The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 The Billboard NEE > {Oap0# Dox YouTRIFLEON ME) Our newest number and an instantaneous “knockout”. It’s a mean slam for the “‘Triflin’ Daddies” and ‘‘Aggravatin’ Papas’, Another big number by the famous “‘blues-writin’* team, Porter Grainger Bob Ricketts. and ; LAUGHIN’ CRYIN’ BLUES “KEEP YOUR DADDY HOME” bh till big—near! ot dee Sat BLUES FOX-TROT phonists or ¢r ae ioe Seughing trombonists, A real novelty song with a punch in every line get thig mumber if you wish to feature your skill} of the words and a thrill im every measure of the on your insiruments, music. A wow! for acts and dance orchestras. Professional copies to recognized performers only. Dance Orchestrations, 25c each. By jojming our Orchestra Clu you receive the shove ti three numbers free with a year’s subscription, $2.00, by mail, This entitles you to at least a dozen more excellent numbers during the year. ZIPF MUSIC PUB. CO., 145 W. 45th St., N.Y. City _-Sensational Hawaiian Hit 4 “SAYITWITHA UKULELE” Now Featured on Broadway in Shubert’s New Production “ARTISTS "and MODELS” SEND FOR YOUR COPY BEFORE YOU TURN THIS. PAGE a DANCE ORCHESTRATIONS, 25 . Oe a PROFESSIONAL COPIES TO PERFORMERS | Musicians: For only $1.00 we will send you.nine (9) late Orchestrations, including the Big Summer Hit, “SAY IT WITH A UKULELE.” Save $1.25 by tahing advantage of our offer NOW _ AMERICAN MUSIC PUBLISHING CO. 1658 Broadway, Cor. 51st St... © = NEW YORK CITY FLAPPER L Re 7 As oi a BABY” “~ “fab ions AJAZZY, — PEPPY | NUMBER | during the next twelve months. QUALITY SONG CO., 1847 Be roadway, New York “a COVERED WAGON You» —— "a ’ The Scoop of Filmdom. Such is the oe the Scoop of Musicdom. This is absolutely *he BIGGHST and BEST SELLER in the music world “Why Don’t You Tell Me Why” A Symphonic Melody. One that lingers long im the minds of music lovers, “An Old-Fashioned Shawl’ A Beautiful Ballad—Great Act Song—One that is outselling over-night sensations, ‘““POPPIES”’ ‘**ROSEWATER”’ ; A Song with a Million Laughs. Catchy Melody. Boy, What a Blue, Hot Tune. ‘Use this for your Comedy Number. “Over on Chestnut Hill’ Great Act Song, Sister Act, Kid Number, Don’t overlook this Song in our Catalog. TO THE PROFESSION Seco] ATTENTION, ORCHESTRAS make our offices your headq yuart er 4 while in € caso, We pride ours elves on having one of the Send in $1.00 and join our Orchestra Club. most delichtful reception rooms in the music| Maty songs that you must have. Popularity dedusiness—make it your meeting place. mands them. NED NORWORTH, Inc., 304 State-Lake Bidg., Chicago, Ill. Real Low-Down Blues You're Always Messin’ Round With My Man The Greatest Blues Tune You Ever Heard. It’s Mean, 1 Hope To Tell Ya’. Low-Down Papa | Cotton-Belt Blues Some Blues Melody Song, for Moanin’ A Down in D! xie Croon, for All Ye Mamas. copa tors. KEEP YOURSELF TOGETHER, SWEET PAPA (MAMA’S GOT HER EYES ON YOU) It’s Blue, Yes, Indeed Black Man ("wi") | Tired o’ the Blues You'll just love this one. You won't get tired o” this one. Piano Copies free zed professionals. Dance Orchestrations, 25c each. None free. Join our Orchestra cht. 0, and «et Sate six numbers free and at least 12 more during twelve months. SPENCER WILLIAMS MUSIC CO., Inc. 1547 Broadway, Roam 504, NEW YORK CITY. Publishers of Spencer Williams Low-Down Series. “GULF COAST: BLUES” A Coast to Coast Hit, | Another Sister Kate. Alan inte ets / “MY PILLOW AND ME” A Plaintive Blue Ballad. irre) WN DY.\0)0) i: 18.0) cua ? vou Won't Have No Mamma At Alf). “PAINT NOBODY'S BIZ-NESS IF | DO” Special) Male and Female Lyric Upon Request. — $ if We are making a SPECIAL QRCHESTRA ‘CLUB offer. $ 1 ‘These Four Numbers °.. ' and at least 12 more during the next 12 months. y Clarence Williams Music Publishing Gor Inc., 1547 Broadway. . -NEW YORK CITY. "We are the FOREMOST eves PUSLISHERS v0 ene Couhery TWO PERFORMING DOGS, medium size, color black with shipping crate and props complete Also ome crate and props complete, $200.00. Have a lot of | Shipping Cages suitable for small Monkeys, Cats or deiphia, Pennsylvania, Ee ee ak nen pil te FAST BECOMING A COUNTRY-WIDE HIT W ANTED 10 CATION Pick-Out Dog, good worker. Price $125.00, with ship: AS A SONG AND A SURE-FIRE NOVELTY FOX-TROT, ping «rite and props, complete. Two male, small, nie, chet hatred white, black and tat spots. gona | “EVER SINCE YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU CARED” |) For First-ctass stock looking Dogs. Do twelve good tricks, with traveling | One or two bill Ils a week. Town of at least 20,000. Featured by Headline Acts and Orchestras. Prefer town tha at has never ae stock. Percentage Dogs and a lot of Props. Closing all out. Will conWrite for Professional Copies and Orchestrations. basis, or will sell show. Addre sider exchenge for something I can use Bleacher RT reet Seats, Tents, etc. Write GEO. E. ROBERTS, PamaE. FORTUNATO, 8 South Sth St ~ has'ka’s Headquarters, 2324 N. Fairhill St., Phila TEX PERRY, 22 Scott St., Hornell, a Philadelphia, Pa, WANTED Good Sober Hawaiian Musicians and White Ross Canvasm ~ Salary. $25. e 3 Private state AGENT WANTED ces Se aes be get eral Se a a te Write. or wire. R Crenshaw, Sept. 26; Darling. 27; Minter c ity, WANTED FOR F. €. HUNTINGTON'S ose MINSTRELS "i Char lest on, 29; Johnstewn, Cct Mi Singers To Enlarge Our Orchestra ae aed at once intelligent Agent, experienced in routing sad bookine bie Magic, IWluston | GEO. W. au INE, Ma: ager. an ndreading show. This is large established attraction and pl niy better class Address CLARENCE BLAKE, care J. Doug. Mor n| te a . Show, Raxter Springs, Kan., thie week. Sion Kuru theatres, and you must be neat, sober a reliable. We do wot want a pees: Pon acent or WANTED QUICK!—A-1 Sketch Teams. Ladies must B'te Doug, Mo gan. ° biller, as we have one of the best. This ad is for a real salesman who can book direct with play piano and read me sic. Team of real Irish Cothe best managers and theatres. Unless you can qualify, do not answer, but this is splendid mediats or Je w Comet dians and Bla< “kt aced Comedians, T M FOR MEDIC! pesition for right party and real salary Must be able to “hange one Wwe eek’s stand or more, . Nowe !ty Sone als« Alvin Kirby, please answer! An EAI NE SHOW W. L. KING, Manager, care General Delivery, Des Moines, lowa. BEE | one. that wents more than sixty dollars (360,00) 7 Piano Player fiood faker will do State all. Open jy not at’s my limit This is a tober 1. For LELAND @ WEST, 2414a North | roadway, St. Louis, Missouri. Medicine Show \ddress DocTOR JAMES, imperial | Hetel, Evansville, Ind. es