The Billboard 1922-06-03: Vol 34 Iss 22 (1922-06-03)

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} 4 The Billboard JUNE 3, 1922 SECOND 4*#¥4L OLD HOME WEEK CELEBRATION EAST RUTHERFORD, N. J. AUSPICES ENTIRE EAST wed FIRE DEPARTMENT, JUNE 28TH TO JULY 8TH, 1922, TWO SATURDAYS. LD IN THE CENTER OF THE CITY (MAIN STREET). Population, 15,000, with a drawing seniaieiaens of 50,000, with trolley and steam lines connecting. Band Concerts, Parades and aS Contests and Outdoor Open-Air Free Attractions. Contract has been awarded to decorator to decorate the city. Endorsed and supported by the Mayor, Chamber of Commerce. All factories are working. Have nine consecutive weeks of Old Home Week Celebrations and Ye Old Country Street Fairs to follow : —all small WANTED CAROUSELL, FERRIS WHEEL, WHIP AND SEAPLANE SWINGS AND CONCESSIONS. WILL PLAY SHOWS OF MERIT ALL STOCK WHEELS OPEN Write, wire or phone THOMAS BRADY, INC., Representative for Com., 1547 Broadway, New York City. Phone loss Bryant. P. S—Want to hear from a recognized Gypsy Family. Also can use a first-class Electrician. All Outdoor Open Air Free Acts, write. The Matthew J. Riley Shows Can place Clean Shows and Legitimate Concessions of all kinds for long season of Celebrations and Fairs. Also want people in all departments, especially Talkers and Managers for Shows. Joe C. Herbert wants capable Colored Minstrel People, including Musicians on Cornet, Trombone and Tuba. Do not be WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF CARNIVAL SUPPLIES. misled by empty promises of shows who advertise towns they . 25% deposit with order, balance C. 0. D.. have no chance of playing. We positively guarantee the foleT Reference: Pacific Bank. lowing route with other good dates to follow: Rahway, N. J., cok oe KNICKERBOCKER DOLL CO., Inc. week of May 29, American Legion Frolic; Pleasantville, N. J., a NEW YORK CITY week of — 5, Auspices Chamber of Commerce (will be big) ; Phone, Conet 6662 in years); paw Brunswick, N. J., week of June 19, Disabled § | SSSERRERERERERERRRR RARER ey, RUBBER BELTS— BALLOONS Soldiers’ Benefit Week. We also hold signed contract for the biggest Fourth of July Event in New Jersey; twenty thousand : on bins soe oe AC SH! Unbreakable, Lamp Dolls $12.50 Doz. Assorted colors and styles with garland and marabou trimming. 6 ft. insulated wire with plug and socket included. 6 doz. to-case. visitors assued. Reliable Showmen and Concessioners address MATTHEW J. RILEY, Manager, Rahway, N. J., this week. SPECIA Gas Fair Secretaries and Celebration Committees address $15.00 Per Gross and Up $2. 50 Per Gross ; BALLOON ROBERT A. JOSSELYN, General Agent, as per above route. a Qut prices are the lowest. Tmme. | | Send tor comolete orice tis and WM ) ate shipments. Send for samples, | free samples—or we both NOVELTY PRODUCTS CO., s¢'Sooth Seven st: Phledeipi, Pa WANTED ATTRACTIONS THE PALACE OF J OY Big COOPER RIALTO SHOW 7 CONEY ISLAND—NEXT DOOR TO LUNA PARK. can Legion, Fort Wayne, Ind., Two Indoor Spaces—15 feet by 75 feet each. Positively the best location Week of June 5. \ > on the Island. -_ Nidan dei x z e Right in lobby of Palace of Joy, one space on each side of corridor. An an T capable Peop' Bs must be capsie t last. We = three new beautiful fron exceptional opportunity for clean Novelty Attractions. Will entertain Bees Pag, oa Sidney Paris. write, ALBO Wate caiecemment, te £208, Dog and Four rental or percentage propositions. uick action is necessary to b these zouzi’s Show ONCESSIONS—If you are capable and want ¢ ith ; . two rte Ag locations. tat . = on the road today, then look no further, for we have the Shows and’ ides and = ; The Palace of Joy represents an investment of one-half-million dol show the TANK ROLL to carry the show. We dao’t went you if you t Has among other features, ecial inducement to good Grind St you arp not capable of getting money the largest Indoor Swimming Pool in America, Boxiig Arena seating 5, S000, Dance Hall, Gymnasium, : ores. All Wheels except Dolls oe be bought exclusive, if you Baths, with Sleeping Accommodations, etc., etc. ow that you are equipped to get top money, All address Defiance eck of May 29, and Fort 40 | Wire or write immediately. Wayne to follow. HN “Coopen: Gonera! Manager. MAC LEVY, Mgr. Palace of Joy, Coney Island, N. Y. WANTED WANTED ROVAL EXPOSITION SHOWS ON STREETS, MAYSVILLE, KY. AUSPICES AMERICAN LEGION———_ MAY 29th to JUNE 3rd. Give liberal percentage to Shows guch as Athletic, Dog and Pony, Ten-in-Or | ind or Bally Show. RIDES—On account of disappointment will | gt eo or Ferris Wheel. Give Bo ~\ percentage for season, including + tao NCu atthe Seer ~ WANTED FOR THE JOHN FRANCIS SHOWS ee as | ‘ornet and Clarinet, Piano Player for Minstrel, to play in Orchestre. All. must —¥ stan iard ) ™ nae 1,000,000 ds of tobacco t Colored Performers, Musicians for Colored Band. Will con9) Prinzing twbacco nee Ta sale, ae se ping, sold here during weck, Farmers from all over State sider Organized Troupe. Attractions for Pit Show. Have Wagon for good Platform Show. Have 4ox80 Tent for Musical Comedy Show. Can place Talkers and Grinders. Workingmen on all Rides. Can use one more Promoter. Good opening for a few more Concessions. No graft. Everything loads on wagons. Winfield, Kansas, week May 29; Wichita, Kansas, June 5 till 17; two locations. too JOHN C. SHEPARD W ANTE 10 OR 20 DOUBLE WHEEL CHAIRS, WITHOUT MOTORS Second-hand preferred, for use at beach. Must be in good condition. to crate, folded, with Wheels and Hendie off Wee ome ao ” VAN HUMASON, 221 Chamb ce, Portland, Oreron. OLD KENTUCKY SHOWS WANT ee = Piano Player, useful Tabloid People, few more Concessions, except Wheels. Doc V, KE. Shorter. JOSEPH LEE, Fleetwood Hotel, Charleston, West Virginia. | ? Shows, Rides and Concessions. Silver Wheel, Blankets, Fruit and Aluminum Christy Bros. Side Show Wants n. The strawberry and new potato crops are being harvested now and " rsa of money in seaeesy around here. Address ANY KIND ACTS SUITABLE FOR SIDE SHOW { A. M. NASSER, Pocomoke City, Md., this week. Colored Comedians that double Band. Ticket Seller that can make strong Second Openings. Enlarging Side-Show. State salary by wire. Winnett, a June ist; Harlowton, 2nd; Roundup, 3rd; all Montana. Wire Moonlight Shows Si EASON AN site Shon acti ; : THIS WEEK AT READING, OHIO. OD. C. HAWN AT LIBERTY WAntes Cn of all kinds, Poultry, C hinese Baskets, Fruit, Grocery, 4 Bacon and Right Game. Write or wire at once. —. enced, capable Cirous Man as manager, assistant ager of general agent. covering Tt cle reels wil -_MOONLIGHT SHOWS, Reading, Ohio, | id sah oni i'l t-te" ance Gade iat'w, shear sie PEWS, eet 2 en |