The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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' & > SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 The Billboard 7 ee a mn a yriic Marion, & Co. (Rivera) Brooklyn 27-29; Young, Madelyn, & Southern Singers (Majestic) Indermaur, Edna: Buffalo, N. ¥., Oct. 2. Jack of Hearts, A. Pitou, i (Albambra) New York Oct. 1-6 Milwaukee; (Seventh St.) Minpeapolis 30McCormack, John: (Century) New York 30; ty. Ia., 26; Ft. Dodge 27; i Vadie, Marion, Dancers (Colonial) Norfolk, Va. Oct. 6 Beston Oct. 7. (Brandeis) Omaha, Neb., 30j Valda (Orpheum) Oklahoma City, Ok Youth (Werld) Omaha; (Pantages) Des Moines, McKinley, Mabel: (Aeolian Hall) New York j Valentine & Bell (Reith) Lowell, Mags, la., Oct. 1-6. City Oct 7. Ben Probst, mgr.: Brattle' Valero, Don, & Co, (Davis) Pittsburg. Yvette (Pantages) Pueblo, Col.; (World) OmaOnegin, S‘grid: Brockton, Mass., 30. ; 26: Bellows Falls 27; Shelburne \ & Belle (Orpheum) Denver Oct, 1-6, ha Oct. 1-6, Rhondda Welsh Male Glee Singers: Montreal, ‘alis, ., 28; Pittsfield 20; Greenfield Oct. Van Bros, (Crescent) New Orleans, Can., Oct. 1-2. > Wart 2; Spencer 3; Clinton 4; Fitch\ Hoven (Orpheum) Winnipeg, Can.; (OrSamaroff, Olga: Ruffalo, N. Y., Oct. 2. ; eum) Vancouver Oct. 1-6, Zetaya (eagementy COnsten, Pa. San Carlo Opera Co.: (Century) New York Sept. tapid Fire: (Orpheum) Ft. Wil. Vin & Tyson (Colonial) Lancaster, Pa. Ziegler. H. & L. (Hill St.) Los Angeles. 17-Oct. 20. 27-29; (Walker) Winnipeg Vavara, Leon (Orpheum) New Orleans Ziska (Pantages) Toledo, O. Schipa, Tito: (Carnegie Hall) New York City ¢. 1-138. y Venetian we 8. Norwalk, Conn. : Oct. 1. in 7 Slow Poke, Frank B. Verga, Nick Gladys (Seend) Atanta, Ga, Sousa and His Band: (Madison S« Garden) : Nokomis, I 26; Taylorvi Vernen, Hope (Lyric) Columbi s. C OUTDOOR FREE ACTS New York City Oct. 7 1" : 37; neolr SS; Carlinville 29; ae = Versatile Quintet (Novelty) To} peka, Kan., 27(ROUTES FOR THIS COLUMN SHOULD REACH Verbrugghen Quartet: (Aeolia in Hall) New York ‘ : 1: Washington, Ia., 2; Sigour at) , . THE CINCINNATI OFFICE BY SATURDAY MORN. P City Oct. 2. 1 and 6. ' S 1ey 3; Kuaoxville i; Story City 5; lowa Victoria & Dupree (Orpheum) Omaha, Neb.; ING TO INSURE PUBLICATION. PERMANENT Zimbalist, Efrem: (Carnegie Hall) New York Palace) St. Paul Oct. 1-4 ADDRESSES WILL NOT BE PUGLISHED FREE City Oct. 7. with Genevieve Tobin: (La incent, Claire, & Co. (Ketth) Dayton, O., 27OF CHARGE.) Sept. 9. indef. 0; (Palace) Cincinpatt Oct. 1-6. ad ‘ennedy: (Apollo) New Vine & Tempit Pantages) Tacoma, Wash., Oct. Bauer, Harry E.: Mitchell, 8, D., 24-29. DRAMATIC & MUSICAL ndef 1 r Weston th Frank Kee : Vo nteers, The (Playhouse) Passaic, N. J. F NO S Greatest of All New ¥ sept. 18 =, > enan; (Harris) Vox, Valentine (Palace) Springfield, Mass, AL RE wartz) | Soe and Stes (ROUTES FOR THIS COLUMN SHOULD REACH Rat: th Jeanne Eas (Maxine Efliott) Wire Acts. Address MRS A. A SWART. * ote ager, THE CINCINNATI OFFICE BY SATURDAY ‘, 12 —_ = Mi ser, Dallas (Central Sq.) Cambridge, Mass. “"* The Billboard. or 252 Fulton St. New York. MORNING TO INSURE PUBLICATION) 21 indef. palms. ley & Keating (American) Chicago 27Black Bros.: (Fair) Beatrice, Neb., 25-29; Abie’s Irish Rose, Arthur B. Benson, mer.: , aaa Ditrichstetm: (Lyrie) 29 (Fair) Russell, Kan., Oct. 3-6, (Grand 0. H.) Toronto, Can., Sept. 17, indef. at? ss. , Walsh & Ellis (Lyric) Atlanta, Ga. Cahill, Great: (Fair) Lyn abers, _ Vans 24-29; Abie's lish Rose: (Republic) New York May h Miller & Lyles: (Selwyn) Walter & James er 1) Lewiston, na (Fair) Danbury, Conn., Oct. 1-6 ‘39. indef. lef. iL Errol Walters & Walters (Albambra) New York; drienne: (G ohan) N 2 ' u Miller and Leon Errol: eet det. I 7 os ~ =) : (Geo M. Cohan) New York May 26, rdam) New x rk Sept. 17. indef. Walters & Stern (Po i) Forcester, Mass, ' —_ e Mary: (Wilbur) eston Aug. we oy Bg Fg OSCAR V. BABCOCK Asen't we. An?, Sider Maude: (Gaiety) Walton, Bert (Delancey St.) New York 27-29. rtists and Mov vubert) N : anki Co.: Taunton, Mass., 26; New Walton, Bort & Lottie (James) Columbus, 0. _ eS a ee ee ee a oe, ‘27: Fall River, Mass., 28-29; Wa ton & Brant (lrincess) Nashville, Tenn. PERFORMING THE Bet The (New Mastend Cad: (Weecester) tangor, Me., o t. 1-3: Portland 4-6 Walton, Florence, & Co. (Palace) New York; Worcester. “Mass. ° : (Parsons) Mar‘ ford Se ber wae fargare . Lawrence Rive teide) New York Oct. 1-6. DEATH TRAP LOOP Conn., Oct. 1-3: Middle ‘town 4; Northampton, VEO? VERN land 2429; “(arand) Wanks (Orpheum) Memphis, Teun.; (Orpheum) a1, rareest sensational thrill act in the OUTDOOR ,, Mass.. 5; Pittsfield 6. \Booth) N New es Re. let AMU SEMENT WORLD Beautifully illuminated and Bat. The: (Garrick) Detroit, Mich., 24-29. booth) New York Oct. 30, Wanzer & Palmer (Orpheum) Joli et wn... 27-28. Sobor tumed. Direct from a successful tour Blossom Time: (Metropolitan) Minneapolis Oct. —o 7) Wapler & Davis (Pu ton) Brooklyn 27-29 of Ro Techie _. ~~ S “ 1-6. 0. W ntz s), . remn . J Schaefer, Ward & Raymond (Pantages) skatoon, * can.; Fatrs, C¢ Home Comings, American Legion Biossom Time: (Shubert) Cincinnati, 0., Oct. ae 6; . tribault 27; Owa Pantages) Edmonton Oct 1-F . a Affairs, ete Address as per route in this issue. 1-6. ester 29; Red Wing 30-Oct. 1; Ward, Frank (Warwick) Brook’yn 27-29. Permanent address, 3 Sturgis St., Winthrop, Mass. Breaking Point, The: (Klaw) New York Aug. Crosse, Wis., 3; Baraboo 4; Ward Sisters & Co. (Palace) New Orleans. 1%. indef . Ward & Zeller (Youge St.) Toronto. Campbells, Casting: (Fair) Viroqua, Wis., 24Bringing Up Father on Broadway, E. J. CarpenEdward [T.. Bloom, mgr.: Sait Ward & Dooley (Majestic) Houston, Tex.; (Ma29; (Fair) Portage Oct. 1-6 ter, mer.: Willmar, Mfnn., 26; Pipestone 27; th, 26; Rock Springs, Wy. . at: jestic) San Antonio, Oct 1-6. Castelios, Riding: (Pair) Oklahoma City, Ok., Luverne 28. Greeley, Col., 29; (Broadway) Wari g. Nelson (Harris) Pittsbarg 24-29: (Fair) Muskogee Oct. 1-6. Casanova, with Lowell Sherman: (Empire) New ra ae “ Warren & O'Brien (Chateau) Chicago. Christensens, Aerial: Bluffton, Ind. 24-29. York Sept. 25, indef. (Adelphi) Chicago Sept. 9, Im Watson Sisters (Pantages) Toronto; (Pantages) Cramor, Joseph: Russellvil Ky., 24-29. Cat and the Canary: (Plymouth) Boston Sept. : . e Hamilton Oct. 1-6 DePhil & DePhil: cuenviie, Tenn., 24-29. 3. indef. Sunup: (Lenox Hill) New York May 24, indef. Watson, "Bares (Palace) St. Paul; (Hennepin) Cat and the Canary: (Shubert) Kansas City, Thank-U: (Hollis) Boston, Mass., Sept. 17, im Minneapolis Oct. 1-6 e e Mo., 23-29; Topeka, Kan., Oct. 1; Lawrence de a ee ak Watson, J. K. (Orpheum) Winnipeg, Can.; 2; St. Joseph, Mo., 3-4: Lincoln, Neb., 5-6. Three Little Business Men: (Thomashefsky’s) (Orpheum) Vancouver Oct. e e Chains: (Playhouse) New York Sept on indef. N Ww York Se 3. indef Watson's — pe (Pa lace) nd ~~ ae Changelings, The: (Henry Miller's) New York Fae gar (Pra zee) New Yo =. Aug. = inet. Watts & Ringold (Majestic) waukee Greatest and Most Artistic Aerial Sensation in th Sept. 17, indef. wo ows an a G rl (Vanderbilt New Weyne, Clifferd, Trio (Kedzie) Chicago 27-29. Outdso bene Me oy ~~ ' ; Coe tve-Souris: (Jolson’s) New York Sept. 3, 4 OF Weak Spot. The (Palace) Cincinnati. York. a a a a def. ga: — Co. A): Weaver Bros. (Orpheum) Wichita, Kan. Chicken Feed: (Little) New York Sept. 24, =i Webb, Harry, & Band (State) Buffalo. DeWaldo: Augusta, Wis., 25-28. indef. ble’ s Co. B): Weber & Ridnor ge Baltimore: Ponerty, Dare Devil: (Fair) Lockport, N, ¥., Children of the Moon: (Qomedy) New York oro 27; Terre . (Keith) Washington Oct. 1-6 24-29, ‘ Avg. 15, indef. “4 Weber & y + Panta ages) Sa a Diego, Calif.; Claire, Ina, Chas. Frohman, a. 5 (Nix& L Pe oo yt) Long Beach O 6 on’s Apollo) Atlantic Cit y 3 24-29. mgr.: Elyria, Welch, Ben (Siet St.) New York. WIZIARDE DUO Clinging Ov iee, The, with Tbe: ggy ‘Wood: (ili*s y 28: Warren 29; Wells, Gilbert (Palace) New York, a .,, UR-TO-DATE-FREE ACTS. nois) Chicago Sept. 9, indef. AlHance Oct. 1; Salem 2; Coshocton 8; New Wells & E r Twins (Vantages) Tacoma, Norfolk, Neb., Festival, week Sept. 24. Oct. datesopem. Connie Goes Home: (49th St.) New York Sept. . Marietta 6. Wash.: (Pantages) Pertiand, Ore.. ‘Oct. ane em = — Pair) Hel Ment 3. indef. & Livingston's Weston & Eline (Greenpoint) Brooklyn 27-29. shers, Five Flying: (Fair elena, Mont., Cowl, Jane, in Juliet: (Shubert-Jeffers St. J mgr.: Ravenna, Westoa, Billy, Co. (Pantages) Tacoma, Wasb., nt mt er r) re es = 1-6. Louis 24-29. : _ O., 26: Kent ster 28; Tiffin 29; To Oct. 1-6 oyds, lying: (Fair) pencer, a. 2 H ok Ss : ‘ N 7 ledo Oct. 1-8; Bryan 2; Defiance 5; HicksWheeler Trio (Orpheum) Lincotn. Neb.; (Ma_ (Pair) Peoria, Ill, Oct. 16° © Grocked Squace: (iatua). New Tak SG TH ED G jestic) Cedar Rapids, Ia., Oct, 4-6, Francis & Riggs: (Elks’ Circus) Joliet, T., Dancing Girl: (Shubert) Philadelphia Sept. 24, Up She Goes: (Studebaker) Chicago Aug. 19, Wheeler, B. & B. (Al hambra) New Ry u e +h 29. 7 ) North Jes me. & indef. ¥ indef. oat x c » B York Wheeler & Potter (Electric) Springtiek 0, aylor Bros.: (Expo.) } son, Ind., anci Honeymoon: (Apollo) Chicago Sept. 2, Vanities of 1923: (Earl Carroll) ew 27-29 28; (Fair) Leamington, Ont., Can.. Oct. 3-6. D inde _— (4p ) enge the July 2, indef. Whirlwinds, Three (Orpheum) Sioux City, Ia., wy | (Faiz) me. Yeseen, Mll., 25-29; David Copperfield, with Bransby } + — We've Got To Have Money: (Plymouth) New Wh 2». Rob (Novelty) Topeka, Kan.. 27-29 Meese n, = (Faiz) Worse, Ind., 24-29 Devils Dicipie th Sr a York ni hite, , Novelty ope a sod. e 0 : , “* 5 vil's isciple e@: Garrick) ew or Thispering Wires; Falnx St. White Bros. (Fulton) Brooklyn 27-20. : Idah, Deino & Theol: (Fair) ‘Bluffton, Ind., “April 23, indet. nase ais Wieertng Wires: (Welt 2) White Sisters” (Al bee) Providence, *R. L 4-29. Fool, The: (Selwyn) Chicago Sept. 2. indef. ng Wires: (Princess) Chic A w t Frat ces (Ory om) ~y tt isco, Jordan & Morris: (Elks’ Circus) Joliet, Ill., Fool, The, Chas. Hunt, megr.: Hartford, Conn., f. . mete hite & Bara (State) Newark, N. J, 24 24-29; New Haven Oct. 1-6. t George, Scandals: (Globe) N White & Grey (Strand) Rebeme, ad Latham of. Rubye: (Celebration) Brookston, Ginzham Girl: (Garrick) Chicago Sept. 3, indef. June 18, ind f. senak ‘oe (Ave. B) New York 27-29. Ind., 27Give and Take, with Mann & Sidney: (Adelphi) Whole Town’ 8 Talking: Bijou) New Ireland (Palace) New Orleans, Liebman, Rube: (Fair) y yr City, Ok., "Philadelph a Sept. 10, indef. wen ’ Aug. 22, ind 5a sae baeae (Orpheum) Los Angeles, 24-29; (Fair) Muskogee Oct. 1-6. Go-Go, J. Edwin Cort. mer.: Scranton, Ps., Wildtower: (Casino) New York Feb, 7, indef, + (Avenue) E. St. Louis, Ml, 26; Binghamton, N. Y., 27; Schenectady 28: Woman on the Jury: (Eltinge) New St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 1-6. AERIAL LOOSES 29; (Royal Alexandra) Toronto, Can., Oct, 1-6. | Aug. 15, indef. nd (Edgemont) Chester, ze Presenting two high-class Attractions: Inon~Jaw Slack Good Old Days, The: (Broadhurst) New York, Wynn, Ed, in The nave Mich. Bert C. WhitAL Croix (American) Chicago 27-29. Wire, the Act Beautiful, and Double Trapeze. BenAug. 9, indef. ney, mgr.: Saginaw, Mich., 27; (Powers) Wilken & Wilken (State) Newark, N. J. ton Herbor, Mich., Fair, October 2-6. Greenwich Village Folli 3: (Winter Garden) Grand Rapids 29-30; South Bend, Ind., Oct. Wille Bros, (Pantages) Des Moines, la.; (PanNew York Ser? lef. 4; (Majestic) Ft. Ww ayne 5-6. taces) Kansas City Oct. 1-6. Greenwich Village Follies: (Detroit 0. BH.) yo, al , ucille son: wil ams Clark (Majestic) Grand Island, — _— (Fair) Bentos Harbor, Mich., Detroit Oct. 1-6, : z Ch . &, hes 9, _— Watson: (Playhouse) N ° Troy, New York: (Selwyn) New York tenes se oo , Mack & LaRue: Maywood, Neb., 24-29. — of Troy, New 3 aesiidie oe i. =—— Will ams. _— Weltus (Shea) Buffalo: (Shea) Maxwell Trio: (Fair) Garden Cit: Kan., 24-29; June 19, ef ' , ome c Lag : t. w mor Alice Brady: (Powers) ‘Toronto Oct. . (Fair) Roswell, N. 33° Her Temporary Husband (Eastern). Wm. Riley, 7 mage pt. 2 NX os { t Willams & Tay! lor (58th St.) New York 27-29: wecune, Grant Trio: (Fai oy ‘init, Ok., 27-29. wgr.: on Va., 26; Culpepper 21; Ziestela. F — mall Fees ‘ = 2 < Rive oa de) New Rs A Oct. 91-29 Meredith, Sensational: (Fair) seer, Ont., Fredericksburg 2 Petersburg 29; Norfolk yy 17 ind of (Colonia!) oston, a8., : Strand) Y $4.99. 1 " Oct. 1-3; Richmond 4-6. sept. ° ve wit lis in (Atbee) Providence. R. I. Can., 24-29; (Fair) Danbury, Comme et. 1-6. Hitchcock, Raymond, in The Old Soak: Auburn, Wilson & elly (State) uffalo N. ¥., 29. : Wilson, Chas Tala e) St. Paul; (flennepin) Ma | M y E Home Pires: (Ambassador) New York Aug. 20, weet mace eee Marvelous MELVILLE ® STOCK & REPERTOIRE ‘son, Fran ‘ rl ~ ess ~~ rea ucing the rid's Grea ow Come?: (Shubert-Michigan) Detroit 23-29. ' Wilson, A ~ (f ateote) Hamilton, Care Billboard, New York. I'll Say She Is: (Shubert) Boston Sept. 3, (PME CINCINNATI OFFICE BY SATURDAY © Can.; (Chateau) Chicage Or indef. MORNING TO INSURE PUBLICATION Wilson. Jack ( ‘olumbia) Far Rockaway, N. Y., ee Bob & Olive: (Fall Festival) Urbana, [In Love With Love: (Ritz) New York, Aug. 6, sar; 27.2 indef. Abbott, ast, $: Wilson Bros. (Palace) Milwaukee. Oliver, Seve Devil: (Fair) Brockton, Mass., frish-Jew, The: (New Detroit) Detroit 23-29. ao —_ ~ Gesh Soe Wils 4} p Auteep Trio (New Gary) Gary, Ind., Oct. 1-6. Jolly Roger, The (National) New York, Aug. Alhambra Players: (Alhambra) Brooklyn, N. ws, " » » Reeds, Four: (Fair) Beatrice, Neb., 24-29. 30, indef. Y.. indef, son, Lew (Aldine) Wilmington, De! ‘ niaws . t ' Anditorium Players: (Auditorium) Lynn, Mass. é wit n, Rob (Orpheus) Brooklyn; (Royal) New HARRY RICH —_ Warning: (Garrick) Philadelphia Sept. 10corer | ( ynn, ” ork Oct 4 * ritorir P . 10 Re ; ? Lesson in Love, A: (Thirty-Ninth St.) New Auditorium Players: (Auditorium) Malden, i a Tron. [iomtages) Denver; (Pantages) = THE MAN WHO FLIRTS WITH DEATH. "York Sept. 24, indef. Mass.,_ indef. . w reless Radio Ship (Bushwick) Brooklyn. Highest Aerial Act om Earth. Address a ~~ (Broad St.) Philadelphia Sept. 10, Ba 19, ~ 4 ayers: (Shubert) Minneapolis Aug. Virth, May, & Family (Proctor) Newark, N, J. MISS ETHEL ROBINSON, oo ‘ 4 = , Saldwin Stock C n Wohlman, Al (kelthy) Indianapolia: (105th St.) 202 South State Street. Chienge, om, TJttle Siss Fh as mn ee Ba ee oS Oe ee ee Cleveland, 0. Oct, 1 6 Telephone, Wabash 5486. ate, eget 4 —— oe Bijou Stock Co.: (Bijou) Bangor, Me. indef._ Wolgast & Girlle (Orpheem) New York 27-20. Little — Kelly: (Forrest) Philadelphia Blaney Players: : (Fifth Ave.) Brook! lyn, Wolt & Leonard (Tem ple) Detroit. Reilly, Johnnie: (Fair) Osceola, Neb., 24-29; omen aoe. J ‘ . N York indef. ' 5 : Wonder Seal, The (Columbia) Davenport, Ia, — (Fair) Pontiac, M., Oct. 1-6. ae See eet GE Ee pte Stock Co.: (St. James) Boston, Mass. : wet 2 ; Stones, Aerial: (Fair) Mt. Gilead, . 25-28. or. us. 15 ioe Poli) Washingt Dd. 6 Aug. 27. indef ‘ : j ‘ ¢ Wood, Britt (Olympic) New Redford, Mass. Uncle Hizam & Aunt Lucindy B inal (Fairy “°X of** oney: Ce) vane, & Ses Brandon “Players: (Music Hall) Akron, 0., Sept. Wood, Wee Georgie (Palace) Cleveland; (DaTrenton, N. 24-29 I adele : (Tremont) Boston Sept. 24. indef > ndef. Sy i! yP rg Oct. 16 Utts, Aerin (Fates Greenfield, Mo., 26-28. Ra ae —~ — tempts mE age on a sock te s Weekes White strand) Greensburg. Pa. og Wilhiata, The: (Fair) Beaver Dam, “Wis. 24-29, Lullaby. The, with Flor wee Reed; « (iaicherPlayers: (City) Brockton, Mass. ' Vorden Bros. (Greeley Sq.) New York 27-29. Web», Capt. George: (Pair) Red Wing, Minn., erage abies —— eles PI : te Worman & Mack (Pantages) Minneapolis Oct. 25-27. 7 Magnolia: (Liberty) New York, Aug. 27, indef. woe (ates) Se Ee Wrieht & Dietrich (Areade) Jacksonville, Fla moO. adel Puapers: (Hretie) Hew York Set. Bryant, Marguerite, Plarers, , ~* — Wright & letrich (J . “ . . 10, inedle gr.: Schenl Pitts q ~"a.. Se 3. Wratt's Scotch Lads & Lassies (105th St.) CONCERT AND OPERA Mary, Mary. Quite Contrary, with Mrs. Fiske: indet a —_ _ Cleveland (Relasco) New York Sept, 11, ind t. Danenas Play : Welle Se Hartman (Palace) Bridgeport, Coun. (ROUTES FOR THIS COLUMN SHOULD REACH Merton of the Movies: (Cort) New ‘Tou nee, SE Bat, Fees Co a Wyse. Rows, & Co. (Pantages) Toledo. 0. THE CINCINNATI OFFICE BY welvnene 13, indef Burns-Kasper Pisyers: (Princess) Chester, Pa. MORNING TO INSURE PUBLICATION) Mitzi, in The Magic Ring: (Lyceum) RocbBurn . Pa., . ~ vate N. ) 21-20, . ’ 0 *ortland. Ore.: Althouse, Paul: Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 1. heer eat le 7 2 oun m-Matthews English Players: (Regent) ¥" Co ree een banriese bet. 1-6 ™ Barth, Hans: (Town Hall) New York City —_ —_ Revue (Music Box) New York ‘i Toront . at. Can.. 7 Set. ott. — y ooten. CG c ‘ ~ te, _— arro ers: per ouse) St. . N. B.. Yohe, Dan * ed Bats) "Docten. Castle, Irene, & Co.: Washington, D. C., Oct. 2. Music Box Revue (Second Edition), Sam H. Sept 3, _indef. > Yorke & Lord (Volt) Worcester, Mass. Catenin. Vooter: (Manhattan 0. H.) New Ba mg mgr.: (Ford) Balt ae a ot, asi ; s Co.: (Casino) San Franciseo Aig Yorke & Ki Selt Columbus, O; (Keith) ork City Cet. : vifties of 1923, with Bernard & Collier: (FulCal ndef ; r ¥. pa | = Chem Cherkassky oston, Mass., 30 ton) New York Sept. 25. indef. Chase-Li ister Co., Glenn F. Chase, mgr.: Ains" ‘s Band (Poll) Bridgeport, Conn, DePachmann: “Toronto, Can., Oct. 1. Nine O'Clock, James Richards, mer.: Staples, worth, Neb., 27-29; Valentine Oct. 13; Gorjit Young & Wheeler (Grand) arksburg, W. Va. Galli-Curci, Mme.: Bethlebem, Pa. -» Ost. 1. Minn., 26; Brainerd 27-28. don 4-6. . {