The Billboard 1919-09-27: Vol 31 Iss 39 (1919-09-27)

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A ER RI ty ee eee The Billboard SEPTEMBER 27, 1919 ALABAMA Montgomery—Grand Chapt. O. of E. 8S. Nov. 11-12. Mrs. Elizabeth Salter, 516 Cotton ave., Birmingham, Ala. ARIZONA Phoenix—Ariz. State Fed. of Labor. Oct. 27. Geo. D. Smith, 228 E. Washington street. Temple—Grand Lodge K. of P. Oct. 31-Nov. 1. John D. Loper, Phoenix, Ariz. ARKANSAS Little Rock—Ark. Hote] Men's Assn. Dec. W. Trulock, Pine Bluff. s CALIFORNIA Enreka-—Grand 3-7. Wm. H. Francisco, Cal. Motlesto or Fresno—Cal. Assn. Oct, Henry W. Kruckebedge, Los Angeles, Cal. l'asadena—-International Order Good Templars. Encampment I, 0. 0. F. Oct. Barnes, I. 0. ©, F, Hail, San of Nurserymen., 237 Court st., Oct. 7. Theo. D. Kanouse, 1535 W. 16th st., Los Angeles. Riverside—League of Cal. Municipalities. Oct. 20-24. Wm. J. Locke, Pacific Bldg., San Francisco. San Francisco—Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of. Cal. Oct. (417. John Whicher, Masonic Temple Martha kL. Santa Rosa. Santa Cruz—Grand Encampment TI. 0. 0. F. of Cal. Oct. 14-18. Wm. H. Barnes, I. 0. 0. F. Hall, San Francisco, COLORADO Denver—Colo. State Medical Soc. Oct, 7-9, Dr. ©. Epler, Thatcher Bldg., Pueblo, Col. Denver—-Grand Pncampment 1. 0. O. F. of Col. Gamble, 312 Orange, Oct, 20. J. M,. Norman, 302 Exchange Bldg., Denver Denver—-The Grand Ledge I. OO. O. F. of Col. Oct. 21-24. 0. E. Jackson, 1751, Champa, Denver. Denver—Colo, Education Assn. Novy. 6-8, Henry B. Smith, 232 Century Bldg. CONNECTICUT Lodge Pythian Sisters of Ct. Oct. Lillian W. Turner, €2 Flatbuch, Hartford, Conn. Derby—Gr. Britain—Knights of Pythias. Oct. 21-22. Geo. E. Wright, Box 506, Hartford, Conn. New Haven—Ancient Order of Un, Workmen of Conn. Oct. 16. Roger BE, (Diakinson, Drawer 41. Willimantic—Woman’s Christian ‘Temperance Union. Oct. 14-15. Miss Josephine A, Sexton, East Hampton, Conn. DELAWARE Derer—Grand Lodge K. of P. of Del. Oct 16. Mark R, Garrett, Pythian Castle, Wilmington, Del. Dover—Del, State Medicai Sec. Ort. 13-14. W. 0. LaMette, Ford Bidg., Washington, D. C. Dover—State Grange, P. of H. Dec. 9. Wesley Webb. . DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington, D. C.--American Clan Gregor Soc, Oct. 30-21, Jesse Ewell Ruckersville, Va. Washington, D. C.—A. A. S. R. M. Oct. —. J. Cowles, 16th & S sts. Washington—Woman’s Natl, Rivers & Harbors Congress. Dee. 1-5. Mrs. Elmer C. Laurence, £56 Locust st., Cincinnati, 0, Washington—Assn. Official Agri. Chemists. Nov. 17-19. C. ©. Alsberg, Box 744, lith St. Station. FLORIDA Tampa—United Daughters’ cf the Confederacy. Noy. 12-15, Mrs. Wallace Streator, 3160 18th et., Washington, D. C. GEORGIA Albany—W. O. W. of Southern Ga, Oct. 21Atlanta—Commerdial Am. ct. portation Telegraplters’ 6-11. J. F. Bldz., Union of Campbell, 671 TransChicago, Il. Atianta—Un. Confed. Veterans & Sons of Confed. Veterans. Oct. 7-10. N. G. Forrest, Biloxi, Miss. Savannal—Southern Commercial Congress, Dee. 8-10. IDAHO Iicise—Grand Lodge of Ida. I, 0. GO. F. Oct. 21-23. Presley F, Horne, Box 417, Caldwell, Id, Beise—State Teachers’ Assn. Dee, 27-29. Ivy M. Wilson, 1509 State st. ILLINOIS Belleville—State Grange. Dec, E. Yates, Dunlap, Ill. Bloomington—Pythian Sisters Grand Temple of Miss 9-11. Jeannette Ml. Oet. 15-16. Mre. Mary S. Jones, 708 E. Kent st., Streator, Ill. Chieago—American Assr, of the Baking In Sept. 22-27 J. M. Bell, 367 So. American Assn. of Ry. Surgeons. 5-17. Dr. Louis J. Mitchell, 29 E. Madi n, Chicago : Carriage Ttuilders’ Nat'l Assn. Sept. 22-26..H. CC, MeLear. Mt. Vernon, N. Y¥. Chicago—Internat’} Assn. Municipal Electricians, Sept. 23-26. Clarence R. George, Hous ten, Tex. Chicago—LDarbers Supply Dealers’ Assn, Oct. 4. Jos. Byrne 25 W. 42nd st., New York City. Chicago—Ainerican Ele ctri> Chemical Soc. Sept. 23-26. J. W. Richards, Lehigh Univ, Bethlehem. Pa. Chigago—Independent Oil Men's Assn. Oct. 21-23. E. F. Grant, 116 So. Dearborn st., Chicago. Chicago—Nat’l Dairy Asen. Oct. 6-12. W. PB. Skinner, 910 Michigan ave., Chicago. Chicaco—Amer, Assn. of Pass. Traffic Officer. Oct. 28-29. W. G. Pope, i143 Liberty s6t., New York City. Chimze—Grand Chapt. ©. VF. S. (Medinah Temple). Oct. 7-9. Nettie ©. Kenner, 6021 Tirexe], Chicago *hicago——-Nat'] Implement & Vehicle Assn, Ort, 15-17, F. W. MeCullough, 72 W Adams at., Room 900, Chicago. Chicago—Grand Ledge A. F. & A. M. of I. Oct. 7-9. Isaac Cutter, Camp Point, Il. Chicago—Central Supply Assn. Oct 15. Paul Riatchford, 169 N. Clark st., Chicago, Il. Chieeeo--The Railway Fire Protective Assn. 61 LIST OF CONVENTIONS CONCLAVES AND ASSEMBLIES Compiled by Means of The Billboard’s Unequaled Facilities and of Special Interest to Novelty Manufacturers and Dealers, Street Men, Fair Followers, etc. Stat.) All rights reserved. Chicago—The Nat'l Assn. of Advertising Spe ciality “Mfrs. Sept. w20-Oct. 2. E. White, Room 955, 208 8. LaSalle st. Chicago—Western Assn. Shoe Wholesalers’ Approx, Oct. 20. S. W, Campbell, 209 S, La Salle st. Chicago—Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Dee, 2731. Norman L. McGhee, Howard Univ., Washington, bD. C. Chicago—IiL. Manufacturers’ Assn. Second week in Dec. John M. Glenn, 76 W. ‘Monroe st. Chicago—Am, Economic Assn. Dec. 29-31. Allyn A. Young, Ithaca, N. Y, Decatur —itldg. Assn, League of Il. Oct. 9-10, 517 Maine st., Quincey, TIL. Decatur—Ill. Fiks’ Assn. Oct. —. Finlen, 915 Sheridan Rd., Chicago. East St. Louis—Southern Ill. Medical Assn. Nov. 6-7. Dr. A. B, Copel, Box 3, Shawneetown, Ill. East St. Louis—Mississippi Valley Consistory. Oct. 7-9 and Dec. 9-11, Geo. @, Moore, 14th st. & College ave., BD. St. Louis. Peoria—Associated Press Good Fellowship Ciub. Sept. 27-28, titans -Rokomincebiest Club of Ill. Oct. 1, Peoria—Ill. Library Assn, Oct. 27-28. Peoria—United Mine Workers’ of Anrerica, Dist. No. 12. Nov. 11-19. Peoria—Ill. Implement & Vehicle Dlers.’ Assn. Dec. 2-4. W. L. Derry, ‘Box G, Vermont, Ill. James A. NOTICE—This list is protected by the copyright of this issue of The Billboard. (Section 9519 U. 8. Comp. Des Moines—Nat’l Assn, Mutual Insurance Co's, Nov. 18-21. Harry P. Cooper, 126% E. Main 8t., Crawfordsville, Ind. Des Moines—Grand Chapt. 0, FE. S. of Ia, Oct. 22-24. Mrs. Ada L. Thompsen, Cedar Rapids, Ta. Des Moines—Iowa Implement Dirs.’ Assn. Dee. 1-6. T. F. Wherry, Box 761, Hampton, Ia. Dubuque—Iowa Buttermarkers’ Noy, 5-6. A. W. Ridinick, Ames, Ia. Mort Dodge—North Centrat Photographers’ Assn. Oct. 1-3. H. O. Baldwin, Ft Dodge. Towa City—Ia. Branch of the Kings Daughters & Sons. Oct. 15-18, Mrs, Clarence Boblett, Perry, Iowa. Oskaloosa—lowa State Grange. ter Lytle. Ottumwa—The Assn. of Advertising Clubs, Oct. 7-8. Watertown—lIa. Assn. Dee. 9-12. Wal State Retail Merchants’ Asn. Oct. 21-25. J. A. Cunningham, 616 Bank & Ins. Bidg., Dubuque, Ia. KANSAS Emporia—imp’d O. R. M. Oct. 7-8. Join ©. Penny, 430 S. Evergreen, Chanute, Kan. BEmporia—Degree of Pocohontas of the Imp. 0. of R. M. Oct. 7-8. Mrs, Alice Herren, 202 @iue st.. Leavenworth, Kan. Emporia—Improved 0. of R. M. Oct. 7-8, John C. Penny, Box 390, Chanute, Kan. MINNELLI BROS.’ BIG DRAMATIC COMPANY ES os & ee ae Ce nites a The above is a photograph of Minnelli Bros.’ Big Dramatic (..npany, under canvas, The Minnebi Bros. have been touring Ohio under canvaa for sevetiteen years. They have always catered to the bet ter classes; they have always presented high-class, clean plays, and their name has become widely known in Ohio. The above photo was taken at Sidney, O., where the Minnelli Bros. are great favorites. Kockford—Northern Ill. Dental 9. R. P. Culver, DeKalb, Il. Springfield—Great Council of I. I. 0. R. M. Sec. dct. S Oct. 7-8. 0. L. Whitmer, Suite 408, Myers Bidg.. Springfield, ll. Springfield—Gt. Council] of Tl. Degree of Pocohentas, Oct. 7-8. Nellie Gintzlar, Decatur, Ih. Springfield—-Ill. State Bee-Keepers’ Asen. Dec. 9-10. Jas. A. Stone, R. 2, Farmingdale, It. Springtield—Ill. Odd Fellows’ Encampment, Nov. 17-18. Sam J. Baker, Olney, Il. INDIANA Evansville—Ohio Valley “Medical Assn, Nov. 11-12. Benj. L. W. Floyd, 517 Chandler ave., Evansville. Evansville--Ind. Library Assn. Oct. 2nd Flizvabeth Ronan Library Commission, apolis, Tnd. Indianaj, lix—Ind, State 24-26. Dr. Charities N, Terre Hante. Id. week. Indian Medien? Assn. Sept. Combs, 128 Se, 6th st., Indianapolis—Pythian Sisters. Ort. 9-10, Cora Hood, Bluffton, Ind Indianapolix--Nat’l Assn of Comm'l Organization Secretaries. Oct. 27-29. Willis Evans, Teoria, TL. Indianapolis—Gt. Council] of Int, 1. 0. R. M. Oct. 21-22. A. H. Hobbs, 617 Indiana Trust Bidg., Indianapolis. Indienapolis —National Assn. of Railway & Utilities Commissioners. Ort, 14-18, James B. Walker, 49 Lafayette st.. New York City. Indianapolis—Grand Lodge I. 0. 0. F. of In diana. Nov. 19-20. W. H. Leedy, 1208 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Indianapolis. Seymour—Ind. State Dairy Assp. Oct. 29-31, ©. R. George, Lafayette, Ind. Terre Haute—State Gideons. Dee, 12-13. IOWA Ames—Grand Lodge of I. 0. ©. F. Oct. 22-24. L. W. Smith, 615 Leenst st., Des Moines, Ia. Ames—Rebekah Assembly 1. 0. O. F. of Ia. Oct. 21. S, Elizabeth Matheney, Keokuk, Ia. Cedar Fallis—Grand Chept. R. A. M. of Ik. Oct. 910. O. F. Graves, Harlan, Ia. Clinton—We Molay Consistory Oct. —. F. M. Howard, Clinton, Independence—Anti-Horse Thief Assn, 16. C. J. MeCarty, Oct. 14Rox 33, Coffeyville, Topeka—Grand Taadge I, 0. O. FL Oct, 5-36. Will J. Russell, 122 KB, 5th ave., Topeka. Topeka, Salina, Wichita & Pittshute—Kan. State Teachers’ Assn. Nov. 6-8, F. lL. Pinet, Topeka. KENTUCKY Tauisville--American Fisheries Soc. Oct. 8-10. Woeds, Ivt & Wright sts., St. Louis, John P. Mi Louisvilie—Grand Chapt. of Ky. R. A, M. Oct, 21. G. Allison Holland Trust Bidg., Lexington, Ky. Louisville—Ky. Tee Mfg's. Assn, Nov. 12, D. KF. Bryant, 339 Maple ave., Danville, Ky. LOUISIANA New Orleans Keligious Press Nenpt. Associated Ady. Club of World. Sept. 21-27. BR. FL. Walfinger, 70 Fifth ave... New York City. New Orleans—Vinancial Advertisers’ Aven, Sept, 21-27. M. FB. Holderness, 5646 Kgs. bury st.. St. Lenis, Mo. New 3 r'eans Natl Assn. of Theater Program Publishers, Sept, 27-28, Jemes G, Sprecher, 625 Marsh-Steong Mdg.. Los Angeles, (al. New Orleans—American Institute of Panking. Oct. T4. Geo, FE. Allen, 5 Nassau st., New York City. New Orleans—Nat'l Yental Assn, Of, 2.249, Dr. Otto U. King 127 No, Dearbern at., Cht cago. New Orleans—Net'’l Assn. of Dental Facuittes, Oct. 20-244. Dr. ©. ©. Allen, 10th & Troost ave.. Kansas City, Mo, New Orleins—World Cotton Conference, Oct. 12-14, Rofrs R. Wilson, 45 Milk xt., Moston Mass. New Orleans—Americn Academy of Pertodon tology. Oct. 17. Vr. Jules J. 44 Godchaux Bidg., New Orleans. New Orleans—Nat’l Assn of Dental Examiners. Oct. 20-24, Dr. J, West 417 Utica Bidg., Des Moines, Ia. New Orleans—Net’l Assn. of Military Dental Surgeons of U. §. Oct. 20-24. Dr. Ralph W 7 Witt ave., New York City, Sarrazin, New Orleans—Delte Sigma Fraternity. Oct, 2%». 24. Dr. R. H. D. Swing, 1623 Welnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. New Orleans—La. State Dental Assn. Oct, 2024. Dr. J. A Gorman, New Orleans, New Orleans—Southern Legging .Assn. Oct. 2 James Boyd, 6 Commercial Place, New Orleans—-’si Omega Fraternity Council), Oct. SS. Dr. H. B. Highland Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. New Orleans—-American Public Health Oct, 27-00. Dr. A. W. Hedrich, ave., Boston, Mass, New Orleans—Assn, of Colleges «& Secondary Schools of Southern States. Oct. 30-31. Prof, Edw. A. Bechtal, Tulane Univ.. New Orleans, New Orleans--Nat'l. Wholesale Druggists’ -Assn. Nov. 3-7. F. E. Holliday, 90 Nassau st. New Orleans—Nat'l. Assn, of Cotton Mfrs. Oct. Wilson, S24, Boston, Mass. 15, Rufus RK. New Orleans—American Assn. of Gen'l. BagReynolds, care C. (Supreme Friesel), 1206 Assn. 160 Ma Ss, gage Acts. Nov. 9. E. R. G. W. R. R. Chicago, I. New Orleans—Amer. Soc. of Municipal Improve. ments, Nev, 21-14. Cherles Carrell) Brown, 304 FE. Walnut st., Bloomington, IN. New Orleans—Amer. Veterinary Med. <Aesn. Nov. 17-20, L. A. “Merrillat, 1827 8. Wabash ave., Chicago. New Orleans—La. Ice. Mfg. Assn. Dee, 9-11. C. J. Pope, Bunkie, eLa. New Orleans—Southern Surgical Assn. Dec, 1618. Dr, Herbert A. Royster, 432 Fayetteville st., Raleigh, N. C, New Orleans—Pi Tau Pi Fraternity (National) Dec, 26-30. Gerome Harriss, San Antonio Tex. MAINE Bangor—State Grange, P. of TI. H. Libby, R. 4, Auburn, Me. Lewisten—Gt. Council of Me. 1. Herbert B. Seal, land Me, Lewiston—Gt. Council of Me. TD. of P. Oct. 9. tuetta Hawkes, 368 Main st, Cumb Milt», Dee, 16-18, F. 0. R. Mf. Oot 420 Congress st., Porr Me. Portland—Rebekah Assembly I. 0, 0, F. of Me. Oct. 14. Grace E. Walton, Lincoinville ave., Relfast, Me Portland—Gr. Lodge 1. O ©. F. of Me. Oct. 15. James R. Townsend, 25 Forest ave., Portland, We. Portland—Me. Teachers’ Assn. Oct. 30-31. Glenn W. Starkey, State House, Augusta, Me. MARYLAND Raltimore—Uniteg Textile Workers’ of Am Oct, 20. Sara A. Conboy, 110 Bible House, New York City. Raltimore—-Universalists Gen'l Conv. Oct, %24. W. H. Skeels| Utica, N. Y¥. Baltimore—ien. Conf. of Unitarian @ Other Churches, Ot 14-17. Rev. F. W. Greenman, OS4 Astor st.. Milwaukee, Wis, altuaere—I, O. O;, F. Grand Peeampment. Oct, 20. Wm. A. Jones, I, O. O. F. Temple, altinere Baltimore—State 8S. S& Assn. Ort, 21-25, Ree BE. Ferguson, 1505 Fidelity Bldg., Baltimer Ba! timere—Ma. 31. Huch W. State Teachers’ Assn. Dec. 29 Caldwell, Chesapeake City, M' ; a Encamwpnient OO. oO. F. Md. Oct, 20-21. Wim. A. Jozres, LO. O. I Temple, Raltimore. Baltimore—k. & S. M Chas. H. Curley, trance Council. Nev. 2 Masonic Temple, Baltimor: MASSACHUSETTS Boston—American Specialty Mfrs.’ Axen. >t 14-16. H. F, Thunhborst, 299 Vroadway, New York City Roston-—Mass. Conference of Social Work. Oct. 20-1. Lillian M. Brown, 184 Roylsten = st., Room 34, Boston Roston —Moes, Civie League. Nov. FE, T. Hartman, 2 Joy st. Bostion—S ef American Racteriologists Ts 29-31. A, Parker Witehens, Box 618, Indianog olis, Ind Lowell—Gran) Lodge of the I, 0. D. of 8&t George. Sept oo ’. Mra. E. Tennant, It Elemere ave Vethnen, Masa. Malden—Muass. S. S. Assn. Oct, 21-23. Hamilton Ss. Coneut, S45 Tremont Bilde., Reston. Springfield—Improved Order of Red Men. Oct. 30; Geo. W. Emerson, 18 Reylston ét., Boston Mass, ‘i Sypringiie! &—Nat’l Asan. of Tlectrie Inspectors. Oct. — W. DPD. Smith, Concord, Mass. Springfiel?—iompden Coe. Teachers’ Assn, Oct. ND | Miss Katherine Shine, 78 Nonetuck st. Holyoke, Mass. Springticld—Great Connei) of Mass. Degree of Tecnhontas, 1. O. RR. M. Oet, So, Mes. @arah Yr. Annis, 1104 Humphrey st., Beach Bluff, Mass. Springtield—Nat'l Asen. of Prof. Rage Ball leagues, Ne 1-10. J. HW. Farrell, Rex 634, Auburn, N. ¥. West Newlury State Counct] of Mass. Jr. 0 y Moet. T. Jesse Robineen, 11° HawHaverhill, Mass, Mass, Police Asen. Kearney, Sta. 3, thorne, Worcester Oct. 15-16. Capt. James M. Cambridge, Mass. Worcester—State Grange, Po of TW, Dee. 9-11. Wm, N. Howard, Main «t., North Easton, Mass, MICHIGAN the Daughters of the King. . BE. Behiinderf, 281 4th ave.. New York City. a Detroit—Rebekah Assembly of Mich, Oct. 7128. Hannah Baillargeon, 708 Kercheval ave.. Detroit —Oran of t ~ strok. oit—Mich, State Tenchers’ Agen, Oct. 3° 41. Jebn PL Rverett, 90% W. South st., Kala mazoo, Mich, DetroitCirund Lodge 1. 0. O, PF. of Mich. Oct 25. Fred A, Rogers, Lensing. Mich. Grond Va ide--Natl. Counefl of Congregational Churches of Amer. Oct, 21-20, Grand Rapids—Vantland Hotel, Order of East ern Star, Oct, &2 Grand Rapids —Gd, Chant. Orter Eastern Str of Mich. Oct. 8-0. Mrs. fva Sprague Good rich, 318 Wines, EF., Ann Arbor, Mich Grand Rapids—Central Eleetrie Raflwoy Asn. Nov. 2-91, Al TL... Neereamer. Indianapo'i< Grand Rapid—/The Nat'l, Gronge. Nov, 12-20. ¢. M. Freeman, Tippeeinmoe City, 0. Kalamazoo—The Northern Tri-State Medicu: Assn. Oct. 14. Geo. W. Spohn, Elkhart, Ind. Saginaw—Mich. Implement & Vehicle Dire.’ Aosn. Dec, 2-5. L.. F. Wolf, Mt, Clemens,