The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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me tis The Billboard SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 ’ > isWeek’s Special GENUINE i UIN , Beautiful assortmen LACLAIRE of imported Lined PEARLS cees.| BEADED indestructible perdoutessaety im BAGS stone clas in a large variety of 85c Each _colors and 40 ; With leatherette, $5 ;40 : velvet -lined, hearte : shaped box, just like : cut, i $1.05 Ea., Complete. Per Doz. if 25% deposit must accompany all iW orders. Please include Parcel Post ; charges. = b F. Weintrau 91 Orchard St., WHY Are COLUMBIADOLLS fritters AT CANADIAN AND EASTERN FAIRS? 1 Our Plumes and Fan and Hoop Dresses come in a flashy as# sortment of ten colors. NEW YORK. ? COLUMBIA DOLLS do not crack or peel or turn black from sun» s because they are sprayed with enamel. 3 We ship same day order is received from large stock made s at our enlarged five-story factory. Send for six samples of our best sellers ranging from $4.25 to $12.00 per dozen COLUMBIA DOLL & TOY COMPANY, Inc. “QUALITY AND SERVICE SINCE 1916” 44 LISPENARD STREET, NEW YORK CITY Cable Address: Coldoll, New York. Phones: Canal 1935 and Canal 4559. (NOTE—We are not, and we have never been, connected with any Doll combination.) Gregor Tey B alloons DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU! Have You Tried Our Wonderful New FAST-COLOR TRANSPARENT BALLOONS? MULTI-COLOR DECORATED BALLOONS If not, get acquainted now. You'll be as enthusiastic over their fine quality and clear, brilliant colors as Frank Hyers, of Pekin, nL, who says: ‘““Your Balloons are the most woo all ‘ high grade 1 ever saw.” ; The colors positively will not rub off. i You get better value from us because we supi ply you direct from our factory, eliminating the middleman’s profit. Send your order today. No. 70 Gas Transparent .........+-..+.-. $3.00 (Easily inflates 80 cm, im circumference.) No. 90 Gas, Transparent ........-+----e00s (Easily inflates 100 cm. in reaminemmeeeee No. 120 Gas, Transparent ee No. 150 Ges, Transparent . No. 45 Transparent .... Pictures are printed in three colors on white and Ne. 60 Air, Opaque .. yellow Balloons. No, 70 Air, Opacue .. Ne. 70 Air, Opaoue SERIES ALSO INCLUDES FLAG NUMBER. } eT ee a Per Gross No. 70 ons. Two-Coler, Patriotic “D No. 60 Gas, Multi-Color .................. $3.75 DPE Bos da vawSesedenbase coccce ee, FO TON oc ce ccnvccessedncs 4.25 No. 70 Gas, Pee | We offer many other popular sellers. Get our Immediate deliveries. Terms: 25% cash, balomplete price list az ad woklet _illustrated in colance C. 0. D., w by cash discount deducted i ors Sample ovtfit cotta mplete assortfrom imrcice, F. B. Akron t sent postpaid upon recel; rt Of $1.00, i THE GREGORY RUBBER CO., 144. 146 N. Union St., AKRON, OHIO BLANKET SENSATION OF 1923 (THEY CATCH THE EYE OF THOSE WHO WOULD PASS BY.) MASONIC BLANKET. ELK BLANKET. Genuine Beacon Blankets wie th Elk and Masonic Emblems woven in 20 inches in diameter. Grecian key der at each end. "Price, $5.00 Each (in Lots of Six er More.) Sample Bianket sent prepe id upon rece-pt $5 The lat est 4 d best pl ay and pay getters merchandise men and salesboard “operators. f dozen of each on your Fall then watch your play increase. > Wire today. 25% with order, balance C. O. D. “BLENKET SPECIALTIES 101-115 Summer St., Stamford, Conn. Bruce Greater Shows WANTED For Virginia and North Carolina Fairs, Wild West, Dog and Pony, Pit Show, Whip. Concessions all open; no ex. Bill Strode, wire me. Want Man to take charge New Eli Wheel. Guy Miles, wire. J. H. BRUCE, Altavista, Va., week Sept. 24th to 29th. ‘et White on Purpie. Gold on Blue. WANTED When Writing to Advertisers Mention The Billboard. DE KREKO BROS.’ SHOWS The Langlade County Fair at Antigo, Wis., was the greatest surprise to the De Kreko Bros.’ Shows’ personnel—excepting the agent— ever encountered. This date had been sort of knocked by other fairs. WHarry E. Crandell, general agent, was ‘‘kidded’’ by other agents and managers for booking the date, and Jean De Kreko, manager, was censored by the showmen and concessionaires on the show, but his reply to all was that “‘a contract is a contract and we will fulfill contracts made by our agents.’" Consequently the show played Antigo and no one is sorry, as the show enjoyed the biggest day's business (September 13) that it ever had in its entire career. The weather was so cold that the concessionaires wore gloves and overcoats, and the showmen likewise, and the natives came bundled up. The rides did an excellent business from early forenoon till late at night. The shows were packed with people all day and at night. and the concessionaires, with ai few exceptions, enjoyed a wonderful business The other days were just fair, but what ai wonderful day Wednesday was! Jean De Kreko returned to the show at Antigo after a week's visit to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Martin have returned to the show with several new concessions. A Minstrel Show foined at Antigo and enjoyed a very nice business. Some new shows and another ride are joining at the Winnebago County Fair, Oshkosh, Wis., where the shows play week ending September 22. All together, fair dates in Wisconsin have been very good for the show despite some cold and rainy weather. JAMES K. NEWSUM (for the Show). JIMMIE MOORE HOME Severely Injured High Diver Travels Alone From Massachusetts to Kentucky—Asks Assistance From Friends Capt. Jimmie Moore (Dare-Devil Moore), high diver, who suffered five broken ribs and his left leg broken in two places (rather one a cognpound fracture of his left hip), when he fell early this month while doing his act at Ludlow, Mass., passed thru Cincinnati last Friday night en route from Ludlow to his home in La Grange, Ky. Jimmie, whose leg and waist were in @ plaster of paris cast, made the trip (and in day coaches) alone. He wired a member of the Cincinnati office staff of The Billboard to meet him at the station, as he would have to change both railroads and stations in the Queen Cjty, and his wish was granted with the greatest of willingness. He presented the greatest display of ‘‘nerve’’, accompanied by smiles, instead of crics of pain, that this writer ever witnessed, With a 2x6. board strapped tightly from his waistline to two inches below his foot, and aided by a pair of crutches, he had been sitting on trains since Thursday afternoon, making three changes, and he required but little assistance to get him into a taxi, then a wheel chair and later his train at Cincinnati. He must remain in the cast for four or five weeks longer, he said. But that wasn’t gll Jimmie eaid, o he made this statement with a decidedly impressive feeling of sorrow—that he must do so: That his surgeon and hospital bills at Ludlow and his ticket home had taken not only his last dollar but that it also required the giving of a sixtyday note to raise the additional amount of cash needed, and for this reason and that he will be under much additional expense he desires to ask his friends of the show world to contribute whatever they can consistently afford to toward his welfare, He may be addressed to 508 Madison street, La Grange, Ky. MUCH RAIN | ENCOUNTERED By Boyd & Linderman Shows During Illinois State Fair Taylorville, Ill., Sept. 21.—The writer paid a visit this week to the Boyd & Linderman Shows, that have been on the Mllinois State Fair grounds all week, at Spring feld, . F. Dailey, general superi intend ‘nt of the shows, told the writer toduy that on account of cold, rainy weather all week the various attractions had only done about half the business anticipated. It has rained almost every day this week, and as the shows are located in ‘‘Happy Hollow’, the lowest ground on the fair grounds, the midway is muddy, notwith standing that straw has been used in large quantities. Larry Boyd, one of the owners of the shows, is in Knoxville, Tenn., this week making arrangements for the exhibition of the shows at the fair there next week. Among those met were Al Beck, secretary and treasurer, and E. W. Mahoney, manager of the Freak Animal Show. who were on the Johr my Jones Exposition at Springfield two ye: 10. The writer heard nothing but favorable comment on all the attractions and their managers. Willi am Kettle, manager of the diving girl show, osed at — ngfield, and left Thursday even ag for C iti. Jack Murpby, lat of the Johnny Jones FExposition, was a visitor to the show. Jack had his right leg broken early in the spring while at work on Mabel Mack's show. and only recently got ont of a hospital at Johnstown. Pa. He will go with the Boyd & Linderman Sivows to Knoxville Sunday. He is still wearing erntches, J. F. Dailey can do two things at one and the same time—‘‘wear”’ a emile and also rub her hoote, We were told that Eddie Vaughn, formerly press agent on the show, is now doing reportorial work on a St. Louis daily paper Fred Terry, of The Westrn Horseman, was _ge neral agent for the wae seen rubbing executives of the Greater Patterson elbows on the lot ym 0. K. Hagar has a wonderfully good and big selection of freaks In hiv Freak Animal Show, CYRUS D. SIMPSON, R. & C. STANDS IN CUBA New York, Sept. 19.—Jose Guardado, prominent park operator of Havana, Cuba, who, ac You Can Make More Money Selling a REAL article. Get a year around drag Build up ag business, Last year showed! that hundreds of dollars could be made at a Fair by our plan, on the LIBERTY SPARK PLUG Attracts instant attention (burnished brass). Can be instantly demonStrated two ways. Brings nd keeps the crowd. Put UP to sell in sets. Sales up to $12 each and over. Most everyone a Prospect Big total profits No p-ker’s game, and the business continues. Write instantly for plan, successfully used at Fairs. List the Fairs you exDect to play for your exclusive protection. “America’s Fivest Spark Plug” LIBERTY SPARK PLUG CORP., BOSTON, U. S. A. SPECIAL THE LAMP HIT for the FAIRS A SURE WINNER MARTHA In Gold, Bisque, Porcelain and Polschrome a mplete with glass ade, beautifully ewolored cord and plug. Stands 19 inches high. sme $2.29 en $21.00 Know who you are dealing with We have designed and manufactured money getting hovrtles for the Camival Sal esboard trade for teen years ms: 25% with order, bak, ce C. 0. D. Roman Art Company 2704-6 Locust Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. i" J. L. CRONIN SHOWS Can use Concessions of all kinds. No exclusives. For this string of Fairs. Also Singing and Dancing Team and Piano Player for Plant. Show. This week, Chase City, Va.; Oct. 2-6, Spruce Pine, N. C.; Oct. 9-12, East Bend, N. C.; Oct. 16-19, Kings, N. C. Address all mail and wires to J. L. CRONIN SHOWS, WHEELS and CARNIVAL GAMES The New Dailey Aluminum Wheels Steel or Bal) Bes Best on the market. Full line of Ball-Bearing Wheels. Complete Mne of Magical Good Mend for our eatalogue—free of cuarge. DAILEY MNYG, CO., 428-32 EB, Seventh St.. St. Paul, Minnesota, companied by his general representative, T Valero, paid The Billboard a eall Monday, informed that the cireuit of towns Rubin & Cherry Shows will play, previous to following the Johnny J. Jones attractions into Habana Park, will Include Matanzas, Cienfuegos, Santiago de Cuba and Camaguey. beginning De cember 12 and lasting until thelr opening date at the park in Havana. Mr. Valero is enthusiastic over the outlook for fine business during the winter months and ts considering opening np an office In this city fer a New York representative. Arrangements are now under way to contract with A. Alfreno Swarts, well-known high-wire walker, and Prince Nelson, to furnish the free attractions, it is understood, Co