The Billboard 1922-06-03: Vol 34 Iss 22 (1922-06-03)

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A AN cdc A Rs re JUNE 3, 1922 WHAT To BUY! HOW TO BUY! WHERE TO BUY! PRICE TO PAYI IMPORTED NEEDLE THREADER $1.50 Per 100. Come 200 to Box B115—CHINESE GOOD LUCK_ RING. Extra heavy Sterling silver. DOZEN $ 8. 25 B 106—FIVE-IN-ONE IMP, TOOL KIT. ‘$ 2. 25 B ii—-VEST POCKET SAFETY WAzO;. In nickeled box. DOZEN............ ‘$ 3. 00 B 108—RELIANCE SAFETY RAZOR: with¢ 2. 25 Seas, Sm bok. DORE... .ccccecvces B 101—GOLD-FILLED PEN AND CLUTCH PENCIL SET. Self-filler fountain pen. with solid 1 60 gold point. In box, complete........ B 102—IMP. ROSETENSNISLE re NECKLACE. Graduated Solid gold clasp. In plush — neneeee B 116—MANICURE SET. 22-PIECE. Bycotel implement. On roll. DOZ. seh $ 1.55 $15.00 $ 4.50 EPR Pee eee eee eee ee eee eee . B IMP. + ~*~ STRAIGHT RAzo Extra ¥ ps are peste” . B 125—NEEDLE BOOKS. $4.75, $8.50, $9. 00 B IMP. WIGKEL WATCH. 7 B 131—OCTAGON. ?7—— WATCH AND BRACELET SET. including ribbon band and — -filled link bracelet. In velvet-lined $3. 25 SET THOUSANDS MORE IN OUR “SINGER'S ANNUAL” COMPLETE CATALOGUE NOW READY See That You Get It. 35 t deposit must accompan: wae 1 -< YY orders. . SINGER BROTHERS 536-538 Bdwy. New York City CAN MAKE MORE MONEY WITH THESE GOODS Per Gross. Scented Sachet, small size. $1.65 Scented Sachet, large size.. 2.00 Court Plaster, best grade... 1.75 WE: searesbetsssiee 3. Prompt shipments always. Debesit must be sent for C. 0. D shipments. CHAS. UFERT Weve orc: WRITE catatoc Beautiful Platineid Brac Watch. Towneau shape, 10 Jewels, a timekeeper, $15.00 value, smal! mod el, grey or black ribdon, Special. . AMERICAN JEWELRY CO., 26 Arcade, Cincinnati, 0. KEY CH ECKS GERMAN SILVER by GASOLINE BILL BAKER. Consistent energy, the watchword. A ‘‘don’t-care”’ policy makes one @ pauper. Don’t bite the “‘hand that feeds you’’—your own profession. Have you ever noticed that youn can learn much by seeming to coincide with the other fellow’s views? Often more than trying to convince him he's ‘‘all wrong’’, Bill recently had a from Dr. Larry Barrett, down in Florida, the boys, letter for publication who bas been working that might interest many of Will try to get it in next issue. Mystic Nathea piped from Columbia, Mo., that he was headed West to the Coast, pitching in every town en route of 5,000 or over. Ex pects to reach Seattle before fall and will then start playing theaters. Dr. Frank Hauer postcarded: at Bowling Green, Ky., fair on Saturday, but Monday was a blank. Owing to the strawberry season quite a few of the boys made this spot during several weeks. Am moving back to Tennessee.”’ “Found business Circumstantial ‘‘Evidence’'—Heard of a fe:'ow once who was a brick salesman. He registered ut a hotel, where he left a large sample gti while he made a neighboring village—withou! explaining or tipping his bill before departing, Keister opened, samples imspected and he had a helluva a time straightening it out that he had not intended putting one over on the hotel man. Strange things do happen. On May 23 A. F, Cornils was getting ready to make his bow to the public for the season. He piped from Two Rivers, Wis., that the State reader in Wisconsin is twenty bucks ap to as in the State) and that one must also city reader; and then it’s like working over a can of dynamite, he says. Adds that the boys may work in Milwaukee, provided they can satisfy the ‘‘city dads’’ that their article or articles are meritorious and show good credentials and the licenses. Lew Conn, whose Congo Comedy Company has been operating under canvas in Ohio me. pring. wrote from New Richmond: ‘‘Dear ticed in the column that Eddie Mitchell” bad closed with my show as straight and specialty man. Fact is he started out with me this spring to learn the game, and was hired as a eanvasman. But he graduated in three weeks, so I gave him a ‘diploma’ to leave—therefore he did not ‘quit’. One of the lads shoots it that he saw a knight eat one whole pie and half of another and a small steak before he stopped at a restaurant in Logansport, Ind., and wants Bill to tell his own story about it. Various comments might be made, but it seems the fellow was sure h—1 for pastry whatever his other inclinations. Have heard of people grabbing and planting all the “dough” in _ but not particularly of the pie brand. Speaking of the McQuinn Show, Bill got a flash of a newspaper from Cookston, Ont., Can., which commented after the show had closed its engagement there as follows—and the bunch should feel proud of it: ““McQuinn and daughters gave a series of concerts in the Town Hall during the past week that were well attended and much enjoyed, Miss Jeanett McQuinn, of Hambarg Conservatory, Toronto, is an accomplished violinist; Miss Kathleen, xylophone player; Miss Lorraine McQuinn, pianist. The winner of a prize (a diamond ring given to ‘Continued on page 92) T= $7.00 Per Gro Plain Gold-Plated Clutch Penolis, each with @ Per Gr $7.00. We handle a comp . Clutch Pencils. Write for our special prices. f~ Leads, 6 ie im each metal containen gy ty XI Comtainers, $4.00. Per Gross Per Gross Fountain Pen.. $10.00 per Gross. SOME BASS, WHAT? t — || Among the medicine men—show and dealers—who like to take a little vacation now and then and really enjoy “drawing ‘em in” with the reel is that good old scout, J. Frank Haithcox, whose headquarters now is in Jacksonville, Fla. The above represents J. Frank and his prize catch at Taft, Fla., recently. He gives the bess’ length as 28% inches and weight 12\4 pounds, a Ponetl, indstitte lead. $3.50 $3.50 s* $5.00 RUNNING MICE crows, $2.50 Not shipped C. O. PD. Full amount of money must accompany order. PER GROSS. The Original Famous Combination Glass. Trick Bill Books, Per Gress Pee ee eee eee eee eee eee eee. Famous Combination Memorandum with at 7 without rubber band, Per Gross Specialists im Supplies for Streetmen, Pitchmen and Consseanaioes. mpg sw 9 deposit required on all orders, goods shipped same day order is NEW Ye YORK CITY sssproaDWwAY BERK BROTHERS HEAVIEST UNBREAKABLE FINEST stock AMBER COMBS QUALITY REVISED PRICES §6312—Dressing Comb, 7%x1%. Gress. . 421.68 §6313—Dressing Comb, 7% x1%. . 56638—Rarber Comb, 6%x1. §9:30—Fine Comb. : 56216—Pocket Comb. Leatherette S Pocket Comba Send 2 & ¥ to make money handle line used by ori: in al demonstrators. or our ample Bh convince a. ves of quality and weis by comparing with other lines Sample Assortment, $1.00, prepaid. THE COMB HOUSE OF AMERICA. 7-9 Waverly Pl.. New York City. your jobber for RUBBER Lorain,Ohio THE BARR RUBBER PRODUCTS CO., Manufacturers of HighGrade Toy Bailoors, Lorain, Ohio, U. s. A Jazz BOW TIES FIBRE SILK NECKTIES The Hit of Chicago. Everybody wearing Extra long. them, \ Very light. Sells for AY dollar. Chicago's latest fad. Send 50c for sample, or $4.50 per Dozen. FOR 1922 CATALOG. 36 W. Randolph St., CHICAGO, ILL. You All Know The Button Package That Is Getting The Money Put up in nickel boxes. Back Duplex. Littie, Det Dot Lever ni Gale at Mr. Window Demonstrator: acta-puned 3 Pencils now $8.50 gross, the original. No. 220 a good seller. Conhtnatian Retin wee KELLEY, The Specialty King, 21 Ann St., New York City. SiN sin'o9 "Gross Send 25c for sample, or $2.00 Dozen, SEND MEXICANEDIAMOND KING, Remre & ag ome ros: ee ee PEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEE EEE FEET TEEPE TT te + N + : Tl PATTIE > The famous NUTRO LINE, = has been restricted, is now open for # some territory. Write for particulars and get an assignment of territ * tory. Compound, Oil, Salve, Tablets, Catarrh Salt, Sea Foam Soap, + z Corn Cure. Don’t delay. + cs t SAVOY DRUG & CHEMICAL co. + t 172 NO. HALSTED ST., CHICAGO, ILL. z * sese ses SSeS See ee ee ae eae aaa aaeaeaeaeaeaeaanna naan nn en on nn 2 2 fg. ".'.ttr.r.reeeeeerereerereererlererrerrl rere Leelee $18.00 Per Gross In black, brown and gray, in plain of stitched, 1 Inch and % inch widths, sizes 34 to 46 inches, with high-grade fancy adjustable buckles. There is a eeason why we are the largest ru products distributors in the country. Wire or write for der today and watch results. $3.00 deposit requ gross ordered, OSEROFF BROTHERS Factory Distributors ef Rubber Protea, . th Main St., AKRON, OHNO. 1125-1127 Sou — S. » = tep Meee: . $18.00 MEN'S _CPCSTON RUBBER BELTS Per Gross r oreach EVERY ADVERTISER WANTS TO KNOW WHERE VOU SAW HIS AD.