The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 The Billboard WANTE CALIFORNIA’S GREATEST MIDWINTER EVENT unnistanGROTTO ano KNIGHTS TEMPLAR oF 10s ancetes CIRCUS and ARABIAN FETE Prager Park -NOVEMBER 23 To DECEMBER 2 Incl. -Los Angeles, Cal. to hear from high-class acts that can be featured — circus acts — side shows of merit — free acts, etc. Send photos, they will be returned. No speaking acts wanted. Egyptian act and elephant on high wire act, wire at once. ALBERT W. SHAW, Manager and Director, 1500 S. Figueroa Street, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Address CARNIVAL and CONCESSION MEN We carry a full line of Rubber Balloons, Air, Gas and Whistle; Rubber Balls and Tape, Toy Whips and Canes, Noise Makers, Paper Hats and all the latest Novelties for Novelty Stands and Fish Ponds. For Wheel verware, (¢ Suit C Men we carry a large assortment ‘arnival Dolls, Japanese Ba Mantel Clocks, Aluminum of SilOvernight Manicure ket SKELS, Ware, ases, Rolls, Pearl Handle Intermediate Pieces and many other suitable items. Bicycle Wheels, 60 to 240 numbers; Serial Tickets for same. SPECIALS | WHEEL OR BOARD GOODS B520—Elight Feather Pin Wheels. Per Gross. $4. 00 | B100—Overnight Suit Case. Per Dezen $51.00 B5!7—Tenns Racquets Per Gross 4.00 B60I—Nickel Silver “Rovers’’ 26-Piece Set, t —Wood Crickets Per Gross . 4.00 in Wood Chest Per Dozen 5.00 B5\8—Weed Roll Rattles. Per Gross 3.50 68908—Chinese Baskets. 5 in Set. Dozen... 36.00 B528—Novelty Noise Maker, Per Gross 3.50 68490—Sterling Cameras Per Dozen 21.00 BI74—Weood Jumping Jack Per Gross.. 3.50 B662—21 Piece Manicure Roll. Per Dozen. 12.00 B200—Asstd Paper Hats. Per Gross . 2.75 B730—Gillette Safety Razors. Asstd. Dozen. 39.00 P28\—Tissue Parasol Per Gross . 7.80 8606—Silver-Plated Bread Trays. Dozen 10.80 B5\2—Celluloid Rattles. Per Gross . 7.50 8594—Pearl Handie Pieces, Asstd. Dozen.. 4.20 BLi+—Celluloid Camels. Per Gross 7.50 | B934—19-In. Dressed Dolls. Per Dozen 12.00 ny for « is free to dealers only We do not sell consumers. No goods D. wit hout c AS H deposit. Prompt service. Try us. | " SHRYOCKTODD NOTION CO. 822-824 N. Eighth Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. | Order Now at these Low Prices Look what's happened! New reduced prices on Peerless Corn Poppers. Steadily growing demand and increased factory output have made this possible. All models quoted are our latest improved designs. Save from $25.00 to $51.00. ee eee was $200.00, Now $159.00 All-purpose model—mounted on wheels MOSEL B.......... was $250.00, Now $199.00 With Glass top—illustrated MOUS G..2....-.. was $135.00, Now $109.00 Concession, road and show machine z (Prices F. O. B. Des Moines.) Peerless <tamds first im speed, capacity and is an unbeatable money maker on concessions or permanent locations You've wanted one. Get it and start now to make the money it will earn you. Send your order with draft today. circular on request NATIONAL SALES COMPANY Des Moines, lowa, Dept.B Pittsburgh, Pa., 712 Mulberry. _ 6022 Centre Ave. Descriptive Terms to responsible buyers. Concessionaires! STILL GOING STRONG INDIAN DESIGN, Sze 64x78, $2.85 The Biggest Hit of the Season FAMOUS 2-IN-1 CHECK DESIGN No. 2520, Size 66 x 80, $3.50 Net F.O. B. Prov. 25°; deposit with order for six Blankets or more, balance C. O. D. On less than six remit in full with order. JOHN E. FOLEY & CO.., 29 Broad Street, PROVIDENCE, R. I. ESMOND BLANKETS TELL THE ADVERTISER IN THE BILLBOARD WHERE YOU GOT HIS ADDRESS. SHOWING DOWNTOWN AT TULSA, OKLAHOMA Tulsa, Ok., Sept. 18.—Thru the courtesy of Adjntant Baird H Markham and Brigadier General Charles E. McPherrin, president of the Military Commission, the John Francis Shows are located here on a down-town lo 7 was a ntinual downpour of rain fre day til Monday noon at Okmulgee | a4using the show to loose Friday and Saturday and making it impossible to pull onto the new fair here, which is a half mile off the pavem na ide and oiled road. The Milit mmission stretched a point in favor of tl board of the Tulsa County Free Fair by permitting them to place the show on the prin le down-town street. The courtesy also saved he show from losing a week. All shows and rice were u and running by seven o'clock M nday night Mr. Fran is almost himself again after his three weeks’ sickness and, aside from the loss f about twenty-five pounds of ‘“‘excess’’ weight, he doesn't look any worse for the experience. Crawford Francis, while visiting one of the parks In Kansas City, had his new ‘‘six’’ stolen, but the police recovered it the next day about five miles out with a broken spring. He reorts the rest of his trip was uneventful and that } s now located safely at Lake Forest University, Lake Forest, Ill., where he is to attend « oll ege this winter. Everyone was disappointed at losing Friday and Saturday in Okmulgee, as it was proving a big one. The shows and rides started off fair on Monday and the gross was increasing each day; likewise, the concessions of J. L. Rammie were playing to the best business in weeks, Ernie Woodward topping the midway with a blanket wheel. ith a little favorable weather here good busifiess is expected, as it s a little diversion from the martial law which Tulsa has been laboring under for several weeks. The show will move to the Wichita Wheat Show next week for a ten-day stand, under a gate, the main entrance being on Douglas avenue. There is a possibility that stock wheels we will ork this year as a result of the clean-up campaign launched at a special event there re } » purchase of autos keeps up this will almost be an overland show, as there are seven or eight making the trip between towns each week, the latest addition being the athletic show and eee Grethot, **flivver” and a “six” Vv. J. YEAROUT (for the Show). CLOSE NORTHERN FAIRS John T. Wortham Shows Now Exhibiting in Texas The Mo., the North Missouri District Fair at Bethany, last northern date of the John A Wortham Shows for the current season, was a successful stand, the the receipts were hardly what the large attendance promised A sudden r torm on lb rsday, the ‘big day’, sent 25.000 people scurrying for home and spoiled what would have been ~ | “Targe” evening for the shows and concessior TI jump from Bethany, Mo to Childress, a distance of approximately 700 miles, the longest ever made by this organizaan l ® a.m. Sunday until 1 p.m train was band.ed from Bett Kan., via St. Joseph, ». Atchison to Wichita by th 1ita to Chillicothe by the » to Childress by the Ft. ial mention is due the Wisler and Boedecker I ms whi they brought the ‘ 1) miles—the best move show has had in many a day On Sunday night an hour Was spent in the Topeka yards, in tg to the Con T. Kennedy train. and mach visi ing was the result At Chillicothe, Tex., the Brown & Embry Shows were set up near the track, Dut as the time was early in the morn1 there was not much fellewship in order. By noon Wednesday, opening day of the Childress State Fair, everything was ready The fair was much larger this year than ever efore. susiness was very fair the first two days, with the two big days to follow Mrs. Wortham was absent from the show for a week. having gone to Chicago with her son, John T., Jr... to enroll him as a student in the Morgan Park Military Academy Jack Wortham is a very bright boy and if he doesn't make a successful showman some day it will be because he has adopted some other profes% Lev hich-diving star of the tried to make a double turn in instead of the usual single. one : I and landed flat on her back She was not bahared, but was “‘sore more so because of not accomplishing the trick Tiny Carr has returned to Trovk's pit show afte an absence of several weeks. Perey Brown = now clowning the Water Cirens. Earl Arlinet nee ate of (Christy tras has Miller is tempororily Wortham Shows, exhibiting mummy Vernon, Tex is stand for week ending September 22. Abilene and Lubbock te follow ARTHUR GARRISON (Press Agent). oin t rane with the John .. the Martindale 6,548 Strands of PEARLS For Quick Disposal 5 In Dozen 25 Lots Only Over half the amount of the shipment (18,750 strings) received from abroad have already been sold, the balance cf 6,548 strings will quickly be disposed of at the price of $15.00 the Dozen. Get Your Order in Now Each strand is 24 inches long, in cream, rose or white shade, with sterling silver clasp. Guar anteed indestructible. A wonderful flash. Pug up in a leatherette, silk-lined, oblong or heast shape box. 25% deposit must accompany all C. O. D. orders. LA. PERFECTION PEARL COMPANY 2490W42“St.. NewYork BUCK-BOARDS ALL SIZES—100 HOLES TO 4.000 HOLES. HAND FILLED—PROTECTED NUMBERS Doz. Base Ball Boards, $6.00 Put and Take Boards, 6.00 Poker Hand Boards, 10.00 Sample of any one sent, Prepaid, $1.00. NEW CIRCULAR KNIFE! BOARD. Done in ur Colors, 800 and 1.000Hole Size. Get our descriptive circular on our new 100Hole Board, that takes in $15.00. Write for our mew Price List and Discount Sheet before you Place your order. BUCK-BOARD MFG. C0. 3727 Milwaukee Ave., CHICAGO YOUR AD. HERE COOK HOUSES COMPLETE HAMBURGER TRUNKS The best of everything at lowest prices. road mam. <A great variety for the Road Cook House and Resort Sp-cial Stoves ar “ Cookers, Hamburger Ry co and Booths, Ten Jumbo Burners, Tanks ang Pumpe. Griddles. Steam “Ta es, Warmers, Sausage and Tamale Kettles. Ask Coffee Urns. Lights, ete., ete @erms: Cash, or complete cata one-third deposit logues and prices writ he 1213-17 Chestnut, St. Louis, Me. For TALBOT MFG. CO. MERRY-GO-ROUND, WANTE FERRIS WHEEL And Legitimate Concessions for combined County Fair and Rodeo. October 17-20, 1923. COMANCHE COUNTY FAIR ASSN., Coldwater, Kansas.