The Billboard 1921-12-31: Vol 33 Iss 53 (1921-12-31)

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—— The Billboard DECEMBER 31, 1921 Orchestra Leaders! ! HERE IS THE DANCE SENSATION NEW YORK CITY! COME ON AND DANCE ME FOX-TROT BY BERNARD & BASKETTE FULL ORCHESTRATION FREE TO ALL RECOGNIZED LEADERS —ADDRESS— B. & B. MUSIC PUB. CO. 132 W. 45th St, NEW YORK CITY. IF IT MAKES ANY DIFFERENCE TO YOU Sensational Waltz Ballad. Sung by Big Headliners. Played by Leading Orchestras. “Dance Me On Your Knee”’ A Fox-Trot that is not backward about coming forward. GREAT Soubrette Number. IN CANDYLAND WITH YOU Big Stage Song for Single, Double and Soft Shoe Dancing. SOME foxtrot. You will need this in your act. “SWEET NORAH DALY’ Peer of Irish Love Ballads. Waltz Tempo. “Dear Heart, Tell Me Why” Harmony Number. Quartette. “STOP LOOKING AT ME” Great Novelty edy Number. English chappie song. Gets you the encore. Professional Copies Now Ready. REGULAR COPIES, 25c. Order direct or thru dealers. Orchestra Club, $1.00. Singie Numbers, 25c. ELIZA DOYLE SMITH 59 E. Van Buren Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. FEATURES “GYPSY ROSE” New York, Dec. 23.—Vincent Lopez’s Pennsylvania Hotel Dance Orchestra is attracting wide attention here. This organization, after being featured in Pat Rooney's ‘‘Love Rirds” show, reorganized and enlarged from six to eleven pieces, 7, Bodewalt Lampe, famous arranger, exclusively with Jerome H. Remick & Co. for many years, is the technical director for Lopez’s ageregation, Lopez has been credited with starting “Sweet Lady.”’ and the arrangements of their orchestrations are considered as being particularly fine, A prominent phonograph concern has placed them under exclusive contract and will shortly announce that fact. In January the orchestra will be featured at the Palace Theater, this city. Their prominent and outstanding rendition is “Gypsy Rose,’ published by The Robert Norton Company, 226 West 46th street, this city. STAR PUBLISHING CO. GETS BIG RETURNS ON NEW SONGS Carlos, Ind., Dec. 24.—An early indication of a pickup in the sales of sheet music for the new year has been indicated for the past several weeks in the increased size of orders reaching the Star Publishing Company here. Big orders on “Why Did You Say Good-Bye”’ and *‘I Long To Call You Darling,” the firm’s new songs, are particularly noticeable, The former number is a ballad, with words and music by Norman Faire, “I Long To Call You Darling,” a waltz song, was writter by Prise A. Engle. Copies and orchestrations of these numbers already are in the hands of singers and orchestras thruout the country. Professionals who have net been supplied may procure copies by writing the Star Publishing Company and mentioning The Pillboard. NEW LOS ANGELES FIRM HAS TWO SONGS THAT START BIG Los Angeles, mean anything, Co., Dec. 24.—If early indications the Oprisescu, Millea & Diac music publishers, of 521 San Julian street, this city, will be a whale of a success. This recently organized firm is starting off with *“Love’s Memory,’ a waltz ballad, and ‘Los Angeles Blues,”’ a fox-trot, which have already been introduced with great favor at leading dance halls, cabarets and certain theaters along the Coast. And, judging from requests for professional copies received here this week from singers and orchestra leaders, the popularity of *‘Love’s Memory"’’ and ‘‘Los Angeles Blues’’ soon will make itself evident eastward to New York, Ralph G. Pollock and His Orchestra have been featuring ‘‘Love’s Memory" since the first night he tried it out. TROY MUSICIANS ELECT The Troy (N. Y.) Musical Union has elected the following officers: President, George Burge; vice-president, Frederick Cregware; recording secretary, W. R. Middlebrook; financial secretary, George Severance; treasurer, J. H. Ellis. The union has about four hundred members. Its history dates back to 1886, when a charter was granted by the Knights of Labor. In 1897 the union affiliated with the American Federation of Musicians. MUSICIANS ELECT OFFICERS Columbus, 0., Dec, 23.—The election of officers of the Columbus Federation of Musicians resuited, as follows: William Ely, president; Frank Todbunter, vice-president; Ryan Davidson, financial secretary; George W. Cook, recording secretary; Fred P. Zimpfer, treasurer, and E. C. Kershaw, Carl De Bloom and May White, members of the examining committee. SSOVUUEUUETUENEUUUEOESTETUESPUTTTANTEEEED ETT ET EPCOT EET EET TET EEE T TTT EES PEEP ETE LS A WHISTLING GOOD TUNE, THE NATIONAL CHEER-UP SONG on he) wen ea) (FOX-TROT) GETTING THE BiG HANDS A harmony number for SoloDuet-Trio-Quartet and Chorus. Professional material free to recognized performers. Dance Orchestrations 25¢ WEST COAST MUSIC COMPANY, Publishers, LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA Bh sanoessesssenseenneuneuseetnivnnunneetnennenumennenneennennennnet “GYPSY ROSE’ An Alluring Melody Fox-Trot By HENRY LODGE & EVELYN ROSE Orchestrations, 25c Each. Send for Your Copy 226 West 46th Street, ROBERT NORTON CO. NEW YORK CITY ee HARMONYLAND ECHOES The following is data on copies of new numbers to recently reach the Cincinnati office of The Billboard: “Grand Union March,”’ composed by J. lan Dixon; published by The Sovereign Co., New York. “Oh, How I Love You, Baby Byes,”’ written and published by Louis Le Blanc, Toledo, O. “Under Western Skies,’ waltz-ballad, written by G. Jerome Long and Fred W. Link; published by Alton J. Stevens, Chicago. “You Smiled My Heart Away,” waltz-song, by G. Jerome Long and Harry L. Alford; published by Alton J. Stevens, Chicago. “America Leads the World,”” composed by W. H. Brown; published by Weber Music Co,, Boston, **Mother’s Love,” words by B. Loescher, music by Edwin R. Schmidt; published by Loescher Music Co., New Orleans, “Beloved Marie, Come Back To Me,” words by M. Ritucci, music by D. Bucci; published by No. Plymouth Co., Plymouth, Mass. “She's the Mother of Peggy O'Neal,” waltz, by Oscar Erickson and Harley Rosso; Alford arrangement; published by McClure Music Co., St. Pam). *“Minnehaha’s Love,"’ waltz, by Erickson and Rosso; Alford arrangement; published by MeClure Musie Co., St. Paul, “My Song of India,"’ fox-trot, by Harley Rosso and Harry L. Alford; published by MeClure Music Co., St. Paul. “My Ole Virginny Home,"’ music by Oscar Erickson, lyric by Harley Rosso; published by McClure Music Co., St. Paul. “Daddy of Mine,"’ words by Maurice Dalton Ia Rose, music by M. Russell LaRose; pubished by Pals, Song Publishers, Ottawa, Can. “Do Tell Me,” fox-trot, lyric by John O. MeCloskey, music by Ray Hibbeler; released by McCloskey, Dubois, Pa. “Come to Mammoth Cave in Old Kentucky,” Qyric by Jettie Warden and Elliott Turner, music by Ray Hibbeler; published by Jettie W. E. Turner, Paducah, Ky. MARION (0.) LOCAL A. F. M. ELECTION Marion, ©., Dec. 23.—C. W. Davidson was elected president of Local No. 531, American Federation of Musicians, last week; W. E. Bendle, vice-president; L. B. McNeal, secretary, and L. E. Meister, treasurer. The following were elected directors: W. G. Irvine, Oscar W. Gast, H. Farley, J. J. Mead and W. F. Almendinger. Paul Gomez, William Dewler and John Wisler were named members of the board of examiners. “COPE” HARVEY’S ORCHESTRA —_ “Cope” Harvey and his orchestra made their bow to the Chicago dancing public recently at the Casino at White City and proved very popular. Four thousand people, during the opening number, greeted the rew combination with an enthusiastic demonstration The orchestra includes the foliowing: Sam Haase; banjo, Robert Mahar; sax, and violin, Joe Herza; sax. and clarinet, John Bezemeck; cornet, John Altisona; trombone, Edward Cech; bass, Guy Schrigley; drums, Sidney Maase, and Harvey (himself), piano. CANTON (0.) LOCAL A. F. M. ELECTION Canton, O., Dee. 24.—At the annual meeting last week of the American Federation of Musicians, Local No. 111, the following officers were elected: President, Adam A. Shorb; vice-president, Archie Wilson; secretary, J. Hershel Miller; treasurer, August Grauna. Lester Hechaman was elected director and William Green Gergeant-at-arms. Shorb reports that the local is in very good ehape. “IGEROLL” FAVOR SPREADING St. Louls, Dec, 24.—‘‘Igeroll,”” the big hit of the Kineally Music Company, this city, is receiving world-wide recognition. Orders for the number have been received from Harry Hart's Minstrels and the Englekreckt Publishing Co., of Stockholm, Sweden; from Honolulu, Hawati and Balboo Heights in the Canal Zone. ‘“‘Igetoll”’ is now on the Leberjan Rolls. “SWEETIE PLEASE TELL ME” The Jolly Song Hit. Professional Copies Free. Orchestrations, 10c, “Small” or “Full.” McDOWELL PUBLISHING CO. Providence, R. 1}. Qual Pub, Violin, A NEW SONG for a NEW YEAR “TAKE ME, FOR MY HEART IS THINE” (A BALLAD WITH SENTIMENT) Most TALKED OF LOVE BALLAD of ita kind Then send for your copy today. Jobbera and dealers, Do you want to make the greatest hit of the new year? take noth AL. W. SIMMS, Pub.. 111 West 138th St, New York City. THE WOODWIND COMPANY 240 East 86th St., New York City The Steel Ebonite Clarinet and Saxophone MouthPiece, with the scientific written guarantees. Meliphone and Van Reeds at the best