The Billboard 1919-12-13: Vol 31 Iss 50 (1919-12-13)

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Le a ee PE a IE Are FEL A ENED Se Gt phe? saosin baeipiiiaaptie iauey 1. G. HUSBAND, Mer., Nashville, Ten The Billboard DECEMBER 13, 1919 SHOW CARS WRITE US SOUTHERN IRON EQUIPMENT CO. ATLANTA, GEORGIA ELECTRIC LIGHTS 4K. W. ELECTRIC GENERATING SET Portable type. For Circuses, Fairs, Carnivals, etc. Smooth. steady light. Send for Bulletin No. 30. UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO., Oshkosh, Wisconsin. TENTS SHOW AND CARNIVAL — . Nashville Tent & Awning Co, SHOW AND CONCESSION TENTS *' $T. LOUIS TENT AND AWNING CO. 1018 Market Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. WANTED TO BUY Second-Hand Cowboy Hats, Western and Indian Gcods, Belts and Holsters. Also Plaid or Loud-Check Street and Character Suits, both new and secondband. State what you have and best price. HOOKER-HCWE COSTUME Co., 30-36 Main Street, Haverhill, Mass. SNAKE SHOWS When all others fail try the old standby, Mixed Reps, $10.00 Dens and up. Get value received by ordering from me. SNAKE KING Post Office Address, Brownsville, Texas. Telegraphic Address, ~ Snakeville, Texas. SHOWS CLOSING Account of Coal Situation Rhoda Royal Ends Season at Plant City, Fla., Dec.1, and Sparks at Bradentown, Fla., Dec. 11 On account of the coal situation both the Rhoda Royal Circus and the Sparks Circus were forced to change their closing dates. The Royal Cireus ended its season at Plant City, Fla., December 1. _It had bookings until February. It is very likely that this will be a fourteen-car show next year. The Sparks Circus, booked to close at Palatka, Fla., December 18, will give its final performances at Bradentown, Fla., December 11, instead. Here is the destination of some of the bors after the Sparks Show closes and goes into quarters in Central City Park, Macon, Ga.: George Singleton, N. C. (Fat) Cross and Charles O'’Connor to Havana, Cuba; Jack Kent to New York: Eddie Schafer toa Cleveland: Shanty Marsball to Philadelphia: Hook Cross to Canton, O.: 8. S. Mae. MeGuiness to Concord, N. H.: Charles Cole to Chicago: Lewis Reed to New York and Cleveland for a brief visit. then back to quar ters; Jack Rhetenback, ang a party of ten canvasmen to the ‘Alpha’? Orange Groves in Florida Garry Vanderbilt is eontemplating a two weeks’ auto tour over the Dixie Hizhway. « Major Smith’s itinerary is too long to publish, but it is safe to say thet he and A. S. ¢Slim) Keller will arrive in Bosten the same day. Al Leonard will winter in New Orleans, and Wm. Bullion in Cincinnati. AL. G. BARNES’ CIRCUS Phoenix, Ariz., Dec. 5.—The day following the losing of the Al G. Barnes’ Cireus, A’ G. Barnes left for the Pacific Coast to close up some business matters at his old winter quarters, Venice, Cal. During the winter season the ghow will be in charge of Al Sands, who is Mr. Barnes’ general manager. Mr. an} Mrs. Sands have secured apartments and will remain in Phoenix unfil the spring opening, on or about March 1 in this city. Bobby Fountain and wife are also to be guests of the Arizona city for the winter. Mr. Fountain reports the biggest season he has ever known vince assuming charge of the side-shows and the pit attractions with Barnes. But few of the attaches of the big show wil! Tremain at the winter quarters for many of them are already lined up with combination attractions fer the ecld months. Rex de Rosselli, fn. the silver haired beau brummel of the show who presides over the press department back with the trick, left the day following the closing to work in pictures on the Coast. Mr. Rosselli has spent the past several winter seafons at the studios. Al Whitney, who had charge of the front door, launched a minstre? show and left for a tour of the Southwest the week following the closing. He will pilot the “Honeymoon Minstrels’’ during the layoff period. —J. E. RICHARDS. COLUMBUS (0.) MUSEUM The World’s Museum on High street, Columbus, 0O., had the following attractions Thanksgiving week: May Blasser, snake charmer, featuring Bob, tbe eighteen-foot rock pythén: South Sea Island Joe with his curios; Frank, the Broom King; Sea Loo’s monkey eireus; Frank W. Barnum’s Punch & Judy. Little George. midget: Mlle. Frazee, aerial artist: Prof. J. H. Cook, banjoist; Prof. Clingan, tattoo artist; M. H. Hammond's glass blowers; Alabama Cotton Tops, colored minstrels. Jack Richards is the proprietor of the museum: Bob McBee, menager: F. W. Blasser, in charge of the frent and lecturer. The following concesvions are at the museum: Frank Septer (Frenchy), cookhonse; John Sharp, high striker: C. B. Haggerty, fishpond; G. W. Johnson, hoopla: H. A. Swartz, pitch-till-you win; Charley Rodgers, Jap bowling alley; F. H. Walden, miniature bowling alley; S. T. Reed. string game; Fllis Ludley huckley buck; Jack McKinney, cigaret shooting gallery; Steve Gonf.fins, mitt joint nad auck pond. The curio hall attractions are changed every two weeks. The museum is now in its tenth week. Jack Richards, the owner, was formerly connected with the leading circuses and minstrel shows. LIVINGSTON TRIO IN VAUDE, Chicago, Dec. 5.—The Livingston Trio, comedy bar performers, who were with the SellsFloto Show the past sexson, opened in vandeville as the feature number at the Grand Theater, Elgin, Ill., Thanksgiving day. The trio paid a tribute to H. B, Gentry, general manager of the Sells-Floto Shows, who they said paid their salaries in full while the show was losing stand after stand, owing to bad weather. Robby Crankelton closed with the same show at Savannah. Ga., and went at once to New York. He is propertt man for Miss Leitzel, who will open with the “Midnight Frolics’’ at the New Amsterdam Theater Roof Garden December &, COLE BROS.’ BRIGADE CLOSES The brigade of the Cole Bros.” Shows closed its season at Delhi, La., Nov. 29, after a season of 39 weeks, covering nineteen States and three provinces of the Dominion of Canada. The brigade had the distinction of being the first advance of any cireus to bill in the far north country, going farther north than any other show, to Big River, Sask. The brigade was under the marceremert of L. B. Greenhaw, with the following assistants: Col. E. K. Hicklin. R. M. Sherman, E, Colton, A. C. Matts and Jack Stark. Greenhaw journeyed to his home at Leslie, Ark., to take charge of his picture theater. General Agent L. C. Gillette visited the brigade at Tallulah, La., the day before it closed. All will be under the E. H. Jones banner next season.—k. M. SHERMAN. SANTOS Y ARTIGAS’ CIRCUS The Santos Y Artigas Circus opene? in Havana, Cuba, November 21, for an eight weeks’ engagement. The opening was a big event, President Menveal, of the Republic, being present On the program are the Flying Nelsons, Athos and Read, Juan Correa, Morates Family, Mr and Mrs. Pallenberg. Ponzini ‘Troupe, Miss MacDonald, Emil Sechweyer’s lions, Fantino Troupe, Carl Eugene Troupe, J. Parolis, Correa Family, Adams Trio, Tenat Troupe, Morales Bros., Rue Enos, Demarlo Duo, Los Rodriguez. Miss Mary, Baader-Lavelle Troupe. HORACE BARRE DEAD Montreal, Dec. 6.—Horace Barre, retired professional ‘‘strong man,”* died here following an illness of two months, Barre, a physical giant, traveled for many years with Barnum & Railey’s and Ringling Bros.’ cirenses, and became in ternationally known for his performances with the weights. HERMAN JOSEPH IN VAUDE. Chicago, Dec. 5.—Herman Joseph, Jew comedian with the Ringling Bros.-Barnum & Bailey Shows last season, is in Chicago following the close of the big show. Mr. Joseph will enter veudeville December 15 at the Hippodrome with Pallen's Polar Skating Bears, GEORGE DONOVAN VISITS CHICAGG Chicago, Dec. 5.—George F. Donovan, general manager of the Backman-Tinsch Shows, arrived in Chicago Monday to attend the tair secretaries’ convention. Mr. Donovan is known as not alone one of the finest announcers in America, but as one of the best adjusters as well. He was a Billboard visitor while here. RUHE’S SHIPMENT OF ANIMALS New York, Dec. 6.—Louis Ruhe, the dealer in animals in thie city, recently received thru the port of Boston a shipload of miscellaneous beasts and birds. TIGHTS {6 al) waterialse—but of best gt de and make for ali PROFESSIONALS: Posing Act. Divers. Skaters, Circus Performers, etc. Padding. Frog, snake and Monkey Suits, Flastic and Cloth Supporters and Gymnastic Pumps and Gaiters, Send = for Catalogue B and “The Four Bards.” FREP SAMPLES. JOHN SPICER, “Morisey Successor to Spicer Bros. SSUUUCUUUUUUEUODEEUUUEEUGOR OO UCOETUEEEOOOGEEOCEOOUTOOCEROEEOTUCOCOOESEDOOOEEOEEOOOOOOOOEODEEOOOOOEO NSS next season. ments. WALTER F. DRIVER, Vice-Pres. & Mor. Formerly of Chicago. materials, THE BEVERLY co.. 218-220-222 W. Main Street, Phones: Long Distance Main 1544. City 7894. Place your orders now for Tents and Banners to be used Send us the specifications for your next season’s requireWe will be pleased to quote and figure with you on your The BEST SHOW TENT HOUSE in the World! SHUMANANONOEDUDUDUOUOOUGNNONOONONOOOUOUODOOUOOHOUOOOOUOUOUOUONONOUOUONOUAAAONQNONNUOUOEONOOONOOOOONONIE LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY PTTL r ARTHUR F. SMITH CO, (INCORPORATED) MAKERS of TENTS CONCESSION TENTS. SHOW CANVAS FOR ALL PURPOSES. ESTIMATES FREE. TEL—0606 CANAL 261-267 Canal Street, New York 36 Years’ Reputation Back of Every Tent 9 SHOW GOSS Gia Carnival Tents Send for Catalog and Second-Hand List J. C. GOSS CO. DETROIT, MICH. TENTS HUDGINS DIZE CO. MAKERS OF CIRCUS, CARNIVAL CONCESSION TENTS Show Canvas for all purposes. Prices reasonable. 114 W. MAIN ST., NORFOLK, VA. TAYLOR TRUNKS Send for Catalog’ C.A.Taylor Trunk Works 28 ERAN OLPH ST. 7335 W MADISON ST CHICAGO 210W 44 STREET NEW YORK.NLY SHOW TENTS, BLACK TOPS, MERRY-GO-ROUND COVERS, CANDY TOPS AND TENTS sera EVERYTHING IN CANVAS, SIDE SHOW BANNERS. rhewonto TSCHUDI CATS FOR BALL GAMES. Strongly Made. Attractively Painted. Any size sets desired. DOUGHERTY BROS.’ TENT & AWNING CO. 116 South 4th Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. TENTS If you are going to buy a Tent or any Canvas Gools for 1920, you better order now or very soon. Cotto" goods are high and advancing, and Tents wil! higher next Spring. Write us. D. M. Kerr Mfg. Co. 1007 Madison Street, CH ICAGO FOR SALE Two Male Lions, whelped December 5, 1917; t Iped : Female Lin, fog ae old. VOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF SAN DIEGO, CALIF. MONKEYS SNAKES Mexican Wild THAM, 490 Weshlagion St, Gufala, N. Y: 8. 5. PU nN rs) th lu coc — wea