The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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110 SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 At same time furnish amusement for your customers CAILLE VICTORY WILL NOT CLOG Increase Your Profits IN THE COIN TOP IN USE EVERYWHERE The only perfect coin-controlled construction Immediately becomes a favorite with the public Most attractive vender ever designed WRITE TODAY For Full Information Manufactured Only by THE CAILLE BROTHERS co = *? CAILLE VICTORY COUNTER VENDER. MINT VENDER | Automatically shares the profits with purchasers of Caille Quality Mints ALWAYS WORKING i FULLY GU. {RANTEED PATENTED COIN TOP Thick, thin, bent or mutilated coins quickly removed No Clogs Possible— —Easy To Operate The result ad thirty years’ experience | ,G2al Second Boulevard, DETROIT, MICH. | A FEW SPECIALTIES — No. 109. =, 109—Japanese Collapsible Silk Lame Shade, 12 in. diameter, with glass fringe, hand painted in ass¢ ted flower designs. Assorted colors, with glass = nge to match. Packed one dozen tO @ box............. Per Dozen, $5.00; per Gross $54.00 No, 768—Same style as No. 109, made of r, without fringe. Diameter, glass 10% inches..Per Dozen, $1.40; per Gross, 14.00 WHITE HAND-CARVED BEADS. Carved clear through. No. 103—30 jn. -Por String, $1. 25; _ber Doz $13.50 No. 65—36 in., extra fine « wins ..Per String, $2. 25: ‘oar ‘Doz 24.00 No. 111—Damascene Cuff Links. Assorted designs, 2%xl% in, Per Dozen....... 15.00 25% deposit with order, balance C. O. D. CHINO & COMPANY, 59 East Adams Street, CHICAGO, ILL. OUR SUPERIOR RUBBER BELTS and high-grade latest design Buckles are the best, Black, Brown or Grey colors. Price complete, with high-grade adjustable Buckle. $15.00 Per Gress. e C. O. D. ry and Novelty Catalogue. HARRY L. LEVINSON & CO., 25% deposit, vala Write for our new 192! Jewe 168 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. ] INDIAN BLANKETS, BATHROBES NUMBERS THAT ARE GETTING TOP MONEY BEACON INDIAN — Size 60x80. $3.75 Each. 15 as ge Pa + ESMOND PLAID BLANKETS, os i Each. 6 beautiful assorted colors. Big INDIAN BATH ROBES, silk cord and silk gir die, $3. 75 — "astest —_ a getters on the market rf fle shy SPECIAL—Zi . “ZAG PLAID. ‘BLANKET, size 66x80, $2.75 BEACON CRIB “BLANKET. size 36x10, for intermediates Se Each. st 1 on hand ee 25% deposit With order, e 0. “iH HYMAN 4 co., 358 West Madison St CHICAGO, ILL, Long Distance Phone, Main 2453. KANSAS CITY IRENE SHELLEY 226 Lee Bldg., S. E. Cor. 10th and Main Sts. Phone, 0978 Main DARE DEVIL SCOTT Kansas City, Sept. 19.—The Heart of Ameri ca Showman’s Club has finished its *‘dolling” up” process and now presents a brand new, comfort-inviting, pleasure-securing appearance to visitors. The walls have all been painted und new leather upholstered furniture installed. Over $500 was spent by the club in preparing its rooms for the fall and winter. Gabe Kaufman, manager of Electric Park, left K. C. September 14 for California, where he will visit various pleasure re mate in search of new ideas to use in Electr Park next summer. In California Mr Kaufman will meet Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Heim (Mr. Heim being the owner of Electric Park) and Mrs. Kaufmaft for a short vacation, after which he will go to Chicage to attend the meeting of the Showmen's League. Electric Park closed Sunday night, September 16. De Wolf Hopper is coming to K. C. to appear in comic opera with such widely known Players as Lillian Glaser, Eva Fallon, Herbert Watrous, Arthur Geary and Bernice Mershon. They will play the first week of a ten weeks’ the Garde Theater, Priests of Pallas Week. Mr. mepper will bring thirty-five persons here, fifteen principals and twenty chorus members. The new Missouri Theater opens in stock with the National Players September 22 in the far« *ecomedy, “‘Why Men Leave Home” the beginning of a forty weeks’ here by this company, which is a Shu tock h muse fol company in a Shubert theater. The lows the usual Shubert scheme of decorations and is very beantiful. Mr. and Mes. ae B. Tripp were cailers September 12. Mr. Tripp just closed with the J T McClellan Sh« and is here for a few days before going out to play some independent fair dates, Leslie FE. Kell’s Comedians are en route South, under the new invas built to order for this show by the Ba ke e-Lackhweed Mfg Co This companys played the fair at LaMar, Mo., to excellent business. agi ane and Billie Markel!, chorus girls, we re ¢ lers last week Ther have been work i and e here temporarily pending thei r "‘Seienee 1e engagement. The national convention of the tent and awning manufacturers will be held in this city the first week in October. Preparations for the big rodeo to be held here week of October & nder the auspices of the Firemen. are progressing nicely, and the advance ticket sale has been large Jack Jenks’ Metre in Player closed at Ponca City. Ok.. September & and will reopen in Arkansas City the of O Hoke Brown, principal median * this compar is spending his vacat a kK. C¢ The Abe Rosewald Dubinsky Shows spent Sunday, September 9 n | : tichmond, Mo., to Paola, town the week of September 17. Leslie Kell’s FY RY DAY Comedians were placed for the date Harry Stone rry § . dancing teacher of Omaha. ts looking over the field in K. C€., contemplating opening a school for stage dancing here Earl Gregg closed with the Dorothy Company in Iowa Reeves Myrtle Malcom has been staying at her mother's home in Spring H Kan,., on account of the ill health of her mother but as she is improving expects to seon return to K. C. Betty Hanks, member of the ers, was a visitor September 9 Sherman Play Olpha Briscoe joined the Ward Hatcher Players in Iowa September 10. No. B32—Radiant qunictiiieinn width, 6% and Floyd Whit ‘ atte Stew. Length, t, Ls ig number for ckelses ed t Edna Mae Glover ; ‘sles Each were in the Kansas City office and stated ‘thane they would join the Geo, Hall and Margaret Lilly Dozen Lets or More, $11.50 shows at St. Joseph, Mo., this week. Oscar V. Howland writes from Highee, Mo that the Darr-Gray Show is back Missouri after a prosperous season in Tilinois It has an excellent band and orchestra besides a splendid cast. The Ted North Company had a splendid week it Geneva, Neb., fair week. Kansas City’s famous old Gillis Opera Hose opened just forty the great French actress Mile Rhe in **Adrienne”’’. One dollar and twenty-five cents top price and everyone complaining of the high admission years ago this month with a B43—2!-Piece Manicure Set. Each, 85e. Per Doan. esccgccorencssess $10.00 The Edgar Jones Players and the Roy Fox Toby Wils 0 Company close Saturday night, September 22 Margaret Lilly and Irene Hall spent a day B44 1 Kansas City last week reute from their summer home at Lak Tanyeomo, Mo., t st Joseph, Mo... where the Margaret Lilly Musical . Comedy Company will open its regular season Nickel "t the Tootle Theater about Octol» 1 Pocket Chas. Houpkird, pianist, joined the Jack Johnson Players ‘at Sabe the a, Kan Roulette Paul Norris will join the North Bros.’ Shows at Wichita, Kan., for the winter stock sea Henry Komomua, Hawaiian singer. closed 65c with a Vaudeville act in Spokane. Wash 1 returned to Kansas City, where le s taking a course in electrical engineering § at a hnical school He will graduate this Mrs. Ament, prima donna, will go to St Joseph soon, where she will join the Margaret Lilly Companys. +t — Hawkeye Eastman Camera Each... 0.95 a B4—Pen and Pencil Set. 1iK Gold-t Don ‘Méltese and wife expect to epent th ae be he te ee Winter in the South under canvas with the 835—White House Ivory Clocks. Each 1.80 Pau! English Players. B36—Opera Ginsses Dozen 3.00 B37—Gation Thermos Jars Each . 3.50 Katherine Harrington and her Ladies’ Or828—Sugar Bowl, 12 Kogers Teaspootas, 22 chestr are playing the week of Septem) 6 ‘ Each ; . rs in St ‘Lu uis roeer -s _—, © Bj9—Razors, A an ma Dozen 3.45 a 640—Diamond Pearl Neckiace, in Plush Box Ea 2.35 ; fad ; B4i—a ted Colored Pencils Dozen 85 I lL. F of the Edn 1 L Paul ¥ B42—Kovers Silver 26-Piece Set, in Oak Chest te pany f thi s nforn that he he Per Set 3.75 i ed his play “The Pt tor rrail’ with Orders filled «at eaaiiil . ane e Chas, Brunk Comediar M url and gj , = das 0. D ed. Terms: 20% deposit Karl Hawk Company in Virginia. : Py . . rite ir Value Guide Catalog, Alma Madden is now with the musical stock comnpat Playing at the G s Theater wife of L. B. We 1! iman Elias Shahen Company se 7 of the Weseellmar Stock Company, was a The Frank Sherman Plavers cle 1 their tent Kansas Cit: \ tor last week season in Kansas September * Mr. and Mrs. ~ , : . AT LIBERTY Sherman are speeding some time in K. C t Tent a 337-339 W. Madison Street Che lehy i M the arOy Ose g ne Players and i « in Kansas t r Have three riders, eincluding ‘Dorothy’, the mile-ali satis a : : a. +o a now in KK as City for Hunter Buliding minute girl, Have t machines. Want Drome on ter at Burlinztor a a Ph capes c HI CAGO percentage. Can join on wire. Address care The Fd |} ! ea 4 I t Mer and Yjoret Sevier of the Toby Wilson Billboard, Cincinaati, Ohio. week, engaging t f f i ait Company were in K. ©. last Sunday. BEACON INDIAN WIGWAM. #ire r#0, $3.75) ESMOND re BAe t Extra Hea Se COR ™” Ala this ach t, be n> Assorted Patt : ; : ee ee ae ESMOND—Size 61x78. 7 Assorted Indian Colors. | $4.25 Each 1 ow Mele fog $2.85 Each ESMOND Size Ofx84. 3 Blanket, in fancy cule. Also ean ese ESMOND Size Ofx 4 $3.50 Each f ndiit ‘eo EARIBITION PULL MA. fn vHiCAGO “ onhs : . aod ack , cris BLANKE’ . ; _ Ea " r. A I M * Shows, = HR feet 8-ft Ex 4 R > Saleemer of“So Bestha. Write or. wite for terme ORIENTAL. ‘NOVELTY COMPANY, 22 Opera Rives, Cincinnati, Ohio E. H. LOCKHART, 63 E. 59th St., New York NEW YORK: 87 Eldridge Street Vell the advertiser his ie, ere where you got