The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 The Billboard 73 a eParmee EE comes Ni Py oe a | ; LMS FOR SALE—2DHAND were 6A PROJECTOR, cheap. BOX $6, Kyria,| account of an accident to the Arcadia, |thor had petered out on ideas and Fi V a a 43} the boat on which Albert sailed, ad| couldn't follow up his previous stand: WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST Linc: | POWERS 6, $75; 6A, $100; No. 5 coms oye Mazda) vises that no one was saved, and in ‘ard. ¢ Sealnoall F uipment, $50; 6A Lamp House and Arc, $20; ; tanté waa done tee eee Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. | seovie Camera, $100; Path ae Ceres ae ane, car: the second act, after an eight months’ | Excellent work w: s don by Ruby not! otine sete pen, Name Maheaany Yeneee fa ii | Wait, we find Millie prepared vo marry | Hallier, as Aunt Truefitt, and by Anything You Want in Filin’ { Features. &. O. WETMORE, 1108 Boylston St.,| Roger. The room has been changed Harry Nevile, as Felix Barlow. Roger, have it, Super Special Features, Ser | Boston, “Massachusetts i _|to suit the Greenwich Village ten-/| played by Charles Webster, was rather re wae oe vents Pe, rices below c | SENSATIONAL BARGAINS. Rebullt “Machines, car. dencies of Roger's idea of art, and we lable. Jot and ean — Pern | Don't buy until on S. eae mn guaranteed. Bi find a lot of nudes which were good, |able. John Parrish, as Alber cudder, tional film Met. kowancit ‘THEATRE §U P. | PLY g, re eS A Mona} ARCH THEATHE pm Benhessee, ‘ x M ! a varied assortment of riotous colors was well cast, and the real parrot was PLY CO., Memphis, ‘ care of Roger and Felix Barlow, both POWER'S 6-A, motor «riven i friends, and asks them to keep her a elt r mania with 30 ©, $1 impere lamp and tran rmer r at Bs UNKMAN. S41 West 4ith Sti, New York ‘ té) amused. They make love to her during his POWER’'S 5, Marda equipped, and fifty reels of} Film. GLENN BE. BANTON, Butternut, Michigan. absence, Roger more so. A newspaper | { SPECIA: BARGAIN r Simplex and er which showed an aberrated color sense, | true to life. Judy rire ay be we ' Machi e tion. ATLAS 2 ¢ 3 F: amateuris i eo Comedies, Dramas, Weeklic OS inc Previn io “4, Gotten, ATLAS MO¥-' dependent upon the angle of mental | Smooth and amateurish in the ro © we. Dearborn ©, Chicos: Pe ena er thich | Millie Scudder, altho she did lend an Cartoons. $2.50 up per reel. Five-ree! | oct2ix| approach, and a “party in which k lialect ad had } : 20% Of . s c .|—-—_ — a ‘ , hi Sockney dialect an a a Features, $25.00. Send of list Z JACK MAH | SERIALS rer seid se lete: bar| 10aming whisky was sipped, which beexcellent Coe s , ' MARIAN, 440 West 23d St., New York City i "ts tition, paper, complete; bat 55. 208 very Parisian accent in the rendition — 0620 | oy Au, 4. B JOHNSTON, 958 So, Dearbom St. | longs neither to the anti-prohibition posse : ta ey — $$ | gay the present era of 2 ceneee. Largest and Most Complete j STEREOPTICON, used, Ike new, and 100 good Slides odes ne tae can a nae At the conclusion an axiom I had . ° a i we 1? 3 | OPERATIVE SERVE, he a P a ae moe, | Roger endeavors to get Millie intoxirecalled struck me with some force, wy 2 ne ee od ag ge 1 wa tl ith SRVICE, 101-107 W. Sta * | cated, so that she will reveal to him “A straight line is the shortest disur sational i regain list. Sr jal | 2 eT Se , “p Pom” is. and while the es = ; eas rs our set 1 — eceenmn TWO “STANDARD” Motor-Driven Projectors, $75.00 | who F om eos. o tens tance between two points’—I walked rravelogues, MONARCH THEATRE oe ilies . KCYAL THEATRE, Kanka. | party is at its height a flash of light-|t5 the door. MARK HENRY. PPLY CO., 724 South Wabash Ay _____ **°*" | ning reveals what they suppose to be ' | V BELT SIMPLEX MOTOR DRIVE. 119 4. C..| the ghost of Albert. $50.00, P. tre et, esterty, Ht, . . ‘ P : Pri 1ceS Slashed—Hundreds ‘of —_—_——_—a He pantomimically indicates that he is}}] WHAT THE NEW YORK ‘ Westerns, Features, Comedies, Serials : 70 of the roceedings, the KEYSTONE FILM, Altoona,’ Pa. sep WANTED TO BUY wet Se ares » ae CRITICS SAY . —__—_—_—__ changes in the room, nor Millie’s marBILL HART, “Chas ag Bn Rigg Ag iM. P. ACCESSORIES—FILMS riage to Roger, after which in another er Feature : : ‘ t at sacr | . , ‘ , IANGE, list F ne at. INDEPENDENT] 3e wenn’ chen. wo ADV. LESS THAN 25c. flash, followed by darkness, he dis“Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary” M EXCHANG 03 West Commer St, San Ar 5e 8H TRACTIVE tay 4 LINE. s tot Texa . nov Figure at Ono Rate Only—See Note Below. appears. This upsets the household (Belasco Theater) COMEDY, W Features, Scenic and Bducat “~~ MS. al Payee aes and Roger tells Felix that he must) ;yes: «The audience chuckled and bubbled ester eatures, S« >and FEalucationa 1 kin cor ss s . : lists free. NATIONAL BQLIPMENT CO. 4 | ACs, P.O Ber ee ne ne nem, with pepsj| Marry Millie. There has been a tiff continuous, atten ~ ape tng pea West M igan Street, D M wota ote |} . eoncerned in e production its — . — . aya opel Se ee oe es ceca eet tea John Corbin. FILMS—Western, amas and Com z rt sale c i ie. Send fer Itt. WALTER WHELLEZ, 33 |) SS = HERALD: “The play *. . . which David Pr ., Wateriss, Jews, { | Belasco has cast with prodigal generosity and FILMS FOR SALE—Clos ut at a si » | to which one of the great ladies of our time Tene Suey THE NEW GERMAN DRAMA aired i nt a SERVICE, Dek Se. Coen, Ale. animation that make out of it a delightful MID SUMMER ot EARANCE SALE—25° evening in the theater.’’—Alexander Woollecott, for list, Films rented to permanent theaters at T5c | ng cargo H. CLARK, in THE FREEMAN) WORLD: “The play has very frequent humor per reel; road show, per reel per wee RefT is a curios fact it only among the defeated nations of Europe has the war of line and occasionally a diverting situation, ¢ \ area NATION NAL FILM WiIKERS had a appreciable effect on the art of %he drama. During the war we were but it is too hard to be good comedy and #07 Summit Street, Kar ity, Missour ose sured by thos e patriotism had left common sense and yore far on instfficiently adroit to be more than fair — yy aa hind t sacr strugg d purge the rid of its gross materialism an¢ vue wood 2. PATHE H. C. PASSION PLAY, Lite of Chrts =a ; ~gpee en. = ~ — — tt mnsneh eo igo ree: githor farce in its broader moments Hey ye ee a ee { safe fe mocracy. It is now four and a hal years since the armistice, and the POST: “Is in ——S an heegge = — . ew r is t yet it the doors. ample of what a comedy our o TEN TwoREEL COMEDIES, fe featuring Gale Hen| Strange! n ere appears to be in Germany and Austria a very definite be."—J. Ranken Towse. ry, el E L. ©, COMPANY, 298 Turk St, San drama movement’, born of the war and expressing the aspirations of at least Franciseo, California ont part of a nation. Nevalis said that comedy was born among defeated nations, and “JACK AND JILL” : , ah) the Austrian poet Hofmannsthal has recently developed the mystic’s idea by showUNCLE bh 5 S$ CABIN. World Seen, wee ing that it is above all to the ce nquered that the irony of things is inevitably made (Continued frém page 37) £0, B ENGESSER, St. Peter, Mis 1h manifest. The young Germans write few comedies in the narrow sense of the term, ee een 1 but Novalis was not think!s 1g — that sort of comedy. Is it not true that all great but honest Jimmy, and Victor Casmore drama, vedy and tragedy alike, is the expression of irony ? ett el is the explosive and eccentric count. In the defeated aatries ‘there are, roughly speaking, two types of mind, e omentum as it M. P, ACCESSORIES ok! and the new: tl representatives of the old orders—who seem to be in the The show gains m f the third act r FOR SALE—NEW majority—impervicus to new ideas and responsibilities; and the young Germans, in proceeds, and the end 0 e rd a a small but influential minority. revolutionary in politics, : brings forth much spontaneous ap8c WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE, The } tists ——Poy : a school, nor “ = nee plause. The theme is not riotously " 5 Vv. LESS THAN 2 by mic by; the movement of which they are a part is neither self* suas a a aay ook om aes on cons s nor definitely limited. The dramatists are individuals—living in Berlin, funny. The chorus is attractive per ™ Dresde Munich, Prague, Vienna—ali of whom have recefved inspiration from, or sonally, but the costuming is in soma — — been deeply ted by, the great upheaval in very much the same way, and are now + aLeetaeerry FOR (0c PER HOUR--Mots~ Auto expressing themselves in terms of drama. They are at one only in their realization ber colors for the most part. In fact, Ge operates on any sutom e of truck that an old epoch has come to an end and a new one begun. They are primarily the difference between instantaneous . Pr ’ , oF, moving picture machings § but there runs thru all their work a philosophical undercurrent which success and merely passable success pm i $y its, y iterized as skeptical. Yet the most pessimistic of them can see a ray | lies largely in the matter of coloring, ment a lobes for all pro‘es nal and suitcas Ger the fubare. , F: , > SUPPLY ©O.. ‘Dept G, 724 south Ws _ = a )) g Kaiser demonstrated the futility of our industrialized civilization: so far as this show is concerned. The cago, 5 aes sepe?y yf t r has tempered = ate a po a stubborn ~— the ‘dancing is extraordinary as regards —_ 5 i working masses; rnoi ronnen, the most ardent exponent of the new pa \} der s exhibited » human animal in revolt against authority; Fritz von Unruh | the socgenesae? but ba: ae aa ar ter Hasenclever turn in despair from the sickening spectacle of human ;}chorus evolutions is not up 2ND-HAND M. P. ACCESSOR| waste to a mystical world in which humanity is enshrouded in a hazy idealism. | standards of other loop musical shows ALE The war has proved that the individual is no more than an imperfect cog in a ‘seep ai 4 f IES FOR S machine. Today some of the more sensitive of these cogs, only a few years ago | this season. The buoyancy ot ensem Se WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25¢ parts what seemed a perfect machine, are turning upon the system that threatened | ble is not quite what we might expect. 7e WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. }} fo deprive them of their souls, and showing the world what a hideous place it can The entire cast is clean-cut, capable : . » Cae. A ) ‘ The horrer of war is merely the horror of civilization in its most char: ns . oth! Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below e phase. War kills not only the body, but the soul. The new German and pleasing, and there is lavish em——— ——__—— drama is not a revolt against war: it ~ not ste a revolt against civilization: it is ployment of ladies of the ensemble, HERTNER CONVERTER, a while, ! ; i rst drama, the mode of expression which appeals most directly to these men who a few panel board, oon volts, pha syele, &bhave mething to say. The war and the “‘war after the war’’ have furnished its gentlemen of the ensemble, ete. A 4g perfe ‘= tion, _ $875.0 | { mpetus, and often its subject matter. Colonial costume scene is the most STUN, 538 S carbon St. C2 i : — — } appealing, and here again some BIG BARGAIN in oew and se ss > SSS! brighter coloring would be effective. ; ; ee te Dts Cee ek The voices are far above the average, 1OMNS TON, 538 South Dea rn St... Chicago. octid 7 " : oa . miglin gs Time of action, two hours, twentya AE. —y hag gg’ “ty 4 — eneelineed ( WANT TO BUY Passion Plas, Uncle Tom's Cebin, between the two men, each declaring | eight minutes. Eight curtains. rket St., St. Louis, Missouri, of ses, ne ; ligiou + ; ‘ =a ; voll city eS eS ond any Helizious | that neither would marry the girl. LOUIS O. RUNNER. , FOR SALE— Tve Pe wer’ 8A Mor ~ Ra ae Mabe ,! 7 FRED KONSACK, 724 — The third act finds Felix about to COMMENT . s lition, bargain, abash Ave., Chicago. oct : . GENERAL SP DCLAL ry CO., 409 Morgan, St. Louis precession -|marry Millie, when Albert returns and POST: “As musical comedy, its plot pulse sed nein ‘i | SUITCASE MACHINE, Pathe Passion Plas L or upsets all the calculations. At the|is feeble and its quality insipid. As a revue GUARAMTEED REBUILT , nes Power's, | Religious and react OT ARD. tol So Gres, sc_| finish, when it is discovered that “Pom | it is deficient in ee — Pa S ane te eh tres wot Nay Free | | caga Pom” was a myth of Millie’s creation | right tunes, ne ee, See catalog. MONARCH THE ATRE SUPPLY CO, T24|— —a supposed picture of the Prince of | °™* So. Wabash Ave., Chic sep? o— Ess nbeck-Wallace, Buffalo Bill, 101 ‘ "RN : “Mor ne tha son. ————— “Ranch, S ny Circus or Roundup Pic-| Wales (altho the one used looked to be Pe ae RNAL: a = os — pert 5 f ' 1 «) hur nd ir State r $ ; = s99900 ieven men sponsible o > authors . ~ ane See Masda Equipe t for Tl machin Are Peter x ‘ 23 | that of a woman)—and that Millie's mnie and Girection of ‘Jack and Jill’. pee gD, | past was a fabrication, Albert, to live UP} Too many chefs seriously damage the pottage. Machine Par will mild your P : : . f ‘ m, * marca iste NATION ai || WE BUY nag Ng . tag , ng oo to his expressed principles, leaves her] Several capital dancers.“ a it prices paic sive de ' . . sa0e nn, RENT CO., 400 West Michigan Street, Du| WON hon THEATRE SUPPLY CO., 724 South Wy-/ to take an indefinite trip abroad. Milli¢] AMERICAN: “Most enthusiastic opening of it sot " , a “hi ~=n es = s bash Ave, ¢ sep29 expresses to her supposed aunt, really | the young season. It’s high fun. Miss PenMOTION Rai +4) SABEES oy ° t oT Ee ee ‘a " a wardrobe mistress, her intention of | nington and Mr. Fields shine brightly.” ' ( " > on, wx Aank . Y liiimois sey THE TALKING PARRO returning to the stage, where she had EXAMINER: “Lew Fields, Ann Pennington, MONARCH MOTION Picture x ramesron. — (Continued from page 37) previously won some recognition. and Lulu MeConnell brought bright spot. I el , ms ink what this ical comed -_ Rm gy ay . os) supposed relative, not to go because The play shows some flashes of ra 5 Pe grain bets oo ee ’ en for $ oo t i S| . . b a »e C em. ORS’ CO “Ore [ATIVE SERVICE, l0l-leT W. State} the cards predict an accident. But, brightness, altho many of the comedy NEWS: “Vapid book, dull music, witless K rd, Ilinets _ » oon ein i in! Hae eee " . * r as z 8 “Vapi 5 sic, a ha = de pie warnings and his : alouny ofa lines are overworked, the field einsees romance and pathetic wit, Acters rather Sim New TEREoPricons, standard exhjpition size, | Parrot’s imagined know edge of a/| being dragged in again and again. | gereq than carried by their vehicle. Made I $1 or Wie« $3.58 | previous admirer in Millie’s supposed | There is quite a little philosophy that! cheerful by hard work, fine talent, beauty and vat 7 late ntas of ( i HERG, mith ore, 8 A, , lnols notorious past, he places Millie in the | strikes home, but as a whole the piece !a blind trust. Cozy pleasantness about show. iG, MFG. CO. 191i Monroe, Chicago, I i I h , piec yp is an admixture of comedy and the melodramatic that is hybrid in its directness of appeal and unconvincing. Each succeeding act seemed worse than the preceding one—as if the au To Ann Pennington fall the bouquets.” Hotels with tho professions) ona atmosphere x what you =. on Hote issue may