The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 The Billboard HOTELS Commended and Criticized By ELSE The Hotel St. Dennis, of Detroit, Mich at the corner of Clifford and Bagley avenues, hha an attractive rate card which they are nding out to theatrical readers of The Bill rd in response to inquiries relative to rates, which run from $10.50 up for singles to $18 for doubles, and $16 to $22 for suites aecommodating four people. ———. J. Garfunkel, theatrical representative of the Rex Hotel, Queen and St. Patrick streets, communicates that they are now fully prepared to take care of all theatrica professionals seeking desirable hotel accommodations while in Toronto Rates at the tex run from $0 single to $14 double. —__— ‘Toronto, Can., Morris Harver famous English author and actor, and Cicely and Dorothy Debenham have arrived in this country and are staying at the Great Northern Hotel, New York City Mr. Hlurvey is co-author of “The Nine o'Clock Review’, which will be presented by Arthur Han stein on October 4 at the Century Theater The Debenham sisters are favorite lavers in this review, Mr. liarvey is star as well as co-author of the piece “The Nine ‘ k Review” has been running ft over a vear in London and was popularly called the I’r e of Wales review, as the Prince of Wales had a standing order for two seats every on. Theatrical N otes W. E. Shisnand, of Long Beach, Calif., has purchased the Orpheum Theater, Everett, Wasb. The old Baker Theater, Lockhart, Tex., has been practically rebuilt, and is now one of the handsomest structures in that place. A. N. Gonsior has succeeded Charles Pyle as manager of the Virginia and Rialto theaters, Champaign, 1. The Empress and Crescent theaters, Kearney, Neb., bave been purchased from Hobart Swan by the Hostetter Amusement Company. Robert Landry has taken over the lease of the Strand Theater, Ogdensburg, N. Y., adding it to his chain of movie houses in that section. M. L. Finkelstein, theater owner of St. Paul, Minn., has taken a 90-year lease on the building at the northeast corner of Seventh and Wabasha streets, St. Paul. The remodeled Bijou Theater, Appleton, Wis., owned by Frank Cook, was reopened September 15. The Bijou is showing pictures exclusively. The Auditorium Theater, St. Marys, O0., is to be completely remodeled by ite new owners, L. G. Neely, Andrew J. Makley and Harold G. Neely. The Gustav Brandt Studies, Chicago, have been awarded the contract for redecorating the Strand Theater, formerly the Mozart Theater, Elmira, N. Y. lioward Redlund and Carl Sodergren bave taken over the management of the Gem Theater, Mortor Minn., and are operating it with a picture pelicy. The Gem was opened Sepiember 15. Edward and Samuel Hochstein, of Albany, N, Y., recently took over the operation of the Star Theater Iiudson, N. Y¥., from Julius 1 nsen Edwerd Uoechstein is now resident manager t Star Lou Smith, of Binghamton, N. Y¥.. has been appointed manager of the Lyceum Theater, Elmira, by George Roberts, general manager for t ernetein interest there. ar sueceeds Howard T. Bradner, nephew of QO. 8S. Hathaway, whe ecently sold the house, Albert Tloy soéd his interest tm the Electric Theater, Falls City, Neb.. to the Beatrice i(Neb.) At ement Company. The Beatrice Company purchased the Gehling Theater at Falls Cify shertly before taking over the John F. Cooney, owner of the Union Square Theater Pittsfield Mass,, recently celebrated 1! thirty-fifth anniversary of his = mart Mr. nd Mra. Cooney had six children, five sons and a daughter, all but one of whom, the eldest son, are living. One of the eons has been as soclated with his father in the management of the theater, Frank S, DLosk has sold the controlling interest in the Missoula Opera House Company, Missoula, Mont., owners of the Liberty Theater in that city, to Walter Hl, Hanson and asso THE BILLBOARD HOTEL DIRECTORY Conducted by ALFRED NELSON (Communications to our New York Offices, Putnam Bldg., 1493 Broadway) ADVERTISING RATE—One line, two columns wide. Hotel name, address and phone number. 80c for each issue. No ad accepted for less than five issues. Payable in advance. CONSECUTIVE ADVERTISING 52 Consecutive times, one line across two columns. sd acecesedececscenee 26 o eecesaneeecncsccee SEEN 13 S e o © a = enceucedasecsacusce GOT NEW YORK CITY AMERICA HOTEL ........0000 cocercanccctSS West 49D BE. .cccccccccdecccedscccescot BE PNUD. cacnucacdeseuscegsanannel O06 Watt BORD GE cc cccccccccccscds cess Bryant 1197-8 oe Se NU... ccansaneseaiiinn 142-146 West 49th St...............-. Bryant 6710 FULTON HOTEL iwtceasacaantl 264-268 W. 46th St. (opp. N. V. A.).... ..Brvant 0393-0394 Cee GPC cssccccccnencodesoosenes ry! OOO BOE TE oc ccc Miccocse secces Longacre 4/00 oi & | _eeeesere . E, Cor, Lexington Ave. and (24th St..........Harlem 1655 HOTEL HERMITAGE . Times ‘oon 42@ St. and 7th Ave......... Phone, Chickering 2700 4, Peer 38th St. and Broadway ............. +--+. Fitz Rey one HUDSON HOTEL 102 W. 44th St. Bryant 7226 9 NAVARRE HOTEL RA ENC SR 7th Ave. and 38th St. ui Fitz Rey 6483 WEMINGSTON WOTEE ceccccccsccccese .129 W 46th St a .. Bryant 3363 RUANO APARTMENTS ...........00-"200 Eighth Ave. and 200 W. 50th St. .. Bryant 3989 rusnienee APARTMENTS EDMONDS APARTMENTS................ FOOD Bight Aste... cccccccccesveae cocscess Bryant 0554 i Cf sees ua We GD Gin cc ce cccccce cnccce ceccce Longacre 3560 LANSDALE-CANTON APARTMENTS. ..... 1690-96 Broadway (Cor. 534 St.).......... mer age. 5-6 LINCOLN APARTMENTS .....ccccccccce “2 | 3 peeeeereprerss Bite BOGE AIRE nccccoccccscccecccscocas 754-756 Eighth Ave. .....-.......s00e ean 9550-8931 re 128-130 West 47th St.,........ naka ..Bryant 5771 FURNISHED ROOMS pm Fur. Housekeeping Apts. Double and Single, $5 to $15....Circle 3376 aueas with Cieeenetaee ‘Single & Double, $6 to oe (James). Circle 4845 sisesnkesadudaaaa W. 50th St. ..sClrole 2097 BALTIMORE, “>. Howard and Franklin Sts..... Rates: BOSTON, MASS. 341 W. Sist ST 243 W. 54TH STR Ee MANSFIELD HALL ACADEMY HOTEL... $7 per Week, Single; $10 and $14 Double HOTEL ALPHIN (Formerly New Tremont)33! Tremont St................ Professional Rates re, GE osnccncecaccdectons -Professiona) Rates ........ ae ikeeboned Haymarket 4956 HOTEL MAJESTIC.......... Seo. Theat. Rates fm Ge GOUNIE, cccccvscccccccs Hay 275) CHICAGO, ILL. I i cicccsccntncsedaccuneel Renteteh 3. Wells om. ..Phone, Main 3302 Ie SL: ranzgnsaabacaneaonasd 2 st... ....Phone, Sup. 2895 WOTER PABADERA occccoccecvctsccesed io » FR st ..Phone, Superior 1036 MOVER. BALZIGI, <cccccece o9n00e0seubenl 648 N. Dearborn St..........--..5Phone, Dearborn 24°50 CINGINMATE oO. NEW RAND HOTEL............ peemctacedt Wie Ge Cibcadccccegqeccsoceccaseseressse Main 2340 CLEVELAND. oO. MOTEL BAMMAN .nccacccccecccccces 1122 Superior Ave. ......Roems, Suites, Penaciecing Apts. OTE SE necccasssamncsd Euclid Ave., near E, i4th St. ..Heart of Playhouse Square COLUMBUS, O. LAZELLE HOTEL......... Rooms and Apartments with Bath........ Citizen 8762; Bell, Main 3340 CUMBERLAND, MD. WASHINGTON HOTEL..........--.. 80 Baltimore St., Near ie aiuaanen .. Theatrical Rates DAYTON, O. HOTEL DAYTON. .24 W. 2d St...Central location. " Everything mew. Reasoable Price..Main 8436 DETROIT, MICH. ADDISON WOTEL...... Seen, Theatrical Rates. . Cor. Woodward at Cheetette Ricasad Cadillac RUPNS HOTEL : (Under new managemen:.) Theatrical rates Theatical Rates. . Woodward HOTEL CLAYTON ...21! W. Hish St.. near Woodward.. HOTEL ELDORADO. Sees. Theatrical Oe. oon Gayety Stage Entrance HOTEL OXFOR _Dewn Town, Cor. Woodward and Larned...... . Theatrical Rates. Main 562 ST. DENNIS HOTEL oneness Clifferd ard Bagley... Theatri ee h 10 FORT WORTH, TEX. IMPERIAL HOTEL ....... ccceesscese 10064 Main St., Block from Majestic....Rates, $6, $8, $10 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. PANTLIND HOTEL ...... e0squsetensdcabeteiabatseeeee enccccccccccceccccccccocee OD Gitebigns HARRISBURG, PA. WILSON HOTEL...143 S. 34 St....“Henry Prices’’.. $1.00 up. Special by week...Bell Phone 6574 HOT SPRINGS NATIONAL PARK, ARK. THE GARTON APARTMENT HOTEL.....224 Prospect Ave............ Mrs. Jehan A. Barton, Mgr. HOTEL PURITAN sarone HRA O py) $2.50... .Speciai Weekly Rates eee pecia a COCTEE: GOD cecccscccececeses «ss++. Every Room with SE nescece VL. Rates, $2.50 and up JACKSONVILLE, FLA, HOTEL VIRGINIA ....4...........-. 513 W. Forsyth St. Near to everything.... JOPLIN, MO. WOTER GORI ccocccccscscesccss .. European Plan. Moderate prices . ‘KANSAS CITY, MO. Street Cars from Union Station 8th and Oak... BI from Postoffice ~~ $1.00 and up . 4. W. Howell, Mor. ... Rates: $1.00 up Thoroughly Modern.... Theatrical Rates ait Block frem Orpheum and Gayety Theatres... ... Prof. Rates viele a Wyandotte. Cars frem Union Station...... .. Rates, $i up LEXINGTON, KY. PHROEMIN BOTH .ccccccees ecneutuniad eS rrr meambeniiveiiae Near Theatre LOUISVILLE, KY. GIBSON HOTEL....069 8. Sd St. Bet. Market ond Male. Phenes, City 2720; i Main 9122 ft 8. Er a erere SG WEED POINE on ocecacccecace « refessiona! Rates MONMOUTH, . COLONIAL HOTEL ...... evcccecesecece , $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, with Bath MONTREAL, CAN. CENTRAL HOTEL......Theatrical...... 278 Clarks...... Tel., Plat 5825.... .. Carl G. Boone, Prop. NEW HAVEN, CONN. OTRE. BUGED occ cdcncceccecéananssetesnce Ge GEE GE acccccecrc nts Ge Os OR Ce OMAHA, NEB. HOTEL NEVILLE ........ ccccccccceccces Qe GRE BEERS cocccceccecec a+eceeees-Theatrical Rates PEORIA. itt. MOTHER, MUUIBOD 0 ooo cvececccccveessicacgces< and a Bath for a Dollar witheut a Hollar PHILADELPHIA. PA. HOTEL STRATHMORE. Walnut at I2th.. ne the aim is to serve a ie ote at @ jittle less KARLAVAGN HOTEL .......cceccccceees N. Franklin St. Bell, Market 4488 SEISSHS WOVER onccccccecsccccsecceses * fy eee Bell, Walnut 1635 PITTSBURG, PA. HOTEL CARR........ ..+» Special Rates....... .....326-28 Penn Ave........ . «...Bell, Court 9096 RICHMOND, VA. HOTEL RICHMOND...Opp. Capitol Square...Professional Headquarters...Phone, Randeiph 4100 ROCHESTER, N. SEYMORE HOTEL....... Rates, $6.00 and $9.00, with Bath; $14.00 Double..Phone, 5371 Stone ST. LOUIS, MO. AMERICAN ANNEX Cth and Maret GOR... ..ccccccccece csccccces Olive 5300 BON.TON CAFETERIA AND. RESTAURANT 512-514 Chestnut St. Good Food at Honest Prices EMPRESS-RIALTO HOTEL Grand and Olive. Speaal Theatrical Rates Lindell 4843 METROPOLE HOTEL i2th and Morgan, 2 Biks. N. of Washington... .. $6.00 per week and up PERSHING HOTEL .. 1508 Market St., 3 blocks east of Union Depot...... Rates, $1.00 and up SPRINGFIELD, O. BANCROFT HOTEL..Caters te Theat. Peopic.. European Pian. All Roems with Bath. .Geod Feod TEXARKANA, TEXAS. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL .......... Opposite Union Depet .........-0. ae ee European Plan TORONTO, ONT., CAN. REX HOTEL..Queen & St. Patrick..Hars. for Theatricals..§9.00 Single, $14.00 Doudle. per Week WICHITA, KAN. CADILLAC HOTEL .........eeeees 109 S. Emporia Ave. ..Medern Convenience-Prefessienal WORCESTER, MASS. NEW BAY STATE HOTEL ........--.05Two Minutes from City Hall ..Prof. Rates When Writing to Advertisers Mention The Billboard. ciates, of Coeur d’Alene, 14. The Liberty will be remodeled by the new owners. Vaudlevill« supplied by the Ackerman & Harris Circuit, p tures and road attractions, will be played the Liberty. The Northwest section of Washington, D. C., is soon to be the home of another picture th ter, costing approximately $300,000 and seating about 1,200. Announcement has been made | Clare B. and Graham Hoffman have acquired under long lease terms a site on Fourteentl street, Northwest, between Crittenden and Buchanan, and ground has already been broken for the building. The Hoffman brothers say the house, which will be known as ‘‘The Park’’, will be one of the finest appointed strustures in the city. GLIMPSES OF INDIA (Continued from page 52) was completed. The Taj is not a ruin. It has been plundered. The sheet of pearls that once covered the cenotaph is missing. ‘The solid silver doors are gone. The Persian carpets are now trod upon by European kings. And those carpets now in use trod upon by wandering proletariats. The precious stones remain as well as the gold lining im the sarcophagus. It appears that Mumtaz-i-Maehall's resting place has not escaped every kind of plunderer—except those who would open her grave for its gold lining. The Taj is glorious, but the love story that it holds is more so, The great Moguls were not alone in the matter of building mausoleums. There ere tombs without number in India which have remained unidentified for years. Many of them in perfect state of preservation. Others represented by nothing but a broken cenotaph or a mixed mass of brick, red eandstone and marble. They are interesting because no one is interested in them No one is interested enough to repair them. No doubt, when building material is needed, the old tombs contribute liberally. For year by year the mass of ruins slowly grows less. What remains are broken pieces of no apparent use unless they are hauled away to make beds for concrete foundations for new jute milla. Here, there and over all of India candles flicker in small openings of tombs. Some of these are in the hearts of cities. They are tombs, but whose, no one knows, but somebody eares enough to place lighted candles in them. Along cOuntry roads, or looking from a train window, many tombs clouded in mystery and long forgotten are to be seen. The Mohammedan builds his tomb where he pleases. The only requirement is that he acquire the land honestly. One may be on a river bank, another on a mountain peak, another stands conspicuously alone in the heart of a desert plain. There are tombs scattered the length and breadth of India. And the wealthy Mohammedans are still building them on the river banks, in the hearts of deserts and in the hearts of cities, in the jungles and on lone mountains. Without her Mohammedan mosques and tombs, her Jain and Hindu temples and her imperial palaces India would not be India. THE ADELA'DE Mer ee APARTMENTS. od 5-R = m Apartments, with 3. thee nettes, Private Baths. $8.00 AND UP. Under Management of MRS. I. LUBIN. 754-756 Eighth Avenue, New York, Phones. Bryant $950-8951. When In Kansas City Stop With Us Hotel Dodge ae one hundred newly furnished rooms. At Eleventh i Broadway, two. minutes from everything—yet far t wh away to afford complete quiet Our weekly > the profe ion will appeal Private baths, connecting baths, phones, elevators. A new Cafeteria in inection. We men cooks. Good, wholesome food LINCOLN EDMONDS 776-80 Eighth Ave.. 306 W. Sist Stree Tel., Circle $040. =. Verk City. Tel.. Bryant 0554. Titeh class elevator Furnished apartment apartments. Beautifully | Al) _——— ae Gric: furnished. theatri MRS. GEO. W. DANIEL. 7 GIVE YOURSELF AND US—TIME Some showmen wait until the last minute to order their printing @ wise ones start a couple of months ahead of their opeming, plan their advertising and send the copy to the printer allow plenty of time for O. K._ of proofs and live the paper delivesed and sorted up and avoid the vexation of last-minute orders. There’s always Plenty of last-minute worry at best. We hate already executed summer season orders for s yme of our best customers It’s been & satisfaction to us to work them out without breaking our necks, and it is a lot of satisfaction to them to have the paper and know that it is O. EK. If you haven't ordered yet better begin at once to plan what you meed and get the order in. If you’re in doubt where to buy take a couple of days to investigate our service—then order. WERALD POSTER CO.. Coltineriite tillnois. osters and Display of Every Size. AI ROT *