The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 A-No. 1 Drummer—Complete outfit, including Tympani and Xylopbones, also A-No. 1 Alto Saxophonist. Sight reader, able to produce real tone. Both open for theatre, dance or vaudeville. BOX 1001, Schenectady, New York Alto Sax.Clarinet at Liberty Oct. 1. Ten years’ theatre and dance. Double Saxophones, Bass Clarinet and Voice for high-class dance organization. Don't hesitate to answer this if you want a man who has played with the best of them I will give you plenty reference and guarantee my _ ability. Grinds and jazz bands lay off. L. Cen General Delivery, Billings, Montana. Alto Sax. for High-Class Dance Go anywhere. Ticket if far. 2406 Maryland Ave., Flint, Mich. orchestra. MUSICIAN, At Liberty—A-1 Flute and Piccolo, double Tenor Banjo. Union. ED MORAN, Gen. Del., Charlotte, North Carolina. sep29 At Liberty—A-1 Theatre Trumpet. Young and reliable 64 Canal S&t., Waterbury, At Liberty After October 13— Melophone, doubling Violin. Travel or locate. Write JACK CLAFFY, care Terry Shows, Rox 165, Little Sioux, lowa. At Liberty—Banjo, Doubling Alto Sax. and Voice, Read or fake. BARNEY HORNUNG, New Castle, Indiana. With At Liberty—Baritone, beautiful voice. French and English repertoire. Would consider musical comedy, concert and high-class vaudeville. Address LOU CHEVALIER, 858i Lexington Ave., New York. At Liberty—Dance Drummer. Young, neat, reliabie. Union, tuxedo. No boozer. Wish winter contract. Wire or write. ERVIN DIETZEL, Edgerton, Wisconsin. At Liberty — Flute Player. Theatre, dance orchestra or band. None but reliable people answer. Can join at once. GEO. SEIBERT. JR., 514 So. Main St., Danville, IL. At Liberty — French Horn. Troupe or locate. Write G. J. THOMAS, St. Louis, Missouri. At Liberty for Winter Engage ment in the South. A-1 reliable BBb Bass Player. MAURICE SMITH, Willard, O. At Liberty—Lady Clarinetist. Doubles Saxophone. Thoroughly experienced. Desires permanent engagement with first-class orchestra. Write J, & C., Box 991, Pittsfield, Massachusetts Experience in all lines, MIKE MANCINI, Connecticut. At Liberty Oct. 8—Violinist Leader. Theatre, dance. Library. Union. Highest references. Guarantee my work in theatre or dance. LOUIS MOLLOY, Estherville, lowa. At Liberty—Organist-Pianist. Union. Play both alone or orchestra. Experienced in any line. Tell all about organ. ORGANIST, 2148 Keyes Ave., Madison, Wisconsin. At Liberty—Organist-Pianist, Oct. 1, for movies, dance, theatre. Experi enced. Good reader. Play standard or dance music equally well. Wire or write. W. N. PARKER, Fair Haven, Vermont. At Liberty—Pipe Organist of twelve years’ experience in first-class theatres. Have large library of all classes of music. Union. Good organ and galary essential. Address FRANK AUSTIN, Gen. Del., a Ohio. Cellist — Thoroughly Experi French Horn — Exceptional Union Drummer—Age, 27. Ex enced. Desires first-class steady theatre or ability Experienced. Union. Married and perience theatre, dance, playing xylophones, hotel engagement. CELLIST, 2214 Auburn|desire permanent location. Address 519 E. Is, tympani. Wants to settle South or West. Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Fourth St., Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. FIELDS. ire Billboard, New York. sep29 Cellist — Union. Experienced all lines: for Inst five years theatre work Will consider year-round job. Age 27. LAMBERT MONTY, Shea's Opera House, Jamestown, New York. Clarionet at Liberty Oct. 1— Experienced in all lines. State all. O. DELL MINER, Lincoln, Illinois. Clarinetist—Experienced, Fine tone, wishes theatre position. Theatre cut ting orchestra bere. C-BOX 75, care Billboard Cincinnat). och Clarinetist—First-Class Theatre men. References on request. Age 29 married, union. Available 30th. Double Alte Saxophone. CLARINET, 235 First St., Sharon, Pennsylvania. Clarinetist — Union. Experience all lines theatre work; 10 years steady Would like join real bunch References given. DOM. PETILLO, Shea's Opera House, Jamestown, New York. Leader (Violinist)—Open To contract in best for coming season. vaudeville and Union, extensive picture ence given. Will travel. Forsyth, Missouri Fourteen years combination houses. library, neat ReferE. VAN ZANDT, och Oboe-English Horn Wishes first-class theatre engagement. Need two weeks’ notice. Ten years’ theatre and symphony experience. OBOE F. C. D., care Bililboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. Orchestra Conductor and Vio lin Soloist at liberty. Competent, lead any kind of a show. No engagement will be considered if you don't use at least seven-man orchestra. Union. SOUZANY, care Billboard, Chicago, Illinois. Organist—Capable and Effi client young woman desires first-class theatre position Thoroughly experienced in playing pictures artistically. Splendid library. State hours, style organ and top salafty. Address C-BOX 53, Billboard, Cincinnati. Cornet and Trombone—Both experienced in first-class houses. Vandeville or pictures. Both married. Steady. BOX 146, Buxton, North Dakota. oc6 Experienced Orchestra Cornet at liberty after Oct. 31. Double on Saxohone. Theatre, dance “or hotel. Union. H. M. RICHARDSON, 131 West Main St., Johnson City, Tennessee. Red-Hot Trumpetist. Write ELON TYLER, Hancock, Minnesota. Tenor Banjoist—Can Double Drums. Am nineteen, energetic, nice looking and of family of high standards. Fake, memorize, read but not at sight. Prefer Southern dance orchestra. BANJOIST, 326 Grand Ave., Jackson, Tennessee. powers and authority. At the instance of the Showmen now supporting the Legislative Committee The Billboard herewith issues a call for a Convention of Outdoor Showmen to be held at the Sherman House, CHICAGO, DECEMBER 3 AND 4 The object of the meeting will be to discuss ways and means of strengthening the Legislative Committee and clothing it with greater POC CC TCC TCC CCC CU CUCU CC CCC CCC CUCU CCU NOTE—The annual meeting occurs December 5, 6 and 7. please write W. HILD. The Billboard. Amusement Park Managers occurs December 5, meeting of the International Association of Fairs and Expositions Showmen desiring reservations will RETH, Manager of the Chicago Offices of of the National Association of 6, 7 and 8 The Poouuveevaeawaeue a E-Flat Alto Saxophonist at liberty Oct. 6 Fine tone and technic. Fair reader, fake, improvise, real harmony. Sober, congenial and reliable. 22 years old. Lots of pep and experience. Double Jazz Clarionet if desired. Can cut the stuff. Salary, or will BERT SENGSTOCK, 80 lllinois. job if steady. Union. Graceland, Des Plaines, Organist-Pianist—11 Years in show business, both sides of footlights. Fake, transpose, arrange. Can really play vaudeville with unit organ. Two thousand-dollar organ li brary for pictures. No bad habits. Young, male, reliable. Free October 12. Don't misrepresent. Minimum salary, sixty dollars. C-BOX 114, care Billboard, Cincinnati. At Liberty—String Bass. Ex perienced, Would Iike to play with Grst-class theatre orchestra Picture theatre preferred. Wire or write. Address WILLARD J, MARCKS, 18 South 7th St... Emaus, Pa. seplv At Liberty — Violin Leader. Vandeville and pictures. Large library. Guarantee satixfaction. References. Union Address VIOLINIST, 448 Boulevard, Shreveport, Louisiana. At Liberty — Violin Leader, for vaudeville and pictures. Union. VIO. IST, 2312 Prairie St., Milwaukee, Wis. a At Liberty—Violinist, A-1, De Member VIOLINWinsted, Connecticut. At Liberty—Violinist. Union. sires position in high-class theater. of A. F. of M. Satisfaction assured. IST, 19 Strong Terrace, Desires position in picture theatre. References. VIOLINIST, Box 67, Pleasant Valley, lown. ott At Liberty—I Play Guitar, Mu sical Saw, Ukulele, :'? am A-1 Fancy Trick Rope Spinner, SAILOR BLANDY, Esterly, I's sep2d Experienced Trombonist at liberty Oct. 1. Theatre work preferred. Union. ROBT. DALZIEL, What Cheer, Iowa. First-Class Clarinetist Wants to locate either In theatre or B. and 0. Also A-No. 1 Piano Tuner. Thirty-five years’ experience in theatre work, ete. Address HAROLD . H. Y UNG, Congress | Theatre, Saratoga, N. Y. Flutist at Liberty—Experi enced, capable and can double Saxophone. FLUTIST, 1322 Buchanan Ave., St. Joseph, Mo. oct Flutist at Liberty—Picture theatre orchestra. Experienced, congenial, reliable. GEORGE MULLETT, 931 South 8th St.. Springfie ld, Lilinois, ocd Flutist—Theatre, Dance Or chestra or band. Over fifteen yoare experience. Member A. F. of M. HERBER 3. SHERMAN, Hox 36, Norfolk, Nebraska. a. sep2s Flutist—Thoroly Experienced. Large tone quality. Wishes reliable engagement, hotel or high-class picture. FLUTIST care of The Billboard,” Cincinnati. Position Wanted by Organist of twelve years’ experience in first-class theatres. Have excellent library of all classes of picture music and know how to use it to best advantage. Special numbers, novelties, ete. Union Must be good organ. Write or cire. ORGANIST, 126 Putnam St., Marietta, Ohio, oct Russian Accordionist. 36 E. 7th St., New York. Ivanoff, oc20 Tenor ‘Banjo—Quartette. Ex perienced, competent, neat appearance, 21 Will go anywhere. Address C-BOX 113 Bill. beard, Cincinnati. oc6 Theatre Trombone—Absolute ly dependable. Union. Fourteen years’ experience. State particulars fully. BOX $70, Danville, Illinois, Trumpet—First Class. Age 39, single, years of experience, desires position anywhere, preferable the South. Please offer me a salary. I can deliver the goods. Address H, C. A. MILLER, Doxden, N. D. NOTE—Ceunt All Words, Also Combined Initials and Numbers in Copy. Figure Total at One Rate Only. IN ANSWERING CLASSIFIED ADS, PLEASE MENTION THE BILLBOARD. Violinist Leader at Liberty— A-l vai —— le leade r and I feature ind fit the pict ure library of up-to-date music, leferences n. Union Address VIOLINIST, care Cade: “Rand, Lynn, Massachusetts, Violin Leader, Soloist, at Lib erty for vandey , pictures or road. Fifteen years’ experienc: is leader, First-class library and references. Write or wire LEADER, Areade Hotel, Springfield, Ohio. Violinist — Symphony and theatre experience, desires position as Leader or Sideman with first-class picture theatre. Fine library. First-class references, c-BoxX 111, eare Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. ocl3 Violinist at Liberty—Union. Wish position in first-class picture house as leader or side. Years’ experience in New York, Pupil of Theodore Spiering. EVAN SWARTZ, 2033 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. sep29 Violinist (Good Library) and Clarinetist at liberty. Theatre or hotel. Experienced. PAUL WOLF, 250 E. 74th et., New York City. Violinist Leader—All Large library. Pictures cued. LINIST, 615 South Lines. Union. VIOMain, Centerville, Iowa. . . . > Violinist Leader—Large Library. Pictures specialty. Years’ expertence. General business. Union. Come immediately for permanent. VIOLINIST, 2631 Castro, Los Angeles, California. Violinist—Piano Tuner. tory experience. Age 39, single. on wire. AL THOMPSON, Pulaski, Fac Can join Virginia. AT LIBERTY—A-1 es CLARINET for theatre. Address J. D. SPEARS, 2230 Ave. F, Birmingham, Alabama. AT LIBERTY—HAWAIIAN GUITAR SOLOIST. Experience. Road work preferred. J. Fe McMAHOMN, 928 Jenifer Street, Madison, Wis. AT LIBERTY—TRUMPET AND PIANIST. Union. All lines theatre work. Address C-BOX 110, care The Billboard, Cincinnati. octé AT LIBERTY—TRUMPET, DOUBLING E FLAT Alto Sax., Cello Parts. All trumpet parts on B flat instrument. Address C-BOX 110, eare Billboard, Cincinnati. octé AT LIBERTY—VIOLIN LEADER, DOUBLE Trumpet or Violin Side Man. Have good library and am also A-1 Business Player. Troupe or locate. D. E, BRYANT, 4159-4 West Florissant, St. Louis, Missougi. C MELODY SAXOPHONIST WHO DOUBLES Drums, Xylophones and Bells wants work for winter. Do not have my own drum outfit. Union; have tuxedo: young and reliable. Go anywhere. State salary by wire or letter. Can come quick. B. B. BAILEY, Pierre, 8S. D. oct27 CELLIST—COMBINE CLARINET AND SAXO. phone. Thorou shly experienced solo and ofchestral player. pen for engagement; anywhere. MUSICIAN, ‘159 W. 46th St., New York City, Phone, <179 Bryant. DRUMMER—THEATRE OR DANCE ORCHES. tra. Xylophone soloist. Union. Experienced, State salary. DRU MMER, 224 8. Ash Crookston, Minnesota. FIRST-CLASS TRUMPET PLAYER AT LIB erty. Experienced in all lines Nonunion, but willing to join. Last engagement playin under Herbert L. Clarke. ARNOLD FORSZEN, Pierson, Iowa. ORGANIST AT LIBERTY — EXPERIENCED picture ae Oy Union. Large library. Good organ essenti Go anywhere. Address GER. TRUDE DILLINGER, 509 Linden St., Camden, New Jersey. TROMBONIST, UNION, DESIRES POSITION picture hall, a or industrial band. Permanent. 15 years’ experience. References, Address TROMBONIST. 610 West Michigan Avenue, Lansing, Michigan. oct6 VIOLINIST DESIRES ORCHESTRA POSITION. Any Eastern States. Experienced all lines Recommendation. Eight years’ teaching, Splendid outfit, tone. State population, salary, all. VIOLINIST, 928 New York Ave., N. W., Washington, District of Columbia. VIOLINIST (LEADER) AND PIANIST—BOTH union and experienced Pictures cued and played artistically. Extensive library References. Wi go inywhere. Address ZIEGLER, 1940 N. Keds Ave., Chicago, Lllinois. sep29 VIOLINIST WOULD LIKE TO JOIN A pee Orchestra. Ave., D. M. MELLOTT, 32 W. Springfield, Ohio. (Continued on Page 68)