $1600 for the lot; also lot of Arcade Machines o ee FREDERICK DORN, Hotel Orange, Tampa, orida. FOR SALE—Vlenny Arnade Machines toxopes, with 19 nels; 11 tures; $2 Autoramas. 20 Iron MuSaphos, with good pic8 Calky Picture Machines, 20 Edison Phouographs; all machines in good condition; will sell in lots cheap. LOUIS KERN, 499 North Ave., Aurora, Illinois. FOR SALE—Half Horse-Half Deer, mounted, freak, $25. PROF. GRIFFIN, FOR SALE—Dunhar Pup Corn Machine and Peanut Roaster with electric meior: Dellenbarger’s Crispette Machine, 6-ft. Table, galvanized Mixing Tank, Copper Kettle, Thermometer, Trays, laddle, Scale. Wrapping Forms, Scoops, Candy Furnace; cost $400.00; make offer. HENRY LEVY, Box 66, Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey. Taro TYegram, Tennessee. FOR SALE—One Mills Dewey, Pool Table, Doll Rack, Shooting Gallery, Foot Ball Game, Doll Rack, lot Films, one Track Machine, 24 horses, 4 coaches, $175.00; one Overhead, Inside Drive, 32-ft. $650.00. HARRY SMITH, Gratz, Pennsylvania. FOR SALE, 6 Exlison € tor, $35 each; PENNY ARCADE MACHINES— Slot Phonographs, run by electric mo3 Rosenfield I!lustrated Song Machines, t stor, $45 each; il! 3c all Game, complete with hoods. LeROY KRAUSS, ee omer 5 Bag — vg ne yy Lansdale, Pennsylvania. $20; 1 Fortune and Love Cards Machine, 4-slot, $20; 1 Cupid Post-Office Machine, $20; 1 Doll Rack, 18 ALL MAKES OF USED PICTURE MACHINES large dolls, with net two sides, top and back, all from $50.00 up. LEARS THEATRE SUPPLY CO.,][ ready to work, $20; 1 Coun ny Siore Wheel, $15; 420 Market, St. Louis, Missouri. Stereoscope Views, 7T5c per set 15. All goods in first-class order. A. G. ROY, 23 Lisbon St., Lewis AN ELECTRIC ESCAPE ACT—Cost over $300; will | ton, Maine. sell for $90, with crates; great, showy i hey Ba particulars send stamped envelope. HORNMANN FOR SALE—Six fine Juggling Clubs, three highly MAGIC CO, 470 Eighth Ave., New York City. decorated Van Wyck make, $6: Suit, Tights and Shirt, = tT black; three pairs Trunks, colors red and blue, AUTOMATIC CARD PRESS, two Chases and two finely made, $2; Cannon Balls, two wood, one rubfonts new Type. $60. fine order; Fox Visible Type-[ ver, fine for comedy, $1; send M. O.: snap for writer, with all fractions on keyboard, $20. RHEA, | come one; quitting business; Hoop and Glass Trick, $1. 148 Walker, Atlanta, Georgia. MELVIN THOMPSON, 109 Stokes, Durham, N. Cj) BALLOONS, Parachutes, Cutoffs, Ropes, Inflators FOR SALE—Long-Range Shooting Gallery, Sp'dora, and everything in the balloon line; prices that will Arkans saw Kids and two Tents, all bargains. particu. surprise you; write for full information. KREISHER vpen requ Address SPRINGFIELD SHOW EXHIBITING CO., 118 East Vermont St., olis, Indiana. Indianap BARGAIN—600 Folding Chairs, Organ No. 125, motor and music; 500 pairs of Winslow Rink Skates and Repairs, good as new; make me offer for whole outfit or any part you want. PHIL J WEISS, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Wurlitzer Band BARGAIN LIST OF MAGICIAN’S TRICKS BOOKS—Free fer purple stamp. 3310 Herndon St., Chicago. AND PETER GRAEF, BIG AND SMALL STRIKERS—Cats, Tents, Ball Racks, all kinds Spindles, Boxes and Trunks. R K. WOOLDRIDGE, 221 Brushton Ave., Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. BEAUTIFUL TOWN LOT AND STOCK IN pe RESORT, LAKE, HOTEL—For Dismond good Camera and other articles PUBLISHER, $30 East COLLAPSIBLE TICKET BOOTH, two Steel Arenas and Net High Diving Outfit, all good condition and d_ mystifying; ‘formulas eed Instructions: te, cola. cheap for immediate sale. CAPT. C. E. PEARSON, 1 MORRISON, 47 Langdon St., Cambridge, Mass. oe. Counens Go aria, Tilinols, Seer US TRICK BOOKS—Big flash, $4.00 per 1,000; ‘0; samples, 10¢, QUACKENBUSH, | Big t a's, caer York. In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. lars ; SUPPLY COo., td W. Wahington St., Springfield, O. FOR SALE—Yocl Table, first-class, Mills Dewey, best play machine, three Mills smal? Im; — Ele tric each; Foot Ball Game, th net and five new ° all complete, $15.00; good. first-class Doll Rack, $15.00; lot of Films, Doll Rack, Afr Rifle Shooting Gallery, brand new Uncle Sam Entertainer, $15.00. HARRY SMITH, Gratz, Pennsylvania. $50.00; one FOR SALE—One big Peanut and Por: corn Wazon, Dunbar & Ca Mel $1.25 re, electric lizhts; wagon in fine shape; will sel at a great bargain: write or come end sce this beautiful wagon. FRANK D. HYERS, 2:4 N. Fifth St., Pei:in, Minols, FOR SALE—225 Son $3 50; Silk American Flag Liberty Dres:: 2.00; 3 Recitations, $1.00; Novelties, etc trical material (in draft). THEATRIC AL. “4 r Gre er Ave., St. Louis, Misso suri. (Continued on page 136) Sher PRS SERPS eS. 4 > + z ane