The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 The Biliboard 4 e,* Needle Books Always Sell. We have the best, fashiest, cheapest. Needles of all__ kinds. nd for catalogue. LEE BROTHERS, 143 East 234 St., New York. oct6 New Business—Re-Dye Rugs|} on the floor, Fibertint applied with brushes. Nine colors, $1.00 box dyes 9x12. Sample foe mall rug, 10c. Agencies granted. TEXP CO., INC., 20-A, Somerville, New an Roulette Salesboards for Cigar Stands. Just out. Selling bie. Season now on. No competition. Sales plan free.Write quick. PEORIA NOVELTY COMPANY, Peoria, lilinois. se p2o Rummage Sales Make $50 daily. We start you. Representatives wanted everywhere. Permanent business. ‘‘CLIFCROS", 609 Division, Chicago, ~ Russian German Austrian So viet Money. Sensational sellers. Cheap, at tractive, sales-boosting giveaways for pitchmen, acents, merchants. HISCHNOTE, 847 Huntspoint Ave., New York, oc27 ‘Salvage Clothing Sales’? — Make enormous profits everywhere. Represen tat ves wan ted. Men, hat ~ —ran New Shoes, 40; ’, Hats, Other bargains. SALVAGE “SALE HEADQUARTERS, 108 W. 47th St., Chicago. ‘ ; ” ‘‘Smallest Bible on Earth’’— A great curiosity. Everybody wants one. Retail ls ISe. Dozen 65c. Hundred $5.00.; Thou. nd $35.00, Sample lc. All prepaid. P, CURTIS. 8320 Lafayette, St., Denver, Colorado. Soap Specialists — Honestly Medicated Soap. COLUMBIA LABORATORIES, 18 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. sep29 $60-$200 Week. Genuine Gold Letters for store windows. Easily applied. Free samples. Liberal offer to general agents. METALLIC LETTER CO., 442 N. Clark, Chicago. x $75.00 Weekly Monograming Automobiles with new Gold Transfer Initials, No experience needed, Sample free. RALCO, 396 Har rison Ave., _Boston. _Massa chu ‘. 27,000 Records eunatend with one Everplay Phonograph Needle. New; different Cannot injure records. $15 daily cone Free sample to workers. EVERPLAY, Desk 91, McClurg Bidg., Chicago. sep20x “A “A PHYSICIAN has vue House”, 960-page illusrated cl sight for $2.50. Sample, $1.00, stpaid. ‘STEIN’ Pt B. HOUS 508 South State | St., Ch cago, } ili inois. sep29 A SIX. STICK omer PACKAGE, by =F bez. 35¢ ler. Dozen 20. San t LDER é, . 127% Seuth Birmir Ho re AGENT Nearly every lady shes. Manufacturers me. them perfumed vaseline Eyelash Tonic of fea] merit. sma business, gfow large T t. ] Directio $4. DR. W. A. HOOKS, "86 Coleman &t., Atlanta, Gi regia. ar a gare seller. 100% pro ft. Bre ry body a spect. od $1.65 for our s e fit atart you {er ‘bestnenn “ATHEN! A *MANUPACTUR ING COMPANY, 100 East lovth New Yark, oct20 Clever invention, Sc Mechanical AGENTS New, oo il. Fastest seller, Very 25e for sarap) le and big pro aitable for the fairs Ser NOVELTY co., plan. U NIVERSAL 518 Nationa] Building, Cleveland, O. oct 500% profit handling Auto MonoPictures, Window Letters, Transfer Catalog free. HINTON CO., y, Indiana, AGENTS Make AGENTS make $15 to $20 day selling Match Strike ‘ Sample, li. W. T. HO! GIN, Campesbel!ville, Kentucky. sep29 AGENTS—Something new. every woman buys; 100% profit; exclusive territory, H. H. LAMBERT, 1268 So. West ™ Ave. . Los Angeles, California, ots AGENTS. World's best selling arti le for men. Enor mous profits. Co se! quickly for dollar. Address CHAS MOE Nc it, 52 C umber and St., Roch ester, New York AGENTS $75.00-$100.00 weekly taking — orders { ular price-smashing Raincoats, $3.98. Largest advanced Prompt shipme We col Free Coats EAGLE RAINCOAT CO., 567 Mid City Bank Bullding, Chicago. Match Strike AGENTS make $15 to $20 day selling we HODGIN, Campbdellssep29 ins. Sample, 20c. W. vil e. Kentucky AGENTS—Sell Witenes Laundry Soap. Wonderful repeater and go profit-maker. Free auto to hustlers.. WOL vERINE SOAP ©O., Dept. C, Grand Rapids, Michigan. oct27x AGENTS Men, Women. Business of own in room ~ home Money-making details for stamp, HOME B { SINESS EXPER, Valdesta, Geergia, octl3 AGENTS “CLEANING “UP"'—Hlousewives everywhere talking about wonderful mew invention, Perfection Preasure Cooker, Saves money, time, labor. Daay to sell. Write quick, JUBILEE MFQ. CO., 218 Sta. C, Omdha, Nebraska, oct 20% AGENTS—Our Soap and Toilet Article plan is a _wonder. Get our free sample case offer, HO-RO©O., 104 Locust, St. Louts. aeplox AGENTS—Rost seller, Jom Rubber Repair for tires ond tnbes, Supersedes vulcanization at a saving of over 800° Put it on cold, it vulcanizes itself in tw ’ minutes, and ia guaranteed to inst the life of the tire or tube. Sells to every auto owner and accessory dealer. For particulars how to make big money and free sample, address AMAZON RUBBER ©O., Dept, 706, Philadelphia, Pa. eop2ix AGENTS—460 weekly. New, exceptiomally necessary article. Every home buys Pocket sample. “FACTORY”, useful, several im . Elizabeth, New Jersey. octé AGENTS, CANVASSERS, CREW MANAGERS—Polishing Cloths sell everywhere. Big returns for small investment. $1.25 starts you. Write for parculars. HERBERT SMITH. 480 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, New York. AGENTS MARS 500% PROFIT handling Auto Mono grams, Nx ~ es, Window Letters, Transfer Flags, Novelty | Sign 4, atalog free. HINTON CO., Dept. 123, Star Cicy, median x JEWELRY HAND-MZDE—Get our catalogue. FIERCETCWN SPECIALTY CO., Behoboth, Va, MAIL ORDER NEWS, 500 Fifth Ave, New York. America’s oldest Mail Order Trade Journal. Containg valuable information, opportunities, plans, Sample, 25c. Descriptive literature free, ag BIG MONEY—New,. wonderful product, ter’’ Automobile Enamel Outfit. Paint car e .. ready to use tomorrow. Beautiful, durable, factory-like finish. Exclusive territory. test sample. AKRON PAINT PRODUCTS CO., Dept. 53, Akron, Ohio, sep15&29 AGENTS, SALESMEN—Make $75.00 weekly. Won der*ul opportunity. Big profits, Quick gales. Fifty Leather Novelties Catalog free. SOLAR MFG. CO. il Albany St, Boston, Massachusetts. AGENTS. BTOP WISHING—Work you can_ make $10 ally selling articles everybody needs. Particulars on Write B. & G. RUBBER CO., Dept. 444, Phisburet bh. Pennsylvania, sep2dx AGENTS, STREETMEN AND FAIR WORKERS—Get Horned Nuts. $2.50 per Six sprouted nuts with every grocers. Deposit on al! c. oO. D. orders. THOMAS F. McCARTHY, Post Office Box Ne, 16, Station C, Brooklyn, New ‘York gthen, 5 oa love AGENTS WANTED—Something new. Fire Fighter selis easily Makes a spectacular demonstration. Car owners, factories, stores practically buy on sight. Our men make $10.00 to $50.00 a day. Exclusive ter ritory. If you wi sh to establish a business of your own with unlimited sibilities for making big money, write us today, FYR-FYTER Fyter Bidg., Dayton, BUILD uP ‘Your ee Lets Beautifier moves freckles, tan, lovely complexion. profit staeger!ng. Formula, Address DR, W. A. HOOKS, Georgia. Ohio, Cost 10 make small, directions to make, $3. 86 Coleman St., Atlanta, MANUFACTURING CONCERN offers ladies and men exceptional opportunity to earn big money, by establishing them State amd County Agencies, for sale of patent Rubber Sanitary Goods. B. B. MFG. CO., 159 N. State, Room 1313, Chicago. MEN’S SHIRTS—Exsy to sell. Big demand everywhere. Make $15.00 daily. piete line. Exclusive patterns. ( AGO SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, Franklin and Van Buren, Facury 100, Chicago. “MID-NIGHT MILLIONAIRE CREW” ((Hot stuf?). Sample, 25c. 100% it. SPECIAL PRINTER Box 368 Lima Ohio. NEW WONDERFUL an ome every dol ’ WI lar gale. Deliver on Lice unnecessary. Sample free. MISSION PACTORY a 519 oan Halsted St., Chicago, Illinois, WONDERFUL LITTLE ARTICLE —Gomething new. Men and women e $15 daily. Experience unArticle A. “Se, a. $1.00. Particulars free. TAYLOR’S NOVELTY SHOP, Columbia City, Indiana, sep29 $10 DAILY silvering mirrors, plating and refinishing lamps, reflectors, autos, beds, chandeliers by = method. Outfits furnished. Write GUNMETAL : Ave. G, Decatur, Liinois, oats S4co PROFIT selling $1 necessity. Sample,~ l0c. MOYE, 1234 Clay, Paducah, Kentucky. $236.00, representing commissions on his salesmen and his own sales, was earned last week by John Quin lin, 5 Western Ave., Springfield, Mass. We have a new proposition. Cutlery, Pure Gum Aprons (not rubberized), Hose and fast selling Specialties. We deliver amd collect. You make 100% on your sales and 20% on salesmen whom you hire. Territory going fast. Write ASSCCIATED FACTORIES, 367 Boylston St., B&ston, Massachusetta ANIMALS, BIRDS AND PETS 4 WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25c. 60 WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Figure at One Rate Only—See Nete Below. Animal Freaks and Birds Alive wanted by 0. K. HAGER, cere Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. sep13-1924 NEW YORK MAIL ORDER NEWS for real opportunities. Sample copy free. TOPPING, Publisher, 596 West 42d St.. New York City. SNAPPIEST DEMONSTRATING, non-competitive, fastest selling product in the country. Costs ome dollar, sells two-fifty. Average four sales an hour. Ome dollar bill or money order brings complete demonstrating outfit and particulars. Momey refunded if you say we misrepresented. JOMESCO MFG. CO., 65 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. sep29 largest repeating, THE PROBLEM OF CHILDREN’S MUSIC By RODNEY BENNETT things that the writer may do. ous or not, and recount .it for what it appreciating the whole. sort. You may be humorous, idiotic and meaningless, their capacity for appreciating mere ballad refrains and counting out rhymes. may not sentimentalize, because children have no interest whatever. thing concrete to see, No amount of rhythm strong, hard words do not matter: Browning and Barham achieved knockabout, as Carroll was several times, sentimentality Their chief requirement ® a program. verse they require in general and in detail something that they can picture, someprettiness will atone for the lack of this ele HE problem of providing what will be at once popular and healthy for children has been generally better met in verse than in music. There are Various He may choose a good incident or story, humoris worth. If the story is good and the the child will gladly assume the part in notable guccesses in this nonsensical or frankly and absolutely if you have rhythm. It is rhythmic sound which makes children enjoy You may indulge in sentiment, but you involves the abstract, in which In their ment. Another reason for the child's eontempt for the sentimentality into which so many children’s writers fall is that it conveys a subtle suggestion of patronage, an attitude which the sturdy independence of youth cannot abide. Your ten-year-old P24 resents being written down to. If you wish to patronize him you must do it por4 tentousty, blatantly, as Lewis Carroil frequently does, and R. L. 8S. in such things as: . 4 4 “Children, you are very little, p24 And your bones are very brittle.” , , You will then fall into the class of teases, very popular folk with peculiar gifts and 22 discret ions You may, if you are a real children’s genius, put yourself in their p24 place, write from their point of view, with the brain of a man and the heart of a zB child. But this requires a peculiar power of imaginative projection, and sheer certainty of touch, The result is either inimitable success or blank failure. There is not an R. L. 8. in every generation. This question of words is worth full consideration, because, as words are more important to children than tunes, success in writing songs for them will chiefly depend upon the choice of verse. If writers will remember that children’s taste is much more catholic than is generally recognized, that they require a program and that musically they are more interested in rhythm than in melody or harmony, 2 they will be on the road to success. They can then, having chosen the right words res and decided on the rather small compass in which the child’s voice is really happy, p24 casele above F and comparatively rarely be low the ninth below it, forget their 52a particular object and let the words lead them to sort of simplicity and directness , which Schumann achieved in his children’s piano pieces. 2 —TIHE BOOKMAN, London. pa 4 s AAA PAPAL AL ALAA A : gan, ! fc every Big profits for ee N 7 le. 100. signe. “S19 St luis, New on ean . * nouieien a. octl3 COLORED PEOPLE WANT long hair. Answer. Get money ‘ getter. Quick sales. Big profits. HALLInv oa ae AGENCY SUPPLY HOUSE, 1532 Morris EARN Late DAILY otverns mirrors, plating, refinishon £ = ware, headlights, chandeliers, stoves, tableecdsteads. QOutfits furnished BERTSON DECIE A BORATORIES, 1133 Broadway, New = FoaTune MAKER—Thread-Cutting Thimble. Live wires,only. Sample, 15c. AUTOMOTE MFG, CO 1153 Monticello, Chicago. ‘nord HIGH PITCH SALESMEN and Agents average ten to fifteen dollars per day. Work full or spare time demonstrating ‘“‘Mendwell’’, the magic mending fluid. Works wonders in mending wearing apparel, wsiery, etc. Better than sewing. Takes less time. poet y person < prospect. Sells for 35c per tube. rofit ™e woman made $78.00 in. one week wi with this. estes wit Write for sales talk and literature Sample tut 25e. it out yourself. THE MENDWELL COMPANY, Depafttment y, East 10th St., Newport, Kentucky. octe HOUSEWIVES AND SCHOOLBOYS average dollar an hour selling Dr. Nardine’s Remedies. So can end for proof—box NARDINE MEDICAL m City, New York. IMPORTED MINIATURE FLOOR LAMP, with Bulb, fancy Shade and Switch. Useful as Christmas gift, to illuminate doll house of night lamps. Quick turnover for Novelty Stores, Wheelmen. $6.00 per dozen, NOTICE—$1.50 will start you in business, making $1.50 an hour, Billfoids, dozen, $1.50; gross, $15.00. If you can’t sell a dozen an hour, send them back. L. HAAS, 1436 N. 10th &, Philadelphia, Pa. sep29 SALESMEN, CANVASSERS—Catchiest, latest nor elty, “Dancing Lizzie’. Wonderful seller, Sample, 60e, qevais: dozen $4 IL. MENKBES, 115 Nassau St.. New SELL COAL IN CARLOAD LOTS—Salesman wanted. Side or ma 1e. rience unnecessary. vere Bad in an hour. W ASHINGTON COAL CO., Yards Station, Dept. F, Chicago. sep29 eh. gue gata CASES AN Bi eee at Fall % to 200% WHITE SALES co., P. *0. Bos 35, Gemerville. , sept29 SEND STAMPS, or guraanteed pair ‘‘Soleur_ own” new wonder 6‘mont th shoe sole, and propotion. Anyone applies quick, easy. Exclusive aa gency. Big profits, Everyone buys repeatedly. H. = co., Kent, Qhio, STREETMEN catw MANAGERS—Big acter. Big repeater. C Se, sells 25c. Samp dime. UTILITY MFG. CO. Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. TANNING SIMPLIFIED—Tools, materials a Formula free. Guaranteed. Agents wanted. N. » Carlton, Texas. i THE ecys are getting the money with our Mazic Paper Folds. Two kinds Samples, 12c. List free CAESAR SUPPLIES, 708 N. Dearbora St., WONDERFUL INVENTION eliminates all needles for phonographs. Saves time and annoyance. Preserves For Sale—Somersault Dogs, fox terriers. Will have them finished in two weeks. Send your orders now. Real corded black Poodles, two months old, from prise _winners. Big stock. WISEMAN, 1108 Ridge Ave., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Freak Animals Wanted—State lowest price. Send photo. CONEY ISLAND EAK 8 § HOW, Coney Island, New York. oct27 High-Class Fox, Deer, Coon Hounds. A few still trailing V int Rabbit Beene. TEPHENS KENN INE ELS, a shall, Arkansas. oc6 Snakes—All Kinds. Buffalo oe STORE, 65 Genesee St., Buffalo, = or ABBASHLSG, Odorless Skunk, ome large male Coon, $4. each; Ringtail, $5.00. Plenty Pit yin. puasine in unfixed Rattlers. HIRAM CODER, Tuleta, Texas. sep29 CANARIES—Grand lot, dozen, $90.00 hundred. Also Bird Cages, Fancy Pigeons, Fancy Bantams, Peafowls, Pets and Supplies of every description. We ship everywhere, Write for free catalog. NATIONAL PET SHOPS, St. Louis, Missouri. selected, nice birds, $12.00 Puppies, FOR SALE—Mounted Freak Calf; four facing upwards; stands on cther four; two bodies grown together. Nice for carnivals or sideshows. Photo om request. Also pure bred Chesapeake Bay Puppies. Write W. BE POPELARS, Weyauwega, Wisconsin, has eight legs, FOR SALE—Three Rhesus Monkeys and Cage, twentyfive dollars. Monkeys in fine condition, ZEIG SHOWS, Fremont, Nebraska. oct FOR Lene ed 3 e rticulars on request. server, 7, » =—— a GIANT enent. DANE PUPPIES—Bizgest dogs in America. CHICHESTER DANE KENNELS, Ferguson, Missouri, novi? IRISH TERRIERS—The dog that smiles. Chihuahuas, smallest, prettiest Oth and Toys, $35.00 to $500.00 each. Ave., Youngstown, Ohio, REGISTERED PIT BULL PUPS, DOGS, 501 Rockwood, Dallas, Texas. STUFFED mg! + ge Fish, Porcu $15, BUIZmars $1.50 and : loon Fish, Horned Toad, $1.90 Each. Armadillo Baskets, | $1.50. OSEPH SCHMAN, 110: TWO YOUNG LIONS, male and female; perfect. 391 Carroll Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota WE WANT to take the pleasure to announce to our trouper friends that after October 1 we will be ip our new and enlarged quarters, 1125 Vine Street, where we would be pleased to meet you whenever Ta are im the city. Always at your service, BOULEVARD PET SHOP, now at 1010 Vine a Cincinnati, Ohio. with Buy Talking or Question Pony, or twoe pony Novelty Act, one or two fast-working Dogs, & Leaping Greyhound or any small trained animals, es 0. WEBB, General Delivery, Union City, ndiana. Mt be ae MALTESE yrange and Rigs. ; Revolving Table for Roi io 1g “Basket for Dogs, t male Poodle, year old, $10 00; Fox Terrier, Black and Tan Toy Terrier Pup, $15.00; an oth er male Black and Tan Pup, $20; female, $10.0€° ogs, new, 1ew, $7.00; one page Cockatoo Act and Props, Doves and Props; Reg Squirrel $5.00; tame Coyote, $15.00; tame Crow, $5.00; Blackface, $25.00, also White Face Ring Tail Monk = ( fine lerge pair of Rhesus Monks, $50.00 each; large fem ale Rhesus, = BOULEVARD PET SHOP, 1010 Vine St., Cincinnati, O. ATTRACTIONS WANTED Se WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e. Ze WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Figure at One Rate Onlty—See Note Below. Opera House, Sanborn, Towa, now open for good Shows. Town's LF ee fifteen hundred. Write W. A. HO Wanted—Carnival and Conces for years. 12,000,000 1 sions for Annual Stoddard County Stock Show complete. Semple, $1.00. MANUS IMPORT CO,, 228] daily. Free sample to workers. fr TAY. Doe at Bloomfield, Missouri, October 11, 12 and 13. Tremont St.. Boston, Massachusetts, 25, McClurg Bldg., Chicago. sep29 = NEWT, JENNINGS, Secy., Bloomfield, ssouri. ocd NOTE—Count All Words, Also Combined Initials and Numbers in Copy. Figure Total at One Rate Only. IN ANSWERING CLASSIFIED ADS, PLEASE MENTION THE BILLBOARD. | (Continued on Page 70) ne ee