The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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ft ' ! aa The Billboard SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 UNDER THE MARQUEE By CIRCUS SOLLY sapere Ernest Haag reports that everything is fine with the Mighty Haag Shows. . if Lee Norris, female impersonator with the te Bob Morton Circus, received splendid notices in : The Vicksburg (Miss.) Evening Post and The i, Port Arthur (Texas) Evening News, : A letter from J. R. (Doc) Walker, of the Sparks Circus, to our Macon, Ga., correspondent, is to the effect that business is good and that 4 the show is attracting large crowds in Missouri i+ and Arkansas territory. .a — Chick Dailey, formerly candy butcher with the Ringling-Barnum Circus, is now ahead of r “Andy and Min’’ (The Gumps), which show ! will play Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin territory and then zo South. Cc. W. Stevens (Scotty Props) wishes to : thank: the members of the Sells-Floto Cirens for assisting him and states that with good luck he will be in a position to help other unfortunate persons. , 4 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Curran (the latter known as Fay Asia) passed thru Cincinnati September 16 en route to South Pittsburg, Tenn., to join Golden Bros.’ Circus, Mr. Curran to manage the side-show, and Mrs. Curran to do her mental act. The team of Martin and Martin (Jerry D. and Josephine), aerialists and contortionists, have been witb the Bob Morton Circus since 4 November 22, 1922, and have decided to ex tend their engagement with this show indefinitely. The show has been playing Shrine, Elk and Grotto dates. t } In commenting on Christy Bros.’ Circus, The Daily Southerner, Tarboro, N. C., said; ‘There was not a dull moment during the entire performance, but by far the ost attractive feature was the performance by the animals. It was a clean, educational and a highly entertaining show.”’ i C. F. (Dad) Thornton, veteran showman, is in 2 a critical condition in the city hospital at St. : Louis. He recently underwent an operation for a growth on his breast. Mr, Thornton would like to hear from old friends. Mail can be sent to him in care of Mrs. C. F. Thornton, 1418 Lecust street, St. Louis, Mo. & 4 Jack Green, who has traveled all over the ) Wnited States with many prominent circuses, is spending his vacation in Auburn, N. Y., with friends. Jack's engagements with various circuses have always attracted much interest, and he is acknowledged a valuable addition to their side-show features. 5 The Knight Family is with the World Bros.’ . Circus, featuring Pauline, the five-year-old } wonder on the tight wire. The Knights re port nt this show is doing nice business, is high-class and clean in every respect, has one of the best cook houses on the road, and that it is a pleasure to be with a show of this kind. September 22 was the birthday of George C. Moyer, who is widely known to showfolk. He 4 was flooded with telegrams and letters of con" gratulation. Since April he has been at his z home in Herkimer, N. Y., and on October 1 bs returns West en route to the Drs. Mayo, of 2 Rochester, Minn., for further treatment. James S. Leavelle, our representative at Lit+e tle Rock, Ark., has this to say of the Sparks Cirens which showed there September 12: “There was nothing objectionable on any part of the grounds, not even boisterious profanity, . much less any unwelcome shows of the hitherto well-known cheapness and vulgarity, and as a result the big top was packed at both performances.”’ Writing from Salisbury, Md., September 18, ; Chas. Bernard, contracting press agent for the ’ Walter L. Main Cirens, says: ‘‘We have Georgetown, Del.; Dover, Del., ‘and Havre de Grace, Md., to bill yet. Expect to finish at the latter named city September 21, and I hope to be with my wife for dinner Sunday, — 23, at Riverside Place, Savannah, Ga Advance truck of the Atkinson Circus was called in by Manager Tom Atkinson, stocked up and sent into the San Joaquin Valley instead of the Imperial Valley, as intended, says Prince Elmer. The change was made on account of low prices of crops in the Imperial and Qoachilla valleys, east of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson recently spent a day in Los Angeles purchasing paraphernalia and equipment for the show. Frank H. Hubin is “surely boosting Pleasantville, N. J. His nephew has just left the East for California, where his father has large oil land interests. Frank had the young man place signs on the sides and rear of t machine, reading: “From Pleasantville to California.”’ In addition he gave him 10,000 cards to be distributed along the route, which includes New Jersey, New York, Canada, Michigan, Illinois, down to St. Louis, Mo., and then over the Santa Ye Trail, thru Salt Lake City to California. A correspondent writes: ‘‘As I passed thru Chattanooga, Knoxville, Asheville, Greenville, Charlotte and Durham I was confronted with many bright, lurid and gaudy posters proclaiming the coming of the century-old cir¢ us—Jo Robinson. The Ringling-Barnum brigade lowed the opposition I show, in charge of Col Morgan, an advertising car No. 1, in charge of William Backell, into Chattanooga, Knoxville and the Other cities Morgan and Backell’s men left __ very little for the Bridgeport bil’ers."’ Wm. (Irish) Atkinson writes Solly that he and his family visited the Alderfer Show in Texas for three days recently and met with a most sociable bunch of showfolk Atkinson reports thet the Alderfer organization presents clean, wholesome amusement. The show is transported a "i idk a ese a ee PN ES Morton, Reno and Mack, in 1888, with Pain's fireworks show, “The Last Days of Pompeii’’. on three trucks and twelve wagons and has of The Billboard. twenty-six head of baggage stock, all in splen did conditicea. canvas. With the show are the famous Grinne! family of midgets, the Marcells,. Spanish web traps and rings; Scott Ruth and wife, Mr. and ‘%@ you Mrs. Coleman, and a number of dog and pony Prof. John A. Jackson visited the RinglingBarnum Circus at San Francisco, Sunday afternoon, September 2, and reports that a big crowd Was in attendance. “When I stepped to the reserved-seat ticket Bros.’ window, the seller was reading the latest copy out a Val Vino, the lecturer, Some Do You Jackson further says: “When Remembers by Buck Leahy: Tom Brown played clarinet with Minstrel Band? I strolled over to the cookhouse department and saw The Billboard on The outtit has practically all new ‘ale, price 15 cents, at the supply wagon Alse took in the side-show and saw The Billboard on ome of the platforms of the different people, see, your gvod magazine is in demand. is still the same pleasacts. The show is headed North. ant gentleman as when I saw him September —— 5. s00i, on the Ringling Bros.’ World’s Greatest Shows.” Guy When Burt Imson had show? When ‘The New Clown’ WHERE THEY WILL WINTER Owners and managers of shows not represented in this list ,will confer a favor by sending The Billboard the addresses of their winter quarters as soon as they decide upon same. Use blank below for that purpose: CIRCUSES AND WILD WEST SHOWS Gentry Bros.’ G son’s Trained Wild Animal Circus, James “Tet : Pp : mer.: Patterson, mgr.: Paola, Kan 921 Cherry Golden Bros.’ Circus. M. E. Golden, prop. and megr.: San Diego, Calif. Great Sanger Circus, King Bros., owners: 4 S. man, Main st., Memphis, Tenn, Jones’ Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus, Bert Bowers, mer.: West Baden, Ind.; offices, 709 Crilly Bldg.. Jones, Chicago, Ill. LaMont Bros.’ Show, ©. R. LaMont, mer: yoo Salem, Ill. eg Main, Walter L., Circus, Andrew Downie, prop.: wee Havre de Grace, Md. Mighty Haag Show: Marianna, Fla. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, Ringling Bros., props.: Bridgeport. Conn.; <n offices, 221 Institute Place. Chicago, M Robinson, John, Circus, Dan Odom, mer.: Peru, Ind.: offices, "709 Crilly Bldg., Chicago, Til. Selis-Floto Circus, Zack ‘Terrell, mgr.: Pern, Ind.: offices, 709 Crilly Bldg., Chicago, Ml. prop.: prop.: Central City Park, Macon, Ga. CARNIVAL COMPANIES Grounds) Hughesville, Pa. mer.: Pensacola, Fla mers.: Memphis, Tenn. ore Fairly, Noble C., Shows, combined with Patter102 8S. MeClellan celsior Springs. Morris & C John Grounds) Leavenworth, Kan Greater Shows, A, H. Jones, mgr.: Dan ville, Ky. J., Expo., Johnny J. Jones, Or ando, Fla ge Shows, J. George Loos, mgr.: ex. J. T. McClellan, megr.: Ex Mo. Shows, Milton M. Morris and Castle, owners and mers.: (Fair Shr eveport, La., P. O, Box 1100. Northwestern Shows, F. L. Flack, mer.: 36 B. Woodbridge st., Savidge Amusement Co., Walter Savidge, Wayne, eb, Spencer Shows, Sam E. Spencer, mgr.: BrookSparks’ World Famous Shows, Charles Sparks, ville, Sunshine Expo. Shows, J V. Rogers, mer. Bessemer, Ala., P. 0. x 275. Wade & May Shows, Corey Greater Shows, E. S. Corey, mgr.: (Fair May, Wallace Dodson’s World’s Fair Shows, ©. G. Dodson, mers ° Leiger, Dykman & Joyce Shows, Dykman & Joyce, mer.: Detroit, Mich. Shows, Noble C. Fairly, magr.: Third st.,. Patterson Shows, Arthur T. Brainerd, Kan.: offices. Antoinette Apts.. . Kansas City, Mo, Isler Gre ag Shows, Louis Isler, megr.: Chap mgr.: w. oS Wade and KE. O, .: 84 Tyler ave., Detroit, Mich Midway Attractions, I. K. Wallace, Thornville, O. *., United Shows, C. F. Zeiger, Fremont, Neb.; office address, fox City, Mo. Name of Preprietor or Manager CRO OE. 4 6600 bs dee ke b0 bs 6s od0% Date GF TONG ss 660 vbe0s Address of Winter Quarters ieee ieee kad ire sé > wins bh'os 045b.005,06% Description of Show......... vi k eee yh (Give address of offices here if you have WHERE WILL YOU WINTER? Kindly give the information on this blank and mail to The Billboard, Cincinnati, O., for publication in our Winter Quarters List: any.) was produced at the Garrick Theater, New York City, August 25, 1002 When Kenneth Waite was with Sun Bros.’ Circus? When Jimmie Louge, Aerial Georges, Roy Williams. ete Orton and Harry LaMarr were with Lowery Bros." Overland Show? When Al Marty a. thro the New England States’ When *rof. Jesperson, Max Goldstein, Bill Price, Allie Siscbo, Billy Chambers, Tom Botkin, Doc Campbell, Paul R. Trexler, Harry Harris and Flying Herberts were with Zeidman & Police Carnival Company’ When Al Leaman. Henry Messier, Doe Richards, Billy Faust, Everett Brothers, Aerial Ackers, Karl Waddell, Whitey Jones, May and George Barton, Bill Lewis, Rube Boyd, Chief DeBoro and Al Conlon were with Cook Bros.’ Show? When Billy turke was with the Harris Nickel-P.ate Show? When Leahy Brothers were with Hi Henry Minstrels? When Walter Allen was with the LaTena Show? When Happy Bill Delanno, Happy Jack Lambert, Frank Graham, Leo B. Dube, Shelvey Brothers and Harvey Dunn were with the DeRue Bros,’ Show ?t"’ The Arkansas Gazette, Little Rock, Ark., published the following in its issue of September 13 concerning the Sparks Circus: “The local circus season opened yesterday with the appearance of the Sparks show, new to this territory, but one that gave a thoroly enjoyable performance. If the present standard is maintained, the Sparks folks always will be welcome visitors in Arkansas. We have not seen a show in many a day that moves so much with the old swing of the circus of ‘the good old days’ as this one. On every hand was evidence of remarkable showmanship It is not a small circus, except as measured by the Ring ling standard, and it moves as swiftly as those that are memories of childhood days We have never seen a 25-car outfit that carried so little excess baggage. There are no private cars, no anima's that are mere curiosities. Each member of the menagerie, and it is a good one, is a trained animal and has a part in the swiftly moving performance. From the opening spectacle to the last trick of the game the spectators were enthusiastic. Altho new to Little Rock, the big tent was filled twice yesterday. and on every hand was heard: ‘Never heard of it, but it's a erackin’ good show." There were, indeed, many old favorites of the sawdust ring in evidence. Circus fans all know of the speed and skill of the Flying Walters, the «kil: of the Mardos, Nelsons and Kobans. And there are few better horsewomen than Flora Bedini and Bessie Hollis and none better than Minnie Thompson and Florence Harris.” HARRY BOISE IN NEW YORK New York, Sept. 22—Among the welcome callers at The Billboard office this week was Harry Boise, known to the older showfolks as a member of the Four Boises, casting act, which for twenty-five years was recognized as one of the leading acts of its kind. Tho young in years Harry told about a pleasant year on the Scribner & Smith Circus and also of the two seasons on the B. E. Wallace Circus, two seasons with Walter L. Main and six seasons with the Ringling Bros.-Barnum & Bailey Shows. Mr. Boise has been out of the game now for two years and, with his wife, who was known for many years as Millie Turnour, a sister of Jules Turnour, one of the oldest attaches of the Ringling Bros.’ Circus, ig living on West Fortyfifth street, this city. Piles Turnour has been connected with the Ringlings since the advent of these attractions as a wagon caravan. RINGLING-BARNUM CIRCUS (Continued from page §1) crest, and Sam Meyers, of the Grauman Hollywood theaters Los Angeles fs the home of Gordon Jones also. Hank Bitters and Campbell Charley were busy¥ entertaining Arkansas. Mabel and Al Irwin have been very busy with the friends they cultiveted during their residence here. After a short fllness Herman Joseph is back in the program. George Harrison and Mark Kirkendall, looking for all the world ax if the Coast had the secret of everlasting youth, have been with the show at every performance. Mrs. Willis and party attended a recent matinee as gnests of the Hart Brothers. Ed Nagle made the trip via sleeper to San Diego, and as luck would have it the sleeper he was in was “spotted” right next to the train that carried the dog wagon and it happened to be located right next to his sleeper when it was parked at San Diego. Needless to say, Ed was up early without using an alarm clock and says if he can just have one morning next to Huling’s seals he will feel that he has experienced al! the thrills that circus life affords. STANLEY F. DAWN (for the Show). WANTED FOR GOLDEN BROTHERS’ CIRCUS Want for Side-Show: Bag Pipers, Novelty Musical Act, Female Impersonator, Colored Cornet and Trombone, for balance of season and all winter's work in California. Carl Meyers, Camerons, Lee Norris, wire CHAS. F. CURRAN, Manager. Musicians on all instruments for Big Show Band to finish season and will be given preference next season. Pay the scale. VIC GRAHAM, Bandmaster. Want To Buy Lion Act of 2 or 3; Pear Act, Menage Horse that lady can work, two good working Dogs, small breed: Pick-Out Pony, small size, or any good Novelty Act State cash for quick sale and where they can be seen working. SCHULZ NOVELTY SHOW, General Delivery, Cleveland, Ohlo WALTER L. MAIN CIRCUS SEASON ROUTE BOOKS FOR SALE, coutainine towns played, dates, ratlroads, mi leage and Main happenings of the scason,. Price, . money order or currency, Jerome T, Harriman, 1038 W. Barre St., Baltimore, Maryland, s