The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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SBPTEMSER 29, 1983 | IF IT TAKES ALL WINTER evils—the expose pursue this policy without any hits nor how long it takes. any kind will be advertising, if in our columns, complained about these to do is to send to this office of the offense. the exposes, if “It Takes All Winter’’. deviation Again and again have we printed that no advertising of accepted by The Billboard if we are aware as to any misleading purpose or intent to defraud, and we have reiterated and again repeat that all such will be thrown out The editor trusted he had made this clear, but several letters recently received some of our advertisers, advertisers. We will protect NO ONE unless he is on the level. first-hand evidence of fraud, and, if in the opinion of he editor of Magicland any article is other than advertised, that dealer's advertising will disappear from our columns and other steps taken to prevent a repetition As far as the editor personally is concerned a certain percentage of the trouble is imaginary rather than real, nor cause him to abate his diligence one whit, to stop the fake dealer and eliminate E are more determined than ever to rid the honorable Art of Magic of two W grafter and the fake dealer. And we shall relentlessly whatsoever, no matter whom it and criticized us harshly for protecting All you have but this will not influence his judgment, NEWS AND VIEWS Howard Thurston paid the editor a call— very sorry I was not in. The Thurston show will be reviewed in detail in next week's issue of The Billboard. Zancig will shortly start for the South in his big motor car. The internationally known mindreader entertained Martin Beck recently and the former head of the Orpheum Circuit praised Zancig in highly commendatory fashion. He deserved it, for the act as presented today is just as much ahead of the times as the former Zancig act was twenty years ago. E J. Moore, who recently arrived in New York from the West, claims to be the inventor of the bean trick, which he calls “‘The Tears of Buddha’’. Moore presented this effect, in which he extracts a number of beans from his eyes, seventeen years ago with the Chicago Stock Company, and did it for the first time in vaudeville for the Keith Western Office at Grand Island, Neb., October 20, 1921. The “Gabby Trickster’? is booked for a tour of the Poli Circuit, opening October 8, John J. Gillis, of Pittsburg, Pa., is doing a magic act, concluding with a straitrelease. He keeps busy around the Smoky City. comedy jacket Zeller, who is en route with the Snapp Bros.” Exposition Shows, writes that be is going out pext fall, as usual, in California, to play up and down the coast and expects the best season ever He says: “Where are all the independent magic shows of a few years ago? Have not met one this season in these parts. What's the reason?’’ Jack Allen, Mystery Girl’, has manager of Jean Dawn, “The written in reply to the Thurston and Rex articles which recently appeared in Magicland. ‘“‘We will go back, say twenty-five years,"’ Allen, ‘“‘when in the mystery game at that time about all I heard says of was ‘Herman the Great’ and ‘Professor Kellar, Magician’. The Baldwins, Anna Evra Fay. John T. Fay, Ethel May, Madam Zenda and The Sharrocks were about the only noted peychics I recall. Now all these people went on with their daily work and did not ever, at any time, place reading notices in theatrical AMAC, who recently came to Amorica from England and is now presenting a most sensational and bewildering illusion, ‘‘Tho Elusive Lady’, in which he does the “Threo-Card Monte’? with a live girl. Very much alive, we should say! magazines, talking against mind-reading acts, nor for or against magicians. “—T am one of the old-time managers of a psychic act and I do not believe it is just for either Mr. Thurston or Rex to place what they did for the indiscriminating public to read, as The Billboard does not reach only people of the profession, but hundreds of individuals in no way connected. “I have found it is always a ‘Johnny Newcomer’ who will pull a stunt that would be way beyond the pale in the code of a Good Oldtimer.”’ The Los Angeles Society of American Magicians is planning a big show for the late fall and Floyd G. Thayer, local manufacturer in the Magicland Department of The Billboard and that many who formerly purchased the paper occasionally—now never miss a week. Well, we're clad to hear that! Becker, “The Master Transformist’, who is playing thru Indiana, wil! shortly present a new act in the lyceum field. Mystic Karma and Harry E. Dixon, his manager, last Tuesday celebrated the occasion of their association as business partners for one year. They would like to hear from representative mind-reading acts in regard to the form&tion of an organization. Thurston’s Famous Frozo paid us a call and we spent a pleasant half hour. Frozo demonstrated his ability and he really is wonderful We tried to make him wink by rapidly passing our hands in front of his eyes, but there was not a flicker. Frozo is appearing in New York City in connection with some advertising firms, but may be seen with Thurston again in the near future. J. G. Oddi, who is appearing with the World Circus Side-Show at Surf avenue, Coney Island, N. Y., intends to open in a mystery show of his own at Huntington, Va., in November. John P. Kramer, of Pittsburg, was in New York recently and said ‘‘Hello’’. N. C. A. HONORS DEAN POWELL The National Conjurers’ Association of New York City presented Frederick Eugene Powell with a certificate last week, conferring upon him the title, ‘“‘Dean of American Magicians’’. Ceremonies had been hastily arranged Friday, September 14, thru the courtesy of Frank Ducrot, of the Hornmmann Magic Company, due WALLACE, the magician, and the way he travels. Cage containing live stock may be noted on top of the trunk at the rear. of magic goods, is building a new illusion for the event. Servais Le Roy recently broke in a new illusion, entitled “‘Witchcraft*’. Madame Hudspeth, the mentalist, and Charles E. Hudspeth, her manager, dropped in on their way to Camden, N. J., where they will spend a couple of weeks’ vacation before starting south for their next season bookings. George L. Polley, ‘‘The Human Fily’’, who also does magic, called at the office. He was on his way to Richmond, Va., to take a vacation. Polley says that several managers spoke to him about the low percentage asked for by magicians. In Portland, Me., a manager said that a song and dance team will come along and ask 75 per cent, or hire the opera house, while a magician will ask a much lower rate, Charles ©. Burr is with the Max Exposition Shows, playing fairs thru Michigan. Mercedes headlined Shea's, Buffalo, week of September 3. and has a long route to follow over the Keith Time. Doris Baker, with Gus Fowler on the Or phenm Time, sent us a newspaper clipping highly commendatory of “The Watch King” enclosed in a communication expressing best wishes, Mitchell, the Wizard, reports success around Hendersonville, N. C. He sent the editor a pamphlet of original effects which will be reviewed shortly. Jack Dantzig, magician and fire-eater, is featuring a table levitation in the audience. Dantzig is playing local dates around Indianapolis, Ind, Edward Reguera writes from New Orleans that the magicians there are much interested to the fact that Powell was in New York for but a short time, and in the rear of Ducrot's place of business gathered Clinton Burgess, Charles Hill, Joseph Fuigle, Frank Ducrot, Harry Linaberry, Frederick Eugene Powell and the editor of Magicland. Harry Linaberry, treasurer of the organization, made the presentation, and in a few wellchosen remarks expressed the best wishes of the members. Powell in return expressed his appreciation of the organization's appreciation of him and said, altho he considered others perhaps more worthy, he was glad to learn that the principles he had stood for in magic had blossomed from the seeds which he had endeavored to sow. The certificate, beautifully engrossed with pen and brush by Paul Arthur Noffke, reads: “Be it known that Wednesda evening, April Eighteenth, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-three, at a regular meeting of headquarters, the National Conjurers’ Association, In¢., there was wnanimonsty ‘conferred upoa tingu'shed brother, Professor Frederick Engene Powell, the title, ‘Dean of American Magicians’, as a mark of high esteem and appreciation for his life-time devotion to the art of magic.” our dis THURSTON’S OWN SHOW OPENS Howard Thurston opened his Paterson, N. J., last week and played to ecapacity business and is duplicating his this week at the Shubert-Teller Theater in trooklyn. Following Greater New York will be played until October 22 when the Thurston company travels westward, playing the principal cities as far as Chicago and St. Louis. Further routing includes Washington and then eastward to Boston. own show at success When interviewed Thurston said that it was indeed a pleasure to present in addition to his own show, the Thurston second company “Dante, which opened at Pittsfield, Mass., “SAM” BAILEY, of Boston, ready for business. Sam has been a dealer for twenty-seven years and knows the magio game from ‘‘M’’ to ‘‘C’’. September 10 and is scheduled for the cities Thurston will not play himself. “In the two companies,’ said the master wizard, ‘“‘fifty persons are employed and we have started to work on a third show to open in August, 1924. I have three magicians under consideration now, from whom I will make a selection this winter for my third company. Both my show and the ‘Dante’ show ate booked solid and the demand for the ‘Dante’ show is greater than I had anticipated. “One not acquainted has no idea of the amount of detail necessary to perfect a modern magic spectacle. I worked a year and six months on the ‘Dante’ show and was so busy at times that [I carried my secretary with me from my summer home in Long Island to New York. However, the work is over, both shows are @ success and the answer is: Magic is not dead!” AMAC’S WONDERFUL ILLUSION Amac, who recently reached our shores from England, is presenting ‘‘The Elusive Lady’, a Three-Card Monte effect with a living person, around the Keith houses in Greater New York. A young lady is placed on a stand well isolated from the stage and yvered with a giant card. There are two small stands Similar to the first on either side of the Stage, which are likewise screened. The audi ence is then asked to guess where the lady is—and no matter which place they suggest the lady is always NOT THERE! She ap parently vanishes, appears and reappears at the will of Amac, sometimes on one stand, sometimes on another, and upon one occasion makes her appearance in the audience when she was shown upon the stage but a moment before. It is one of the very best illusions ever seen by the writer and presented in flawless style by Amac. A far better illusion than those cigars Amac gives away. He tried to light one himself in our office, Dut failed dismally. They are a brand of English weeds! EEDO, a clevor magician, of Oxford, Neb., performing his version of the ever popular “rising card’’ trick.