The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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: 1 i The Billboard SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 Mann, Alyn, Co. (Keith) Syracuse, N. Y: mene ple) 5A Oct. 1-6, fe (State) Buffalo. Manning & Class (Fay) Rochester, N. (Bushwick) Brooklyn Oct. 1-6. os Hall (Pantages) Tacoma, Oct Manthey, Walter, & Co. (Majestic) Ft. tarde S Rome (Irwin) Carbondale, Pa. Margo, H., & Co. (New Gary) Gary, Ind., 26 29. —s & Martin (Majestic) Springfield, I. 23 Wash., Worth, Markey, Enid, & Oo. (Maryland) Baltimore: (Riverside) Paget York Oct. 1-6, arks, Ben, Co. (Yonge St.) Toronto. Marston & aH. (World) Omaha; Des Moines, la., Oct. 1-6, Martin & Martin (Shrine Circus) Palestine, Tex.; (Elks’ Circus) Ranger Oct. 1-6. Martin, Oscar, Co. (Poli) Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Mascot (Lincoln Sq.) New York 27-29. (Pantages) Mascottes, Eight (Lyric) Columbia, 8. C. Mason & Cole Revue (C apitol) Hartford, Conn. Maurice, Great (Broadway) Springfield, Mass. Maxellos, Three (Strand) Washington. Maxfield & Colson (Empire) Fall River, Mass. Maxine & Bobby (Grand) St. Louis. Maxon & Brown (Grand) Oshkosh, Wis., 27-29. Mayhew, Stella (State) Newark, N, J. Mayo, Leslie, Co. (Playhouse) Passaic, N. J. Medinas, Three (Orpheum) Brooklyn; (Bush wick) Brooklyn Oct. 1-6. fediey & Dupree (Grand) St. Louis. Meehan & Newman (105th St.) Cleveland; (Keith) Cincinnati Oct, 1-6. Meehan & Irwin (Colonial) Lancaster, Pa. Mehlinger, Artie (Temple) Rochester, N. Y. Melinda & Dade (Proctor) Albany, N. Y. Mellon & Renn (Poli) WilkesBarre, Pa. Melroy Sisters (National) Louisville. ae June & Irene (American) New York 27 secetes (Keith) Columbus, Merritt & Coughlin eee “Washington. Mersereau, Wally, Trio (0. H.) Scottdale, Pa.; (Star) McKeesport, Oct. 1-6. Merton Mystery (Keith) Syracuse, N. Y. Meyers & Hanford (Metropolitan) Brooklyn. Miacahua (Victoria) Wheeling, W. Va., 27-29; (Lyceum) Canton, 0., Oct. Middleton, Jennie (Orpheum) Winnipeg, Can.; (Orpheum) Vancouver Oct. Midnight Marriage (Pantages) Saskatoon, Can.; (Pantages) Edmonton Oct. Mikado Opera Co. (Pantages) Los Angeles; (Pantages) San Diego ie 1-6, Mile (James) Columbus, Milier & Feurs eee, cy gintente, Tex.; (Majestic) Ft. Worth Oct. Miller & Read (Edgemont) Cathe, Pa. Miller, Billy, Co. (Edgemont) Chester, Pa. ay, Eddie, & Oo. (State) Jersey City. N. Miller, Packer & Selz (Poli) Bridgeport, Conn. Minstrel Monarchs (Orpheum) San Francisco; (Orpheum) Oakland Oct. 1-6. Mitchel, James & Etta (a25th St.) New York «-% & Gratton (Pantages) Tacoma, Wasb., 1-6. Monroe & Grant (State) Jersey City, N. J.. Montana (Keith) Toledo, O.: (Palace) Cleve ct. Moore, E. T. (Able) Easton, Pa. Moore & Freed (Maryland) Baltimore. Moore, Harry (Orpheum) Vancouver, Can.; (Orpbeum) Seattle Oct. 1-6. Moore, Geo., & Girls (Royal) N York. Mora, Sylvia, & Reckless Duo Semjentich Cedar Rapids, oe Moran & Mack (Keith) Syracuse, N. ¥.: (Temple) Rochester Oct. 1 Morati, Chas., & Co. (Pantages) Vancouver, Can aeoaey. & Corvin (Central) Cambridge, Mass. Morgan & Sheldon (Palace) Springfield, Mass. Morgan & Gray (Crescent) New Orleans, Morley, Alice, Revue (Palace) Brooklyn 27-29. Morlin & Dorlan (Music Hall) Lewiston, Me. Morris & Campbell (Hennepin) Minneapolis; (Majestic) Cedar Rapids, Ia., Oct. 1-3; (Columbia) Davenport 4-6. Morris, Will (Rivera) Brooklyn 27-29. Morris & Shaw (Broadway) New_York. Morrissey & Young (125th St.) York 27-29. Morrisey, Will (Poli) Meriden, Conn. Morton, -Lillian (Rialto) Chicago. : Morton, Ed. (Proctor) Schenectady, N. Y. Morton, Jas. C., & Co. (Hipp.) Baltimore. Morton & Glass. (Orpheum) Omaha, Neb.; (Columbia) Davenport, la., Oct. 1-3; (Majestic) Cedar Rapids Oct, 4-6. Mortons, Four (Orpheum) Portland, Ore.; (Orpheum) Oakland Oct. 1-6. Moss & Frey (Orpheum) Sioux City, Ia., 27-29. Mullane, Frank (Majestic) Paterson, : Dis Mallen” & Francis (Palace) Pittsfield, Mass. Murdock, Lew & Paul (Hipp.) Cleveland. Murray ‘& Oakland (orpheutn) San Francisco; (Orpheum) Fresno Oct Murray & Allen (Davis) Pittsburg: (Keith) Columbus, 0., Oct. 1-6. Murray, Marion (Orphe um) New Orleans. Murphy, Senator (Orpheum) San Francisco; (Orpheum) Fresno Oct. 4-6. Murphy, Bob (American) New York 27-29. Murphy, Harry, Co. (Playhouse) Passaic, N. J. Johnny (Grand) St. Louis; (Rialto) Wis., Oct. 4-6. Murphy, Myra, Olga, & Co. (Broadway) New York. Racine, Nes & O'Donnell (Imperial) Montreal: (Keith) Portland, Me., Oct, is Nathane & Sully (Keith) Indianapolis: (Keith) Cincinnati Oct. 1-6. Nathano Bros. (Palace) Norwalk, Conn. Nazimova, Mme, (Orpheum) Los Angeles. Neil & Witt (National) Lonisville. Neilson, Alma, & Co. (Alhambra) New York. Nelson, Eddie Kinjesticy Et. Worth, Tex. Nelson & Barry Boys (Lincoln Sq.) New York 27-2 "gy Nel ns, Juggling (Royal) New York. Nerrett’ & ¢ Mann (Veoeriny Wheeling, W. Va. Nester Fes Vincent (Pantages) Spokane Oct. 1-6. New York Hippodrome Four (Poli) Scranton, Pa Newhoff & Phelps (Majestic) Dallas, Tex.; (Majestic) Houston Oct. 1-6. Newkirk & Moyer Sisters (Miller) Milwaukee. Beamast, The (Orpheum) Aberdeen, 8. D., 27 Siaeek: Stirk & Parker (Metropolitan) Brook lyn. Nielson, Dorothy, & Co. (Pantages) Salt Lake City; (Orpheum) Ogden Oct. 1 Night in Spain (Pantages) Kansas City; (Pantages) Memphis Oct. 1-6, Niobe (Palace) Manchester, N. H,. Nippon Duo (Strand) Greensburg, Pa. Noel, Lester, Co, (Pantages) Portland, Ore, Nolan, Paul (Keith) Cincinnati; (Keith) Indianapolis Oct. 1-6. Nonette (Orpheum) Vancouver, Can.; (Orphe um) Seattle Oct. 1-6. Norman's Revue (Palace) New Haven, Conn. Norraine, Nada (Pantages) Des Moines, Ia.; (Pantages) eonees City Oct. 1-4, North & South (Strand) Brockton, Mass, Northern Collegians (Grand) St. Louis Northlane & Ward (Broadway) Springfield, Hall (Majestic) Houston, Mass. Norwood & (Majestic) San Antonio Oct. 1-6. Norworth, Ned (Albee) Providence, R. I. Nosses, Six Musical (Liectric) St. Joseph, Mo., Tex.; Now “and Then (Grand) St. Louis. "Brien & Josephine ag ~ Portland, Me.; (Keith) Lowell, Mass., ne, 5S nin, aver O'Claire, Wm., Co. (Colonial) Mass. Officer Hyman (Capitol) New London, Conn. Ogden Sisters (Novelty) Topeka, Kan., 27-293 (Globe) Kansas City, Mo., Oct, 1-3. Olga 5 Nicholas (Pantages) Tacoma, Wash., Oct, 1-6. Olga & Mishka wa) Gusts; (Pantages) Des Moines, Ia., Oct Olsen & Johnson (Keith) Toledo, 0.; (Temple) Detroit Oct, 1 O'Malley & Maxfield (Orpheum) Joliet, DL, 27 -29, O'Mara, Emmett, & Co. (Proctor) Newark, N. O’Meara & Landis a ag Kansas City; (Pantages) Memphis Oct. 1O'Meara, Tim & Kitty (National) New York oO’ Neil, ’ O'Neil (Orpheum) Grand Forks, N. D., 28-26 o’Nel "& Plunkett (Orpheum) Fresno, Calif.; (Orpheum) Los Angeles Oct. 1-6. Ormsby, Laura (Aldine) Wilmington, Del. Orren & Drew (Majestic) Milwaukee. Ortons, Four (Capitol) Trenton, N. J., 27-29; (Aldine) Wilmington, Del., Oct 1-3; (Edgemont) ester, Pa., 4-0. Pacanna & Ford (Capitol) Hartford, Conn. Page, Hack & Mack (Auditorium) WinstonSalem, N. C. American Four (Franklin) New York 27 Parker, Eenny & Co. (Lyric) Mobile, Ala. Parker, Mildred (National) Louisville, Parkers, The (Pamtagee) Benenten, Can.; (Pantages) Calgary Oct Parks, Grace & Eddie ienheun) New York 27 Passing Parade (Hoyt) Long Beach, (Pantages) Salt Lake City Get. 1-0. Patrice & Sullivan (Palace) Indianapolis 27-29. Patricola (Maryland) —palt imore, Md.; (Keith) Philadelphia Oct. 1-6 Patton & Marks (State) New York. Paulsen, Elsa, Co. (Pantages) Winnipeg, Can.; (Pantages) Regina Oct. 1 Pearle, Myron, & (Co. (Pantages) Des Moinas, Ta.; (Pantages) Kansas City Oct. 1-6. 4 ~ Newport & Pearson (Palace) Cleve mA 4 Bob, Troupe (Rialto) Racine, Wis., 2729. Perettos, Les (Loew) Ottawa, Can. Perez & Marguerite (Keith) Boston. Perez & LaFleur (Poli) Seranton, Pa. Perrone & O iver (Capitol) New Britain, Conn. Pesci Duo (23rd St.) New York 27-29, Calif.; Petit Troupe (Orpheum) Grand Forks, N. D., -29. Petleys. Five (Keith) Syracuse, N. Y.: (Palace) Cleveland Oct, 1-6. Petrams, The (Pantages) —_. ree Ia.; (Pantages) Kansas City Oct. Petrova, Olga (Majestic) Dalton’ * Tex.: (Majestic) Houston Oct. 1 Phenomenal Players (81st St.) New York; (Capitol) Union Hill, N. J., Oct. 1-3. Philbrick & DeVoe (State) Memphis, Tenn. Philljps Four (Colonial) Haverhill, Mass. Phillips, Evelyn (Grand) At anta, Ga. Phondell Four (Flatbush) Brooklyn. Pierce & Ryan (Lyric) Birmingham, Ala. Pierpont, Laura (Hill St.) Los Angeles, Pink Toes, Thirty (Pantages) Vancouver, Can. Pinto & Boyle (Majestic) San Antonio, Tex.; (Majestic) Ft. Worth Oct, 16 Pipifax, Little, & Co. (Seventh St.) Minneapolis, Pirates, Six, and a Maid (Crescent) New Orleans. Pisano, General, & Co. (Pantages) Los Angeles; (Pantages) San Diego Oct. 1-8. Plantation Days (Pantages) Minneapolis; (Pantages) Winnipeg, Can., Oct. 1-6. Polly & Oz (Orpheum) Seattle; (Orpheum) Portland Oct. 1-6. Poole, David (Orvheum) Denver. Poole’s Melody Maids (James) Columbns, 0. Powell Sextet (Pantages) Denver; (Pantages) Pueblo Oct. 4-6. — & Wallace (Golden Gate) San Francisg (OFF fg Oakland Oct. 1-6. Presale Klaiss (Fifth Ave.) New York 27 29. Prevost & Goulet yo erg Ogden, Utah; (Pantages) Denver Oct. Prosper & Merrit (Pantages) * Saskatoon, Can.; (Pantages) Edmonton Oct. % Purcella & Ramsey (Pantages) Memphis. qua & Caverly (Pantages) Lae Angeles; Pan tages) San Diego Oct. 1-6 Quinn, Jack, & Teddy (Liberty) New Castle, Pas (Dixie) Uniontown Oct. 1-6. Racine & Ray (American) New York 27-29. Rainbow Sextet (Keith) Dayton, 0., 27-29. Rainbow’s Ead (Keith) Boston. Rapvi, Harry (Majestic) Cedar Rapids, Ia., 27 Raymond & Schram (Empress) Grand Rapids, Mic = (Boulevard) New York 27-29. Raymond, Emma Realin of Fantasy (Keith) Washington; Chicago. (Keith) Philadelphia Oct. 1-6. Recco, Ridiculous (Majestic Reck & Rector (Poli) Meriden, Conn. Recollections (Pantages) Hamilton, Can.; (Chateau) Chicago Oct. 1-3. Redford “& Madden (State) Newark, N. J. Redmond & Wells (Orpheum) Denver Oct. 1-6. Reeves, Roe (Rialto) ve Wis., 27-29; (Kedzie) Chicago Oct. Regan & Curliss (Palace) "St. Paul; (Palace) (Orpheum) Des Milwaukee Oct. 1-6. Regay, Pearl, & Sheehan Moines, Ia.; (Hennepin) Minneapolis Oct. 1-6. Reilly, Robt., & Co. (Palace) Waterbury, Conn. Remos, The (Temple) Detroit; (Keith) Cincinnati Oct, 1-6, _Selbini & Grov ini Renard & West (Greeley Sq.) New York 27on Renault, Francis (Pantages), Toledo, 0. Rentz, Rosa, Trio (Globe) Kansas City, Mo., 27 29. Renzetti & Gray (Pantages) Salt Lake City; (Orpheum) Ogden Oct. 1-6. Retter, Deszo (Empire) Lawrence, Mass. Reuters, The (Golden Gate) San Francisco; (Orpheum) Oakland Oct. 1-6. Reynolds & Donegan (Keith) Washington. Rhoads, Major ic hatean) Chicago. Rhoda & Hroshell (Pantages) Seattle; (Pantages) Vancouver, Can., Oct, 1-6, Rich & Banta (Liberty) Lincoln, Neb., 27-29. Richard the Great (Englewood) Chieas go 27-29. Rickards, The (Capitol) Union Hill, N. J. 27 a4 . a a Fritzi, & Co. (Temple) Detroit. Right or Wrong (Palace) Indianapolis 27-29; (Hipp.) Cleve od Oct. L6 Rinaldo (Orpheu -Ogden, Denver Oct, 1-+t Ritter & Kn ADP (B ‘antages) Spokane; (Pantages) Seattle Oct. Rives & pa 10. H.) York, Pa. Roberts, Joe (Palace) Pittsfield, Mass. Roberts, R. & W. (Majestic) Ses Antonio, Tex.; ‘Utah; (Pantages) (Majestic) Ft. Worth Oct. 1 Roberts, Renee, & Band (Palace e) Milwaukee; (Palace) Chicago Oct, 1-6 Robey & Gould (Miller) Miiwankee. Robins, A. (Pantages) Minneapolis Oct. 1-6. Robinson & Pierce (Pantages) Tacoma, Wasb.; (Pantages) Portland, Ore., Oct. 1-6. Rogers & Allen (Majestic) San Antonio, Tex.; (Majestic) Ft. Worth Oct, q Rogers, Chas., & Co. (Yonge St.) Toronto. Roland, Ruth (Hill St.) Los Angeles; (Orpheum) Los Angeles Oct. 1-6. Rolls & Watson (Proctor) Schenectady, N. Y. Rolls & Gilman (State) Pawtucket, R, I. Rolls, Willie (Orpheum) Portland, Ore.; (Or phenm) San Francisco Oct. 1-6. Romano Sisters, Three (Rialto) Chicago. Rome & Gaut (Golden Gate) San Francisco; (Orpheum) Oakland Oct. 14. Rome & Dunn (Olympia) New Bedford, Mass. Romeo & Dolls (Orpheum) Ogden, Utah; (Pantages) Denver Oct. 1-6. Rooney & Bent Revue (Bushwick) Brooklyn; (Palace) New York Oct, 1-6. Rose & Dell (Rialto) Racine, W is., 27-29. Rose, Jack (Orpheum) Seattle; (Orpheum) Portland Oct. 1-6. Ross & Maybelle (Orpheum) Boston. Ross, P. & E. (Palace) New Haven, Conn. Ross, Eddie (Palace) Cleveland; (Temple) De troit Oct. 1-6. Ross & Roma (Capitol) Hartford, Conn. Roth, Dave (Orpheum) New Orleans. Roth Children (Poli) Bridgeport, Conn. Roy & Arthur (Pantages) Denver; (Pantages) Pueblo Oct. 446. Rubeviile (Palace) Waterbury, Conn. Rubeville Comedy Four (Orpheum) @zlahoma City, Ok. Rudinoff (Pantages) San Francisco; (Pantages) Los Angeles Oct. 1-6. Rugel Zvette (Keith) Wasbi Rule & O’Brien (Strand) Norwk 4 “Conn. —_ & Elton (Pantages) a & Pierce (Orpheum) Boston. Russell & Marconi (Keith) Lowell, Ryan, Weber & Ryan (Bradford) Bradford, Pa. Ryan, Thos. J. (Orpheum) Fresno, Calif.; (Orpheum) Los Angeles Oct. 1-6. San Francisco Oct. Mass. Sandott & Brooks (Metropolitan) Brooklyn. Sabinis, The (Majestic) Harrisburg, Pa. Sager, Midgley, Co. (Tower) Camden, N. J. Samaroff & Sonia (Pantages) Tacoma, Wash.; (Pantages) ‘Portland, Ore., Oct. 1-6. Samsted & Marion (Arcade) Jacksonville, Fla. Samuels, Rae (Keith) Boston: (Albee) Providence, R. I., Oct. 1-6. Santos & Hayes (Orpheum) Des Moines, Ia.; (Orpheum) Omaba Oct. 1-6. Sargent & Marvin (Orpheum) Des Moines, Ia.; (Orpheum) Sioux City Oet, 1-3. Saxon & Farrell (Pantages) Winnipeg, (Pantages) Regina Oct. 1-3. Saytons, The (Majestic) Milwankee. Scanlon, Denno Bros, & Scanlon (Keith) Phila delphia. Schenck, Willie (Orpheum) (Orpheum) Seattle Oct. Schaller, Jack & Alice (Joyland Casino) Phoenix, Ariz., indef. Scholder Sisters (Keith) Columbus, 0.: (Keith) Cincinnati Oct, 1-6, Schwiller, gay (Keith) ’ » & Co, Can.; P eects Can.; Syracuse, N. Y. (Orpheum) Madison, Wis., Seattle arm: my Kings (Majestic) Bloomington, Ill., 27-28 See backs, The (Murray) Richmond, Ind,, 27-29, (State-Lake) Chicago; ‘(Orphe Seed & Austin um) Omaha Oct, 1-6, (Palace) St. Paul; (StatePawtucket, Seeley, Biossom Lake) Chicago Oct. 1-6, (Bijou) > & (World) Omaha; (Pantages) Oct. 1-6. Shadowland (Pantages) Spokane; (Pantages) Seattle Oct, Sharp's, Bi iy, Revue (Majestic) Cedar Rapids, » (Fordham) New York 27-29: (Palace) New York Oct, 1-6 Shaw, Sandy (Imperial) Montreal, Shaw's, Billie, Revue (Majestic) > eee Tex.; Selbini & Nagle Des Moines, Ia., (Majestic) Son Antonio Oct, Shayne, Al, & Co. (Proctor) Me “Vernon, N. oe 24-29. Shea, Thos. E. (Orpheum) Vancouver, Can.; (Orpheum) Seattle Oct. 1Sheehan & Phi lips (Atha mbra) Stamford, Conn, Sheftel, Joe, Revue (Gates) Brooklyn 27-29, Sheik, The (ate a) Toronto; (Princess) Montreal Oct * Sheldon, Sites ‘& Lucille (thes) Toronto; (Prin cess) Montreal Oct. She rman, Van & Hyman "(Palace) Brookiyn 27 Sherr, Andre, Revue (Victoria) New York 27 Shields, J. & H. (Pantages) Winnipeg, Can.; (Pantages) Regina Oct. 1-3. Shirley & Grant (Orpheum) Sioux Falls, 8S. D., ghicieys, The (Edgemout) Chester, Pa. Show Off, The (Majestic) Houston, Tex.; jestic) San Antonio Oct. 1-6. Sidney, Frank, & Co, (Palace) Ind., 27-29. Sidney, Jack (Palace) Cleveland Oct. 1-6. Sidneys, Royal (Palace) Chicago. Sigsbee’s Dogs (Columbia) St. Louis. — rs & Ross (Kiectric) Kansas City, Kan., -29. (MaBend, (Hipp.) South Cincinnati; Simpson & Dean (Capitol) Hartford, Con Sinclair & Gasper (Shea) Toronte; (Princess) Montreal Oct. 1-6. Singer Midgets (Gordon) Brockton, Mass, Skelly & Heit Revue (Rialto) Chicago, Sloan, Bert (Sist St.) New York, Sloane, Gladys, & Co. je New York 7-29 Smith, Ben (23rd St.) New York 27-29. Smith, Tom (Royal) New York; (Alhambra) New York Oct. 1-6 Smith, Peter J Miajestic) Chicago; (Hipp. Alton, Til, Oet, 1-3; (Lincoln) Belleville ) Smith & Barker (Prospect) Brooklyn 27-29, Smythe, Wm., & Co. (Keith) Indianapolis: (Keith) Columbus, O., Oct. 1-6, Solar, Willie (Davis) Pittsburg; (Keith) Co lumbus, O., Oct, 1-6. Songs & Scenes (Orpheum) Boston, Sonia & Escorts (National) New York 27.29 Sonny Boys Trio (Elks’ Cireus) Joliet, Iil.; (Elks’ Circus) Warsaw, Wis., Oct. 14, Sower & — (Palace) Bridgeport, Conn. Specht, Paul, & Band (Keith) Philadelphia; (Riverside) New York Oct. Spectacul * peven (Tantages) San Diego, (Hoyt) me Beach O¢t. 1-6, Spe neer & Williams (Franklin) New York 27 Spiendids, Tes (Majestic) P ee Tex.; (Majestic) Houston Oct. one. George, & Sister (Orpheum) Wichita, Stanley & McNabb (Orpheum) Sioux City, Ia., gtenies & Birnes (Orpheum) Oakland, Calif.; (Orpheum) Fresno Oct. 4.6. Calif.; Stanley, Bertie & Beth (C rescent) New Orleans. Stanley, Stan, Co. (Victory) Holyoke, Mass. Stanley, Tripp & Mowatt (Pantages) Toronto, Can,.; (Pantages) Hamilton Oct. 1-6. Stanleys, The (Hennepin) Minneapolis; (Orpheum) Winnipeg, Can., Oct, 1-4 WALTER STANTON The Giant Rooster, Care The Billboard, Chicago, tit, Stanton, vat & Ernie (Riverside) New York. Stars of ture (Orpheum) San Francisco; (Or. ~E, Fresno Oct. 4-6. Stars Record (Greeley Sq.) New York 27-29. Stedman, Al & Fanny (Keith) Lowell, Mass.; (Keith) Portland, Me., Oct. 1-6. Sterling Rose Trio (County Fair) Wilmot, Wis., mt. (Lincoln 84) New York 27-20. Ste ‘ns, Emma Stevens & Brunell (Lyric) Richmond, Va. Stoddard, Harry (Orpheum) New Orleans. Stone & Hallo (Palace) New Orleans, Stone & Hayes (Murray) Richmond, Ind., 27 Stonehonse, Ruth hincy ~ ogg | i” Angeles; (Pantages) San Diego Oct. Strad & Legato (Columbia) my te, Stranded (Loew) Montreal. Strickland’s Entertainers (Boulevard) New York 27-29. Striker, Al (Orpheum) Denver, Stratos & Merton (Shea) Toronto: (Princess) Montreal Oct. 1-6, Strouse, Jack (Pantages) Pueblo, Col.; (World) Omaha Oct. 1-6, Sullivan & Myers (Pantages) Portland, Sullivan & Mack (State-Lake) Chicago; i? Chicago 30-Oct. 6, Sul'y, Reg gers & Sully (Rochester Fair) Rochester, x. H Ore. (Tem Sultan (Keith) Philadelphia; (Maryland) Baltimore Oct. 1-6, Sumner, Fred, Co, Ciadestint Beasten, Tex.; (Majestic) San Antonia Oct. Sunshine Kiddies (Colonial Castle, Pa.; 7 Warren Oct. 1-3; (Park) Meadville, Bice 6 Suter, Ann (125th St.) New York 27-29. Sweeney & Walters (Hill St.) Los Angeles. Sweethearts, Five (La Salle Garden) Detroit 27-29 Sweethearts (State) Newark, N. J. Swiss Song Birds (Orpheum) Tulsa, Ok. Swor & Conroy (Orpheum) Memphis, Tenn.; (Orpheum) New Orleans Oct. 1-6. Sydell, Paul (Pantages) Toronto, Can.; (Pantages) Hamilton Oct. 1-6, Sykes. Harry, & Oo. (Lincoln) Belleville, Il., 2720 Sylvester Family (Gephonen) pearers (Orpheum) Des Moines, Ia., Oc Gyncepating Toes ‘Aoditoriom) “Winston-Salem, a Tannen Julius (Proctor) Newark, N. J. Taylor, Howard & Them (Pantages) Edmonton, Can.; (Pantages) Caigary Oct. 1-3. . Taylor & Robbe (Regent) New York 27-20. Telephone Tangle (Chateau) Chicago Tellegen, js, & Lv. (cetumbiah Far Rockaway, Tempest & Dickineos ‘(Orpheam) Wichita, Kan. Ten Eyck & Wiley (Golden Gate) San Francisco; (Fill St.) Los Angeles Oct. 16 Terriss, Norma, & (ov. (Keith) Philadelphia. Terry, Sheila, & Co, (Poli) Worcester, Mass. Texas Comedy Four (Keith) Portland, Me.; (Keith) Lowell, Mass., Oct. 1-4, Thank You, Doctor (Orpheum) St. Theater Comique Russe 27-29. Thornton & Squires (Majestic) Ft. Tiberio, Alba (Orpheum) New York Oct, 1-6, Tieman’s Tad, Orch, Today & Yesterday 29. Loute, (Orpheum) New York Worth, Tex. Brooklyn; (Palace) (Roanoke) Roanoke, Va. (Wall) Fremont, Neb., 28 , Tommy, & Co. (Liberty) Lincoln, Neb., ear ‘, George (State) New York. Tony & Norman (Orpheum) Los Angeles, ‘Toomer, Henry B., Co. (Proctor) Albany, N. Y. Torchbearers, The (Keith) Columbus, 0.; (Palace) Cleveland Oct. 1-4, Toto, (Shea) Toronto; (Princess) Montreal Oct. cone & D'Tlortes (Orpheum) Memphis, (Orpheum) New Orleans Oct. 1.6 Tracey & McBride (Temple) Rochester, N. Y¥.; &. — Tenn.; (Keith) Syracuse Oct, 1 Traveline. Nan (Keith) Columbus, 0.; (Colonial) Erle, Pa., Oct. 14. Trella Co, (Pantages) Fdinonton, Can.; (Pan tages) Calgary Oct Trip to Hitland (0, if.) York, Pa. Trovato (Strand) Washington. Tucker, Al (Capitol) New London, Conn. Tucker, Sophie (Orphenm) Oakland, Calif.; (Or pheum) San Francisco Oct. 1-6, Tyler & Crolias (Musie Ball) Lewiston, Me. Tyler & St. Clair (Palace) Cincinnati; (105th St.) Cleveland, 0., Oct. 1-6. u'* & Clarke (Werte), Quates (Pantages) Des Moines, Ia., Oct. — a at a od