The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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Anger. ' Zi — ——— . The Billboard SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 nial) Norfolk. Va. (Co. (Albee) Providence, BR. L: okirn Oct, 1-4. *) Man nester, N. H. ‘9. Hy ebanse, Il, (Coliseum) Kew York 21-20. ‘ sm) Or wae Ne ° snshwiek) pos §* (Temple) r., Oct. 16, at San Francisco Oct. e (Poll) Bridgeport, Conp Alexander &: & Evelyn (Electric) Kansas ‘ : OM York 27-28. ¢ at | Washington: (K edy Four (National) New York 27 apices Whirlwinds (Majestic) Harrisburg, ~ e*, Four (Regent) Detroit. te (Ol a Mace, Orph Can.; (Or (Orpheum) (Hipp.) Cleveland: 1) Philadelphia. elancey St.) New York Ande eet a CGineinna Andrews, T. & K. iKe Sisters, Six (Pal Farry, & Co 27-29. TAN ARAKIS Presenting a Sensational Foot-Balancing Ladder. Week Sect. 24, Strand Theatre, Brockton, Mass.; Vie| tory Theatre, Holyoke, Mats. Direction Pat Casey Agency. a Arakis, Tan (Vi tory) Holyoke, Mass., 27-29; ( fashington St.) Be ston Oct. 14. i is) Pitt irg. SArgo & Virgisia (tsi0be Kansas warner eh ) Baker & Rogers ' Baker, Irn, & Co “(WDavis) Cleveland Oct. 1-6. ( St.) Cleveland; Bas ids, Mich., Oct. 1-6. City, Mo., Pittsburg: ®. (105th . & Empress) Grand (Orpheum) Vaneouver, 14. Rockford, Tll., Pottsville, Je t Stamford, Conn. 08, (Colon! al Erie, Pa. omedy Fou Orpheum) Los Angeles 24 Oct. 6 Awkward Age. ‘The (Bialto) St. Louis; is Oct, 1-6. pheum) Mempt Axiom, Alla (Pantages) Hamilton, Can.; (Chago Oct. 1-3. teau) Chica B*> Carroll & Syrell (Tem; ple) Detroit Oct. 1-6. Babcock & Dolly (Strand) Hoboken, N. J. Bairnsfather, Capt. Bruce (Palace) Cleveland. Baker, Belle (Palace) Chicago; (Orpheum) 8t. Louis Oct. 1-6. Can.; 27-29. (Or(Davis) Pittsburg; (Pantages) Saskatoon, (Pantages) Edmonton Oct. 1-6. Snowy pg ag Omaha, Neb.; pheum) Sioux Cit Ja., Oct. 1-3 Ball, Rae E., & Bro. (Davis) Pittsburg. Barver & Jackson (Majestic) Houston, (Majestic) San Antonio Oct. 1-6. Barlows, Breakaway (Hipp.) Baltimore, Barrett & Cuneen (Orpheum) St. Louis. Barrett & Farnum (fifth Ave.) New York 97-29, Barrios, Jean (Electric) St. Joseph, Mo., 27-29. Barriscale, Bessie, & Co. (Orpheum) Seattle; (Orpheum) Portland Oct. 1-6. Can.; (Or Tex.; Barry & Wolford (Feeley) Haverhill, Mass. Barry & Whitledge (Broadway) Springfield, Mass. Barry, Lydia (Proctor) Yonkers, N. ¥.. 22-29. Barrymore, Et (Orphe im) Denver, Barto & Mely lle it ital) New Britain, Conn. Barton & Young (( anitol) Hartford, Conn. Barton Revue (Pantages) Los Angeles; (Pan tages) San Diego Oct. 1-6 Basi! & Keller (Majestic) Chicag Baxley & Porter (Ameri ow. Fest 27-29. Bayes & Speck (Orpheum) Tulsa, Beck & Stone (Pantages) Los Ang _—— (Pantages) San Diego Oct. 1-6 Beegee & Cupee (Keith) Col: imbus, 0. eers, Saiy (Empire) Fall River, Mass. Bell & Gray (Irwin) Carbondals, Pa, Bell-Thazer Bros. (Joyland Park) P hoenix, Ariz., indef Benny, Jack (Coliseum) New York 27-29. fensee & Baird (Hipp.) Pottsville, Pa. Sens Victor Oreck (State-Lake) Chicago tent & Clare (State) New ae Serg & Englisch (Faurot) Li O.. 27-29. Bergere,* Valerie, & Co. (Royal) New York. Serk & Saw Orphe 1) yeuver; Orpheum) Sionx Cit 1., Oct 1-3 Dorn ard & Searth (National) “ York 27-29. Bernard, Joe, & Co. (Roanoke) Roanoke, Va. Bernard & Garry (Keith) i. ll, Mass.; (Keith) Portland, Me Oct, 1-6. Bernard & Towne (Hipp.) Baltimore. Bernardi & ( (Fastages) Toronto, Can.; (Pantages) Hamilt n Oct. 1-6. Sernie, Ben, & Band (Palace) Chicago; (Orpheum) Kansas City Oct. 6 artr (Palace) Pittsfield, Mass, Hart (Victoria) Wheeling, W. Va. t (Olympia) Lynn, Mass, Bevan & Flint (Broadway) New York. Bezazian & White (Lyric) Mobile, Ala. Bi-Ba-Bo (Palace) St. Paul; (Orpheum) Winnipeg, Can., Oct 1-6 Big City Four (Pa lace) New Orleans. tigelow & Lee (Royal) New York. Bird Cabaret (Keith) Washington. Bison City Four (Lyceum) Canton, O. Slack & O'Donnell (Orpheum) Oklahoma City, OK Blair & Pe aatagten (Palace) S. Norwalk, Conn. B k, Mary, & (P antages) Hamilton, Can.; if até ) ch Apc fiet . Blanks, Three (Keith) Cincinnati: (Keith) Indiana Oct. 1-6. Blond Ed (Pantages) Hamilton, Can.; (Chatean) ¢ ago Oct 1-3 Blond Mat Quincey, I1!.. 27-29 Slondes (Or; . m) York Oct 6 Slue Demons, Eight B et a (Hill St.) Los Angeles, (Royal) New Managers end artists sre respectfully reco ested d t comwibute their dates to this department Routes Gist reach The Billboard not later than Friday of each week to ute gublication. The Blllvoard forwards al! mail to pro‘essicmals free of chars Members ” the profession are invited, le om the road, to have toeir mail addressed in care of The Billboard, and it will be forwarded promotly. When no date is given the week of September 24-29 is to be supplied. Bob, Bobbie & Bot (Lyric) Ationte, Ga. Carson & Kane (Lyri _ Birmingham, Ala Bodka, Louise (Keith) Syracn N . Carter & Cornis Her Minneapolis; (Orsjoland & Kaight (Capitol) Un on Hill, N. J.. t m) (nr a 27-23. Casson & K Omaha; (Pantages) latis, Five (Palace) Cleveland; (Shea) BafDes Moir 4 fs N r.. Oct. 16 ‘ Casson Bros Poli reester, Mass u Maleta, & C Warwick) Brooklyn Cataano, Henry, & Co. (Princess) Nashville, Bond Re ymond, & oe. (Riverside) New York; Caor f (Hill St.) Tos Angeles Ke ) Syracuse, Y.. Oct. 16 Cc 1 t American and Lincoin) Chicagc Booth, Wade Riverside) New York: (OrCaranangh, Earl, & Co. (23rd St.) New York pheum) Brooklyn Oct. 1-4. 27-29 tooth & Nina iLyric) Atl ante, Ga. Cevenes, The (Palladium) London, Eng., Oct. Eddie (Pantaces Winnipeg. Can.; 14. , Regina Oct 1 3 Chamberlain & Earl (State-Lake) ( £0 Boyer (Maryland) Baltimore, Md.; Char Trio (Broadway) Springfield. Mass. hiladelphia Oct. 1-4 Ch i (Royal) New York. iwin sates) Brooklyn 27-29 Chapa 1 ntages) Var iver, Can. mw, Fred (Palace) Cincinnati; Chong m) New Orleans een Oct 1-6 Claire ges) Kansas City; (Panise, Co “a ) San Antonio, < I 14 Maj estic) Ft y . 146. Clarity & Stoning (Strand) Bayonne, N. J. 2an Bros. (Majestic) Findlay. 0., 27-29. Clark & Crosby (Loew) Daston, O. Braatz, Seln na, & Co. iGrand) Atlanta, Ga Clark & Storey (Gates) Brooklyn 27-29. Braden, Harr Lyric) Birmingham, Ala. ( rk & O'Neil (Orpheum) Ogden, Utah: (PanBradnas, The (Empress) Grand Rapids, Mich.: tages) Denver Oct. 1-6 (Keith) Toledo, 0., Oct. 1-6. Clark, M. & A. (Capitol) New Britain, Conn. Brady, Florence (Proctor) Troy, N. Y. Clark, Sylvia (Palace) Miiwanke (StateBreen, Harry Orpheum) Denver; (Orpheum) Lake) Chicago Oct. 1-6 Omaha Oct. 1-4 Clark, Eddie, & Co. (State) Buffalo, Breitbart (Albee) Providence, R. 1; (Shea) Clerk. Johnny (Pantages) Seattle; (Panteges) 3uffalo Oct. 1-6. Vancouver, Can., Oct. 1-6. Send us your route for publication in this list to reach | Cincinnati Office by Friday. Cards mailed upon request. NAME WEEK THEATER CITY STATE OA AA itt ttt Sn —_—eee a Ne Breton, T. & C. Brice,” 2729 srili, cee & Bunny (Palace) Peoria, 5 2729: (Columbia) Davenport, Ia.. Oct (Bijou) Woonsocket, R. Clarke , Elizabeth, & Co. (Greenpoint) Brooklyn Clasper, Mich.; Claude & Deluca (Princess) Edith. & Co (105th St.) & Marion Clayton & Montreal. (Empress) Grand Rapids, Cleveland, O., Oct. 1-6. (Albembra) New York, Lennie (Englewood) Chic 27-29. aco Broadway to Dixieland (Pantages) menos is, Clayton & Edwards (Riverside) New York: Brodt, Chas. A., Oriental Review (Scala Va(Orpheum) Brooklyn Oct. 1-6. rieties) Berlin, Germany, Oct 31. Cleaves, Ardel] (State) Buffalo Bronson & Renee (Jefferson) New York 27=. Clifford, Bessie (Princess) Montreal, Brosius & Brown (Warwick) Brooklyn 27-2 Clifford & Gray (Pantages) Indianapolis, frown & Rogers (Electric) Joplin, Mo., Clifford & Rodello (Regent) Detroit frown & Whittaker (Strand) Bayonne, Clinton & Rooney (Keith) Cincinnati: (Keith) Brown & Lavelle (Orpheum) Madison, Indianapolis Oct. 1-4 27-29; (Kedzie) Chicago Oct. 1-3 Coates, Margie (Fordham) New York 27-29; Browning & Roberts (Seventh St.) Minneapolis (Orpheum) Brooklyn Oct. 1-6 Brownlee’s Hickville Follies (Palace) Great Codee, Ann (Majestic) Da las, Tex.; (Majestic) Fa'ls, Mont., 26-27: (Legion) Walla Walla, Houston Oct, 14 Wash., 29-30% Seattle October 1-6. Cole, Judson (Bijou) Savannah, Ga Bryant & Stewart (Poli) Meriden, Conn. Coleman, Dan, & Co. (Poli) Scranton, Pa, Zuchanan & Brower (Capitol) New London, Coleman, Claudia (Bushwick) Brooklyn Conn. Collins & Hart (Temple) Rochester, N. Yu: Buckridge, Casey & Co. (Keith) Lowell. Mass, _ (Temple) | Detroit Oct, 1-6 F Burke & ‘Durkin (Hipp.) Pottsville Collins, Milt (Orpheum) Galesbore 4 27-29 Burke, Walsh & Nana (Orpheum) Wichita, Kan. Color & Mur «te (Empress) Decatur 1., 27-29. Burkehart, Lillian (Pantages) Seattle; (PanCombe & Nevins (Imperial) laeonieal. tages) Vancouver, Can., Oct. 16 Comebacks, The (Garrick) Norristown, Pa., 27turns & Allen (Playhouse) Passaic, N. J. 29. ; Burns & Wilson (Regent) Detroit. Compliments of the Season (Palace) Chicago Burns & Lynn (Main St.) Kansas City; Conley, Harry (Orpheum) Oakland, Calif.; (Or(State-Lake) Chicago Oct. 1-6. pheum) Fresno Oct. 4-6. turns Bros, (Lyric) Mobile, Ala. (7 Butler & Parker (Keith) Indianapolis; emple) Detroit Oct, 1-6. THE CONLEYS Byal & Early (Bijou) Savannah, Ge. TIGHT WIRE AND Shrine Circus, Palestine, IRON JAW Tex., Septem ARTISTS. > te Byron Bros. (Fulton) Brooklyn 27-26 C*e2an, Frank (Orpheum) Sheridan, Wy., 26Conlin & Glass (Hamilton) New York 27-29, 27. : Conn A& Albert (Pantages) Pueblo, Col. Cahill & Romaine (Orpheum) Los Angeles. (World) Omaha Oct, 14 Caites Bros, (Strand) Bayonne, N. Connolly & Frances (Pantages) Toledo, 0. Caledonian Four (Grand) Oshkosh, Wis., 27-29. Connors & Boyne (Fulton) Brooklyn 27.29 Callahan & Bliss (Rialto) Racine, Wis., 27-2% Conroy & O'Donnell (Pantages) San Francisco Camerons, Four (Orpheum) Des Moines, Ia.; Oct. 1-6 (Orpheum) Sioux City Ort. 13 Coogan & Casey (Proctor) Schenectady, N. Y. Cantor, Eddie (Alhambra) New York. Cook & Valdare (Lyric) Shreveport, La Carbone, Bobby, & Co. (Yonge St.) Toronto. Cook & Vernon (Majestic) Milwaukee Cardo & Nol (Delancey St.) New York 27-29. Cook, Mortimer & Harvey (Greenpo'nt) Brook‘arlsc Siste « Schroede (Pantages) Van lyn 27-28 : a — a —— , . Cooper, Harry L., Co. (Bradford) Bradford, Pa. Cariton & Berlew (Orpheum) Los Angeles; (Hill Corbet & Cavanaugh (Alhambra) New York, St.) Los Angeles Oct. 1 Corbett & Norton (Capitol) Trenton, N. J Carmody Dancers (23rd st.) New York we: Corne leona & Zippy (Orpheum) Ogden, Carr, Russell (Orp! ot Vancouver, Can.; (Orv : (Pantages) Denver Oct, 1-4 pheum) Seattle Oct Cortelli & Dowd (lalace) Waterbury, Conn. Carr & Brey (Keith) pHiiend. Me. Corwey, Ferry (Aldine) Wilmington, De., Carroll & Gorman (Pantages) Seattle; (PanCosoia & Verdi (Proctor) Albany, N. Y. tages) Vancouver, Can., Oct. 14. Cosmopolitan Trio (Strand) Erockton, Mags, Carson Bevue (Pantages) Portland, Ore. Cotton Pickers (Majestic) Chicago. Carson & Willard (Majestic) Milwaukee. Coulter & Rose (Rialto) Chicago. —_ _ dene Cc ourtne y. inex. & Co. _ (Kei th) Boston. i & eon } ew York. Crafts & Hales (viet hush) Brooklyn. Crave K & (iarbelle (Bijou) Savannah, Ga. Creighto b & P| ( Majest: )° Dailas, Tex.(Majestic) ton Oct ‘ Cree y & Daya {Keith) Portian4, Me.; (Keith) bs i Crite n Four Willer) Mi waukee Croshy, Hazel (Ke! th) Portland, Me. Cr Ch A . (Pantages) Memphis. Crutchfield, Cuba (Pant ges) Minneapolis Oct. 1+ Curry & Graham (Orpheum) New York 27-29. D. D. . (Pa lace) New York; (Keith) Wasbngt fret | ane farie & Co (Capitol) Union Hill, N . t* Daltor & Craig (Pantages) Pueblo, Col (World) Oma Oct, 14 Da lack & Daly (O\ympla) New Bedfood, M . Ta ( t (Capitol) Hartford, Conn. Dance Evolutions (Pantages) Toledo, 0. Dar g tf t vee tt Boston. Dart g Shoe N York 27-2 Darcy, Joe (Capitel) Colon Hill. “s. J., 24-29 Darr Emily Palace) &S Norwalk, Con Qn Dashington Animals (Strand) Kekomo, Ind D & 1 (Orpheum) Quincy, IIL, 27-29. Daveys, Two (Orpheum) Quincy, I1., 27-29. Davis, Phil (i ) Balt . Db & Met (Pantages) San Francisco: (Pantages) Los Angeles Oct, 146 awn. J 0 ind) Toledo, O.; (National) T Ot ' Day at the Races (Miller) Milwankee. Dre Ke jar D Orpheum) Denver Oct. 14. De Mar & Sheik Band Hennepin) Minnea a: Of ) Milwa e Oct. 1-4. De Ross & », Co. (James) Columbus, O, Jie Vine Laurie (Miles) Detroit. DeVoe, Frank (Orpheum) — Orleans. Deagon & M k (Rialto) St ouls; (Orpheum) Kansas Cit (et, 1-4 Decker, Panl, & Co, (Keith) Philadelphia: (Orj n) Brooklyn Oct. 14 Degnon & ( t (Lyons) Morristown, N. J. Deir Stat La Delbridge & Gr emmer Citegenty Detroit. Demares ‘ me) Chicago; Orphe 4 Can.. Oct. 1-4. Densmore Howland (Unique) Eau Claire 7-2 Diat 1, Maurice (Orpheum) Seattle; (Orphe Oot 14 ple) Rochester, N. W.; i lace) Indianapolis 27-29; t. 1-6, s) Seskatoon, Can.; Wasbington. (Orpheum) : , 4 rue (Strand) ‘um) Seattle Dix “Fra k, & Co, (Orpheum) Los Angeles Oct. 1-4 Dobbs, Clark & Dare (Pantages) Salt Lake City; Orpheum) Ogden Oct, 1-6 Dobeck, Joe Birmingham, Ala., 24-Oct. 7, Doherty, Jame Shreveport, iA Dayton, O., 27-20; (Pal ace) Cincinnati Oct. 14 Donals 8 rs (Or im) Roston Dooley & Sales (Keith) Cincinnati: (Reith) Indiat lis Oct. 1-6, Dooley & Morton (Ort _ Portland, Ore.; Orpheum) Oakland Oct Dore, Carol & Louise (Orp am Tulsa, Ok. Dotson (Majestic) ~r ota Pa. Doubt (Majestic) ¢ Downing & O Rourk (Pantages) Dee Moines, la (Pantages) Kansas City Oct. 14. Powning, Harry, ( (Pantages) Memphie. Dress Rehearsal (Regent) New York 27-29. Drew Mary & Co. (James) aa che 0. DuBeis, Wilfred (Pantages) San Diego, Calif.; (Hoyt) I g Reach Oct. 14 ~ Boys (Orpheum) Brookiyn: (Bushwick) trookivn Oct 1-4 ages & Raymond (Keith) *Boston: (Albee) ’rovidence t I Oct. 14 Duncan, A. O. (58th St.) Mew York 27-29. Dunfee, Josephine Roar 5. Re Va Duniay & Merr (Empire) Lawrence, Mase. Dunlevy & Chesleigh (Colonial) Haverbill, Mass. Dupents, The (Miller) Milwaukee Dupree & Dupree (Lyric) Giumbia, S. c. Duttons, Th Fair) (Fatr) Knoxville, et Winston-Salem N. C., Oct Dyer, Hubert, & Co. (0. H) york, Pa. Exrt & Rial Revue (Miles) Detroit. Eaton Tr (State) Memphis, Tenn. Ebs, Wm Orpheam) Sang Francisco; (Orpheum) Oakland tict, 1-6 ickert & Francis (Orpheum) Madison, Wis. Eckhoff & Gordon (Lyons) Morristown, N. J. Edmunds, W Orpheur Portland, Ore.; (Oreum) San Fr Oct. 14 Fdwards & Te ‘ iO eom) Denver Oct. 16 Edward Julia Pantages) Winnipeg, Can.; il thet 3 El Var ver, Can El Cota (atneges) San Diego, Calif.; (Hoyt) Long Be Qet 4 Fi Rey 8 1 youd) Chieago } tt & LaTonr (Rateh) Reading, Pa Elliett, Johnny, & Girls (Loew) Ottawa, Gan. Eily Mis (Liberty I re Haute Ind., 27 2. Emmett & Lind (Grand) Oshkosh, Wis., Emmy ‘ & Mad Waes (Palace) panei Il, 27-29 Eq o & Maybelle (Va'ace) Bridgeport, Conn., 27-23 Ergotti & Herman (Central Sq) Cambridge, Ernie (Victory) Holyoke, Mass. Dutton (Orpheum) Sioux Falls, S. D., (Majestic) Cedar Rapids, Ia., Oct. 4-46, W n (Vantages) Winnipeg, Can.; ' Regina Oct < ly Step (Metropolitan) Brooklyn. Fader & King (Miles) Detroit, Fagan'’s, Raymond. Orch a Cincinnati; (Keith) lodianapolis Oct Fa Nan i(Vantages) eas Oct. 1-4. Falcons, Three (Tantage Memphis Falla, A. & G. (Strand) Norwich, Conn. Fart & Florence (Ben Ali) Lexington, Ky., oF 20 Farnum, Frank. & Band (Orpheum) Brooklen. REAL HAIR, Imported. All Characters $1.50 Each and Up. trish, Dutoh, He. brew, Silly Kid, Cemedian. Catalog free, Cooper Square, * New York. F I