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JUNE 24, 1922
SE Oe —=
Here Is an Offer to tidaiaiees Committees That Ought To Make Three Real Events— Will He Accept? We Will See
a Last season Hon, William J. Bryan touched lightly upon the Darwinian theory of evolution
in all of his speeches over the chautauqua circuits, and he get so much favorable attention from the Main street scientists and email town bigots that he decided to en‘arge on his theme and go it stronger for the sea
son of 1922,
He has published a book on his antiquated notions that is as plausible as his theory of 16 to 1, but it is making him a lot of * His chautauqua seasun promises to be about on a par with his usual harvest.
Mr. Bryan is telling of the havoc that the teaching of the science ef evolution is doing to the young minds of this country, and he is making serious charges against the best brains of this country in universities, colleges, high schools and lower grades. He is attacking the men and women who read and think, and this he seems to be doing with all the power of his acquired platform art.
He js offering gold as an al‘uring bait for some poor teacher who will be enticed into signing a silly proposition, He says: “I'll give
$100 to any college professor who will sign his hame to an acknowledgment that his grandfather was a monkey.’
This proposition is about as fair and scientific as it would be for you to ask Mr. Bryan to sigh a statement setting forth his belief that his grandfather was full of mud simply because the Bible says that Adam was created out of the dust of the earth. It is about as honest as the question that the lawyer asked the minister when he had him on the stand. The lawyer insisted that the minister answer hs question with either yes or no. He asked: “Now, Reverend, please tell the jury whether you have stopped beating your wife.’” To which the innocent preacher indignantly replied: “I never did beat her, sir."’ But the lawyer insisted on a yes or no answer.
If Mr. Bryan is honestly trying to get the facts about the theory of evolution, let him take his plea out of the realm of profiteering and cease to coin his principles into lucre by placing this discussion on a plane that is. above reproach.
If Mr. Bryan will debate this question, “Resolved, That the Theory of Evélution Is Unscientific, Unpractical and Unrighteous,’’ we will See that an opponent is provided for him,
The cond tions of this debate to be that it Shall be held at three separate chautauquas. That these three debates shall be sold to th three chautauquas offering the most money for them. That every cent that is paid for these delLates shall be used to further the work of publishing them in pamphlet form and d tributing them thrvont the schools, colleces libraries and places where such discussion would be deemed of interest.
That both debaters shall pay their own expenses and that no part of the money realized from these discussions shall go to either party to this discussion. That these debates shall be held within a radius of 500 miles of Chicago.
The trouble with the ordinary Bryan lecture is that it meets the description given by Alton Packard, who said: “A chautacqua lecturer is one who comes out on the platform, has a one-sided argument with himself, proves that he is wrong and then bows off.’’
If we take shorthand notes of these debates and publish them so that they will have to
Pass the calm scrutiny of pure reason and un
erring logic, then there may be some good come from such a discussion. Mr. Bryan's example has opened the door
for a,swarm of little peanut-minded jumping
jacks “who are scurrying ‘orth to attack every form of belief and every effort to get at Scientific treatment of questions, Here is a
sample of the way things are discussed on the chautangua platform as copied from The Columbus, Ind., “Independent, where they recently held g religious chautauqua:
‘*The Book of Jule’, one of the canonical
Looks of the new testament and one of the most disputed, was taken as the subject for the address of Dr. E. L. Moyer, of Minneapolis, -_ last night at the last meeting of the ligious chautaugqua held in the Tabernacle ‘mm h of Christ. Dr. Moyer is pastor of a United burch in Minneapolis and teacher college there His address was heard by one of the best audi
ences of the week and was high'y interesting.
“In other days, he sa niidels and athe sts Were on the outside of the « rch making their attacks. Today they are on the inside, saying things Ingeisoll bh meelf pever would have said. Such a cun/iton net niined to one locality
or to one denom ing the world
He mentioned in p odist, United Bre
7 nuton, he said, but is 5 permeated all churches. icular the Baptist, Meththren, Presbyterian and Oongregational churches and the Disciples of Christ. Today the church is keeping to itself all the false teachers the members have itching ears and have turned away from the truth to fables and science, or what is called science. They do not want to be disturbed. They want their ears tickled with smooth sayings,
“The speaker made a strong attack on the evolutionists, Saying that the teaching of
beca use
evolution ig neither science nor Bible. He said that when a ma ld him his ancestors were monkeys he was red to believe it about the ancestors of the other person, but not about his own. He said there may have been some Totten jlimbs on his own ancestral tree, Lut there were no monkeys hanging to them
“He took a knock at Christian Scieace, Rus
eellism and Ur anism and in scathing language the preacher of an evangelical church who woud creep into an orthodox pylpit clothed in evangelical garments
and preach a Unitarian doctrine.”*
Of course, such bharangves as that smack of the smart-alec type of platform Monger, and wou'd not be seriously considered by any thinking man, but, when men of Mr. Bryan's position call forth such an army of irreconcilable spouters, then it is of more than local interest and extends to a wider fie d where duty calls
for action.
It is too bad to see the platform degenerate into a place where the most owlandish billingsgate gets the must attention It ie especially
bad at this t'me when the youth of this country is striving to solve the great needs of our time in the studious, scientific way that it sbvuld apply not only to our own but to the world proviems which are up for solution
Last year 111.740 applications were received at Washington, D. C for letters patent, for trade marks and for designs This is fiftythree per cent more ap it s for patents
ere ever asked for mn one year since
ne '
rious eration
In Keith Vawter’s Flying Squadron was one
Charles Vlattenburg, whose specialty was to tell everybody what a crime it is to buy away from home Patronize the home merchant is his r cr} In the Redpath-Vawter tour o1 br ng up the various local committees this plea was W eee for all it was worth, and we wonder how Vawter will exy n to the (Ce
dar Rapids de alers wh y it was when he wanrea to equip bis outfit with motor cars that he did not b them from one of his home-town deal
instead of for them?
sending to Sioux Falls, 8S. D.,
The following item is from The Sioux Falls Argus:
A deal was completed bere this morning for the pure “ha se and delivery of four motor cars, three iring and one roadster, by Roy Marker
tng os r the Redpath-Vawter Chautauqua compeony The first car will be delivered tomorrow morning when those appearing on the opening day's pregram at ntworth will leave Sioux Fa Che. other will be delivered this week and be by those appearing a. towns with 1 «hort tance of Sioux Falls
The Redpath Vawter people are expertmenting with the care with the view of «peed
ing up the movemer covering more towns during the season
‘The purchase of the cars was made in Sioux Falls thru the influence of Roy Marker."’
te of their performers and
1921-1922 LYCEUM C COMMITTEE REPORTS Delighted, 100; We Pleased, 90; Far, 60; Bareyy Got By, 70; Unsatisfactory, 00.
Hi. Lko’ TAL LOR
Thirty-one towns reported on H. Leo Taylor.
Seven marked bim 100, one 9S, one Yi, nine B5, one 94, one Y2, one YI, eight YO, one SO and one 380, making bis general average V2.9 per cent, Petersburg, U..... Colebrook, O ..1lvo Homeworth, O..... 90 Mesopotamia, 0...100 Church Hill, U.... Sv West Poin, 0 us Dundee, U...... ol Berlin Center, 0 vu Falis Creek, Pa... 05 Monroe, U.... sO Kichmondale, O.... 98 i 2h nebeasveks ane Neptune, 0 o & New Dittsburg, OU. 91 Liberty Center, ©.. 97 Newton Palis, o inp Andover, U....... w Braceville, U wo Christiansburg, O.. 95 Derby, Daccecccese OD Westville, 0O...... 92 Sparta, UV . se Arcadia, O........ 94 Magnolia, 0... luo Thompson, 0. .... 95 Mt. Vernon, Mo..jlu Wayne, U..... ocee ee Sera vs Gustavus, O....... ls Wilton, N. D.....100 Fowler, 0......... 95 J. SMITH DAMRON
J. Smith Damron was reported on by 36 towns. Twelve towns gave him 100, one 95, twenty-one 90 and two SU. His general aveiage is 92.91 per cent.
Washington, ind... % Madelia, Minn.. 100 Salamonia, Ind.. su Montevideo, Minn. #0 Kawson, 4
Marengo, Kricelya, Janesville, Cortland,
Rothsay, Minn
Priacetva, Princeton,
Ind.... 9
lod ~ Hampt Minn... ”
Hutchinson, Minn. .100 Mantorville, Minn..100 HOOSIER MALE TRIO Nine towns marked *he Hoosier Male Trie 100, twelve 00 and eight 5). weking their total gen. eral average for the 2 towns @).54 per cent Robinson, Kaa......0* Sheviip, Minn 300 Wiles, Bae...2cc2WB Mentor, Minn a) Neopit, Wis....... Woedburst, Mion » Amherst, Wis..... » Clarks Greve Mercer, Wis...... A Minn 1% Phillips, Wis -& Bird Island. Minn. ir Sol Springs, terda Mina ba Wis oe Meadow land «, Spencer, Wis..... . an. . Dunbar, Wis...... cd) tacine, Minn oo Stratford Wis PLL) Stord \ r » Brookston, Minn.. .1' Welverton Ming..199 Conway, Kan..... 80 T pe, Whe ™ South Stillwater, Kh w Mion ® Mina. . eS Newfoklen, Mir a] Milroy, Minn..... 90 Huntiey, Minn 100 Jordan, Minn ~~ WM. STER LING BAT TIS Thirty-six towns re Wa. Sterling m ‘. t« vr im? one OD ) per t lo . M m™ Roseau, Minn wo I’ I de Rose Creek. Minn. 99 Minn mm Hamptor ” Peters s ™ Mant ‘ Mion. &D M rn. Wie « Hell City. Miner we Clwyuet, Mis ww Mt. Morris, J Te Bird Island, Ming. ®% Nora & es, Ia.. Ret « W oe, x s n. Ia ™ Wichita, Ke ~ Mankat Mir tw Ww * K i“) Storm a k le we Arr t Ke ~ Independence Ta we , °. Kan we St ‘ x J . » ! w W ow amit fioen & f ater Wie on Amboy Mir an rvlericksb u rg, w“ “ul “ Va anid an ‘ ‘ity Mw ” ) nte m ow Henntr Min od Fle'r Vion a Stur Mich a) Morrieville, N. ¥. 90 DR. CTIVAN TIWA To Twenty-four comm!ttec« reporter on Tr Chuan Uwa Ie Thre gat him 1) twelre ), three 85. four ne 70 and one OF VW! general average t« 84.47 per cent Walnut, Kar t™ Revd, Minn mm Srivon Grove Milroy Miner oo Kan Pitteville, Whe ow Rnring Grove. M on Sorgeant. Ming as
Garden City. Minn. 80 Ir nme Valley New London, Minn. 99 Mion a* Winger, Mice 10. Adolph, Miner se Medford, Minn ew Routh Stillwater Aukor Minn 77 M ow Newfolden, Minn... Conway, Kea ow Holt, Minn own Alvarde Mir 0 Storten. Minn ow Middle River, Meadowl an 4 «#, SS eet coe e 19% Minn
The following editorial
comment wae taken from The Big Spring (Tex) Hleral4d. and rince it gives #0 many concrete facts al t what the chautauqua hae done for that wleinit we are giad to publish it We would thank all committees If they would eend u " ‘ about thelr chautauqua and we will tw to treat you a8 generously ae we have j Springs Here ie the editorial
‘The past week has been Choantanqua Week in Big Spring, and large audiences have been in evidence at the chautanaqua tent each after noon and evening to enjoy the fine leeturs readings, singing and music, the delightfui
Singing Acting Dancing Instruments
Make-Up Personality, Etc.
Taught by experts. Summer course for professionals and talented amateurs, June 20-August 25.
We place capable students. Durect supervision Mr. and Mrs. Louis O. Runner. Reservations now.
321 N. Central Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Manager Lyceum and Chautauqua Department,
LEO FEIST, Inc., Music Publisher
119 North Clark Street, Chicago.
AND Company
Send tor cotalee & Maciean College of Movie, Orametic and Gereek Arte, (The College That Is TDi@erent)
2035 Geeth Michiges Averus Chieege§ tilrels. ALL OUR GRADUATES SUCCEED.
Featuring Male Charecter Sietehes to mahe-ep ed agate omer » Oe serer es roperted Wooler sense booted
Wow ot Mire ote
L ~oT Oe ~ owe
terns ‘ s
Wanted, Directors and Salesmen for Amateur Productions
1 con place tem Directors and there Advance Mero ee the una preareeslte * rr warhe Ametrurt P nxtuct ions 1 st 1” : Ameatrur @ laveum work the
Hotel Arlington, Retten Men
Hae t oo
orrewty twee
ty-ain 5 ss i ae tee Newew fs tte be aalied for return dates (Coaches over one Uroussnd eech erawt
Core The Billboard, CHICAGO.
Pittsburgh Ladies Orchestra
Orcar vied 1911 Hae made Concert Tours Ip 11 States al and instrumental entertainers ALAPAT D
LIEFRLD Director 0S MeCaoce Bleck, Serenth Ave and Smithfield tt Pittehorch, Pa Preparing emall companies for Lrowum and Chautauqua work
is doing for Dickens tn America what Rranahy Williame hee dane for the reliet in Bineland The Dickensian Macesine, Londen Pngtend
. A Humorous Entertainment of the Highest Literary alive
Persomal address, 6315 Valte Avenue, Chicage,
Tease A.
Collyer Jr, Producing Co
Iiroadway, Ossining, v ¥. Ky Fostoria, Ohto
mereon GO Barrow, Crestwood,
Harrington Adams Ine,