The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 The Billboard 111 GAS-MASK RAIN COATS— $4.90 These Coats are made of supe ric r quality Bombazine rubberized to a nh rh grade XXX Red India Rubber Ev my coat is fully cut; al) ar . 1 belt, tabe on sleeves convertible collar Fa has our guarantee laEACH bel. Color, Tan. Men’ s amon $2.15 IN usrar™ ese coats are made of whip cord eloth, GUAT astern J 25 waterpro« Can be wom rain or sine Very servi None genuine without our trade mark Men's Sample — Coat, $2.50. oe : EACH : : IN DOZEN Prompt shipments direct from factory. LoTs. 20% on deposit, bslance C, O. D. Cash or money order only. Write for our complete catalogue of Men's, thildren’s Raincoats A Full Line of Rubberized Household Aprons all colors) $36 Gro., $3.25 Doz oodyear (o wanteo Dept. B, 529 Broadway, New York City WANTED NOTE: NO CONNECTION with ANY OTHER * CONCERN USING SIMILAR NAME. REMOVAL NOTICE! We are pleased inform our customers Women’s and to and friends that we have moved into new quarters, where we are in position to serve you with excellent line of Concession Merchandise A personal visit, when you are in this vicinity, will prove interesting and profitable to you. Or write us. CHARAK CO., 104 Hanover Street, BOSTON, MASS. Up one flight. WONDERFUL CANDY ASSORTMENTS WONDERFUL PRICES No. 1. 800 — 5c Assortment No. 11. 600—5c Assortment | 20—35e BOXES 12—35e BOXES | 6—S0c BOXES 6—500 BOXES 3—75e BOXES 2—75e BOXES 2—$1.25 BOXES 2—$1.25 BOXES i—$2 00 BOX I—$3.00 BOX i 1—$6.00 BOX i—S6 00 BOX Jobbers’ Price $10.00 Jobbers’ Price $8.75 | Retails for $40.00 Retails for $30.00. | No. 14. 150 — 5c Assortment Only Chocolates as OXxEs Boxes—the Very of High Quality 10—35¢ B Newest. Exquisite Used 2—75¢ BOXES Designs—Brilliant Flash Assorted Centers: 1—$1.00 BOX Ireland's Assort. Coramete, Nougat bbers’ Price $2.75 | ments Bring Repeat and Delicious Jo Retails for 7. 50. Business and Defy Creams Competition. This aasor packed f to a 3e, CURTIS IRELAND CANDY CORP. 24 S. Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. New York Representative: EASTERN STATES TRADING CO., 28 Walker St.,New York, N.Y WANTED FOR THE MORRIS AND CASTLE SHOWS Minstre] Show People in all branches. Especially want to hear from good Jazz Band Will consider organized Show of fifteen or more people for long season South Top salaries to people who can and will deliver the goods. All my old people, come on home or wire. Show to open at Batesville, Ark.. October Ist Shew train leaves Beaver Dam, Wis., Saturday morning, September 29, and will pass Cairo, Ill., Sunday afternoon, September 30th. Write or wire PETE THOMPSON, Beaver Dam, Wis., until : September 28th; then Batesville, Ark. RESURRECTION PLANTS—WORLD’S LOWEST PRICES! AGENTS’ PROFIT-MAKING NOVELTY. A WONDERFUL PREMIUM ARTICLE. a dry, feles shrub in water and i) a few minutes it will burst into a e mass Ca be dried up and m ened any number of times wilt live 1 vears Extremely light weight and easy to carry NOTE THESE LOW a 15 mail prepaid , Before Water 125. mail prepaid vr seaty salter Wem 600 to 500 {. 0. b. El Paso 70 1,000 f. o. b. El Paso 11.56 After plant is pianed & water a few 420%. PROFIT rPRMS OF SALE. CASH STOLAROFF & GUSSETT, !mporters and Exporters, Dept. ce ‘L "PASO, Texas ATTENTION, CONCESSIONAIRES: WE SAVE YOU MONEY AND SHIP ORDERS SAME DAY THEY ARE RECEIVED. > ALUMINUM WARE DOLLS OVERNIGHT CASES UMBRELLAS p. BLANKETS sLecTaic LAMP SILVERWARE VANITY CASES 8 gravee sacs | GECMie ganeotarons | Shean vous | wwerts CANDY MANICURE SETS THERMOS JARS WHEEL CHARTS at ZEBBIE FISHER CO., 60 East Lake Street, CHICAGO, ILL. Have Fine Senceente at Lexington (Va.) Fair Lexington, Va., Sept. 20.—With 3,500 Marines mat hing toward Lexington to complete their annual fall maneuvers the Rockbridge County Fair, where the World at Home Shows are exhibiting thi week, promises to be the biggest event in this seetion of Virginia. A pee gate will be offered the ‘Leathernecks’? Friday evening after they arrive here, and Saturday there will be no admission charged to anyone. The football team of the “Devil Dogs” will meet the team of Virginia Military Institute Saturday afternoon and thousands of people from all sections of the State wil! be here to see the first big game of the season, and the ‘Pleasure Trail’’ is to entertain them after the clash on the the business already enjoyed, it is on to make that this one will be on the Vir of genial of the remal Im eV sucee Zinla ¢ Charley midway here nder of the fair officials , possible manner to beth financially and returned today from a short business trip to Pittsburg and other Northern cities, and Cecil E. Vogel, treasurer, is back at his desk after a short illness. Frank Haggerty, special representative, visited the show two days this week and left today for Bedford, where he will prepare for the arrival of the organization at the Bedford County Fair next week Harry A. Bell, another special representative, jeft this week for the North, where he will prepare for the opening ef the Irving J. Polack Indoor Circus. At Covington, last week, the results of the Dempsey-Firpe fight were annotinced from every bally platform and in every show within less than fifteen minutes after Keferee Gallagher had counted the fatal *““ten’’ over the ‘‘Wild Bull of the Pampas”. Chi-dren’s Day was the “big day” at Covington and ‘Clifton Forge Day’’ (Thursday), ordinarily the “big day"’, was a disappointment. The haul off the lot Saturday night wae made after a day of rain and altho the ground was soft, not a hitch was made and the wagons rolled to the train in the usual W. F. (Spud) Baldwin efficiency. Ed Payton, loading as fast a@s the wagons reached him, had the flats ready for the switching crew shortly after daylicht and an eariy start brought the organization in here Sunday afternoon. Charlies Ralston, secretary of the Shenandoah Valiey Fair, at ge and of the Virginia Association of airs, Was a guest here yesterday of Bill Kieia, Mr, Polack’s business man ager. od CARLETON COLLINS, (Press Representative). MAMMOTH WATER SHOW es” Constructed as a Big Feature ith Rubin & Cherry Shows irenit. Ralston’s and to pn with operated charge the make this artistically. fair a <8, Mr. Polack Bessemer, Ala., Sept. 19.—With ten yards of stories praising the Rubin & Cherry Shows and with a wonderful editorial on Friday congratulating Secretary Barry for bringing the Rubin & Cherry Shows to the West Tennessee Division Fair at Jackson, Albert Stone, of The Jackson Sun, after personally investigating every attraction, paid one of the greatest compliments that a carnival company ever received. The Sun is a splendid newspaper, overing all of Western Tennessee. and visiting show people will find Mr. Stone always ready to beost anything in the way of clean amusements, During the Jackson engagement ‘‘Baldy’’ Potter and his crew commenced work on the construction of probably the largest water show ever carried by a carnival company. The famous Diving Ringens, now managing this attraction, are using their mammoth steel tank, is twenty-five feet in diameter, around Mr. Potter has bui It a seating capacity nearly a thousand people. Rubin Gruberg ially pleased with this addition to his and indeed he has cause to be proud Ringens’ lofty illuminated ladder, from his famous dives are made, has ample room for the guyropes within the water circus enc.osure ‘Babe"’ Alice, the chair woman—or, rather, “bench’’ woman—of the fat people's convention in Carl Lauther’s side-show, will return to the show this week after undergoing several throat operations in the American Hospital, Chicago. wh under Dr. Thorek’s care she had eleve teenth removed and is now well on the road to complete recovery Incidentally. Mr. Lauther’s new lineup of banners is the talk of the whole show. It is doubtful if any side show ever before displayed so many or so. brightly lored or so. diversified. “Prinee’’ Budda has returned to lecture for Mr. Lauther. ‘Doe’? Rutherford, cigaret fiend, lectured before the high school in Jackson, Tenn., and received a column story in The Sun, giving his talk verbatim. Bessemer is a ‘‘fill-in’ date and the opening on Monday drew several thousand to the show grounds, where the show is appearing for the American Legion. Tuesday's business showed an increase, with the colored population freely patronizing the shows and rides. M plentiful in this locality. Mrs. Rubin Gruberg and daughter Edith, companied by Mrs. Teppish and Mrs Eagle and son Adolph, left Monday auto for a visit to their home Ala Jimmie Simpson, now convalescing in Pittsburg, is expected back to the show next week, in Huntsville J, HILLIAR (Publicity Director). oney seems acHerman in their in Montgomery, B. & D. SHOWS TWO WEEKS AT MIAMI New York, Sept. Shows have been 22.—The Brown & contracted for a two engagement, under the auspices of Miami Lodge. No, 48, B. P. O. E., at Miami, Fla., beginning December 17, it was announced here today. Dver weeks’ Hotels with the professional atmosphere what you want. The Hotel Directory issue may serve you. are in this We Ship Immediately and Guarantee the Price ‘7 -Piece oo Went Tan hb Manicure Set, Each $0. 85 Mg eg hy epee Each 1.75 urPrice,1.48 1605B — Goldee 1.15 Watches, $1.75 1.50 I 16048—-SilverPlated 8 3-Pe. ise 3.95 ing Sets, — Doz. 3.35 Combination Glass Cutting JackAmerican Made, Fancy Handle, Doz. Regers 26-Piece Nickel Silver Set. Each 1.05 EN. “Ratedeckondde ate Hollow-Ground Razors In Leatherette Display Box ‘Set Electric Hot Plates. 880B—Radie Diamonds. Platinoid Rings. Bril liant Setting, assorted t h ane. Per — $7.50 Ne. 8818 — hi Brittiant. “Piatinotd Anish "s * _ 0.95 No. 8828 — Electro Diamend "Brit 3 50 liant Geld-Plated Scarf Pins. Per Gr. . Al ! \\\) My } \\ W, Wisi} Hh + No. 01B—Gold Shell Set with fie $5.00 rah $1.25 Set with RuOur Price, Dozen ssemee ” r st y 2, No. 028—Gold Shel! No. 881'28 — Siwer pine, oe With fine or Platinoid Finish ri 95 Large White Selit Dozen “es Brilliant. me Dozen oded ° No. 1331B — GoldNo 89 — Platinoid Plated Basket Satine. or “Silver ame. “25 Set with by, Brilliants, Dozen ..scees No, 8008. > No. 800B—GoldPlated Ring. Neat cut, Brilliant Diamond Setting Dezen $0.95 No. 799—Silver or Platinoid Finish. Heavy shank Set with White Brilliant 0 75 Dozen ‘ . Ne. D71B—GoldPlated. Set with 1. 35 t stone Br en “No. $8D8—Silver er Matioslé fae Ping, with ome too. A Dozen . heserted) Gold. Plate Slum 5e Jewelry. Per Gross 7 to 1. 25 OUR pmesr ALWAYS vas LOWEST Write Silv M s, Hlectri aphs, Pr Y We s wailing Term 20% deposit ince €. O. D Beware of imitators, who copy our stationery, catalog etc. We have no branch cfiices Our Fall Cats > 9. to dealers only, ready about October 10. MA. FS YOUR PERMANENT ADDRESS NOW. Our effice was entered at night and mailing tist has been tampered with. Your address may be missing. JOSEPH HAGN CO. THE HOUSE FOR BETTER SERVICE, Dept. B. 223-227 W. Madison St., Chicago, ti.