The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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ee eee SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 AT LIBERTY AND | WANT SITUATION “ADVERTISEMENTS AT LIBERTY AGENTS AND MANAGERS 3c WORD. CASH (First Line Larae Black Type) 20 WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Biack Type) feo WORD, CASH (Small Type) (No Ad Less Than 250) Figuro at One Rate Only—See Note Below. ) Agent at Liberty — Reliable business man. Invite offers 1923 and 1924. BILLY FULTON, 1913 Canal St., New Orleans, Louisiana. AT LIBERTY—MANAGER PROMOTER, REturning from Europe October, desires appoint ment, any Capacity. Highest American and European credentials. M., care Billboard. AT LIBERTY—THEATRE MANAGER, YEARS of practical experience, now engaged directing a circuit of six theatres, desires responsible connection where ability, experience, knowledge and integrity will be recognized. Pictures, yaudeville, combination or stock house. Locate anywhere. Best of bank and business references. G, T. MARLOWE, 4828 Simpson Ave., Madisonville, Ohio. sep29 LECTURING MANAGER—Pit Shows. All talker. Married. Age, 37. ity, initiative. Writ LECTURER, around Capable executive, abile offers. Go anywhere. Address Billboard, Chicago, Illinois. AT LIBERTY BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS 30 WORD. CASH (First Line Large Black Type) 2c WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Biack Type) fe WORD, CASH (Small Type) (No Ad Less Than 25c) Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. At Liberty Oct. 1—A-1 Seven Piece Orchestra doubling. Open for hotel, cafe, resort or dance engagement. Strictly sober, reliable, congenial, young, neat appearing, guaranteed ability, tuxedo, union, reference. Only first~lass offers considered. Write, state all. STOLTZMAN NOVELTY PLAYERS, Box 424, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. sep29 Famous Carolina Syncopators Orchestra open for dance contract. All or part time if good dance territory nearby. Prefer Florida or Cuba for winter, but will consider any real proposition. Seven real dance musicians. Young, neat appearance, good mixers. Double and Sing. Have been together three years. Can furnish A-1 references and will expect same from you. Address Abbeville, South Carolina. Orchestra Director Desires To connect with first-class picture house. Expert picture cuer and producer of prologues, As done in the large houses in New York. Excellent references and press notices. C-BOX 81, Billboard, Cincinnati. océ GOOD DANCE AND CABARET QUARTETTE open. Two girls, two men, All sing harmony, two sing solo. We use piano, jazz violin, drums, banjo, two saxophones. JACKSON, 503 W. 62d St., Chicago. AT LIBERTY—High-class five-piece Orchestra, for Picture Theatre. Must be steady engagement. CARL SCHOLMING, 1877 Winnebago Ave., Chicago, Ijl. FEATURE AN ACT. perienced. Fake lene Ave., Atlanta, Can sing, dance, book. Ex. some Some “JACK”, 316 AlGeorgia. AT LIBERTY BILLPOSTERS 3c WORD. CASH (First Line Large Black T. WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Black Type) fe WORD, CASH (Smait Type) (No Ad Less Than. 25c) Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. At Liberty—Billposter, Plant Manager, Shop Foreman. Best of reference. Steady man. No booze. Age 36. Will manage plant on commission or salary. Can furnish men. Address C-BOX 104, care Billboard Publishing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. sep29 AT LIBERTY COLORED PERFORMERS 3c WORD. CASH (First Line Large Black Type) 2c WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Soak Type) fo WORD, CASH (Smalt Type) (No Ad Less Than 25¢) Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. At Liberty—A 7-Piece Colored Orchestra playing the latest. Just finished at big resort. Open for winter bookin ~ w Ee 4s o 8 ngers and entertainers, ; BROWN be 7 Carlisle Ave., Cir neinnati, Ohio. AT Lis Sat Randclph’s 7 ‘Dark Jazzy Wonders, 1 hestra, for abarets, dance halls or he st of city references. Write CHAS. T RANDOL. Pit, 2936 S La Salle St., Chica 1)1. CORLOR AND eg eee have closed the Leiger This team has Juggling a t € line of comedy, Jeffe SPEEDIN’ — SNOT RED. SHOW at Nberty, car PERCY HOWELL, the BDennessec write ‘OneMas ae i, 2 Memph s, AT LIBERTY DRAMATIC ARTISTS 3c WORD, CASH (First Line Large Black Type) 2c WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Biack Type) lo WORD, CASH (Small Type) (No Ad Less Than 25c) Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. AT LIBE oe YOUNG . 18, and Jnve ‘ et, 2 Ibs. BOX "AL, Bi 1! Mn inches; 125 New York, care FOR KID | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS A Market Place for Buyer and Seller, and Want Ad Department FORMS CLOSE THURSDAY 5 P. M. FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK'S ISSUE. RATES PER WORD SET IN 5-PT. TYPE WITHOUT DISPLAY. NO CUTS. NO BORDERS. WE DO NOT PLACE CHARGES FOR ADs | a HE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS UPON OUR BOOKS. NO CASH MUST ACCOMPANY THE COPY. NO AD ACCEPTED FOR LESS THAN 25 CENTS. COUNT EVERY WORD AND COMBINED INITIALS, ALSO —— IN COPY, AND FIGURE COST AT ONE RATE ONL First Line Attractive in Small First Line Type. Ad. hind Word. Per Word. Acts, Songs and 4c Paredies....... 6c Agents and Solicitors Wanted. . 5e 7e Animals. Birds one PUEB. .cccvee 4c 6c Attractions Wanted ............ 5e 7e RR he eee eee 40 6c Boarding Houses (Theatrical). 3e 5e Business Oppoitunities .......... 4c 6c DEE. socesnchthanss 3c 5c Conerssions Wanted 50 7o REED” winedeven 3e Se Exchange or Swap......... 3c So For Rent or Lease Property. . 5c 7e For Sale Ads (New Goods)... Se 7é For Sale (Second-Hand) 4c 6c PEED. <3 cia necttasee Lennacon 4o 6o Furnished Rooms .............. ic 3e Hotels (Theatrical) ............ 30 5c JS) 2 are 4c 6c Hets Wanted—ilusioians spoetaes 40 , 60 Instructions and Plans .......... 40 6c MOVING PICTURE CLASSIF First Line Attractive in Small First Line Type. Ad. bead Word. Per Word. Calcium Lights ........ 50 7c Films for Sale (Second: Handj:: 5e 7° Films for Sale (New).......... 60 8e For Rent, Lease ny sale Prop. REE AEI ere ‘eo 7o Per Word At Liberty (Set in Small Type)........... lec ype) At Liberty (Display First Line and Name in Black Type) oe Line Attractivo in pues Wiret wine \ Fer Word. Per Word. Magical Apparatus ............% 4c 60 Miscellaneous for Salo........... 5e 7o Musical Instruments (SecondTP re Fee 52 40 60 Partners Wanted for Acts (No OUIONED: ici cccccivuchocsce 30 50 NON . as ccalened ddvictheader te 4c 60 Priviieges fer Sale......... 4c 60 Information Wanted ............ 3e 5e Schools (Dramatic, Musical eon arene 20 40 Show Property For Sale 40 6c Senos for Sale ....... 30 Sc Thoaters for Sale...... 5e 7e Theatrical Printing ...... Sienna 4o 6c Typewriters 3e 50 —s Partner (Capitat investni cn RECO RGR ERCRD WON 4o 60 Wanted | aa Sree 30 50 1ED ADVERTISING RATES. First Line Attractive in Small ros _— Tyoe. Per Word. Per Ward. Moving Picture Anssesertes Sale (Second-Hand So 7e Theaters fer Sals . Bo 7e Wanted To Buy .... 3o 50 Per Word. At Liberty (First Line in Large Type).... 30 Count all werds in copy at above rate. Advertisements sent by telegraph will not be inserted unless money is wired with copy. Mail addressed to initials care General Delivery will not be delivered. We reserve the right to reject any advertisement and revise copy. “Till for bid” orders are without time limit and subject to change in rate without notice. THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO., 25-27 Opera Place, Box 872, Cincinnati, Ohio. AT LIBERTY—Leading Juvenile Man. Class, ability. Appearance Thoroughly experienced. A-1 modern wardrobe. 5 ft., 9; weight, 135; age, 24. Join on wire. Salary your limit. State all JACK DURHAM, Hilisboro, 0O. All essentials. absolutely first-class. GuAnastEn, oe Recitation work, would poeter evening work or good prospects. HENR ele 3054 Barker Ave., Bronx, N. Y. Otinville AT LIBERTY M. P. OPERATORS 3c WORD, CASH (First Line Large Black Type) 2c WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Black Type) fe WORD, CASH (Small Type) (No Ad Less Than 25c) Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. COMPETENT PROJECTIONIST WITH EXPErience in handling Simplex, Powers and Motiograph wants a position with a manager who requires the best. Up‘to date in optics and maintain equipment in first class repair. Steady = 5 ee tome Best" references. Nonunion. oin immediately. State all in first letter. y "° VARNIER, Nevada, Missouri. sep29 PROJECTIONIST — CAN HANDLE ANY equipment. Make own repairs. Reliable. Get best screen results. Best reference. Eight years’ er a e ar’ rience, A letter appreciated. 427 S. 8th St., Evansville, Indiana. sep29 RELIABLE MOVIE OPERATOR — SEVEN years’ experience Powers or Simplex Machine and also Black-Face Comedian, wishes position Operator or Blackface. Good disposition. Willing to work both projection and comedian. Prefer small road show or theater in small town. Write; state all in first letter. LUTHER E, TURNER, Climax, Colo. sep29 AT LIBERTY—Operator, for immediate connection with manager who demands good repair work, cleanliness atid pertect projection All makes 13 yeers’ experience. Married, reliable, no habits, Preferably Iowa, Illinois, Michiga: Address RADCLIFFE, care Billboard, Cincinnati, Chio. sep29x AT LIBERTY—M Moving Picture Operator wants ZADIG Pz \LOLAN, Illinois. giitic Willing to go amywhere. 39 N. Mansfield Ave., Chicago, PROJECTIONIST—100% atten = ywhe e ¥ from end to end, yrants po. Nine years’ experience, Refern immediately. State salary. PRO2110a College Ave., St. ouis, Mo. TEC “TIONIST, ~~ — ~~ STAGE PRODUCTION COURSES has remained for the University tical detail of ensemble. must depend on its own tion of plays shows that the drama rather than to cultivate a qu‘te sensible, some attention to writing of stage already literature. written for the stage ances of it; there are who gzo00d performance of ) | the supply ) ) | plays more have a better stage. UR universities have for some time included the writing of plays in their provision of courses. course offered by Professor Baker, has given evidence of its training in some plays produced on the commercial stage. Canadian city, to offer a course in the technic of stage production. The course includes scenic designing, costume, makeup and prac Comparatively little is known of what Canada has been accomplishing with its amateur dramatic projects, dence that there is popular interest in tne stage. resources to an even greater extent than our own West, and apparently there is a disposition to set up small theater projects, after the sort and method of such projects in our own land. This university attention to the practical staging and presentamotive is to better the and our own endeavors production and There than probably a are interested in performance And the machines and personnel to make good production and gentral will be of good plays by creating a we had scores of production centers instead of one or two, we —ROCHESTER (N. Y.) DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. Harvard in particular, in the But it of Toronto, in our neighboring but this course Western dramatic is eviCanada for its entertainment performance of Perhaps this is in education may weli pay performance as well as to the is considerably more literature we know in competent performgreat many more young people than in creation of plays national drama. likely to larger market for increase them. If should | AT LIBERTY MISCELLANEOUS 30 WORD. CASH (First Line Large Black Type) 2c WORD, CASH (First Line and Nome Bina Fyne) le WORD, CASH (Smail Type) (No Ad Less Than } Figure at One Rate Only—See Weta Below. Wanted—Position as Ticket Taker in Theatres, JACK MAHARA, Sober, Monarch Hotel honest, reliable. . Chicago. oclo ASSISTANT. Sarees, RELIABLE, FOR hooked Vaudeville Act. Salary, thirty, and all Sa taoadinen Need ticket. Wire LORENZ BARTH, sw Re ynolds Place, 8. W., Canton, 6 AT By ge hy J. Fr ter and Go anywhere, N. C, A5 experien ed "Stage Carper State your best ih Ww ‘ARKI ‘, “Gen, Del., Asheville, AT ee MUSICIANS 30 WORD. CASH (First Line Large Black ) 20 WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Bi ype) fo WORD, CASH (Smait Type) (No Ad Less Than yee) Figure at Ono Rate Only—Seo Note Below. A-1 Cellist at Liberty After Sept. 29. Thoroughly experienced in all lines Guorantee satisfaction. Address “‘CEL. LIST’’, 931 South Eighth St., Springfield, IN. A-1 Clarinetist — Thoroughly experienced Theatre work preferred, also double Alto Saxophone. Address RALPH F, GUGEL, 313 Frost Ave., Rochester, New York. A-1 Clarinetist—Use One Clar inet. Pictures or vaudeville No grind wanted. OPRIF, Billboard, Cincinnati. sep29 A-1 Drummer Tympanist wants theatre engagement. Complete ontfit tells traps References if requested. Address DRUMMER, Columbia Theatre, Sharon, Pennsylvan.a A-1 Drummer-Tympanist. Uni on, Experienced theatre, dance, ete. Marimba, xy as drums, tymps, bells and full Young, neat, reliable and sober. DRUMMER, 408 Lafayette "$t., Jefferson City, Missouri. A-1 Drummer—Union. Sight reader. Experienced vaudeville and pictures. Permanent location, West only. Bells and full line traps, Will buy anything that may add effectiveness to orchestra. Address DRUM. MER, 720 North Durlgnd, Oklahoma City, Okla. se p2d A-1 Drummer—Vanudeville or pictures. Have and play tympani, Parsifal bells, marimba-xylophone and traps. Played last 3 years big Keith house; just closed chantauqua season as xylophone soloist. Play fill-in parts on marimba. tion guaranteed. cinnati. A-1 Drums, Bells. vaudeville, pictures and dance snare drum in bands, F,. L. Delivery, Jackson, Tennessee. A-1 Flutist—Thoroughly Exerienced Theater preferred. Address ARTHUR NEWMAN, 7 Caffery Place, Rochester, New York A-1 Lady Drummer—Marimba, Xylophones, dk c. ‘aaeeer" lil. Young, union C-BOX 102, and satisfacSillboard, Cin Experience work. Played N, General uble Saxophone. 1323 Eleventh St., Rockford, Al Quartette—Violin, Piano, Cello and Flute. Thoroughly experie»ced in pictures and var wdeville Excellent music library Permanent ocation only, SMITH, Gaiety Theatre, Springtieid, SON, lliinois. A-1 Trombonist—Union. Ex perienced B i -~ ‘ville and pictures, Best referent y position considered only. TROMBONIST.. ‘Sos So. Main S8St., Janesville, Wisconsin. o13 A-1 Violin Leader and Piano— Man and wife. Vande., tabs, house experience, Good Lbrary. town Go anywhere, 6 L South Main, Dayton, Ohlo, A-1 Violinist and Pianist at —s 4 after Sept. -“; ater an? combination Consider small SLOVER, 715 20 for first-class picture or Large library of standard, cal opular music. Young and relable LEE. 2. "SM! 1H, Gaiety Theatre, Springfield, Illin . A-1 Violinist and Pianist at liberty Sey vember 10 for first-class picture house of nter resort large library of standard, « ‘ ai and pepular music Young and reliable in furnish other musicians if desired, Address LEADER, Box 266, Orangeburg, 98. C. sep29o A-1 Violinist at Liberty—Age, 2 Exper Schooled musician eo N. ienced In pletures, Union, A. Claremont Ave., vaudeville, ete, W. SCHONNE, Chieage, Ml. x A-1 Violinist at Liberty—Lead or Side, Double Trampet Union. Age 31 Prefer Address CHRIS ROED, Wisconsin, Complete lbrery. victures or vaudeville, 40 Biuft St,, Beloit, oct