The Billboard 1923-09-29: Vol 35 Iss 5 (1923-09-29)

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arent ee The Billboard SEPTEMBER 29, 1923 ST. LOUIS (Continued from page 89) tion at the Denconess Hospital in this city, suffering from an acute infection, is much improved and is on the way to recovery. Billy Finkle, known in the profession as CharJey Chaplin's double, has returned to St. Louis after a long seuson in the South. Ray Vhillips and wife, well known in the theatrical and general show business, are away on a menth’s vacation in Southern Missouri. When they return they will reopen their shop on South Brondway and deal, as heretofore, in show properties. Ted Walton, special agent of the Nat Reiss Shows, ind Curley Smith, of the same show, were callers this week, sillie DuBoise, popular soubret, has recently CANARY CANARIES, with Wooden Cages. BRASS DOME CAGES. Per Dozen FULL GROWN PARROTS. Each SQUARE WOOD PARROT CAGES. cessions at lowest prices sionaire’s Offer. Prompt service. 24 W. Washington St. (Phone, Dearborn 9683), At Night er Sunday after | o'clock oall Keystone 4629. Always Ready To Ship Within One Hour’s Notice. CANARIES. Per Dorin ........cccccscccceccccccccecccccccccccccccccsccce oe SIeO0 Per DEZOR..ccccccccccpececccccccececcgocces 100 wectccceecccesecsosesnoccssetoccoecetsec. GUO JAPANESE BUNGALOW CAGES. Per Dezen......$27 00 esecetes secenteoe. ee Each..... ace ae GRAY JAVAS. Per Dozen......... ee We carry « variety of all Birds that are used for ConSend for our Special ConcesMetition Department Will ship on a 25% deposit to a distance of 500 miles from Chicago and on 59% deposit to a further distance. We guarantee that our Birds will resch you in perfect condition atid assure Experience counts. Write for particulars. SAM MEYER & COMPANY, BIRDS ascnee seees 18,00 Department 100. CHICAGO, ILL. returned from a long tour on the road and is Visiting in St, Louis. Deck’s Dixigand Orchestra is playing at Castle Hal. Wiis season and is the main factor for making this rendezvous one of the most popular dance palaces in the city. In the personnel are: Frederick Deck, director: Oliver Gerard, alto Saxophone; Elmer Mushany, melody saxophone; Meyer Drinzinsky, cornet; Philip Paoapita, aecordion; Koy Baugh, drums; Dewy Brockman, banjo. FAIR FACTS AND FANCIES (Continued from page 93) site of thirty acres and has an army of carpenters at work getting the grounds ready for the opening, Mr. Newman says. He also advises that Wortham’s World's Best Shows have been engaged. Having outgrown the free fall fair class in two years, the Kunnels County Fair, Ballinger, Tex., will hefeafter be conducted as a permanent fairdassociation, it is announced. At a recent meeting of citizens it was voted to incorporate, The fair this year will be held in improvised buildings and tents, but it is hoped the work of making permanent improvements will be compicted in time for the 1924 fair. —_— F. W. Maddox, secretary of the Northeast Texas Fair, Pittsburg, Tex., advises that he has prepared a most interesting program for the fair, which will be held October 30-November 3, iacluding fireworks spectacle, free acts, displays of live stock, agricultural products, etc. ‘‘We hsve reorganized,”’ says Secretary Maddox, ‘and have made some substantial changes, and premise to present to the public a better and cleaner fair than ever before."’ A new woman's building is being erected for the Panhandle-South Plains Fair at Lubbock, Tex., and the agricultural building is being enlarged. This will give the fair assotiation seven large buildings in addition to the warehouse, live-stock sheds and grand stand, Preparations for the fair, October 3-6, are complete. Nine bands have been entered in the contest for approximately $1,000 prize money. Community programs will have a prominent Place in the fair’s program. The Northwest Washington Fair, Lynden, Wash., is on this week. Secretary A. V. Rusco has arranged a program that he believes will attract larger attendance than usual. Running races are being featured. The Elks’ band of Bellingham, Wash., is furnishing the music. The educational features are numerous, the Home Economics Clubs alone occupying one entire building. Directors of the Jasper County Fair, Newton, Ta., are boasting to their neighboring associations that they turned in a new attendance record this season after banning all games of chance and doubtful midway attractions. It was claimed that the fair would flop without these features, but the Jasper directors decided to abandon them and were surprised when their checkup showed greatly increased crowds. G. K. Fleming is manager of the recently organized Harrison County Fair, Gulfport Miss., and he states that plans are under way to make this Gulf Coast fair among the best in the State. Harrison County had a free fair last year, under MY. Fleming's management, and the new county fair is the outcome. Last year’s attendance was more than 20,000 for the five days, This year, Mr. Fleming states, double that number is expected. The grounds of the Cheboygan County Fair, Wolverine Mich.. have been enlarged, five having been added to allow adequate space for autos and a landing place lanes. Secretary W. H. Crecine states «t of free attractiona for the fatr, : being held this week, fs larger and than for any previons fair, and that are plenty of really educational features included in the fair’s program. The Central Lonisiana Fair, Alexandria, La., is in charge of John P. MeGaw, secretary-manager, this year, and things are shaping very nicely for the erent to be held October 9-14, Mr. MeGaw esavs, Eight free acts have been engaged to furnish entertainment, and there will be something to interest everyone who attends the fair. Mr. McGaw has had many years of experience in managing fairs in Tennessee, Texas, I'linois, Alabama, Louisiana and Kentucky. A “potato palace’’ will be one of the unique features of the International Potato Show to be held in the armory, Duluth, Minn., October 16 to 18. The edifice, according to announce ments, will be of the “Early Ohio’ style of architecture and will cause Mrs. Murphy's cow to blush with delight. The show is being given under the auspices of the Associated Parmers’ Clubs of Minnesota. Duluth Chamber of Oommerce, St. Louis County Club. Duluth Board of Realtors and the Duluth Retail Merchants’ Association. Preparations are being made to hold the first 16-21 A 35.000 premium list has been prepared and arrangements bave been made to ALL PANEL! 5 Each of Following for $37.95 5-qt. Tea Kettles—6-qt, Preserve Kettles—8-qt. Preserve Kettles—2qt. Double Boilers—8-cup Percolators— Deep Round Roasters, 10% in,—3-at Lipped Sauce Pans—4-qt, Lipped Sauce {1 DIFFERENT ITEMS Deposit required $8.00, balance C. O. D. $29.95. We ship inside of 12 hours. THE ALUMINUM FACTORIES, 234 S. Wells Street, Pans—3-qt. Pitcher, Sauce Pan Set (3 pans in set), Fry Pan. “ners | “LUCKY ’ LEVEN” v y 1a Hit ‘aR iy nt NaH | ‘NN onan Wy, 55 BIG PIECES IN EACH CASE. CHICAGO anes: . Here’s A Premium That Will Make Big Money For You , KIRCHEN’S “Radiant-Ray” 9 LIGHT High Handle ( Mazda) ELECTRIC LIGHT FLOWER BASKET FINEST PREMIUM ON THE MARKET TODAY FOR CONCESSIONAIRES and SALESBOARD OPERATORS Stands 22 inches high. Made of reed. Beautifully col ored and finished in two-tone bronze effects, Filled with 9 large size American Beauty Roses, esch with a genuine Mazda colored electric bulb inside. Equipped with 9 sockets, 9 bulbs, plug and 6 ft. of cord. $4.50 Each in Dozen lots. Sample sent for $5.00 We also have other Electric and Non-Blectric Flower Paskets, all pri 222 W. Madison Street, ces. Write for new WHOLESALE PRICE KIRCHEN BROS. Manufacturefs, CHICAGO, ILL. give a chance on a Ford auto with each ticket sold, an auto to be given away each day of the fair. Kellie Grady, secretary of the fair, is a live wire, and is confident that he wil! put the fair over successfully. There are no permanent buildings as yet and the exhibits this year will be housed in a tent 60x200 feet Plenty of clean entertainment is promised by Secretary Grady. ‘ Announcement is made that Jake Newman will sponsor a fair and exposition to be held at Houston, Tex., November 1 to 12, taking the place of the wsual exhibitions of the Houston Industrial Fair and Exposition. The City Fair and Exposition Board decided that it would not be able to hold the regular fair this fall, owing to the inability of the city to secure land enough for the permanent ex position grounds. The fair under control of Mr. Newman will be held on the forty-acre tract near Honston avenue, where one of the circuses showed last year. Tncle Hiram and Aunt Taucindy RBirdseed (Mr. and Mrs. Bert Davis) were pleasant and welcome callers at the home offices of The Billboard in Cincinnati recently, stopping ove, on their way from Bridgeport, Tll., to some of their Eastern fair dates. They stated that the Bridgeport fair was especially good this year, there being fine crowds every day and a very good program of fair acts. which inelnded, in addition to Uncle Hiram and Aunt Loueindy, the Riding Crandalis, the Seven Tumbling Demons and Flora and Francis, fire, high-dive and cable slide. The fair had no carnival, but was well supplied with independent shows, rides and concessions, The experience of the Kentucky State Fair this year in substituting a circus for the usual carnival midway should carry a lesson to the carnival owners. The two things that made for the success of the new order were advertising and merit The cireus had genuine high-class entertainment to offer the fair patrons, and it had a thoroly competent ad vertising organization. Result — wonderful business and increased attendance for the fair. Carnivals, as a rule, do little in the way of advertising, compared with the publicity given a circus, They sadly need better publicity methods as wel] as more really meritorious attractions. r T. HH. Paul, secretary Great Milton Fair, Milton, Pa., writes in part as follows: ‘“Inasmutch as you were interested in the raid of last year on the Milton fair grounds I wish to state that this year we had one of the most successful fairs we have ever held, especially in attendance and financially. While we were disappointed in the Matthew J. Riley Shows not coming, nevertheless we were able to secure individual rides and shows and set up a nice midway. Our patrons were overly pleased with the midway Games of all kinds were run and not interfered with, which is entirely due to not having any gmafters on the grounds. The midway had more of an aristocratic atmosphere, which I believe all fairs will come to sooner or later."’ McCONNELSVILLE (0.) FAIR McConnelsville, 0©,, Sept. 20.—The annual Morgan Coupty Fair, which concluded last Frtday, wae @ greater success than any previous exhibition, All departments were taxed to capacity. Races were a feature each day, and there were the weual free attractions, with band concerts afternoon and evening. The midway lacked the wheeled concessions of previous years. Fair officials report despite the cool weather that attendance records were broken and that the exposition will be a financial success. OUR LATEST CREATION. READING LAMP FLASH UNEXCELLED BY ANY, YET USEFUL IN YOUR HOME. ORDER TODAY. JAPANESE SILK, all COLORS, CHENILLE FRINGE, A REAL COMFORT LAMP...... 4 Our new factory is equipped for handling rush shipments, and we await the test. One-third with order, balance C. EDWARDS NOVELTY CO., SUNSET, AT WASHINGTON BLVD. Venice, Cal. large \ > FLYING BIRDS — No. 1. Flying Birds—Long decorated sticks, blue and ycllow birds, ve New stock. Why pay more than we ask? (Y) No. 2. Mammoth Flying Birds — Very Per Gross...... 782-784 Mission Street, life-like. Best ever made. $5.00 Per Gross. .... Assorted colors. $12.00 KINDEL & GRAHAM San Francisco, Cal, Tell Them You Saw Their Ad in The Billboard. Michele Strolli & Co. 1528 Dickinson St., Philadelphia, Pa. MFG.FAMOUS ICE CREAM WAFERS Packed in Tin Cans containing 600 Wafers. Can be used with Sanisco Sandwich Machine. Size of Case,6 Cans, $7.20 F. 0. B. Philadeiphia. Case 120r 24 Cans, $14.40 or $28.80 + Respectively No CG. 0. D. Order Shipments. >< >< >< +<s #9 4 ¢ ‘ +. Trade-Mark. Postage mrst be sent with full amount if Parcel Post, To avold delay wire money order, as goods are shipped same day order is received. Quick service means money to you. Price, $1.20 a Can. WANT A-1 Promoter as Partner Must be close contractor 24-hour man, write or wire B. H. RINEAR, LTD., Suite 202 Gaiety Theatre Building, N. Y. City. MUSICIANS WANTED Bass, Baritone, Cornet, $25.00 and berth. Lofig sea som. JOHN FINGERILUT, Bandmaster, Zeidman & Pollie Shows, Lywchburg, Virginia, -_* sm ae ae ae