The Billboard 1920-05-29: Vol 32 Iss 22 (1920-05-29)

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a ee Met. The Bi liboard MAY 29, 1920 AT LIBERTY AND CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WANT SITUATION ADVERTISEMENTS (First tine and mame tn black type.) fo WORD, CASH. wo ADV. LESS THAN 25c. Agents and Managers (First line and mame in black type.) fe WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25¢. AT _-eageeniagtine aro age ——— on ADVER. tis ng man: ra afte Ist; « wse brush: nell wire ; i s at o Seng FRED G. SURDAM Bennington, Vermont. CIRCUS AGENT. nig emerge de MAN; y oemend contractor; 24-hour ma and tion; state salary: join on wire. ) crRcus. cow. TRACTOR, 323 front Street, Adrian, Michiga Bands and Orchestras (First line and name in biack type.) te WORD, GASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN Me. _ — CORNETISTS, TROMBONISTS. ee ists—Send for free “Rook nters’’ pressure method; name instrun kin VIRTUOSO BOHOOL, Buffalo, New York, mayo DANCE ORCHESTRA—AVAILABLE JUNE 1: for summer resort engagement; a real college organization that “ oy piano Saxophone, banjo, trombone, iF bass, drums or smaller combination. AL le te “ss ‘Lucius WINCHESTER, 2160 Indianola, Columbus, 0, LADY'S CONCERT ORCHESTRA OF TWELVE tieces or more, who are now booking for the Sunnner season, Address MR. H. B. WALTER. Billboard Offce, Chicago, Illinois. may29. WILL BE AT LIBERTY, OWING TO BAD Weather conditions, ten-piece uniformed Ameri can union band; all experienced musicians; wire your highest; now with Stevens Bros.’ Model Exposition. ag sb _SNEJ.L, Director, Gen, Del., Waterbury, C eticut, Burlesque and Musical Comedy (First line and name in black type.) fe WORD, CASH. NO AD. LESS THAN 25¢. OPEN FOR BURLESQUE, MUSICAL COMEDY, ete.; Jew and Dutch eccentric Nttle experience: willing workers: DE LORIE & CARR, 217 Lodi St., New Jersey. comedians; wardrobe, Hackensack, YOUNG MAN, AGE, 20, WANTS ENGAGEment with musical comedy, tabloid matic company; little experience. GUTHRIE, & W. Taft St., Sapulka, Oklahoma. may27 YOUNG MAN—21 YEARS OF AGE, WOULD like to’ get a position on stage with anybody; musical comedy preferred; will take it with anybody: have never been on the efhge before; can sing, dance and take off nut: good comedian. EMIL J. GUERRIERO, 112 W. 117th St., New York City. Circus and Carnival (First line and name in black type.) fc WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25¢. AT LIBERTY—HAVE A TROUPE OF DOGS; work domestic and work wild animals: run pit or side-chow; had mail: lost Ticket? Yes. Had ‘“‘flu’’ twice; O. K. now. Address me here, Rochelle, Georgia. CAPT. H, SNIDER, AT LIBERTY AS TRAINMASTER; ONE THAT Can get train loaded and out of town on time, and not afraid of work; circus experience: would like to hear from 20 to S5-car carnival or small circus. Wire J. STUART, care Billboard. YOUNG COLLEGE STUDENT DESIRES POSI tion with good show or carnival company for the summer; is refined and a gentleman; good athlete; could take charge of stands or work advance; consider anything; good manager, can get work out of men. “‘PEP’? CLAYTON, Pt. Pleasant, New Jersey. Dancers (First line and name in black type.) fe WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 250, 4T LIBERTY — LAZORELIE, ORIENTAL Dancer and Poser, @s you like it, for clubs, smokers, lodges, ete. Write or wire, care The Billboard, Cincinnati, Phone West 5339-X. Dramatic Artists (First line and mame in black type.) fe WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN:25c. AT LIBERTY—THE eames _ MAN AND wife; sketch 3 team: change ghts; do any ehearacter in bills: can play our own music; feature act for tab: salary, $65.00; pay our own. STRAND THEATRE, Mobile, Alabama. AT <eERTE AFTER on 29—HEAVY MAN, gen, sp jialties, alts rep. or one leer; ge, 29 ght. 6 ft.: appearance bility; salary, $40.00 week: rep. shows running concerts each night or going Sonth, not wishing any. Wire; write. JACK “ores care Ben ‘Wilks Show, Cros ville, Ulin | $<} A Market Place for Buyer and Seller, and Want Ad Department RATES PER VW ORD SET IN S-PT. TYPE WITHOUT DISPLAY. NO CUTS. NO BORDERS. NO AD ACCEPTED FOR LESS THAN 25 CENTS Per Word. Per Word Agents and Solicitors Wanted............... «++.-3¢ | Instructions and Plans ........ cccccccces .20 Animals, Birds and Pets......... concesensecessee Se | Manuscripts, Sketches and Plays. SY SIL. 13 voi vnc athens deseneaeessceee Se | Miscellaneous for Sale ............+e0e+ crccccsessM® Bends and Orchestras (Seven Pieces or More). --.3¢ | Musical Instruments (Second-Hand)............ ..3e Books sis tive dihiteinie niin peiaahindetad a daileinaeetia Secon cncsness 2e | Partners Wanted for Acts (No Inyestment)...... te Boarding Houses DD atconenveebeescosased BO 1 PaereeRRs 2... ccvccccccccccessecceceseece susneosie . 4 ee rarer Mp | Pebebente Ger Bale on ccccccccccscccccovccs 4o DEES voovnsvacchsserecesoucseees eeccccescccesae Se | Readers’ Notices or Information Wanted. 3e Concessions Wanted ..... gevecceccece evecvccnccss Dp Wee MGTITTIORIOOED. ..occcccccccscccesqeeccccesesa Se DEED © o8s ep neptansdenwebasoseunesées cescccees Se | Schools (Dramatic, Musical and Dancing)........le ne? CPR. |. .C cipicudensbe stones «+se+--80 | Show Property for Sale (Second-Hand)........ coo For Rent or Lease Property ................ «+.++-$6 | Songs and Music .......... 65ocbecseves | awe he. J ea 4e | Theaters for Sale........... ccccccescccccccccccsceee For Sale Ads (Secondae 60080. covccces Se | Theatrical Printing ..........ss00. ccccccccccce® ON Gineue b-epcaiin wink TFHOOWTTRNO vc cccccccccoccccccccccoccs eoccebeoccccene PE: SEND « cncucuncoueos uni diaidin ....f0 | Wanted Partner (Capital “iavestment). ae RS CURRIED covevecccccccccnscdsccccvcccsll | WUE VO BOD cccnccccceccceseecosoccescoesoenue Help Wanted Soseveccese Peecrevecccceccccccnced® MOVING PICTURE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES. Per wwe. Word, a ee sssccceccceeccess 50 | Moving Picture Accessories for Sale (Secondeee: .5e Films for Sale (Second Hand)... POT TTI TTT TTT TTT Theaters for Sale..... eecccccccccccccceococooooooce Films for Sale (New)............. ove 500009eeeees el 1 ee UD OD cccce peoubdvensonnneensecssenesoenee For Rent, Lease or Sale Property.................AT LIBERTY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RAT ES, OPEN ONLY TO PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE. Per Word. Semi-Display (A Neat, Attractive Style of Tye, ore Classy Than Usual).............. Per Word. At a... (Display First Line and Name , sete eereeeresseesseseeseeseees e at Liberty (Future MD oi ox ibaus sudtcboscs cet 2e We do not place charges for ads in the Classified We reserve the right to reject any advertiscments, Your Ad in the Lists Set in Attractive Display. py: Columns upon our books, no bills rendered. CASH MUST ACCOMPANY THE COPY. copy for ads in this department must reach us by Thursday, All Week's issue THE BILLBOAR AT LIBERTY—A-1 CHARACTER ACTOR AND Director; with my own scripts; perm, stock preferred, either full bill or tab.: can give 20 weeks, 2 a week; guaranteed royalty plays—of which I have all rights. Salary, your limit; Address E, H, WILLARD. 2 trunks wardrobe. 26 Moyston St., Schenectady, N. Y. may29 CLEVER DRAMATIC AMATEURS WANT CON 6 p.m. for insertion in the following D Pus. co., ‘ts27 Opera wtane, Cincinnati, Ohie. WANTED—BY ryoune R na A GOOD CONcession to work eferred Write, state salary. MISS DIXIE KEN NEDY, Gen. Del., Washington, Pennsylvania, may? M. P. Operate ors irst line and name in black type.) te WORD. CASH. NO J ADV. LESS THAN 2c. nections with summer or permanent stock: | COMPLETE TRAINED AND wONUMION M. P. lady, age, 2%; heicht, 5 ft.-4: weight => Ib a perator—W ant position mew here coml appearance: sister, age 5; height. 3 ft.4 alifé rnia or in Fresno: have re fore nee; state education 2nd grace: memory excellent: photoes on can run Power's, Simplex and Motieon request. RELIABLE ORPHANS, care Pill|] graph: wire or write. CHAS. H, WHIPPLE, board, Cincinrati, Obio. juni2 | 1607 Benton Ave., Springfield, Missouri. 4 ADVANCE IN CERTAIN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EFFECTIVE JUNE 12, 1920 : In these historic times nearly a situations. The increasing cost of paper, together with the alarming necessitate a higher rate 12, At Liberty advertisements, first cents per word. for Sale,” will take its place, at the No more “Songs and Music” inserted under “Songs and Music.” and Words” (Composed, Revised and +eeeo CoCo C CC CCC Cr Cr VTVVTVvVVVvVrVvVV SY pro ssssbssittettetetee?+4++¢¢¢¢6¢6¢¢ } be for classified advertising. publishers is the scarcity of paper and the In order to meet these conditions new rates will become effective June 1920, under the following headings: Songs and Music head will be eliminated, and the heading, (composed, ll of us are burdened with production and further shortage of news print paper, will The most serious to uncertainty of obtaining it. unusual advances in line and name in black type, two “Songs rate of three cents per word. revised and arranged) ads A new head will be created, “Music Arranged), rate five cents per word, No ad published for less than twenty-five cents, and cash must accompany copy. : THE BILLBOARD PUBLISHING CO. ; MANAGERS, NOTICE!—JUVENILE HEAVY AT liberty fur summer season starting June Sth: schooled heavy: college training, and a_ real gentleman; little experience, but lots of ability; will help back stage, and can furnish specialty; salary incidental; if on road give bookings, etc., in first, for I mean business and don't want to waste time on unnecessary corresy* ndence: am 19 years, 175 Ibs and 5 ft., 11 in will only consider stock or repertoire companies that require real acting: prefer Pacifie North West, but will go anywhere for the right company; no wardrobe, but can buy for road. Tickets? WNo. Write, I'll answer same day as I receive, WM, MULHALL, JR., St. Benedict, Oregon. hes; MR. AND MRS, MACK ALLYN AT LIBERTY— Wor characters, heavies and ge n bus.; no specialties; if you don’t know what salary you can pay don’t answer this ad MACK ALLYN, 105 Maple St., Durand, Michigan. THE SCOTT DRAMATIC CO.—COACHING, producing; teaching minstrel, musical comedy, drama; we produce anything in script. Permanent address, Moose Temple, Youngstown, Ohio, junS 2 YOUNG MEN—21; WOULD LIKE TO TRAVel with any kind ef act! no experience, but fnil of pep. Write to ARTHUR ELLSON, 4m Canal St., Lawrence, Mass. junds Miscellaneous (First tine and namo in black type.) fo WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25¢. FIRST-CLASS MOTION PICTURE LABORA tory mar ‘aAmera; experience; open for proposition after June first; can produce; developing, printing, titles, tinting, toning, jantern slides, . J, cure Billboard, Cincinnati, OPERATOR DESIRES PERMANENT POSI ton in theatre; only where ability and experience are appreciated: handle only drst-class equipments: perfect projection gnaranteed. Ad1 OPERATOR, Box 123, Mayitield, Ken adress tucky. mayl9 UNION tagged ged en YEARS EXPERI. ence; also manager of exceptional ability: at liberty about ae we 15; wens hed ~ Minols or Western States: ed: th ~“zlily reliable. Write WALTER a “JOHNSON, 405 ‘Bast Market St, Bloomington, Illino Musicians (First line and name in black type.) lo WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e. A-1 CORNET PLAYER—TO JOIN B. OR O., playing lyceum or chautauqua; neat appear. ance; clean habits: prefer young bunch; one season with concert band and one year road experience; now playing vaudeville, Write C. R. N., Livingyton Hotel, Kewanee, Illinois. A-1 VIOLINIST DESIRES PERMANENT LO cation; can double on Clarinet: ten years’ experience in music; can furnieth best of reference Address J. V, MICHNA, P. 0, No. 6, Shriner, “Texas, jund A-1 VIOLINIST WANTS ENGAGEMENT— Nineteen vears musical director Dallas Opera honse; fine library music; up in all lines of the business: go anywhere H, G]BB, 1707 Main St., Dallas, Texas Jund AT LIBERTY—CLARINET PLAYER; MEM ber of A. F. of M.; desires position with band or orchestra in city of Chicago only. Addresa MR, LOUIS KOCIAN, 905 Dakin St., Chicago, IMinois, mayo AT LIBERTY-—FLUTE-PICCOLO; also business ability; I could assist in musician; ilibeard, AGE, 22; prefer road show her business capacity also cousider good loc: Cincinnati an we ition, A. B. C., AT LIBERTY—HIGH-CLASS, EXPERIENCED Jazz orchestra; for lake resort: coll: dance work preferrel; pano, violin, sa xopleor banjo, clarinet, drums, bells, xylonhones: oother combin ations: banjo doubles on and piccolo; state salary. WARD M. HART. MAN, %15 Bast Street, Grinnell, Iowa. m: AT LIBERTY — FOR SUMMER POSITION: experienced violinist; also pliy trap cornet and viola Can fornish tions. Adress W. F. WOLFF, care ef One Wesleyan, Delaware, Ohle, june AT LIBERTY—SLIDE TROMBONE; 27 YEARS’ experience in theatre and concert, New \ City; belong to Local 310; prefer picture b THOMBONIST, 621 Dewey Ave., Elyria, © June» AT bor renege ~heronatt CORNET AND BAND. director; factory band or teaching; wil any place; all letters or wires answered! union, but willing to join; American; m not afraid of work; age, 31; fifteen year perience, FRED A. REITHEL, 114 Lu St., Oakland City, Indiana, may 29 AT LIBERTY—A-1 TRUMPETER; experienced in all lines; Vaudevil pr ferred or legitimate beouse. JAMES J. COUGHLIN, 323 N. Walnut St., Youngstowr Ohio, UNION; AT LIBERTY—ALTOS, SAXOPHONE AND Slide Trombone. double Piane, Drums: trans pose; good readers; good fakers; would like to locate in small or mediagn size aed, baad orchestr married: day Job expect: Ad dress THE DOUBLERS, 259 Jasper at. Ishper ’ uing, Michigan. AT LIBERTY—FIRSTCLASS JAZZ ORCHE §tra; ures pieces, plano, violin, traps on ‘xylophones, flute, piccolo, ban): G singers. a College novelty trio, lot« of | " experience. Address NOVEL’ BOYS. 108, Grinnell, lowa, _ nl AT LIBERTY — MUSICAL SKETCH TEAM; cbange M r weck; wife, A-No. 1 piane: A-No. 1 ‘p drummer, also little violin: b play saxo 7 mone; Teal peeole; weatrinte; join once; sal seventy do lars: joint; pay our own. MUSICAL SKETCH TEAM, ‘tien. Del, Columbus, Oho, AT LIRERTY--FOR CONCERT BAND, CHAUtengua or circus; A-1 class bari daughter a good melophone; state salary, we mean what we say, Address MR. CHAS. FOURNIER, Mystic, lowa. jun3 AT LIBERIY—A-1 JAZZ CORNETIST AND drummer: union; prefer resort or dance work for summer; will consider job in vaudeville or pocture ouse Middl» West preferred; write don't wire. PERCY A. HOMER, 27 Se. Kreitr Ave., Bloomington, Ilinota, AT LIBERTY—GOOD JAZZ ry go wishes nice summer resort location: car t a combination or will join one. WM. WISE: 819 FE. 39th St., Chicago. AT LIBERTY—SLIDE TROMBONIST AND = saxophonist (doubles on soprano saXx.); 5" sanders and fakers; state all particulars vy are ss MUSICIANS, 617 Melba St., Dallas, Tex AT LIBERTY—TROMBONIST WANTS PO sition in first-class orchestra; theatre fe or park; must give notice. Address TROM BONIST, ‘“illboard, AT LIBERTY—VIOLINIST; WANT GOOD summer engagement; park, dance or Movies: experienced: can furnish other musicians. Ac dress H, R., Billboard, Cincinnati. CORNETIST—YOUNG MAN; FIRST-CLASS orchestra cornetist; desires position with orchestra: sight reader: good tone; satisfaction guaranteed, CORNETIST, Box 143, Pastiand, Texas, = I. CORNET AT ee he Raleigh. North jut tel, or resort, preferred; A. TURNIDGE, S20 N. Carolina. East St., EXPERIENCED THEATRE ORGANIST—EX pert at featuring; recitalist; wishes posit in first-class theatre; good pipe organ and ¢£ salary essential; A. i. of M. Address GANIST, 1479 Stratford Ave., Bridgeport, Conn R. an LEADER-VIOLINIST — WITH LARGE LIbrary; desires change; experienced in 41) Lines; first-class vaudeville job preferred, but cai cue and play the pictares wrest ive two weeks’ notice, Address M. T. VARNELLE, Courtland Hotel, Kokomo, | Rady June GOSANIST EXCELLENT PICTURE PLAYER; wants very good offer; salary and particular mise capacity size of organ; salary, ftimit FRANK McCAIN, 350 Tyler St., Trenton, N. J CRGANIST AT LIBERTY FOR ENGAGEMEN! in first<lass theatre; thorowrhly trained aod ccomplished musician of exceptional ability an of intermmtional reputation: experiencen evpert picture player; splendid WWbrary; pine organ and good salary essential, ARTHUR EDWARD JONES, Motel Dagmar, Hagerstown, Marylond,