The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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ao me The Billboard SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 The UTILITY $27.50 POS :VELY THE GREATEST ORUW *SALUE ON EARTH. Every drummer should have a Leeis (5): ov free for the asking. Leedy Manu haat © Solanegalias Ind. It’s ° THAT FILL °. THE FLOOR ™ FOX’ TROT =~ ceoea m REQUESTS — Preerevererr rit ri irr itt trie HOLDING HANDS) 2° | vrwoeza, | Palof My Dreams ; i WALT € FOX TROT a SESS S FOSS SSS SSSS SE SESS SE SESS SSS S SS SSO SS SOOO SSS SSS SE OES OSE SESE SHOES E EHS SE SOS SSO SESE OSES SSOOEOOE POOCCOOSSS ODO OOOO SOS OSOSEO OOD LOSOD OOS OOO OOOOO DOO HOODOO OOOO HOODOO OI OD CHOOOHOOHOD OO HHOS HELO ISO HOO OHOOE USE THE HITS AND SUIT _ THE CROWD “Rose of an Hour" THE DANCERS , POSS SESSOSESSE SSO SO SS SOOSSESOSOSOOS OSE SOOO OOOOOOD Battie Creek, Mich. SHSSSEEOOSOSOOOOOS LEARN PIANO TUNING Musicians—Learn Piano Tuning, also Player and Electric-Player Piano Repairing, in SEVEN WEEKS. Double Your Income by Tuning Pianos in your spare time. Write for Full Particulars and Special Offer to Musicians, (Musical Education Not Necessary But Helpful). Polk’s School of Piano Tuning, Established 1900. Valparaiso, Ind. Box 49, Mention Billboard. ALN IENE Sort iete) Bos OPERA STAGE DANCING PHOTOPLAY VAUDEVILLE SINGING Concentration courses include actual stare experience and appearances at Alviene Art Theatre, developing poise, personality ad good address, graduating artists. Twenty Instructors. Celebrities who studied under ies Mr. Alviene: Herry Pilcer. Annette Kellermann, Nora Bayes, Mary Fuller, Pickford, Gertrude Hoffman, Faye Marbe. “Alien Joyce, Eleanor Pait:ter, Taylor Holmes, Joseph Santiey, Dolly Sisters, Florence and Mary Nasi, Mile Dazie, and many other renowned artista. Day ny Bvening Courses. Public Students’ Performan Write B. IRWIN, Secretary, for Catalogue (mention study desired), 43 West 72d St., New York. DRAMA SPEECH PLL LLL LL LILI LL IS LILI IS WRITE AND PLAY YOUR OWN ACCOMPANIMENTS 4 4 4 4 4 4 Cur simple instruction books give you the 7 necestary information and instructions for : 4 4 7 4 4 4 4 writing and playitg your own accompaniments on Banjo, Tenor Banjo, Standard Guitar, Steel Guitar and Ukulele. Instruction above instruments mailed, postpaid, $1.00, for all five instruments, §2.50, postpaid. OACHee MUSIC SCHOOL, 8 Windsor St., Cincinnati, 0. one Pts LILI ~ ~ ~ Sele Books complete for any ef the Rag, Jazz and Popular Piano Playing. Saxophone or Banjo taught in 20 lessons at any of our sc sor Is ia 90 cities or by mail. Write for free bo 20 E. Jackson, Suite 5, Chicago. Te chers wanted where we are not represented. ACCORDION S \ INNS a a Send 25 cents for illustrated catalog and prices. AUGUSTO IORIO & SONS 8 Prince St., NEW YORK. Established. Composer 1905. A MOTHER’S PLEA Heart Touching Ballad, Sentimental Song, 35¢ copy: oa i8c; Orch., 30c. Three together, $1.00 M. B. WADLEY, Compeser and Publisher, 36445 Federal Street, Chicago, II. Griffin Musical Saws | 331 Trement Street, Boston, Mass. MUSIC Pee ENS? AND -PRIN TERS Music Printers © West of NewYork .' ANY PUBLIS ER > = UR REFERENCE eg ne RAYNER, DALHEIM& Co. Estimates _—— . ‘Gladly Furnished "on Any thing in Music WSRK_ DONE BY vas PROCESSES aa TE TR Chicago.lll. GREAT DEMAND = SONGS @ succeas of ntarkuting your own pond over 100 pages of valuable information —, lists of ten-cemt stores, music roll manufacturers, music a. musical magazines, etc. Offered. $1.00, postpaid, and i f not as claimed will refund money. a@ book cover all essential points is published. =e jobbers, record and vians Positively the best and up-to-the-times book ever Send for detail. JACK GORDON PUB. CO., 201 No. Hoyne Ave., Chicago SEND FOR IT TODAY The Billboard Date Book AVIUULUAUUO000U4S0Q000000000000000000H04000000U0SQEGOOEEENE | YYYLOUUUUUGSOPUOULSOONGUODOQOROOOEOOOOOUELO OPO A new supply has been received and is ready for distribu tion. Conveniently arranged for showfolk in all lines, to keep a record of their dates, with ample space for memo randums. 14 months from JULY 1, 1923, to AUGUST 31, 1924 Also contains maps and calendars for 1923 and 1924, as well as much other valuable information. Bound in black grain leather. Sent anywhere for 25 cents each. Address The Billboard Publishing Co. Date Book Department, 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohio Drummers / >. ~heres the / latest f | The Synee-Jazzituik A double end wire brush effect, with 200 fixe steel wires and rubber mallet end. Used in nearly a hundred different effects. Opens and closes in an instant, A necessity in every drummer’s kit, If your dealer cannot suppy. write us, Postage paid, 75 pai LUDWIG & LUDWIG, 1611 No. Linooila St., CHICAGO, End your cerrespondence te advertisers by mentioning The Bwboard. BOOKING aanneess iy ONLY READ, BUT ~||“THE PERFORMER” Because it is the official organ the Variety arte stes’ Federatien and all other Variety organi zations DEALS WITH VARIETY ONLY AND READ BY EVERYONE eee tS WITH BRITISH TeH Them What by Have To Sell Through an Ad in Our Columns. ADVERTISING RATES: Whole Page Half Page Third Page .. ae Wide Column. per inch................ Narrow Column, per inch.............. The PERFORMER is filed at all THE BILL. BOA “4 Offices in eo NEAD OFFICE: 18, Charing Cross Read, Lenden., SCOTTISH OFFICE: 141 Bath St.. Glasgow. A new Mother m3 1 5086 HALCYON PUB, Meslacnsstinn ‘indiana, | “ONE WHO CARES FOR ME” | Card Heralds, HIGH-CLASS PICTORIAL PAPER Musical Comedy Tabloid Shows ‘RIGHT UP TO DATE Prompt service on Dates, Heralds, Tack Cards, Shipping facilities — Write The Donaldson Litho. Co. NEWPORT, KENTUCKY (OPPOSITE CINCINNATI, 0.) THEATRICAL, POLITICAL, COMMERCIAL PRINTING Heralds, Tonighters, Dodgers, Tack and Window Cards, Half Sheets, neSheets, Three-Sheets, Cloth Banners, Letterheads, Envelopes, Type Work Only. No Stock Paper. Everything Made to Order. Union label. Send for price list or write, stating your requirements, for an es timate. GAZETTE SHOW PRINT, Mattoon, Ili, ‘ MADISON’S a LR The encyclopedia of comedy material that gives universal satisfaction. Contents include an almost endless assortment of Etc. bright sure-fire monologues, acts for two males, and for male and female, parodies, 200 single gags, minstrel first parte with fimale, a sketch for four people, a tabloid farce for sine chasncter™ etc. Send your dollar to L. HEIL, Business Man ger of MADISON'S BUDGET. 1062 Third Ave., New York. THE BRAZILIAN AMERICAN The Only American Publication tn Brazil. eee. Filled — news and information about +d — st and most fascinating country ts two coa en Sense Beod for" Sa ruce, oS A YEAR. d f RATILIAN, AMERICAN Avenida Rie PA += 111, 2Ander, Rie de janeiro, Brazil. EVERYONE’S VARIETY The Title of “Australian Variety and The Shew World” New capital and new bi adopted. It will continue to cover Motion Pictures. Vaudeville, Drama, Circus, Fairs amd Chautauquas in a trade paper way. The advertising rates remain unohenged. All communications should be addressed to MARTIN C. BRENNAN, Editer, 114 Castioreagh St.. Sydney, Australia. CLASSIC STAGE AND TOE DANCING ORIENTAL, SPANSe, etc. INTERPRETA. Dramatic and mm... Lesson moder terms. CHAS, NEWMAN’S ACAD BMY or THEATRICAL ARTS, 244 Lenox Ave., New York. Harlem 8117 [ wes‘ BECOME A LIGHTNING 'em TRiCK CARTOONIST” Fu. 00 being’ Snappy Program of 23 Trick Drawings, Chatter and Instractions Balda Art Service, D-2, Oshkosh, Wis. G. SHINDHELM, mane MAKER MOVED TO 144 W. 46th St, NEW YORK Estab. 1866 Fell thom you saw their ad ta The Gitlboard.