The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 340.00 WILL TAKE one 10x8 Concession Tent, excellent condition; 1 Freneh 0, very flashy, Iike new; 1 Apex Dart darts; 1 like new 7x7? Sleeping Tent are waterproofed Ome Coleman Lant erm, : Electric Wire, Gicbes, Fiash Cloths. ire high Shoe Trunk. A bargain. Guaranteed resented. $20.00 deposit. WILLIE SKRBEK, ter, Wisconsin, 7-ft Aluminum with Teats ANTIQUE GUNS, Swords, COLLECTORS’ n Street, Philedeiphia, Pistols, Daggers. EXCHANGE, 1536 N. 1500 free ~ FURNISHED ROOMS fc WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25¢. je WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Figure at One Rate Onty—Seo Nete Below. A-! DANCE PIANIST interested in business educa tion can earn tuition, board and room. Write JACKSON UNIVERS ITY, CPiilicothe, Mo. oct6 JAlZ CLARINETIST, ‘Doubling Saxophone, Wanted. Must | hokum and mean, low down blues in an up-to-the-minute style. Long contract. Young neat and tuxed State all first letter, age, experi ence and your west CRCHESTRA MAN AGER, Jefferson Hotel, La Crosse, Wisconsin, i al (Male) who cam double Sax. or Clarinets me he md on Piano for pictures and J B nd work extra, also extra hotel work Write, state age. RK. MADDAFORD, Director Munict7 Band and Trenton Theatre Orchestra, Lynchburg, rginia sHow BAND MUSICIANS WANTED. | 224, jap, | LOCK — WANTED—Orzanist, for American Photoplayer for | relief Must cue pictures. Six hours day, seven days. $45.00 per week. LEADER, Hippodrome Theatre, Joplin, Missouri. WANTED—A-1 Violimist. who doubles or r sings, for established Dance Orchestra. Other Musicians write. Amateurs, please lay off. AL. PEARSON’S PEERLESS PLATERS, Mankzte, Minnesota. WANTED ay. ONCE T be mounter for trio act. Weight not ove Ww A. KRCWICKI, 334 Bond St., Eli zat by New Je em. INFORMATION WANTED 3e WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25c, Se WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. sepz9 VENTRILOQUISM taught almost anyone at home, | “mall cogt Send 2c stamp today for particulars | and proof. my W. SMITH, Room M-805, 315 N. Jefferson, Peoria Illinois. p29 MAGICAL APPARATUS FOR SALE. (Nearly New and Cut Priced) 4c WORD. CASH NO ADV. LESS THAN 25c. 6e WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Figure at One Rate Only—See Nete Below. Magic Tricks, Cards, Books and Novelt Illustrated catalog free. SUPERIOR NOVELTY COMPANY, Box 745, NewOhio. ark, aa . » > SF microns . ir = innatt ©) Chain, al ae = g Houses, MUSICIANS WANTED Mu ist join on wire. WALTER oneern MAX ee A ldress va wee CRYSTAL GAZING TAUGHT with apparatus, W,. the Queen City, see RICTON, at No, 123 Shillito| 4, “A*4ROMD, Sunshine Expo. Shows, Bone Gap, Ill.,| , P°57* hie lowe |) BROADUS, care Billboard, New ‘Y rk. » per B i 27 ; a atianl a ie foe ———— : én é 2 DeLAWRENCE RERF ECT! ON ‘Crystal Gazing Act, THE SHERIDAN HOTEL, ._ 23 cat Ee St., Cinoe wwf ‘ _ ing Dane . oe estra, your a F. B. Bagi ty AA uy! ge Y MAHER cure $5.00. CHES MAGIC SH¢ Pp. M der om te ° 0 OU. te . r } ios +6 6 . ——E ble, $1.00 sit ys —| on) aka tote A care re El ant ~ = ll one HESTRA MAN: AGER, we 4 el ena ots EGYPTIAN SECRETS. illusions, Black Art Books, Canal 1606 | 1604 L . sioae:alehvaiy Salem, N. 6 Magic and Fortune Telling Cards. List for stamp, aeumens —~ T » {th St lev fork. of —— elaine” ct anurans ‘INSTRUCTIONS AND PLANS |22. 2f'w oN 9%% oct ~ HELP WI WANTED ~ 7 40 WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25c. FINEST CRYSTAL GAZING , SLOBES, all sizes. 4 6c WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Hig d fagical Apparatus. 4o WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25¢. so Al} Bie ye i A. Figure at One Rate Only—See Nete Below. OTTO w. ALDMANN, 1450 First aon New York. a. in > a sem noto. 4 pe —_ ——EE —_ e ae at One, ee ate Only—tee Note Below. a Bands write. “PRODU CER, Box 304, Elgin, Advertisements SF toe must be confined to| FOR SALE—R grotto Cabmmets, Folding Chair to —= Instructions and Plans onty, either printed, written _ Suit 5 graph «Effec’ J. J-OMA, 41 EB E Money : at Home Durin WANTED—P » ‘anists, Organists, learn pipe organ thea= oo form. No ads accepted that offer articles | 17th New Y ah a y BY aie 1Rlayts:, etceptional “opportar ys pesttions, GIRL WITH THE X-RAY EYES is the most senspare time painting Lamp Shades, Pillow ATRE, care Bu ard, New Yor eth ; e . tionai act out t y. ‘edegates, nothing to pA rk. 2 rience Oa —~ Rags NILE. 6000 DANCE MUSICIANS intere tm business Don’t Suffer With Piles. Write | ean. Complete, 0 CHESTER MAGIC SHOP. Ome a a a ae ° | educat rite JACKSON UN y for information ODY’S PILE neues a ART COMPANY, 2256, Ft. Wayne, oa Chillicothe, Mo “betore Oct ber a “CNIvERSITy, CO.. East First St, conegn, New York GROWING GIRL ILLUSION. nae only a f Mazic. E, EASTWOOD, 243 Front St, ° . th, Qhio Experienced Mule Riders —|; . , NN EEE keleton base, f White or colored. Rex's old bors, write. aa > eae. Wei ~ Rar a ns = — Smal! light Chestnut Pony, 33 inches, for sale, full load $4 »o~ption on request. First an also Mule and Pony Act. MBS. REX, Weston, orders. A. G, MASON, 64 Gould Ave., Paterson, Ne Jerses oc6x New Jersey. Wanted at Once—Young Man. A-1 Projectionist, Simplex machines. Steady tion for right man, MARSHALL THEATRE, hattan, Kansas. ys Man Wanted—Medicine Lecturer. NED SMITH, Bellaire, Ohio. A FINGER PRINT EXPERT—Demand increas ing Write for special free offer. AMERICAN FINGER PRINT SYSTEM, 19668 Broadway, New York. BEGINNERS beat GELLER, 558 E. 175 State all. Vaudevilis Acts. Bronx, New York. for NAT th St., Reem GIRL —Weicht, libeard, Cincinnati, about 80 Ibs. RICTON, meED. SHOW WANTS Lady Pianist at once who can tk in acts, week stands. Open Sepember 24. Address GEORGE WEST, 4606a Page Bivd, Se Louls Missourt. z WANTED— A live-s wire Advance Agent. Must te apable of clase booking, ‘ routing and selling Novelty Dance Orchestras on &w guarantee contracts. H. = SICAL BUREAU, 1349 Mooberry St, Columbus, hio WANTED—S'ngers, Dancers, Biackface Comedian, young Female Impersonator. Send photo and all. low, it’s” sure. HAR 24, Cincinnati, lowa. Small show Make salary RIDGE’S NOVELTIES OF 1923-’ all times, fast Ground Tumblers. Sa: WANTED bjection. Address TUMBLING ACT, 925 So. Mar sbfield Ave., Caicago. At wanres -H vose Advertising Agent who can who will bustle. STONE OPERA HOUSE. . a Bin hm New Tork. WANTED aT ONCE‘Topmounter for trio act. Weight t 135 Ib Write A. KROWICKI, 334 Bond s.. Elizabeth, New Jersey. WANTEDFor a act. experience not necessary Sta -class all-season engagement. WALTER ‘SEYMOL . Willow Grange, Wyomx ing, Pennsylvania, HELP WANTED—MUSICIANS 40 WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25c. 6c WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Figure at One Rate Only—See Nete Below. Full Expenses Through Col lege given for services in band and orchestra Tuba, Oboe, Cornet, other Instruments Do rou double? Write HENRY E. WAMSLEY, Director Music, A. and M. College, Miss. x Trombonist for Permanent Ho «tel engagement. Must read special arrangements and Reem Good salary to right party Other musicians write. LEADER BADGER ROOM ORCHESTRA, Hotel Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. sep29 Trumpet, Drums, Violin Want ed at once. Pictures six days. Salary, $85.00. Permanent. Don't write; wire. WALTER SHEETS, Liberty Theatre, Albany, Ga. Wanted—Lady Musicians for 12-plece Ladies’ Orchestra, to double Band (in Michigan). Orchestra evenings. Band P.M State lowest price and what instrument. Address 8. J, H., Billboard, Cincinnati. Wanted—Pianist, Violin Lead er and Clarinetist. Cue pictures and vande. Three hours, six evenings week. Begin immediately. DALTON THEATRE, Pulaski, Va. Wanted—Violin Leader, Pian ist, Cornet, Drums, Traps, ete., Sept. 27. Vaudeville, pictures, road shows. Lead, 45; wide ble and experience necessary. ORPHEUM PS ATRE, Green Bay, Wisconsin. HOARDINGS MERICAN Dillposters will Guardian of England with learn that the **There is much ta 28-sheet stand is lk of the “an is neglected. and so wasted by sorry surroundir “Almost any vacant wal fencing serves for the exhibit tightly together in a crazy patchwork, -s. every poster is suitable for this purpose. poster of England is the so-called 16-sheet. It is a vertical poster. But see with greater ease a horizontal poster, the poster needs to be, so that he takes standard large poster is 26 feet, creation of the Ford car, exaggerated, like many American things, ard poster. By sticking to one size it has its modest margin individual and distinct. fusion. margins and framing, hoardings in spread effectively over many more hotrs. is much higher. payment for the 24-hour show. liness, for there is not a dirty, the satisfactory and a few outstanding successes, mand before the good prevail and the bad a skilled trade and an ordered business. Queen Square, London, W. C. in the movement for better posters; hoardings.” a OO OOO LLL LL ALLL LLL LL (English for Billboards) read the following excerpt interest, altho doubtless many will be surprised to invention art of the hoarding, but it is strictly confined to the printed sheets of paper that are placed upon the hoarding, whilst the hoarding itself As a result, even the fairest posters are apt to have their beanty marred the blind side of a terrace house, or an odd length of on of posters. so that the upon the number of sheets shown, most. As the rent paid turns they are packed the more rent is secured. That “Now a hoarding is to be seen from a distance, across a street at least, and not A small poster of place and a large one crow ded with small matter is equally so. It is 10 feet high and 6 feet, 8 inches wide. the passerby moves horizontially, not vertically. and the faster he moves the in its purport as he passes. 8 inches wide, by 10 feet high. for clearly if the passerby is in a car he wants yet a wider poster to give him the same time to take in what he sees. but this is an instance of thought applied to the problem, and with thought comes reform. “In America every hoarding is spaced out to show only size of poster, the standis possible to frame the spaces up. to break contact with the next poster, The message of the poster is given clearly and without conSo long as posters are gaudy and bright, should be quiet and somber by way of contrast. the cities are floodlighted at night, “By these devices the advertisement achieved is much greater and the rental paid There is payment for what is called the ‘solus’ position. There is payment for cleanliness, untidy or disorderly hoatding in America. vertisement agents would lose their good will if one were to exist. They guarantee discharge of their service. “England has improved a good deal lately. but much more tBonght is wanted before they will be relly good in any quantity, and much more persistent criticism and disappear. The Design and Industries Association, 6, 1, may claim, with some reason, it would like to see progress in respect of from The Manchester of the Ford car’’: All sorts and sizes are stuck up, packed available space is filled to the utso the more tightly is the source of the trouble. ——_ is by its very smallness out The standard large He could more elongated In America the It is said to be the At first sight it seems Each space so that each space is so the setting of the hoarding, its In America the so that the value of the display is There is ) tidinesa and orderThe ad There are attempts at good hoardings insistent de Billposting is not yet, with us, to having had a hand NTED—Clarinet, xophone, Baritone, Horn, “= mbone, Oboe Players —_ Shrine Band. Must be Shriners or Master Masor nd have trades will locate good men, Must be sot ner and reliable in_ every tespect. State all in first letter, R. M. PHI LP Bandmaster, Wahabi Shrine Band, Box 792, Jgckson, Mississippi. WANTED—Experienced Sax., for dance. Union; sight reader, impr rood single; young Double or sing? I pay tramsportati Salary expected “Grooms write. DWIGHT GOODWIN. Crystal Lake, linots, WANTED—Musictans, both white and colored. Those who sing and dence preferred. Steady job to those who qualify State all in first letter “Don’t misrepresent. L. J. SNEE, Box 23, McCook, Nebraska. WANTED—Cornetist, Saxophonist and _ Violinist (Gir's), for Hotel Ohio Orchestra. EDDIE KURZ SOCIETY CRCHESTRA, 33 Illinois Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. WANTED—Clarinetist, for nonunion industrial band Mechanics or tradesmen preferred. NASH MOTORS COMPANY, Kenosha, Wisconsin. WANTEO—Good Pianist. Must play full plano, be sight reader and able to play all grades of music. Orchestra work, pictures and vaudeville, six days, no Sunday Salary, $0 Address H. J. MAGUIRE, Strand Theatre, Emporia, Kansas. WANTED~A-1 Tenor Banjo. Must sing or double. Young amd have tx Address LUTHER BE AT KINS’ SOUTHLAND SIX, 409 Ingleside Ave., St. Petersburg, Florida, People Must Eat—Easy To Sell Any man or woman can own a good r Make this delicious food in . mm oh Ten cents profit on every pound I demand and known all over the world Supply homes, groceries, restaurants. Room for hundreds. Postively no fake. A real oppor rtunity to make money easy. Send $1 for full informati on. how to make and sell. Address A. J. JACKSON, 304 West Main st . Battle Creek, Michigan. ACROBATIC + a in sereeti =) on Gro ~~ § Tumbling. Ben Balancing, ning etc illustrated ; A ry * INGLE faMaionD yy Tg “ee hican t10 CHIL Mexican Recipes, PARLOR, — com plete business rections, S0c. B. McQUEBEN Box 724, Cincinnati, Oaia sep29 RSTRUSTIONS for St Cartooning and Chalk Talking. with 23 Trick Cartoon Stunts, for $1.00. BALDA ART SERVICE STUDIOS, Cshkosh, Wis. octs THEATRICAL Bae in pancine taught by mail. “ours ta kine pays It is practical om ir exper sive. We sell Theat ical Seenery Models lithographed in many colors Send stamps for literature. ENKEBOLL ART ACADEMY, Omaha, Neb. oct27 NOTE—Ceunt All Werds, Alse Combined Initials and Numbers in Copy. Figure Total at One Rate Only. IN ANSWERING CLASSIFIED ADS, PLEASE MENTION THE BILLBOARD. MASTER MIND ee ACT—Wonderful, with 100 Tricks, 25e. C. RPHEY, Box 469, Asheville, North Carolina. oct2? MIND READERS, CaVSTAS, GAZERS—We carry the largest variety of Mindreacing ‘Byuipment and Mental Systems in America n request. Stamps appreciated. "NELSON ENTERP RISES, 55 Wood| land, Columbus, Ohio. 8 RARE MAGIC BOOKS and Apprratus. List free ED LITZAU, 597 30th Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 3 RESISTO’S SECRET—* gest man cannot lf you. Original method, $3.00. MILLER, 526 Main, Norfolk, Virginia. oct20 | “tome. recat eaenrs ACT—Challenze Mail Bag pe ° Escape, scape, etc. Feature act for ‘amy bill. Ex ) on easy to book Play lodges, clubs. Big y evenings. ae start you right. Free instructions. Satis guaranteed. Pare ticulars for stamp. GEO. = ‘ech, Auburn, N. ¥. sep29 STOP! READ THIS—For 15 cents I will sen? ope complete used by leading magicians, worth , dollars to you. No stampx IL. S. DUV Hill, burn, New York. sep29 WHEN YOU WANT in in Magic, no matter what, write us : Ve have it or will get it for you. Send samp for rand bargain list, CHESTER MAGIC SHOP, 403 No. State, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR SALE—WANTED TO BUY. 4c WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25a 6c WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE, Figure at One Rate Only—See Nete Below. Saxophones and Clarinets Re paired. New and used instruments. Platiogs accessories, Seymour hand-made reeds. JAC DeVILLE, Room 424, 59 E. Yan Buren, Chicago, Illinois. ACCORDION, Chicago. 31 treble keys, 16 bass, 16 folds, a condition. Will ship by parcel post for first §2 received. MRS. LY YDA ILA, Brownington, = FOR SALE—Strieg Bess in A-1l condition. Write MUSICIAN, 303 Babcock St., Ean Claire, Wis. FOR SALE—One Fortar 1 Steel Head Concert Banjo, an $85.( mo ir r x ition, with leether neert Gibgood canvas )-st re s c RU ‘BE PERKINS. Holton, octs new; ) 2, three and one-half oct aves, low pitch 00 Shipped c. 0. DB with examination privilege if 10% accompan es order. COLEMAN MILES, Mount Carr H, Illinois. FoR — M. Hohner Pianec-Accordion, 42 treble, keys; practically mew; $250 cash. Address REX. ISRAEL Garfield, Ohio SALE—Complete —E tr set Drums and Traps cheap. LYNN HUGHES, Sar octé lusky, Ohio. | Leeoy CONCERT GRAND MARIMBA. 4 octaves , DRUMMER, Majestic m4 ‘Se n ir, siete SARSPHONES ren SALE— Very reasonable. Giving Ip te or cal vefore eleven or after sever “485 Sixth St., Brooklyn. x by OBOE, conservatory ae ng never wsed, st $200, sel r$ w Pp } d in Re ond on. CL “JONES, 106 Armory, Pui t, Mich. WE MAKE ese. ae for old Player | Rolls you are tired “’t want in exchange for new, late 8&-note ‘Re is Ww rd or Instrumental, Write for ecataloz and plan STANDARD MUSIC EXCHANGE, 30 ‘.. (Continued on page 72) Ran dolph St.. Chicago.